The Mark of the Beast
Name:Xell Weaver
Ethnic backgroundNovan Dragon, Draconi
Description-Grey scaled dragon with white Tiger stripes on his knees and forearms
-Short stature, has a height of roughly 5'4.
-Strong hind legs with a long tail and has a light upper torso. Almost a pear-shaped figure.
-Has small purple/lavender wings
-Has a full head of azure blue hair
-Has a white stomach which extends to his mussel and eye brow areas
-Has distant blue eyes. Most of the time.
CapabilitiesFormer soldierXell was born and raised within a military company (known as Winterfeld & Hill) that went under the guise of a pharmaceutical entity.
He proved to be a single handed legitimate fighting force. He lead a life with discipline and serious intention.
He is therefore enforced with the belief of maintaining team work, structure, routine and believes in moral justice.
His leadership skills were believed to be sound and competent and thus he found himself promoted through the ranks to Sergeant Rhinestone.
One expedition found his leadership skills however, had cost the lives of 900 men after defying orders of withdrawing his losing platoon against a dire battle.
Overwhelmed with a sense of burdening guilt and tarnished self-value, he self-exiled himself from the Army and disappeared as a lost entity.
Never to be heard again from BioCorp or anyone else, who knew him or of his existence.
Present statusXell is still physically fit and well equipped with knowledge on survival.
He suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and localised amnesia (inability to recall specific events). To the point where he fades in and out of consciousness at inconvenient moments. He hallucinates and gets confused or dazed with his surroundings.
Actual reality before him will submerge to unsettling images where the surroundings look distorted, foggy, black and organic life even looks disfigured.
Something that could be attributed to his past where he made a fatal mistake that cost his platoon 900 lives. Seeing mangled and blood washed bodies strewn across the trench warfare.
Xell relies on certain medications he is able to scavenge or find through dealers to help him through his dysphoric episodes.
He exercises common sense and still carries the strong sense of discipline. Perhaps pushing himself too far sometimes with challenges to the point of physical
exhaustion. Being that that was all he knew when being raised, order, discipline, and pushing himself to the next level, he can't let go despite all that has happened.
PersonalityXell is placid and composed, most of the time. Even looks stoic to many that meet him most of the time. A facade to conceal all former hardships he has endured.
Since leaving the army, and life events he cannot remember, no one really knows him that well at all at this point.
Despite having lead a life of discipline and strict routine, Xell hasn't been conversational for a long time. Whenever he does have any interactions with anyone, he has
a tendency to shrug his shoulders ever so slightly forwards. Almost implying that he's uncertain of himself or the life he is living in.
Deep down inside, he may still be caring and will try to help anyone who is in danger or suffering. This is evident from his past army life with leading his men and also saving small creatures of the forest at present from difficult situations.
Given his PTSD and his desire to start a fresh slate, he has become an impressionable being once again and depending on how Novans and Mirans will treat or interact with him,
this will determine whether he can eventuate into an individual of good morale. Or one to fall off the straight and narrow path.
SkillsCan glide with his small wings which can allow him to jump over wide gaps.
Wings have ulcers and lesions for reasons he cannot recall.
Has a dagger he uses as self-defence or for everyday chores like cutting down fruits from trees, small fry whilst fishing and bamboo shoots for crafts.
Used to possess a mystical weapon called Tiger claws but has no memory of what they were able to do.
Has precise aim with handguns and grenade launchers.
Random quirksSurname was Rhinestone but has since abandoned the name and taken up the name 'Weaver'. Perhaps a name he picked up from the subconscious world.
Takes things literally sometimes.
Likes to listen to his music device called a Jazzmetron. He is uncertain where he ascertained one but recalls it may have been something given to him by Winterfeld & Hill to pass time during long exercise routines.