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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kimberly followed Ross down the stairs and walked into the weirdest conversation she had ever heard. Apparently, Ellie and Seb were planning something very, very weird, but at the same time Kimberly lowkey wanted in. Jumping off the top of a building and flying down at terminal velocity was something that instilled fear into the driver, but she wanted to see Ellie do her thing in person. She got a front row view of what she did best, so it was only fair that she got to see what she did best up close too.

Coming up behind the couch, Kimberly raised an eyebrow after hearing a slight glimpse of the conversation. "You're telling me that you guys are gonna jump off somewhere?" Kimberly lowered herself on the couch, "Count me in."

The fact that things had gone so smoothly this far into the "operation" was a miracle. The security guard didn't even look twice at the fact that two people showed up in the middle of the night just checking the place out. Maybe he didn't feel like dealing with it, or maybe just didn't care enough. Either way, things were going surprisingly smoothly and Ellie wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Seb was rambling on about something and Ellie had spaced out, following behind him and looking around. The building looked just like any building under construction would. Which was good, meant there was probably a floor that would be perfect for them to jump off of. Without any context, that might've sounded bad. But, it just proved how wild the things that Ellie and Seb did were. They were a different breed. For whatever reason, the part of their brain that screamed danger didn't seem to work. Instead, they embraced the danger and harnessed it into fun.

Arriving at the top, Ellie set down her disguise and placed it somewhere it wouldn't be found until way down the line. She started unpacking her white and gold suit. It always took a while to put on her suit, but it was all worth it. The tediousness was there for a reason. She couldn't afford to make any errors when it came to preparation. It would be next-to-impossible to survive a fall from the heights they would be on. She made sure every strap was secured and every single bit failsafe was operational. For such a dangerous activity, there sure was a lot of precaution.

After checking Seb and having Seb check her, they were all pretty much set. The GoPro was on and the helmet was in her arms as Seb signaled for the drivers down below. Putting her helmet on, she stepped up on the window and looked down below, hearing tires screeching and the sound of engines bellowing down below. She looked down at her watch, counting down the thirty seconds it would take before she was able to go flying and race the cars down below.

Kimberly's famed STi hatchback was sitting along a sidewalk somewhere near wherever Ellie and Seb had gone. Kimberly was leaning against the B-pillar of her car, going on her phone with a song playing through the car's speakers. Any minute now, the two could've come on the radio and given them the go. Kimberly provided the walkie talkies, which had an incredible amount of range. For the time being, both she and Ross were chilling downstairs. It had been a while since she had been able to use her car like this. Prior to today it had just been sitting in the garage collecting dust while she favored other vehicles. Now, she was using it in a race which was beyond great.

However, the two were taking forever to get set up and Kimberly was starting to get slightly impatient. She was tapping the clutch pedal with her foot, anxious to get going already. Despite the all the racing she had done today, she was still ready to do some more and get the show on the road. Suddenly, Kimberly heard some feedback on the walkie talkie and she got a little startled. Seb came on the radio and told them that they'd be getting their head-start now. Kimberly smiled and put the car into gear, before peeling off and darting down the street like they were told to. The song changed accordingly to fit the mood.

After thirty seconds had passed, Ellie looked back at Seb and gave a thumbs up, before jumping out and spreading herself out so that she would be able to catch the air underneath her. And soon enough, she was flying through the streets of LA, tearing through the air in between buildings as if she was a living jet. Ross and Kimberly's cars were the only two cars around at this time of night, so soon enough, would she be able to catch up to them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Seb waited on Ellie's go, noting that she was quiet, quieter than usual, almost silent and honed in on the task at hand. The noise of squealing down below reminded the two of what they were doing, and as silly as it was, this was a hell of a way to get their kicks.
"Let's do this."


Ross sat in the BMW, the dark grey M4 GTS his more "normal" car for these streets, a car that felt ready. For a half mile sprint, give or take, this was a simple run. And when his walkie talkie buzzed, he looked across to Kimberly, watching her already spin up the four wheels of her Impreza, before blasting off, following suit. He kept his window open, as he went through the gears of the automatic, clicking satisfyingly through gears with the semi-auto, the standing half a mile something that Kimberly had the lead on, but he was gonna keep up, as the speedometer kept climbing, and climbing...


The dive was simple, it was a brisk leap forwards, opening his arms and legs and flying right behind Ellie, keeping straight on, following close behind her, flying past other skyscrapers like giant steel and glass mountains of their own, as he kept on his shit, following tight but with a little margin. It wasn't a long dive, usually, this would have been a short one, it would have been a hop and pop, but with the wingsuits, it was about 10 to 15 seconds longer. That gave them more margin, and that was something that in this incalculably difficult moment, was something he could hold onto.

But what was so different was the sight of two lights beneath them, and they really were racing the cars beneath, given that they could go from 0-120 rather quickly was enough to at least get them closer and closer, and whilst from high altitude overtaking cars on a motorway was not unknown, this was totally different. This was gaining on a pair of very quick cars, and the distinctive yellow and blue beneath were coming close.

