Hidden 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

As you enter the orphanage you are handed a letter from the benefactor. The letter reads:

Welcome. This is your home until you feel you are ready to take on the world at large. Here we will educate and train you. You may pick any room you like. There is a library, a pool, and several gyms. You will be required to take classes so that you can one day hold a job and be a part of society. The important thing to remember is that you are welcome to be yourself here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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The benefactor rarely got involved with the orphanage. Not because he didn't care about the kids there but because he did. He felt it was better for them not to know who he was. But sometimes there was a special case that required him to get involved. The blind girl sitting next to him was a prime example of this. He didn't know how she had survived so long on the streets with her disability but he was glad that she had. When she accidentally froze a man that had attacked her the police called him. He had graduates in many walks of live and they helped he find people who needed the orphanage. When they arrived at the orphanages he helped her to the door. "The housekeeper will help you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

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Ginty was calming sitting in his room holding onto a pillow as he levitated over the bed. He stares at the door waiting so it to move or for a shadow to come walking past. One of the adults normally come to take him to breakfast around this time but today no one has yet so he dropped to the bed and opened the door and peered out into the empty halls before walking out and wandering around to try to figure out where to go.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by XrazieVice
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XrazieVice Boy On Mars

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Axle finally found the orphanage that he only heard rumors about while constantly being transfered from different orphanages. He has heard that is was a place for those with unexplainable abilities which could be a place for him. The place where he might be able to make a friend, something he has never had before in his life. But getting here at this point was so hard for him since the weather was always sunny. It was worth the journey since it looks like he can finally relax in an environment that is more suited for him, especially inside the orphanage. Also hoped for good air conditioning since other orphanages weren't that cool as he'd like.

Axle quickly ran into the shadow that the building was causing to cool off a bit since he could feel himself become a little bit slimy(it's like how someone would sweat on a hot sunny). He climbed the steps and examined the front door of the building and thought about the hard work he did to get here. With his thoughts collected he walked through the door and received the letter from the benefactor. There is a huge smile on his face as he read the words of the letter while walking down the hallway. He was also glad that this orphanage had air conditioning as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DominoPool
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Jazzy was running around the halls as quietly as she could when she heard voices in the house. Strange, no one was usually up this early but her and maybe a few other kids who had been there for a long time. She put her fixed her dress and tail as she looked around to see where all the kids were. She knew were to go instantly. She would go to the library. It was her favorite place to be since she loved to read books. She knew reading would help her do better in school in order to have a good life when she grows up. She headed to the library and waited for someone to appear.


Alex heard a commotion outside of someone running around the house. Must be someone new, he thought to himself as he got dressed in a black button down shirt and black jeans. He walked outside to see a boy running around the different floors. Alex walked up to him. "You must either be new here or easily impressed by the little things in life." Alex said jokingly to the other boy. "My name is Alex." He said holding out his hand. "Welcome to the house." @XrazieVice
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Violetta was sitting on her bed, quietly writing her diary's entry for today as the morning began. That must be another new orphan, she thinks, and closes the book. Her diary can wait until later. It is time for chores and welcomes, now.

"Good morning, everyone," She says softly, mostly to herself. There's a few children running around the halls, but not many. She'll help out with breakfast, then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by XrazieVice
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XrazieVice Boy On Mars

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As Axle was looking at everything a boy who looked older than him and suddenly stated talking to him. He wasn't used to people talking to him first, he usually tried but always failed. But now he can definitely succeed at possibly making his first friend ever, but he's too nervous. As he opens his mouth to speak his voice starts shaking as he talked. "H-hi, m-my name i-is Axle, I...I uhhh am n-ew here soo...y-yeah." Axle shakes his hand very awkwardly and a bit too long as he shakes his hand up and down vigorously. He then begins to think that he is setting a very awkward mood since he really doesn't know what to say. For now he will just go with the flow. @DominoPool
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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Myra's eyes fluttered open to see the ceiling above her through her somewhat blurry vision. She laid still in the bed, taking a moment to process her current situation and the events that had led up to it. Someone had picked her up the night before when she found herself right outside the building after aimless wandering for what seemed like forever. They had brought her in and gave her a room to clean up and spend the night in, or rather, to live in. This was her home now.

