Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Mik-tik the Goblin halted his cart of gruel in front of the cage where the man-thing was chained. Muscled and tanned, the filthy human was bound with his hands above his head, hair over his eyes as his head hung limply into his chest.

"Food now, man!" Mik-tik the Goblin called, banging a femur bone on the cage to get the fighter's attention. It seemed he was asleep however, because the fighter did not move. Narrowing his pig-like eyes, Mik-tik banged harder on the cage in anger, calling for the man to wake up so he could eat. But it seemed that the man could not hear the Goblin's cries, and Mik-tik knew if he did not feed all of those in the dungeon, his master would obliterate him.

He spotted a rock, and picked it up. With a wicked smile, he tossed the stone into the cage, striking the man on the crown of his head. Still, he did not move or flinch at all. Mik-tik blinked. Even if he was asleep, he would have been awakened by that! Unless he was not asleep...

Grumbling, Mik-tik planted the cart of gruel next to the cage, and rummaging through the many keys at his belt, he found the keys to this cell door and opened it. The door swung audibly with a creaking screech, and Mik-tik wandered into the cage. "You! Are you dead?" The Goblin asked, approaching the still form of the man. Inch by inch, Mik-tik drew closer, until he poked the man's leg with his elongated fingers.

The Goblin seemed satisfied that he must be dead. He turned around to walk out of the cage, and that was when the man exploded into motion. Long, powerful legs whipping out and enwrapping around the now surprised and terrified Goblin. It took only a few seconds for the man's legs to snap the Goblin's neck, and Mik-tik found oblivion. It took considerably longer for the man to maneuver the Goblin's keys with his feet to reach his hands.

Once he was free, he greedily ate some of the gruel the Goblin had brought, and found there was only one corridor leading out of the dungeon. Along the walls, strange mushrooms glowed, providing an ethereal blue light to contrast with the spare torches along the wall, posted every now and then to provide a more familiar lighting. He grabbed one torch, and as he walked with the keys, the next room had another cell in it. The man drew closer, and inside this cage was what he thought was a Moon Elf...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FreeElk
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The straw she sat on was dirty but more comfortable than the cold stone alternative. Morwen counted the days by the regular visits by her goblin jailor, pushing the sloppy gruel through the cage's bars. Again the food was disgusting yet when the alternative was the constant ache of hunger even the gruel won out.

Morwen spent her days remembering spells and enchantments her father taught her, the years of training still there - buried beneath the years of what she had been through since. Not that it made a difference what spells she could remember, somehow every spell she attempted failed else the jailor wouldn't have survived pushing this gruel on her.

She heard the familiar sounds of the rounds beginning, the slam of doors as the goblin began his rounds, moving through between the cages. He was getting closer and, despite her revulsion at the thought of the gruel, her stomach growled in empty anticipation. Something was different today, she heard the grunts of speech as the goblin paused next door and then, after a pause, the muffled sounds of movement and the slap of flesh on stone made their way through the walls. Morwen was blind to this new activity but her mind ran wild with the possibilities, holding onto the hope that the prisoner had won.

After a few of Morwen's longest minutes in the cell she heard footsteps in the corridor, saw a torch held higher than the goblin could manage. She stood and called out hesitantly.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Rhaak blinked, the darkness of the room hiding the black iron cage to the left of him. He was certain he would have found it within moments, but the sudden noise had him turning that way immediately. The voice was attractive and feminine, but within the dungeon of a mad wizard, he tended to trust very little. His warrior senses were heightened, but the cold fury of being trapped in this dark place had a neutral look upon his face, save his severe eyes.

He approached the cage, to see a tall Moon Elf maiden chained within. He blinked, surprised at the odd hue of her skin and the white of her hair. Most people he had seen within his lifetime were tan skinned and dark haired like he was. Other than a few traders from Luskan with golden heads.

Rhaak could tell she was a prisoner like himself, however, and he sighed audibly. "Hold on," the muscled brawler told her. He set the torch down, and searched through the keychain, trying out four different keys before the fifth one popped her cage door open. He then approached her in the cage, holding his hands out to show he meant no harm, and knelt down beside her slowly as he searched for the next key to unlock the chains on her arms that held her to the wall.

"You ok?" He asked her breathily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FreeElk
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Morwen eyed the tall youth that entered her cage. Human, cautious and trying to help....but the Wizard's techniques weren't above attempts to disarm, this could be another technique to extract information from her. Whatever the situation it was better to be facing it out of chains. She moved around to give the human access to to keyhole on her chains and smiled up at him.

"Fine, fine...I often visit this spa." Her throat was dry and voice horse but she still managed the sarcasm with a smile. "Thank you" She added, not wanting him to think her ungrateful.