Still following on Ellie's lead and keeping her in the shot, he backed off, flaring the speed he had as much as he could in the suit, feeling pretty satisfied with the distance and speed from a standing object. The flare was tight, actually pulling back a few feet of height and killing his forward speed- a perfect chance to throw out the pilot chute. Pitching nicely as he felt the canopy roar open, grey and blue in colour, the two cars beneath skidding to a stop, he chuckled. Ellie's followed suit right in front as he kept her in frame, as he knew it would be up to the footage to tell who just won that one, them or the cars. It was a relatively low pull nonetheless, as he flared hard, barely able to even unzip his legs out before landing straight onto the road, waddling in awkwardly as he landed on the street, wooping as he let the parachute fall onto the floor.


Ross slammed on the brakes, as he saw the two canopies thunder open in front of him, before Seb and Ellie landed on the tarmac, already aware that this shit was probably the most insane race that he had ever done. And he couldn't help but grin, as he watched on.
"Now that is fucking cool..." He could only slyly comment, his hands sweating from the fact that there was no way he was

Opening the door at his side, he saw Seb run over, canopy in hand, lobbing it into the back behind the seat
"Shit, we need to go!" He yelled, as Ross chuckled, knowing that with great illegality, of doing a standing half mile down a street and assisting in a bit of a trespass was not exactly the best of things to be done for at midnight in LA. So he was gonna go.

"Got it, boss." Ross effortlessly clunked into first as the M4's rear wheels lit up, as he turned around, keeping the walkie-talkie to Kimberly on his dash active, knowing that they'd need to split up.
"I'll head towards South Central, head the other way Kimberly, and we'll see each other later on, let's lose this heat!" He called out to his wife, as he turned hard on one of the blocks, the rear wheels let out a little through the bend, Ross keeping it tight to miss a cab, as he headed over the old tramway, before braking hard again and heading down the hill, away from the building with a pace that was going to leave the police stumped.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ellie soared through the sky, the wind blowing through the hair that was hanging from the helmet as she kept an eye on the objects in front of her. She had a big smile on her face, her body splayed as if she was a bird and soaring through Los Angeles airspace. From the look of things, it looked like she wouldn't be winning anyway. The car Kimberly drove had the ability to accelerate like a bat straight out of hell. It would only be seconds before this would finally be over, and they'd have to figure out a way to get the hell out of there before cops got all over them.

The distance between her and ground started to get closer and closer, and Ellie's internal altimeter was starting to go off. She had to pull the parachute eventually, and take the inevitable loss. Flaring off the speed, she shot a little upwards, before pulling the chute and safely floating back down to the Earth, where man was supposed to be. She put her feet on the ground and ran forward as her parachute lowered, before collecting it and running toward Kimberly's Impreza after hearing some sirens.

Kimberly simply held her right foot down as hard as she could as she sprinted down the streets of Los Angeles. The flat-four rumbled the streets of Los Angeles, and if anyone were within a block radius they could hear it without a doubt. The engine was just that loud. She kept watch on the two folks high up in the sky above her, making sure she was ahead of them and taking another win home today. They might've reached terminal velocity, whereas her car only kept going.

Watching the parachutes open, Kimberly slammed on the brakes and pulled over, before trying her absolute best to locate Ellie and Seb. She could already hear sirens and that meant they needed to get away as fast as possible before things got a little rocky. Kimberly reached over and opened the door for either person, waiting for them to get in as fast as possible so she could retreat into an alley and hide. If they got away fast enough they would be able to have a clean getaway.

This time, she had Ellie in her car. The Scottish-Canadian jumped in and tossed her parachute pack in the backseat. As soon as the door shut, Kimberly took off. But this time, she was careful with the amount of throttle she used. With how quiet it was right now, any sound could've given away their position. She was very deliberate with her gear selection, actually choosing to go at lower speeds and avoiding main streets so that the cops wouldn't be suspicious at all.

Ross's approach was entirely unnecessary, honestly. Kimberly kept calm and turned into an alley like it was nothing. Finding a little sublet, she turned the car into there and turned it off, going completely dark as she heard sirens get closer and closer. They wouldn't think to check down this alley at all. Kimberly sighed and lied back in her seat, looking up at the dark LA sky. She got on the radio. "Yo, we're clear over here. I'll see you back home."

