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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by corneredbliss
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Ack! Chills! I'm so very excited to respond - but am also so very tired. I would hate to produce a crappy post in my post-rehearsal daze, so my post should be up by tomorrow afternoon, instead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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That is quite fair. What are you rehearsing, if I might ask?

(If this gives chills, I cannot wait until things actually become strange.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by blackensign


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Teknopathetic said
Nothing to worry about. Drop your blurb off for me, I'll set the scene, then you can go a little crazy with how you react.After all, if I woke up somewhere with absolutely no memory of who I was or where I was at, I'd probably have some...interesting soul-searching as I bumbled around.So yes! Don't worry too much. Always time to alter missing details, like when you're a moron and mix up people's designations.(shame, tekno, shame)

Sounds great! Haha. I am sure you are forgiven by all.

Teknopathetic said
Oh, suppose I should have clarified that a little as well.X-1's implants are military grade and mechanical. Extremely obvious to the naked eye. The heart implant (which she probably wouldn't be fully aware of, aside from chest scarring) is a mixture of mechanical and organic. Exact details and benefits are up to you, but it is entirely acceptable to assume they're hardier, stronger, and keep her working for longer than your average flesh and blood crewmember.

Perfect. I'm glad I asked. Alright, I am off to write this now. I am will return shortly!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by corneredbliss
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Teknopathetic said
That is quite fair. What are you rehearsing, if I might ask?
(If this gives chills, I cannot wait until things actually become strange.)

Scenes for a class, haha. And earlier today I had work. I'm quite pooped.

Oh, I get creeped out rather quickly; so that's just me being a baby. But I love it, and I'm sure it will get even more delicious when they do!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by blackensign


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Well, that took much longer then I thought it would. I allowed myself to be distracted a few too many times. May I now present, my blurb:


Another day in paradise.

X-1's eyes opened. Taking a moment to acclimate to the sudden illumination of her living quarters, she blinked again. It was either the bright fluorescents or the pure ridiculousness of her cynical thoughts that had pulled her from sleep.

Paradise. This place is too dismal to compare to paradise even in my ever growing cynicism.

X-1 stood up, her black hair disheveled, falling to her shoulders, and turned to face the door of her quarters. The person she saw standing there caught her attention. Blue eyes locked onto blue eyes as she was once again startled by the individual she found in front of her. It was all strangely foreign to her. As if she expected to see someone else standing there in her own reflection.

She gave her body a once-over in another effort to force herself to fully assimilate this form as her own. Her defined figure, muscular and toned, added a certain strength to her demeanor while at the same time not taking away from her femininity -- a balance rarely found. Augmenting her strength, although maybe not her beauty, was her robotic arm and leg. Each of which were made to fully replicate their organic counterparts with the exception of being constructed of a metal alloy exterior. An exterior that only broke at the various joints allowing but a glimpse into it's advance robotic interior of electronics, hydraulics, and mechanics.

Her face was just beginning to show signs of aging as her body moved out of its prime and into its more mature years, and her complexion bore a sickly, pale shade slight enough to not cause alarm while at the same time evident enough to, upon inspection, beget mild anxiety. X-1's health was not as it should be.

She coughed and coughed again breaking out into a fit of uncontrollable sputtering. As quickly as it came it subsided and looking down she knew the outbreak's genesis. Her hand was coated in wet crimson.

Damn. I forget to take my STABILIZER.

With all the perks that came from being outfitted with robotic limbs there came a downside as well. It was simple checks and balances. An unforgiving natural law that the universe never allows its occupants to violate. In full compliance with this, there is only one thing that prevents her body from rejecting it's new appendages, the C-9 provided medication, STABALIZER designation XM-1.

X-1 took the XM-1 she had placed on the table the night before, quickly throwing it back and swallowing it.

Damn this place. Damn their medications. Damn their clones, their machines, their jobs. Damn it all.

There was something wrong about C-9. Whatever and where ever it was. This base that they had all been forced to call home. It doesn't sit well with any of its inhabitants, and it doesn't sit well with X-1.

She didn't care so much for her own designation. She was human, of that she was certain, and assuming that this certainty of hers' wasn't unfounded - which was an assumption she had taken the liberty of adopting if only for the sake of her sanity - then a human should not be given a serial number. That is all these designation were to her -- serial numbers not unlike the one found imprinted on the blue and white pills that hold her together.