Up close she could see the concentration in the human's eye, he seemed very aware of his surroundings and his muscles...well, if there was ever a fighter's body this human had it. If her spells didn't return after leaving the cell at least they would still have a good chance of fighting their way out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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As luck would have it, Rhaak had heard of the Calimshan Pasha's down in his home country having 'spas,' so the joke wasn't lost on him. He allowed himself a ghost of a smirk, and then there was a sudden 'clink.' Morwen would feel the strength of the chains that were holding her arms above her head suddenly give, and the weight of her arms would finally let them fall below her shoulders. "No problem." he told her, backing up to give her room to stretch or stand.

He could see her well enough, though the dark was much harsher on his eyes than an Elf's. But from her clothing she wasn't a warrior or fighter. He didn't know if she'd slow him down at all, or if she was an evil fey that he unwittingly unleashed as he tried to escape. But he tried to tell himself that was just him being paranoid. Any prisoner of the wizard who put him here was a friend of his for the time being.

It was at that moment he realized he was parched, and his dry tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth for a brief moment. He swallowed, but that helped very little. There was a desk behind him that he had not checked yet, having heard this Elf's voice as soon as he had entered the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FreeElk
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Morwen felt the days of ache ease a little as the chains dropped from her arms, a fog lifted from her mind - one she didn't even realise had settled at first. She stretched her body, following a short warm up routine drummed into her from years of dance as a young girl.

Once she was done the aches were still there, the hunger and grime but she felt new energy inside. Tentatively she flexed her hands and prepared her mind, reaching for one of the most basic spells. A small ball of light blossomed from her palm and floated up to rest above her, illuminating the cell a little better than the torch had. It was a bitter sweet success, the spell had worked...but it showed her just how vile the cell she had lived in was. She had to get out.

Morwen strode after the muscled fighter as he left the cell and headed for the desk.

"How did you escape?" She asked, more interested in checking he wasn't part of the wizard's plan than hearing the actual story.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Rhaak leaped in surprise at the winding ball of light, the hardened warrior visage suddenly becoming much younger with the fright, and even a bit niave in a flash, due to the sudden surprise of magic. He collected himself quickly though, blinking. For a second he did let his paranoia get the better of him, but she didn't seem to be attacking him or leading him into any trap. He turned around and placed a hand on the table, grabbing the torch he had placed on the ground and lifting it to see the table's contents.

"Goblins are stupid and this one let its guard down," the tanned warrior replied, matter of fact. Some dust from the surrounding unused cells had him wrinkle his nose, and he wiped his face with his forearm, sniffing while the items on the table became visible. There was an iron long dagger, 3 gold coins, along with some dried beef, a bronze key, and a cup of water not much larger than a few ounces. Rhaak let his instincts drive him first, reaching down for the water cup and lifting it to his lips.

But before he supped, he turned and looked to the Elven maiden that had approached him. He hesitated, and then handed her the cup for her to drink. "Doesn't smell bad like the water and grog they'd been giving us." He told her, ignoring the dryness of his own mouth, and then grabbed the bronze key, holding it up before his face. He didn't know where it led, or if it even mattered. But better safe than sorry.

He'd take a sip of the water if she left any. Somehow, he felt it worse that she drank from his cup rather than the opposite. He felt he had a better constitution.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FreeElk
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The youth in the man's face surprised Morwen - though the youth in the eyes of any human had once come as a surprise to her. She remembered the first human she met...so old in his face but his eyes hadn't the chance to see the world. This human, however, was busying himself with the contents of the table in front.

"..this one let its guard down" The warrior was saying, the simple explanation either a sign of modesty or a cover story he hadn't much chance to explain. Either way Morwen could cast again now, she felt much safer in that knowledge.

Morwen took the cup, the water wasn't perfect but, as the warrior said, it beat the alternative she had been living on. She sipped carefully, making sure to leave half - she wasn't going to let herself be any further indebted to this man.

The warrior took the key from the desk, a good move though the bunch of keys he already held must open twenty or so other doors and cages.

"Any clue which way is out?" She asked, gazing up and down the corridor curiously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Rhaak handed her the knife he had found, giving it to her as a sign of trust. Of course, he'd still watch her very carefully. But it would help neither of them if they both distrusted one another. He wanted out of this dungeon, one way or another. Besides, he also didn't need the blade to be effective if they ran into anything dangerous. As he handed her the knife, he took the cup from her and sipped it greedily, the water quenching his parched, muscled form.

He let out a gasp of satisfaction, and wiped his forearm across his lips. "No, but we'll need to look." He told her, placing the other items in his pockets. He'd give her any of the coins if she asked for them, and then he nodded for her to follow him.