After a twenty minute wait, Kimberly turned the car back on and proceeded on the way back to her house, knowing that as long as they played it cool and Ellie had a good enough disguise, then they'd be able to go home scot-free.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Ross floored it, a very different method to Kimberly. After all, he didn't know the roads, and he was getting the fuck on hell away from that dropzone. He was not leaving anything to chance, and knew a vague route he could take, without too many cameras or issues that would flag him up. It was mostly straight too, and if he learnt anything from escape driving, it was that you mixed speed, random turns, simple moves and a dash of flair to make it work. And that was going to work, as they cleared miles, Ross sitting back in his seat, Seb chuckling.
"Never had an escape car like this!"
"Well, I can't say I aim to let us both get caught!" Ross replied, the click of the gearbox beautiful, German and precise, the straight-six barbling on run off, as Ross turned hard, taking it down some smaller roads, turning down the volume a little, and knowing that if the police had reported him in one block a couple of minutes ago, he had at least covered about eight and headed south, across a highway and into the part of Los Angeles that wasn't advertised. They were clear now of sirens- at least, the kind that the Scotsman knew were coming for them in particular.

Ross drove through the 'hood, a white Scottish dude with a white Austrian dude in the passenger seat, this was about to either be a sitcom or an excuse to get shot in the head around these parts, with a car like this. Chuckling, he turned back onto the street, knowing that they'd hit no cameras, or at least, any that would pull up the plate, out of the small alley they'd found and spent very little time in noticing the silhouettes behind.

"We need to get back. I feel like any minute I'm gonna get a stone thrown at me. Or a Glock pulled on me. I'm just saying, there is a piece an'all in the glovebox." Ross said with an almost impeccable Sean Connery meets Glaswegian accent, as Seb laughed, only shaking his head in what the fuckery.

"You're a mad bastard, you know that?" Seb replied, as Ross chuckled, nodding.

"Can't be one without the other. I think this is going to be a good friendship, Herr Rietch." With it, Ross put the M4 back into first, skidding back out of the backroads, and back onto the Highway, headed back towards Kimberly's.


It was a longer driver back, slower now, taking a slower and gentler route back to Kimberly's, and Ross didn't want to stir shit now. They didn't need to cover, absolutely nothing whatsoever had happened and the rear windows were tinted to say that much. Seb was looking at the footage, chuckling to himself as he watched it on the backscreen of the GoPro, looking across to Ross.
"Holy shit. It's scary. Your car goes from being the size of an ant to...well, a lot bigger, it's incredible. Flying past glass, you can see the reflection."
"Obviously." Ross replied, a little straight-up but knew it was mostly to piss off Sebastian.
"Okay, but it just looks pretty awesome is all I'm saying. I think Ellie did get the cusp on you though..."
"Shit, really?"
"Yeah man. Right at the end. Damn, she pulled low." Seb added, knowing her skill set was good, she was flaring hard and really putting the speed in, she was getting good at this. It was something he respected about Ellie the most, she was a talent that felt like was still sparking more and more, something to follow and something to lead. He had lived his life on the slopes, and so had she, they had both lived their lives in the skies and in a similar fashion, before they met. And now it was symbiotic, one another pushing each other further and farther, and he knew sometimes, it was Ellie who took that lead. Their numbers had cranked higher and higher in jumps, and their skill level got better and better, so much so that he knew that he had full trust in her, and likewise back. And Seb knew that if anything came of them, it was that they furthered each other as partners on the edge, at the crazy that came with this life.

Ross took a turning, looking to Seb, as he rolled up the window, the cold night now setting in more and more, after the tension of the escape, changing the topic quick.
"How'd you meet Ellie, anyway?" Ross asked, as Seb looked back over, sighing.
"Long time ago. Well, not really. Year and a half now. We were at a GoPro Bomb Squad event in the Venetian Alps and Dolomites, in Italy....I got into the team as the same time as her, for a shoot, filling in mostly. I was a local across the border, Tyrol is not far so I didn't even need to travel long. We both kinda knew each other before that about what we did. It wasn't a really memorable shoot, but we just found something for each other, you know. Found it so good we had to spend more time after it was over. I was driving around Europe in my van at the time, scraping enough money to live really, so it was a lot of money to earn, and it was a lot of money too, for Ellie. And we never thought anything would come of it, we had our own channels, our own lives. And we just did something." He paused, thinking back to their first idea.

"The first thing we did....well, it was straight after the shoot, we convinced the helicopter pilot to fly us up onto Ortles, the others wanted to go home, but the sponsor had time left in the lease for the chopper for one last flight up the mountains and we used it. Thought it'd be a waste to just do a flight, we'd done enough of those, so we did something else. And found the most sick glacial line you'll ever know. I want to do it again, I wish we had a drone or a helicopter film, but fuck, it was for us two to enjoy. And it raked in hundreds of thousands of views, but to me, it was the start between me and Ellie." He thought back fondly, sighing.

"After that, we spent about two weeks climbing routes and skiing the tops of any mountain in that range, finding exit points while we did. All the cool kids were in Chamonix, maybe. But we were doing what nobody did, and discovering new lines, new routes, and pushing further than we thought we could. We were a team. It was a fucking awesome autumn." He said, sighing.