It all seemed so surreal, like it was just too good to be true. She eventually sat up, reaching for her glasses which were resting on the table at the side of her bed. Beneath them was the letter from the orphanage's benefactor that she had received when she had been brought in the night before. It was not a dream, she truly had been given a chance to start fresh, and she would gladly accept that.

After washing up, she thought it a good idea to familiarize herself with her new home, and left her room to explore the premises. Myra made her way through the orphanage, marveling at the size of the place and the various facilities that she passed. She almost could not believe it again, for it just kept getting better. She soon found herself at a door that seemed exceptionally intriguing, compelling her take a look at where it led to. She emerged into a large area that housed desks, chairs, and numerous shelves packed with reading material. It was apparent that she had found a library.

She continued on, walking further in while skimming through the titles on the shelves, before she was slightly startled by the sight of another person among them, considering the fact that she had been on her own ever since she had left her room. The other individual was a child, and were those fox ears and a tail? Well, Myra could not be one to judge. It was not as if she was exactly 'normal' either. She gave the girl a light smile and a polite nod as a greeting.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Violetta is walking when she hears a commotion from down the hall. As she's been here several months, she recognizes Alex's voice, but the other is unknown. Walking up to the pair, she observes a boy about her age and Alex talking.

"Alex, don't scare the newcomer," exclaims Violetta, but she says it softly and smiles at Axle. "Welcome. Are you hungry? I can make you some food, if you like."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by XrazieVice
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XrazieVice Boy On Mars

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It was one thing when Alex to come up to Axle but now a girl is actually talking him as well. Girls never tend to go near him since they always seem to find out that he was made up of slime. Still to see that no one cares what you are or where you come from is something new to him. Coming to this orphanage was the right choice after all but it is still a new environment he has some getting use to.

After she finished talking to Alex and asking if he were hungry reminded him how he hasn't eaten in a while. He should would like to eat especially since she offered to make food. His face started to go a little red, he's never this close to a girl before. He then says softly but still stuttering, "....Yeah, I-I can go f-for some f-food if y-you don't m-mind." She was pretty and the first girl he has ever met.

He really wished he had more confidence to talk to others but he is too insecure about it. Making things awkward is something he wants to avoid at all cost but his nervousness isn't helping at all. He hoped Alex would bring something to talk about up because he doesn't what say anymore. He even forgot to introduce himself to the pretty girl, oh well. @OliveYou
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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The boy seems uncomfortable, or maybe he's just trying to get used to the change of scenery. Either way, Violetta thinks the boy is quite cute and harmless, and thinks she should make some pancakes. Maybe the other orphans will come to breakfast as well; the rest must be getting up by now.

"Are pancakes alright?" She asks kindly. "I'll start the batter, and Alex can show you to your room. Jazzy made it all up for you, she was so proud."

Is she making him awkward? He's probably shy, hasn't been around so many people like this... Violetta thinks back to the days of crowds and shouting, and fervently thanks her stars for the luck she's been given. What a wonderful opportunity, to start anew.

"I'm Violetta, by the way. I hope you find everything to your liking here."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitoftheVoid
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VitoftheVoid thesunthesunthesunth

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Insomnia had always been a bit of an issue for Rei.
She was pretty sure something about her weird physiology had shorted out her body clock, because she rarely found herself getting a good night's sleep.
Being in a situation that was was still pretty dubious about wasn't really helping with that.
What sleep the mutant had managed to get was abruptly brought to an end when she was alerted to footsteps on the floorboards, and awoke to two bright red eyes inches from her face.

She tumbled into a sitting position against the opposite wall with a yelp.

