Star Wars: The New Republic - Gordian Knot (Based on a Canon Novel, Star Wars: Bloodline)
Twenty-six years have passed after the Battle of Endor, and the majority of The Galaxy is under the loose administration of the New Republic. Peace and prosperity are the norm, with an entire generation living underneath the democracy the Heroes of the Rebellion fought for. In Hosnian Prime, one of the many worlds selected as the New Republic's rotating capital, the Galactic Senate meets like it did in the days of the Old Republic, vowing that it has learned from the past, and will put those lessons to prevent a tyranny like the Empire from rising again.
...Too bad they have learned the wrong lessons.
For the New Republic was so frightened of giving too much power to one person, so afraid of raising another Palpatine or Vader, that it allows no one to hold power at all, for good or for ill. This has resulted in the neglect of poorer worlds, disputes among the richer, and the rise of organized crime and paramilitary groups that wish to turn the clock back to the days of the Empire. It has also caused a political deadlock not seen since before the Clone Wars.
At present, the Galactic Senate is divided between the POPULISTS, a diverse group of Senators who believe that individual planets should retain almost all power, and the CENTERISTS, who favor a stronger galactic government and a more powerful military. The Populists are principled and idealistic, but also unwilling to countenance that they are leaving worlds to neglect and decay, as well as predations by unlawful elements. The Centerists, meanwhile...are secretly controlled by the First Order, the remnants of the Imperial Navy who had fled to the Unknown Regions.
You are Senators and New Republic Military Officers, coming from the Populists or Moderate Centerists (aka those who don't know that they're pawns of the First Order), who are brought together by a strange chain of events, events that would, in this universe, either start the end of the political deadlock and nip the First Order's conspiracy in the bud - or make it worse. Your job is simple: Keep the New Republic from collapsing into anarchy in the face of the challenges that come with it.
The battles you fight will be in the Senate first, but there will be opportunities to 'inspect' both member and non-member worlds. In said worlds, you might find violent criminals, terrorists, thieves, and malcontents. Normally, this is a job for the New Republic's law enforcement, but if you and your security details are there and no one else know what can be done.
Will you be up to the challenge of mind and body?
Tone, Number of Players, and Posting Order (Or lack of):
The tone of the game is a mixture of Action (surviving assassination attempts, kidnappings, terrorist attacks, and undertaking vigilante action yourselves), and Politics (breaking the political deadlock that was getting nothing done in the New Republic). Basically, you go to a meeting and give a speech one day, then work with a professional thief to steal your enemy's secrets the next. You can also reveal the conspiracy the First Order is weaving early, ensuring that they are met with the might of the unified Galaxy when they emerge from the Unknown Regions. But a deeper theme is Bipartisanship and acknowledging that both sides have valid points and that they can not do everything alone.
Yes, the Centrists are a secret front for the First Order and air Neo-Imperial views, but that doesn't change the fact that their opponents are advocating for deliberate ineffectiveness and are letting law and order die. Nothing that a simple purge can't fix. Either way, you get to strengthen the New Republic and avert the events of The Force Awakens. Aint that grand?
Anyway, number of players is 5 - 7; each can control two characters, adding up to 14. It is recommended that you have a character for politics and another as a bodyguard or otherwise a fighter. Posting order is nonexistent, but Posting rounds are not; you cannot post again until everyone else has posted (this can be waived if someone flakes).
1.) It's okay to hate The Force Awakens. But if you're only here to heap hatred on all of the New Canon and don't even intend to play, I regard that as rude and would ask you to go.
Faction (Populist/Moderate Centerist):
Rank (Senator or New Republic Military Officer):