"Things just rolled in for me and her after that, we found more to work. We stayed together more, got bigger sponsors. GoPro, there were a couple big shoots for Red Bull, North Face, Salomon, one little one for Faction Skis too. It was the personality that made it work, and sponsors like the fact that we get on with things, we aren't stupidly reckless and going to get ourselves killed, but we always push the boundaries a little. It always changes, and we always are on the hunt I guess for the next big thing. Maybe someday it'll all fall apart, but I never do this for the money. It's always about finding that run, that new exit point, or something different and crazy. Ellie is like that too, she almost goes further sometimes, and goes and pushes on." Seb mused, feeling like he was talking a lot, knowing Ross didn't really know much of what came after, which brought him to his next thought.

"You knew her before. She spoke about someone when she was younger that she used to know. Kinda can't believe we met." Seb added, as Ross nodded, open but not taking problem with it.
"We raised hell together. Crazy to think how we split apart though. Life happens. And I did fuck up. I mean, I'm happy for you, you got a girl that I should have been a better friend to."
"These things happen."
"It shouldn't have. Shit, I went downhill in comparison to her." Ross seemed a little depressed in that way, after hearing what he had in terms of his life. It was a bit strange, him, fixing and racing cars, compared to epic adventure.
"And you have a wife, and a child, and you live well in a house, or wherever you go, you have a good life that is far more reliable. I don't have any of that, Ross. Neither does Ellie. We're both happier for who we are, my friend."
"I guess you're right. I kinda enjoy having my feet on the ground anyway." Ross chuckled, as he thought back to the earlier part of the conversation.

"So tell me then, that first time you went out and filmed together, you said it was big, right? You said you got a lot of video views out of it? What made it work anyway? I mean, if you don't mind me asking."
"Well, it was a really good run. Nothing quite like it. And....well, we had a chemistry from the start."


Sometime in September 2014
Ortler, Northern Italy

The mountain air howled, the bluebird day in front saying it all, the morning sunlight rising and rising over the far mountains of the Eastern Alps. And it was strange, Sebastian Rietch had to say, opening the helicopter door as they flew closer to the glacier, at the top of the Ortler, the highest mountain of the range (Venetian Alps) and one of the most spectacular faces in the Alps. It was one of the big peaks of the Alps, it was cold up here, and real, real high. It was riddled with a glacial line that he wanted to try, it seemed from afar absolutely covered in opportunity and epic runs. And strangely enough, Ellie Dorian, the fellow team member of the Bomb Squad, had come out too, after a little flirting and only a little casual sex, for so long Seb didn't think it would stick, but right here and now, he did.

This wasn't part of the plan, not when they first came here. It had mostly been flying in the mountains, and flying here and there, and the footage had been off the hook. Wingsuit BASE in this part of the world was his home, Seb knew that much. But the girl that he had met, the one he didn't assume a lot of, was someone he'd fallen for and he was lovesick now, that wasn't gonna end. She was quite something, he had to say that much, and while he knew that as awkward as first dates could be, this was a bit of a different approach to well, doing something different. His mind however had to focus on right now, as they closed in and flew right on the surface of the snow-capped Alpine peak.

Hearing the pilot over his headset in the helicopter, he nodded, giving a thumbs up as the chopper barely hovered half a meter over the surface, Seb dragging out his skis and sliding them onto his back, looking to Ellie.
"We're here, let's go!" He had to yell over the noise of the Eurocopter, as he led the way, hopping out and onto the snow, letting Ellie follow.

Standing tall on the piste, Sebastian looked on at the sight below, the yellow and black of his Faction skis clashing with the dark blue and black Mammut down jacket he wore, a dark blue and black Salomon helmet and a pair of yellow-tinted Oakleys also on his noggin, for good measure. He carried a dull yellow Mammut alpine pack, with his usual mountaineer's supplies, but nothing overkill given this run. Adding to that, given how many GoPros that they had been allowed to...ahem, "borrow" over the last few weeks, Sebastian had naturally mounted one wherever possible, though of course, nothing stupid- but leaving them running for any moment. He looked over at Ellie, as she came down, a boarder rather than skiier on this line, letting her get her footing in as he peered down. The helicopter beat away, Sebastian waving it away, as the chopper dived down the mountainside, leaving the two on their own, and in quieter company.

"Wow....now that is a view. You can see Cortina D'Ampezzo from here, and the pyramid we jumped from over there. Shit, we were so good on that run. Can't believe it's over now." Seb said to Ellie, the "pyramid" being a particular peak that sat in the distance, his mind still cast back even though he was taking everything else. He was still a little uncertain of what she was like, as a boarder, beyond just the wingsuiting that they'd been up to. That and as a person too, it was all too new, too fresh. He looked down the mountainside, the steep face rocky and jagged, but clearing way to a glacier, with plenty of routes through, tunnels, bridges, natural kickers, it was a playground, almost just as he imagined it. Perfect to make a canvas out of it. He was a near Winter Olympics talent, after all, and Seb knew that if wingsuiting was one passion, then backcountry freeride was another.