They walked for merely a minute, through the initial archway and down the corridor. The walls were lined with stout stonework and chains hanging limply. Rhaak walked in front of his new Elven companion, as he had the torch, though he glanced back at her often. Even if he believed she was there to get out like he was, someone he had just met and just armed was something to watch. That, and it was also to make sure she was not harmed from some unknown trap.

Soon the corridor turned to the left, and they found themselves looking at a (somewhat) larger room, with six Goblins hauling stones onto a small cart that was then pushed onto a railing, fleeing sight. They then began to fill another cart with building stones as well, working with grumbling reluctance. A large Bugbear stood watch over them, a whip in his clawed hand. The cavernous room looked to be carved out of natural stone, with various entrances out of it across the expanse of the room from where Rhaak and Morwen peeked in. Rhaak pulled the Elf back, whispering so as they couldn't be heard.

"What do you think?" He asked her, his breath hot on her ear from the cramped hallway.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FreeElk
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Morwen took the knife, if her spells failed again it would give her a much better chance. She didn't mention the coins the human had picked up, at the moment the knife was much more valuable. As they continued on through the dungeon the number of prisoners it could host became apparent, empty chains, scratches and stains decorated the walls they passed. The human kept glancing back, Morwen met his gaze with a smile - either he was jumpy and cautious of her or he wanted to ensure she was following some trick...either way a disarming smile was never a bad idea.

They moved down towards the sound of movement and Morwen saw the human's body language change, she made to look past but he pulled her back, asking her opinion. She could hear the movement of several Goblins in the large room ahead, it all depended on the ability of the human but the only real option was to pass through this room.

"We're going to have to get past." She whispered back, moving her mouth to his ear "Either we fight or we sneak...I might be able to confuse some of them whilst we fight the rest. Do you think you can take a few running at you?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Confuse them? Rhaak seemed unsure for a moment. Not at his own ability, but he didn't know what this maiden was capable of. She did not seem to be malevolent from what he could tell, however. If she'd wanted to attack him, there had been more than a few opportunities he had presented her just in case.

"I can handle it." He said to her confidently, but grabbed her arm before they moved. "We need to take out the Bugbear, though." Rhaak needed to mention that before he forgot. The Bugbear was a Goblonoid, except unlike the other subspecies, he was seven feet in height and weighed twice as much as most men, with its long claws and a bestial nose that gave the Goblonoid its name. "If we take that out, the Goblins will scatter probably, and there'll be less of a chance of our attack being reported. I can try to kill him if you keep the Goblins off of me."

He gave her a reassuring smile, and let her go. He was ready when she was, and told her as much just before stood up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FreeElk
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'need to take out the Bugbear' Morwen repeated the statement to herself incredulously 'Oh, he looked harmless, I thought I'd leave him be' her sarcastic mind pushed her lips to repeat the thought but she held back. In battle they needed to be alert and to the point, especially when their partnership was so uncertain. Her nod acknowledged his plan and her hands prepared to carry it out.

The feel of the magic coursed through her as she prepared her spell. First confusion - not a spell she was adept at but one the smaller goblins would most likely fall prey to - once that was done she would cover the human against attack from those who still posed a threat.

As he stood she released the confusion spell, driving it on towards the Goblin workers, her mind switching to draw on her destructive powers now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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The spell sent a tingle along Rhaak's skin, and he realized not for the first time that he was a bit confused and uncomfortable around magic. However, it was definitely in his best interest to let the cantrip perform and this odd, pretty stranger was there to help too, for now. Once he felt the tingle, he waiting only a few seconds before he moved.

Most of the Goblins began to flail their hands and chitter incoherently in their barbaric language. A few of the Goblins were stronger willed than the others, but even they were confused by the confusion! All but the Bugbear, who roared and whipped at the stumbling Goblins.

Rhaak first ran in with light feet, keeping himself relatively quiet as he glided like a hunting cat from the jungles of Chult. It was when he was spotted by the Bugbear that he attacked with a ferocity only a pit fighter could unleash, leaping and burying his foot in the Bugbear's stomach, knocking the wind out of it.

His follow up punch was an uppercut, and though the Bugbear was huge, Rhaak was young, strong, and had momentum. It snapped the Bugbear's head back. Perhaps if Rhaak didn't have the element of surprise the monster would have been more challenging. But Rhaak had him, wrapping his muscled forearm around the monster's neck and attempting to choke it. Though, the Bugbear was still strong. He might break out of Rhaak's hold very soon.

A few of the Goblins that could still function were running to whips and sharp stick, but other than that the spell was still in service. "Run! Go!" Rhaak called to Morwen.
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