So she decided, several incarnations ago, to adopt a self-proclaimed name. It would have to be a fitting name. No matter what body she found herself inhabiting it would persist. Whether man or woman. Old or young. Fit or dying. The name would stick. It would stick to this incarnation and it would stick to the next.

The name X-1 had chosen was Artemis. It was the name of someone who will one day leave this dismal hell called C-9.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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Perfect! So far we have a cast of stable, determined women and slightly unhinged men.
I am...not certain what I should take away from that.

Hilarious gender studies aside, I will amend the front page and edit my second IC post so that good lady Artemis has a starting point. I think we have a very interesting cast of characters so far.

@corneredbliss: Oh! I thought you might be taking part in a play or somesuch.
Although I suppose a play for a class still counts!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by blackensign


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Sounds great. I am looking forward to following Artemis, breaking her down and building her back up again, as she tries to orient herself to her purpose of existence and how to escape the horrors of C-9 as well as the psychological strife that comes along with that. For now, I am off. I will post again tomorrow. Good night!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

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Wait, what about my character? Where will he start off?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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Apologies, Sadko, I was waiting to hear back from you before I inserted your character's starting point.

Did you have any final questions, concerns, needs for clarification, etc. before I toss your character through the wringer?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yeah, so, when we awaken, is there any other "people" in the ship, or we are all lost in the darkness?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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So far, everyone wakes up alone and without any sign of human life. Technically, a few of you will be aware of other humans in the station, but there are not crowds of people walking around or anything, no.

For a while your character might think he is the only person alive in the station, depending on where he goes and what he sees.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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Done and done. Please enjoy your stay in Station C-9.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll get a post up soon.

EDIT: Posted, sorry if it is too small, I don't know what to write other than a wall of text of his feelings and his actions, it's just a patrol, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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It is a patrol, indeed. Thankfully, patrol means he'll have to get somewhere with activity soon enough and likely bump into some of the other survivors.
Of course, if he doesn't reach any signs of life in a post or so, a handy-dandy security alert can always point him in the right direction.

Until then, I am going to crash like the Hindenburg.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by corneredbliss
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Teknopathetic said
@corneredbliss: Oh! I thought you might be taking part in a play or some such. Although I suppose a play for a class still counts!

Well, it's not really a play for the class. I'm an Acting major, so instead of written finals, we have to perform scenes, etc. That's all!

And a quick (perhaps silly) question for clarification as I write my post: When Amelie blacks out again, does she no longer remember her name? Or are would she have retained those few facts when she woke up?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Octavian


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

corneredbliss said
Well, it's not really a play for the class. I'm an Acting major, so instead of written finals, we have to perform scenes, etc. That's all!And a quick (perhaps silly) question for clarification as I write my post: When Amelie blacks out again, does she no longer remember her name? Or are would she have retained those few facts when she woke up?

Oh yeah, that's what I was wondering as well.
I'll try and get a post in by tonight, if not tomorrow; uni assignments, bleh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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Oh, yes. Apologies again. If they've given themselves a name, they'd certainly remember that much. Very basic facts about themselves are free game, as long as it's not "AHA, AND NOW I UNPLUG THIS POWER CORD AND I HAVE DEFEATED THE STATION. VICTORY."

Then the life support goes offline, sad times all around. Messy, really.

Anyway, no rush, no rush. I should be working on a website and I am gleefully postponing for the sake of fleeting distractions.

corneredbliss said
Well, it's not really a play for the class. I'm an Acting major, so instead of written finals, we have to perform scenes, etc. That's all!

That's actually fairly interesting. I did dramatic/comedic interpretation in high school but never really had a chance in college. I'd prefer performing scenes to a written final or gargantuan busywork reports, that much I can tell you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by corneredbliss
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All done! I didn't think Amelie would be so skittish but alas!

Teknopathetic said
That's actually fairly interesting. I did dramatic/comedic interpretation in high school but never really had a chance in college. I'd prefer performing scenes to a written final or gargantuan busywork reports, that much I can tell you.

Oh, man, you don't have to tell me twice. I only had one written exam last semester, it was great.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teknopathetic


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Perhaps she only needs time to flourish! Huzzah, character development.
Speaking of, I am actually very curious to see what PR is like, and how X reacts...which might be why I creep on the forums too much for my mental health.

That aside, I am full of exam envy. After I round out this semester I am finished schooling for a while, otherwise I will burn out horrifically.
I must focus on writing and art!
Or just my actual work.
Yargh, adulthood.
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