"Man...this is backcountry freestyle on drugs....we are gonna have a good run if we hold that glacier line. Should take us right to the bottom if we play it right. Even if you are on a board." He joked, as he lay down his skis, clipping in nicely, pulling his buff up to his nose, a colourful dark blue and yellow colour, just something of a trend he had of late, Seb noted to himself.

"Are you ready, Fraulein Dorian? Let's go kick some ass, hey? Show me what you got!" He added, a smirk on his face beneath his Buff, as he readied his poles, his skis pitched into the fresh powder, and pitched himself to leap forwards, the incline so steep that it would be one that would launch them downslope. This was not for a rookie. This was a pro run, and they both knew what they were in for. Pure backcountry paradise. And Seb did not care for any camera recording, this was going to be something to enjoy.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The snow of the Alps reflected so much sunlight during this time of year. Sunglasses were pretty much essential at this time of year, and especially up at this altitude. Elizabeth Dorian had found herself in a helicopter somewhere in Europe. To think that she was just a snowboarding and ski teacher a few years ago up in Canada. And now, she was sitting in a helicopter with GoPros attached everywhere. It was a definitely surreal experience.

Nearing the dropzone, Ellie put her sunglasses away and prepped her goggles, which were resting on her helmet. Looking down at the fresh, powdery snow, a smile parted her lips as she knew how sick the carves would be. Her Arbor snowboard dangled off the edge of the helicopter, a white Aperture snowboard jacket and black snowboarding pants completing her outfit for the day. With all the GoPros that were hooked up to every single thing that had a strap, they were bound to get some sick shots for sure. Ellie was eager to get on the snow and get going.

Once the helicopter dropped them off, Ellie took a moment to put her goggles on, before looking at Seb and flashing him a smile. "Let's go!" She beamed, before wiggling to get herself some traction. This felt like some of the peaks that she had carved in back in Canada, but the view was much, much better than anything else. All you could see were the beautiful Swiss Alps and nothing but pure white snow. Ellie started to roll forward and the going started to go.

Lowering her stance, Ellie felt the snow kick up beneath her and some of it even spraying onto her face as she collected speed. She started going in a serpentine pattern as she carved down the snow. Finding a little hill of snow to jump off of, Ellie changed directions so that she could fly off the hill and do something cool. Climbing up the hill, Ellie lowered her stance even more before flying off the peak of the hill. She grabbed her snowboard and did a 360, before landing pointing the right direction. She continued to carve, now observing Seb to see what sort of cool trick he'd be able to pull off.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

The steep line was a beautiful one to carve down, the rocks a little scary but the fresh powder that lined the gaps beautiful to run down, Seb could only follow by Ellie and keep to the serpentine, though he was keeping close, very close. He was almost catching some of the snow she kicked up, as he chuckled, watching as she found a natural kicker to fling herself over, turning nicely over and coming full circle. Seb carved up powder as he turned hard to avoid her drop, avoiding the ice as much as he could, given it gave virtually no traction and would only increase the speed. The sight was incredible, it was already so symbiotic, they were tight and it didn't even need much effort, it felt like the flow had just kicked in and everything was absolutely locked in and focused, just pure and right on it.

The speed was on, as he found the first of the natural kickers, right over an ice bridge that sat in a gully of the glacier, it's walls nearly sky blue, reflecting sunlight beautifully, turning to a darker shade in parts and then being smoothed over with snow and other powered. It was just pure brilliance, and he could tell, wherever Ellie was, she had to be seeing the same.

With a little steeze, he was already turning before he left the snow with the carve on the snow as he effortlessly lept off the kicker, pulling off a frontflip cork, turning just about 540 with the amount of angle he was putting on and speed throughout. Grabbing the side of his skis, pulling himself tight and coiling over, going more diagonal rather than simply horizontal, he kept the snow beneath in view, slamming in hard and breaking up a lot of powder, as he carved back in, over a ice bridge, the route just insane, it felt like paradise and it surely was, leaping over a pile of rocks with a gentle grab, as he hit the snow once more, carving in to kill some of the speed that had accumulated.

The gully they were in tightened, as Seb overtook Ellie, becoming almost a pipe for half a second, before it opened up, a beautiful kicker running out of it as he used as much momentum as he could to pull a backflip, grabbing the front of his skis, grinning madly as he saw Ellie behind, killing it while he could before he flipped out of control, back onto the open ground, carving quick and kicking up powder galore, feeling alive. Ellie was close, he could feel that in his periphery, as he dug in his left, taking a shallower route to the right, hoping she'd follow. A few more natural berms were coming up, as he continued to skate back into the gully, leaping over each and every one, keeping to the icy walls and skating almost along them, almost on his side completely as he used his speed to keep the momentum, a jagged piece of blue ice sticking out in front that Seb was now able to use to his creative advantage.