"HOLY SH- Hel don't do that!"

Whilst the teenager's reaction was one of alarm, the younger's expression was one of distinct impassivity. The girl stood there, already fully dressed in a green hoodie, leggings and red tennis shoes. Unlaced, Rei noticed.

Possibly a pint-sized genius, though still not sure how to tie her shoes. Wonderful.
"It's morning." Hel stated.

"I noticed. Kinda occupied right now pipsqueak. Don't you wanna go bother a responsible adult?"


"Or find someone closer to your own age to play with?"


"Is there anything I can say that will get you to go away and stop staring at me like you're trying to eat my soul?"


"Right, guess I'm up then."

A few moments later the form of Rei sloped out of her room with Hel at her heels. Whilst her young companion appeared to have been intent to dress for the occasion, Rei was a lot less concerned in that regard, and was still wearing the garments that made up her pyjamas,a pair of shorts and faded, oversized T-shirt depicting the album cover of some death metal band. Her long, silvery hair hung in thick fronds down to her lower back and she walked around with all the good posture of a swamp monster.

She didn't really have that much concern about running into other residents in her pyjamas. It was one advantage of having an ability so inherently abhorrent and disgusting as fleshcraft, that really there was very little you could do to lower yourself in someone's estimation. She figured if someone was put off by her with uncombed hair then they stood no chance of speaking to her ever again once they watched her bleed bright green ichor instead of blood.

Now she was out though, where exactly were they going? Hel was, apparently, following her, and attempting to ask the kid any questions was a bit like trying to get blood out a stone. One word answers. Vagueness. Or just no response whatsoever. What should people do in the morning? Eat breakfast she guessed would make sense.
"Okay, well, unless you got anything to say about it we're gonna go find some food. Speak now or forever hold your peace or whatever."

Hopefully it was already getting taken care of, however it worked. Otherwise it was going to be cereal or a granola bar for a kid. Would be a little bit counter-intuitive to save some kid from the streets and then kill her with food poisoning.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Katherin was nervous. Despite the kind man's reassurances she doubted that would be allowed to stay. She had never been allowed to stay anywhere long. No one knew how to deal with her and her problems. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as the man knocked. She didn't understand why he was knocking if he had once lived in a place like this. Still she didn't question him. She wondered if he was being honest about the other kids being like here. She had never met another person who had powers. At least not before she had met the man.

The housekeeper was a plump elderly woman that looked like Mrs. Claus. She had snow white hair that was mostly kept in a bun. She had blue eyes that twinkle. She was kind. But she was struck enough to keep the kids in line if the need arose. She keep an orderly house but let the kids be themselves when she could. She hurried to the door to greet the new arrival.

"This is the girl I called you about. She is not like the others you have sheltered." the benefactor placed Katherin's hand into the older woman's hand.

Katherin swallowed as the older woman guided her into the house. The woman lead her to the table and guided her into a chair. She bite her lip nervously uncertain what to do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DominoPool
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Alex followed the Axle and Violetta to the kitchen and dinning room after she was finished cooking. "You sure do like helping Mrs. Claus out when ever you can, Violetta." He said smiling at her jokingly. "All I help with is the lawn work and lighting the fireplaces." He said with a laugh as he opened the palm of his hand to play with a small fireball. He looked over at Axle smiling and curious why he was here. "So...what powers do you have?" He asked curiously. As he said that, Mrs. Claus came in and he dispelled the fire so they would not see. He was not really aloud to practice inside after...well the reason he was here in the first place.



