If you're on this article, the likelihood is that you're interested in roleplaying with me. First of all, thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to read this (I do really appreciate it), and second, please let me know that you have read through at least my rules before asking for a roleplay, otherwise I will likely ignore it. I look forward to hearing from you~ -JJ x ☁️ - Responses must be at least a semi-paragraph in length. Usually I'd measure this at about 4-5 sentences. I will delete one-liners immediately. ☁️ - My characters are often, as I am, very gay. I will roleplay with female characters when playing these, though I won't engage in romantic or er*t*c situations with them. On the rare occasion that I will roleplay a straight male or a female, this rule won't count, but just make sure to check the character's preference before persuing a roleplay. ☁️ - I'm in college so I will sometimes need time to respond to roleplay, but I will usually let you know out of character if I'm going to be absent for some time - I'd ask if you could do the same. ☁️ - I'm not too picky when it comes to grammar, but if I can't understand what you're trying to say, I likely won't respond. ☁️ - Please don't drag me into your drama. I'm here to roleplay, not much else. ☁️ - If you add, you message first~
That cool? ;3; As previously stated, I am willing to make characters specifically for roleplays - I'll include a section on pairings when I am able to~
✔️ - Available ❌ - Retired/Not currently in use 🌠 - Favouring 💮 - New ☄️ - Makeshift
~Ghost Boy~ ✔️ Verse: OC Name: Yurei Tetsuya Age: 18 Date of Birth: 14th October Race: Alien spirit, posessing the body of a human Gender: Cisgender Male Sexuality: Pansexual (male lean) and seke (dominant lean) Titles: Ghost Boy, The Quiet One, Yuri, Rei (Close friends only) Affiliations: Unnamed High School/College (Dependant on RP) Prior Affiliations: The Aether Current Residence: The United States Occupation: Student, Apprentice Baker
Status: Single Family: // Friends: // Relationships: //
~Unnamed, Undead~ ✔️💮 Verse: OC Name: Unknown Age: Unknown Date of Birth: 3rd October Race: Previously human, currently corpse Gender: Cisgender Male Sexuality: Homosexual and seke (dominant lean) Titles: Z, The Walker, Zombie, Mysterious Killer Affiliations: Zombie Hoarde Prior Affiliations: Unnamed High School/College (Dependant on RP) Current Residence: The United States, The Abandoned Asylum Occupation: Killer
Status: Single Family: // Friends: // Relationships: //
~Queen Brat~ ✔️ Verse: OC Name: Dylan Hunton-Blythe Age: 19 Date of Birth: 6th September Race: Human Gender: Cisgender Male Sexuality: Homosexual (closet) and seke (No lean) Titles: Dyl, Brat, B*tch Affiliations: Unnamed University (Dependant on RP) Prior Affiliations: Unknown Current Residence: The United States Occupation: Art Student, Bartender
Status: Single Family: // Friends: // Relationships: //
~Science Gone Wrong~ ✔️💮🌠 Verse: OC Name: Avery Jiǎng Age: 17 Date of Birth: 26th May Race: Human (6 inches tall) Gender: Cisgender Male Sexuality: Homosexual and sub Titles: Jiang, Fairy-boy, Doll Affiliations: Unnamed High School/College (Dependant on RP) Prior Affiliations: Unknown Current Residence: The United States Occupation: Student, TV personality
Status: Single Family: // Friends: // Relationships: //
*Updates to follow accordingly*
~Characters listed below are ones I have experience with/Wish to use in the future~