There was no going around it, as he used whatever he could to keep going, flying over the ice and off it, over a crevasse, pulling a full 360, grabbing his tail whilst doing so, before hitting the other side, whooping as he continued on. There was no denying it, this was a route and a half, as he carved back into the gully, slowing down almost entirely, the route seemingly running out, as he nearly turned 180 off the edge of the next crevasse, a small drop awaiting into another ice cave. The noise of melt could be heard, as Seb turned hard, through the narrow network, the blue incredible, as he saw the exit coming up, and already saw his route out. Keeping the speed, he pushed hard into the icy and arcing wall, running alongside it and using it as a semi-kicker, leaping off it to pull a 180 grab, running out of the end and into another kicker where he pulled the rest of the 180 to gently put him back on his front once more, whooping as the rest of the glacier could be seen onward, sprawling and an incredible sight. Whatever Ellie was making of this, he didn't entirely see sometimes, but knew the camera might, and that for the moment, he'd let her lead, and carry on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Puttering along on her snowboard, Ellie observed what Seb had to do next. There had to be an answer to her little trick. It was the way they worked in the YouTube business. All the cool little tricks they did just meant that there would be more views on their videos. More views, more money, and more that they could invest. It was a cycle that could only keep growing. Taking a position to the rear of Seb, Ellie slowed down so that she could get a better view of whatever Seb was going to do. The snow continued to kick up in her face, but she just kept on trucking along on the cold snow.

Watching him leap off the kicker, Ellie watched in astonishment as he managed to pull off a 540. Opting to take the faster route, Ellie hunched down and let herself go a little more. Letting Seb go in front of her, Ellie diverted to a quick kicker to the side. Catching some air underneath her snowboard, she reached down and grabbed her board, before landing smoothly and continuing as she was. Returning to her original serpentine pattern, she continued to eye Seb from the corner of her eye as she tried to look for more kickers to jump off of. It was exhilarating catching air on her snowboard. Very rarely was she actually able to enjoy herself in this fashion.

As the route was beginning to shorten, Ellie had leaned just a bit to make herself go faster. She wanted to get past her GoPro partner. But before she could, he pulled a 180 off a kicker. They were in a cave of sorts, but what Seb was doing was pretty much insane considering where they were and the speeds they were going. To top it all off, he was facing her half the time, before turning around and continuing on as if nothing had ever happened. The camera caught it all, which was nothing short of amazing. Emerging from the ice cave, Ellie took the speed up and went up another large kicker. The speed and subsequent momentum she got allowed her to catch some serious air. Grabbing her snowboard, she pulled off a 540. Landing, she was facing Seb and sticking her tongue out to taunt him, before turning back around and continuing on her way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Seb was following close, now behind her and carving up, snow throwing itself up as the snow banks of the cavernous glacier began to shallow out, only making them even nicer kickers. Seb was right behind her, almost underneath the moment she flew over and took the 540 she did, sticking away to get the shot, and he knew he'd have his own fun. But it was a hell of a sight to see, Ellie pulling the turn like butter, eloquent and pushing a serious stunt right in full view, it was almost a moment that threw Seb into a slowed down state of mind, totally in his flow. There was a lovely bubble almost of ice, and on his two skis, he could hit the angle right, using the momentum to turn before he'd hit the ice, flipping elegantly in a left-hand down flat spinning 270 cork, landing backwards before skidding over a light ramp to undo the backward landing on the other side of the raised bubble, side by side with Ellie, whooping with joy as he did.

The glacier began to deepen in it's crevasses, as he knew it was becoming more shallow, Seb letting Ellie take the front, the speeds dropping now, the crevasse deepening and dropping further and further, the blue ice walls to their side, the sunlight above. On this icy and snowy mix, it was difficult to go fast, and a couple of kickers were nice to at least kick out against the walls, it felt gentler, calmer, the speed burning off with the number of turns it gave, the ice unstable and slippery, no real push needed to keep the speed on. And it felt calm. It felt real. And in front of him, was Ellie Dorian, carving and dropping away occasionally when the crevasse's geometery changed, Seb sticking to the banks and using the camber to run the walls where the centre dropped away, no tricks really needed here, given it felt like riding inside a very tight pipe without the lid, the navy and ocean blue walls to their side incredible to the view. The crevasse began to peter out, as it began to widen out, the sight of a large moulin, or a glacial pothole coming up ahead. A big hole that went into the bottom of the glacier....and given it was about 150m deep of sheer ice and subglacial conduits that it went to, that was probably a good place to pack it in and stop. The drop wasn't even the biggest deal- it was just not somewhere you could go, and with the limited mountaineering gear Seb had brought, clambering out from this spot was all he wanted for today- no doubt Ellie knew that much too.

Skidding to a stop, he looked across at Ellie, a shit-eating grin on his face as he pulled his neckscarf down a little further, wiping the powder from his goggles and his helmet, breathing out as he lay back and sat down in the powder, out of words and breath, out of anything he could really say.
"That was....okay, that was crazy..." Seb said, unable to really properly convey how happy he was, as he sat up, unclipping from his skis from his feet, and burying them into the snow bank behind, nice and secure for now, to take a look at the moulin, the gentle trickle of water audible. It was a small waterfall to their left, as Seb looked up, the water pouring into the hole, the size of about a van or so, the kind of hole that looked like a portal to another world almost. He looked then to Ellie, grinning as he glanced at the route they'd come down, walking over, arms out to hug her.

