Full Name:
Madison Lewis Lovette
Maddie, Mad, The Whimsical Scholar
Correspondent, researcher of the Correspondence sigils located about the city and the Bazaar’s walls
Standing at a height of 5’6” feet, Madison is a man of fair complexion, with mellow features, dark eyes, and even darker curls that fall to his chin. These traits, however, tend to be overshadowed quite easily by his rather...interesting choice in wardrobe. Despite being male, and identifying as such, the researcher is almost always found donning a skirt and heels. As Madison leans naturally on the more androgynous side of the spectrum, it doesn’t take much use of makeup for him to become nearly indistinguishable from a woman. This hobby of his can easily confuse most people- especially if one has not been informed of his gender otherwise.
Has a passion for wearing colorful, flowing dresses.
Tattooed with one of the safer Correspondence glyphs on his neck, and carries a variety of burn scars across his body as a direct result of his research.
At heart, Madison is an open, good-natured individual. Mellow towards most everyone, regardless of their own feelings towards him, he’s usually willing to have polite chit-chat when his schedule allows him to do so, or even set aside time for the sole purpose of talking with a friend or acquaintance. He takes most things in stride, and it takes quite some time for him to get riled as a result- although, even then, it’s very rare for him to explode. His rage usually manifests itself as silent anger and disapproval, contrasting greatly against his usual sunny disposition. Life in the Neath has also granted him an incredibly lackadaisical nature when dealing with the world around him, regardless of how bizarre or unusual it happens to be.
- Highly intelligent.
- Possesses a great knowledge of the Correspondence and its sigils, and can both read and write them fairly well. And without setting himself on fire too often.
- Empathetic, and tends not to be bothered by some of the stranger occurrences around the Neath.
- For all his knowledge, Madison is still human, and can be taken down with a strong enough blow to the head or a rightly placed gunshot or whathaveyou.
- Has a love of wine, honey, and other hedonistic pursuits.
- His curiosity and knack for learning sometimes does more harm than good.
Brief History:
Madison Lewis Lovette was born in a pleasant-enough family, with a quiet, gentle mother, and a stern blacksmith for a father. He had a sister, but she died when he was young, leaving him little chance to get to know her personally. Madison’s father had high hopes for his child to carry on the family business, and, while admittedly more interested in reading than crafting, the boy was eager to please.
Madison was a good child. A sweet child. However, there was one major problem that his parents couldn’t seem to shake out of him. Whenever he had the chance, Madison would sneak into his mother’s room, steal some of her perfume, and wear her clothes. This behavior unsettled the family, and they took many measures to try and get him to drop the habit. Madison eventually stopped doing his habit so openly, but in private, he’d do it regardless.
While Madison originally hoped to go into politics, he found himself drawn elsewhere upon hearing of the wonders of the Neath. Amber-eyed devils shaking hands with clergymen. Entire worlds that lay behind mirrors. Honey that could whisk the user away to magical lands. Against his parents’ wishes, Madison took the nearest boat to London, and immediately enrolled in the University there. He found friends in the Bohemians and a knack for the Correspondence, and, much to his delight, no one so much as bat an eye as his little hobby. Madison resides in a cottage by the Observatory, where he dutifully studies the sigils that haunt his dreams and make his eyes bleed on a regular basis.
And he couldn’t be more happy.
- Keeps a white raven named Fletcher.
- His warm and dreamy nature might lead one to believe that the Correspondence (and spoonfuls of honey here and there) haven't been too healthy for his state of mind.

Full Name:
Dawn Evelyn Memoli
The Somber Detective
Private Investigator
Standing at 4’9” and slight of frame, Dawn is hardly the most physically imposing figure out there. Her face is soft and wan, with ash grey, dark-ringed eyes and the sort of ghastly pale skin that marks her as a born-and-raised resident of the Neath. Her hair is thick, black, and grown all the way to her hips, which she often keeps braided back for convenience’s sake. Dawn usually wears wide-brimmed hats fitted with the feathers of London birds (although, given the circumstances, these feathers tend to be raven more often than not).
Tends to wear simplistic, practical dresses and gowns when going about her everyday life, although when in more formal settings, she’ll swap her usual outfits for something a bit more vibrant.
By nature, Dawn is a gentle soul, soft-spoken and polite towards friends and strangers alike. She attempts to be respectful towards most by default- until they merit otherwise, that is- and, around friends, will often break out of her usual somber personality and act much more openly lively. In addition, while usually composed and naturally serious, she will often become flustered if taken aback or embarrassed. She tends to have a rather dry sense of humor for the most part, and becomes frigid to the point of holding long-lasting grudges when genuinely angered.
While Dawn has a strong code of ethics, she also relies strongly on logic when possible. When an unfamiliar situation arises, she will often do her best to wrap her head about it, asking questions or simply watching to gain information.
- A good shot, especially with a revolver.
- Clever and observant, with a mind for puzzles.
- Her quiet nature, small stature, and preference for darker colors makes it easy for her to go unnoticed or soothe suspicion.
- Is very short and petite, meaning that she can be easily physically overpowered if one gets past her bullets.
- While not exactly afraid, by any means, there are quite a few things that unsettle Dawn to a great extent. These include mirrors, magicians, bats, viric green, creatures with eyes of viric green, and places where mushrooms seem to grow at an unnatural rate. Dawn tends to avoid these particular things if possible, to the point of keeping the mirrors inside her home locked behind their own little doors when not in use.
- A bit of a control freak at times, especially when it comes to herself.
Brief History:
Dawn and her older brother were the children of the Memolis, middle class immigrants from the Surface looking to find better business opportunities in London than their home in Italy. They quickly found themselves trapped there upon being murdered by Jack of Smiles, but by that point, they had carved out a life for themselves and were doing quite well. A permanent residence didn’t bother them too much. Dawn’s childhood was loving, and the Neath allowed her the chance to be taught the same level of education as any boy her age.
Upon reaching working age, Dawn came to realize she had inherited the same passion for justice that her uncle, a former constable (having been retired by force after being injured enough to join the Tomb Colonies), had always possessed. Instead of turning to his line of work, however, she decided to join the novel workforce of private investigators, preferring the freedom of relative self-employment. It pays well, and has allowed her the chance to clean up some of the darker ends of London...although, admittedly, a few of her cases have seen her grow somewhat cynical about the state of the Neath. She remains loyal to her job, regardless, and fiercely determined to do what’s right. Dawn currently resides in a small townhouse, which also functions as her personal office.
Interestingly enough, after a certain trip overseas, Dawn developed the strange fear of mirrors and mushrooms she carries today.
- Secretly buys mushy, ham-fisted romantic novels to read in her spare time.
- Has a few contacts in various groups to better aid in her searchers.
- Wishes that she could see the sun one day, but is aware that being in the Neath for so long has trapped her underground.
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