Quilted RPG
A quilted rpg is a game design wherein every player is a coGM with a limited sphere of influence. You build the world together and dynamically as the player character group moves through it. In this particular game, theme will determine who is GM at any given time. For example if you chose the nature theme then you would post as GM as the party progressed through a dense forest. When that forest opened upon a dragon infested mountain the GM for monsters would start writing. Should the players need to enlist the aid of a local duke to slay the beasts, the GM for civilizations would chime in. Finally one GM (ie me) would fill the gaps whenever needed so the story would never grind to a halt due to a coGM failing to post when needed. The process is organic with coGMs posting anytime throughout a story arc. The product of this intertwined and hopefully interactive creativity is a holistic world which is unlike any a single GM would/could have written.
The only rules for generating content in the game as a coGM are....
1) Stay within the fantasy genre
2) Respect canon (previously created content)
3) Limit content generation to what's necessary (the world should be built as the players adventure not beforehand)
The coGM 'spheres of influence' will be as follows
1) Civilization: All civilized beings which live apart from the wilderness their societies and people.
examples: a human port city, a high elven scholar, a dwarven gold mine, a slaver gang
2) Monsters: All supernatural creatures which lack civilization (yet not necessarily intelligence)
example: a fire breathing dragon, a manotaur, a zombie, a swarm of addled pixies
3) Nature: Wilderness and those animals/races who live close to it.
example: a forest, a pack of wolves, an elven tree city, a druid henge
4) Spirits: Anything otherworldly in nature and those who study/worship such things
example: a wraith, an angel, a temple to the Goddess Itharia, a priest of Chul
5) Elements: All nonliving/nonmagical forces and those who live close to them.
example: a hurricane (&^%$ you Irma), a desert wasteland, a house fire, a barbarian tribe from the frigid north
6) Magic: Magical forces and those who wield them
example: a magical university, a sorceress, an enchanted mirror, a cursed artifact, a blow-up-everything spell
Obviously there is potential for overlap here and that's when coGMs will become cowriters. I may also add more spheres of influence and reduce existing ones if we get more players. Feel free to ask questions and post suggestions. This is definitely a work in progress.