"We did it, I can't believe that....that was so good!" Seb embraced her, just utterly running with endorphins, it felt like they'd conquered it and made it their own. And yet...he knew it wasn't because he was alone. It was because he was with her, and they'd done it, together. And suddenly, something felt very real, as they both sat on the snow bank, everything suddenly just not mattering to Seb. He had found the person he wanted to be with, more than anyone else. Because Ellie Dorian wasn't just a ski partner. Or another person who could carve the lines that he did just as well, if not better. She was someone he was realising right there and then, mattered more than just that. She was the only person who had ever pushed him, and he had pushed her back, and they were doing something right. This wasn't casual. This was real, this was more real than anything Seb had ever felt before. Life didn't feel mindless, if it didn't, now what was before did. This felt like it had purpose, and he felt absolutely right about it all. And he didn't know if she felt that way too. But it was right there Sebastian Rietch knew that things weren't just good, they were fucking awesome. And it wasn't because he was sitting by the side of a moulin, or had skied a line that many would struggle to believe if it wasn't for the footage. It was for the companion that had joined him and now, he knew he only wanted more of.


Ross chuckled, as they pulled another 90 degree, on the home straight to home now, to Kimberly's.
"So that's how it happened. You ended up realising you were both as insane as each other, after you know, jumping off cliffs and posting something that half redefined the runs of glaciers. Gotta say, that sounds pretty incredible. "
"That we did. Mer de Glace, or Sea of Ice, is the most well known glacier run that they did before that, but Alto dell'Ortles, the glacier one we went down, we defined that one. The ice always changes in that area, so perhaps now it's totally different. But we made it ours. And I guess me and Ellie were symbiotic. There were a lot of slo-mo shots in that one, moments where I was above her, or she was above me, pulling a mad smile and a trick. Pure paradise." Seb said, as he drunk a bit more from his water bottle.

"And now here we are. Still doing the same. Now all we have to do is get you to do a jump." Seb added, Ross scoffing almost a little.
"Yeah right....I think I know my place. You know, on the ground."
"Ellie will convince you if I can't." Seb chuckled, as Ross pulled in on the pavement, parking up in front of the house, the party slowly dying out, just calming down really after it's peak earlier on, as he sighed, shaking his head.

"Maybe. Knowing her....still, gotta say. Today was cool. Feel free to crash on our sofa if you can't make it back after." Ross added, as he killed the engine, stepping out of his M4, Seb following from his side, as they headed towards the house.
"Thanks man. Shouldn't you consult your..."
"She's probably offered Ellie it already." Ross chuckled, as they went through the door,
"Yeah, I bet."

The party was still in full swing, as Seb dragged in his gear, seeing Ellie, Kimberly and a few other racers around, as Ross headed over to Kimberly, hugging her and gently kissing her on the forehead, gently chuckling.
"All good?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sliding to a stop as well, Ellie took a deep breath and put her goggles up as she looked around for Seb. Locating him, she smiled and embraced him. She hadn't had this much fun with another person in such a long time, and to do it with someone like Seb, it was just phenomenal. The chemistry these two had already, and they hadn't even known each other for that long at all. But, for something like this to form. There was already something special in there for them. Ellie could tell that this was going to be the start of something special and beautiful.

Part 7: Royale

mood music

7:00 PM, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

A few weeks after the proceedings in Los Angeles, Ross and Kimberly had found themselves in their suite in the Wynn. Their boss had kindly set them up with a higher class suite for them to stay in and get situated as they were carrying out the job that they were assigned. As it had turned out, it was not an actual heist, not wanting to risk the established family's reputation. It was, as she put it, "transportation of highly sensitive materials". Tonight they were due to head to a party at Caesar's Palace, where they were instructed to stay put until the boss sent them a text to head out to the location, which she would also disclose. The cars were already set up to direct them to the drop-off point, which was great for the two.

At the moment, Kimberly was finishing off the final touches on her makeup. The last time Kimberly had put on this much makeup, it was at her relatively extravagant wedding. On a totally unrelated note, Mia was the very first daughter in entire Rossi family line to attend her mom's first wedding. She was wearing a totally custom tailored dress with a split at the bottom, per the request of Kimberly, matching heels, and her signature red lipstick on top of a whole bunch of floofy bullshit. Her now blonde hair dangled on her shoulders, pinned back behind her ear as she was trying to put on her gold earrings. Looking good wasn't as easy as it sounded. The whole process of looking this good took hours, easily. Meanwhile, there was Ross, who only needed about forty five minutes worth of preparation to get totally ready.