Jazzy smiled as she saw the new girl. She walked up and sniffed the air near her. "Your not familiar. Did you just get here?" Jazzy asked and one ear pushed down curiously. "I know everyone here but you smell different." She said giggling. "Im Jazzy. Did you want to go see if breakfast is ready? You can sit with me!" She said jumping up and down excited. Maybe she had made another friend?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chronos Hybrid
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Chronos Hybrid An introvert

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Leo was sitting in his room making ice sculpture because he couldn't sleep and he was bored out of his mind. He heard someone talking downstairs and decided to go investigate. He stood in the hallway looking at the front door. Someone he didn't recognize was standing there with Alex. He decided not to make any move and stook back to watch. He stood there watching the new guy when lost interest and decided to go back to his room and wait until breakfast.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by XrazieVice
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XrazieVice Boy On Mars

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As she mentioned pancakes, Axle got excited all of a sudden and couldn't wait to try pancakes, he has never had them before. All the other orphanages he had been to have served nothing but oatmeal and reheated food that taste bland. "Of course I would like some pancakes." He said without stuttering looking so happy and excited, to finally taste something good for a change. And he followed along with Alex to the dinning room to wait for some pancakes.

Then Alex was curious about his powers as he created a small fire in his han in front of him. This scared him and caused him to overreact and run out the room. He barged out the door and ran into a girl, who was probably going to get breakfast, which caused him to fall back on his bum @VitoftheVoid.

"S-soorry about t-that I j-just overreacted a-and got s-scared, p-please forgive m-me." His voice was stuttering again as he could have hurt somebody because his carelessness. He didn't want to continue giving off bad impessions of himself anymore, he can do better. "P-please if t-there is a-anything I c-can do f-for you to m-make it up." He was on his knees and looked up to her pleadingly.

There was slime coming off of him a little bit as the heat from just the fire that Alex produced was a little too close for comfort. He probably didn't mean to either, he was just curious what his power was and showed off what he could do. Still there is the matter of hopefully being forgiven for knocking somebody over.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Violetta sets to making the batter as well as she can, turning on the griddle for cakes. Her hands shake moderately, but she's gotten better at controlling it since her preteen years. Pouring the batter, she lets it cook while she watches the new boy and Alex converse. He's cute when he gets excited, she decides. When Alex showed off his fire, though, he ran away again. Easily scared, indeed.

"Alex, you scared him again," she says, stifling a short laugh. "Would you please get him to wash his hands so we can sit down?"

Violetta sticks her head out of the kitchen area and calls "breakfast!" to whoever is up, then goes back to flip the pancakes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DominoPool
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Alex held up his hands when Violetta spoke. "How was I supposed to know it would worry him." He said as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands. "I will go find him but I think you would be better to go get him if he is scared of me you know." He said as he stretched out his back a little before looking down the hall to see where he went. "I can go find the little ones, you go help the new kid." He said as he went towards the bedrooms to find other people to bring them to breakfast.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Chronos Hybrid
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Chronos Hybrid An introvert

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Leo got out of bed as he heard Violetta yell "breakfast!". He walks down stair and into the kitchen. He looks around the kitchen finding some new faces. there was the boy from this morning and a girl. That was weird he didn't remember seeing her walk in this norning. He walks over to Alex and asks him about the new faces since Leo saw him talking to them this norming.

"Hey, Alex what with the new faces no one told me anything about getting some new kids," Leo said.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DominoPool
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@Chronos Hybrid

Alex laughed as Leo spoke about the new kids. "Yeah and I freaked one out already." He said with a laugh. "How was I to know he was afraid of fire. I knew him for three seconds." He said laughing as he looked around. "Have you seen some of the younger kids like Jazzy and them? Breakfast is almost done." He said asking if he would know.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was morning and Jasper woke up with the sunlight passing trough his window, and right after awaking he could hear the kids downstairs making noise in the kitchen. He tried to sleep for 5 more minutes but the yelling downstairs didn't allow it. He got out of the bed picked some random used clothes from a chair that had at least 4 t-shirt and 3 pants, which all seemed used, not dirty, but used, he dressed up, picked his glasses and went downstairs.

When he reached the kitchen other than smell of pancakes he could see a new face around, "One more arrived yesterday it seems,,,", he thought. He walk to the fridge pick a package of milk, filled a mug and started heading outside.
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