After getting her jewelry on, she looked at her phone to check the time. Based on the pace they were getting ready at, they were on pace to be there right on time. She got up and sent a text to the chauffeur that would be picking them up, before grabbing her clutch and walking up to her husband. Hooking her arm onto his, she smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Shall we?" She asked, before pulling him toward the door.

A comfortable, but short limo ride later, they were inside an extravagant party. The combined net worth of every single person in this room was enough to buy an entire country for themselves. There was some serious firepower at this party, and Kimberly didn't really know what she was doing here. Why couldn't they have just waited at the cars? Maybe the boss wanted them to get a taste of the .00001%? Maybe there was something else in store for them? Kimberly hung toward the side, sipping on a Shirley Temple (not a Dirty Shirley, as she was driving) and keeping an eye on her phone as she tried her absolute best to carry herself with the snootiness and uppity that every single person in the room seemed to be carrying themselves with.

Sure, there was a LOT of money in their bank accounts now, but at the same time, it was pocket change to everyone in this room. She had no idea where Ross had gone off to, but she still carried on as usual. Just until her phone flashed at her. She read the text that she was just sent. "In just a few moments, you will be seeing a man coming over to you. Distract him, talk to him, woo him. Just do it until we send you another text. Your husband will be doing the same to his wife." Kimberly was looking at her phone, not knowing how to feel about this before looking up and seeing a big, tall man with rather tidy blonde hair and an even tidier beard. Walking up to her, he reached out a hand.

"Hello there... you must be new to these parties. I've never seen someone as beautiful as you are here. I'm Carter."

Kimberly gulped, and glanced at her other hand, keeping it low and below with her clutch as she shook his hand with her right hand.

"Kimberly. It's good to meet you."

"Likewise. So, what brings you to someplace like this? This isn't exactly a party you can just show up to. Lot of money here."

Kimberly looked into his eyes for just a few seconds, before formulating a response that she would be able to say.

"Same thing that brings you to this place. Got a few sources that got me here, so now I'm just looking to network."

The man nodded, before getting a little closer and putting a hand on her arm.

"Mmm. I'm sure a lady like you has some great skills if you're here. I've got no doubt about it." He started to stroke it softly, "Why don't you say we take this somewhere private?"

Trying to avert eye contact, Kimberly very reluctantly agreed, before traveling to a more private corner of the ballroom.

"Tell me what you're into, Kimberly. Cars? Real estate? Other things? If I like you enough, I can make it happen."

Kimberly really didn't know how he wasn't seeing her ring, but she still had to play along, until her phone vibrated, which was most definitely her boss. Taking the out, she started to get up and walk away.

"Sorry, business calls!" She chuckled, before waving and walking away as fast as possible. Looking down at her phone, she saw the instructions and started to haul ass to the back of the hotel, toward the loading bay where there would be black Ford Focus RS's waiting for them. She made her way to where all the waiters were coming out of, and she would be cutting through there. Hopefully Ross followed suit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

(My first post got deleted :( )

Ross wasn't normally used to formality, but this event demanded it. And in that he delivered. He wore dark grey suit and black trousers, tailored back in LA before he came out to here, alongside the Tissot watch on his wrist. He had even gone full bastard and brought a pair of black leather driving gloves in his jacket pocket, perhaps not for the need of driving fast, but the appearances when the time was needed. Wheelman work always came with that, it wasn't just the fact that you were fast, it was the illusion. Same as the aftershave he wore, and it was needlessly expensive, but Kimberly had suggested it and it did smell good. A little Hugo Boss, not just deodorant but full on aftershave that made him smell like....well, a man with suave.

Looking in the mirror, he saw that this time round, he was a bit more suave, a bit more charming. His beard had been shaved short to stubble, with his hair still kept short, though it was not the look of someone who was a street racer it seemed, but someone who looked like a high roller. An expensive watch, an expensive suit that in reality, was just average. And that was okay. He wasn't like Kimberly, looking to turn heads with her blond. Heading out, he saw Kimberly, waiting on him, clutch bag in hand.
"With pleasure, darling. You look stunning tonight, that dress is perfect....I swear if you weren't my wife I'd be blushing." He replied, kissing her, as they headed out of their suite, and down to meet their ride.


Caesar's Palace was a hell of a place to be, it was everything it could have been for Ross. The excess, the madness of Vegas, in one casino. Even the private party itself was another step up, and it felt like this was a place for the richest to blow what to them was insignificant sums of cash.

Ross sat at the table, playing poker. The stakes this was at was ridiculous. It wasn't millions, but he had agreed with Kimberly, when in Vegas, a little of that money had to go somewhere when at the table. And he did well at blending in, taking a dry Martini, the spirit low enough to keep him sharp on his shit, given he'd already had food at the party and it would soak well. He would be under a limit, if breathalysed, and given his reaction to alcohol, this was barely anything. Oh, and nly a quarter of a million was in his hands, that was the maximum he was allowed out of his personal little stash and it had kept him well. These schmucks didn't know how to play. And Ross was cleaning up, not too aggressively, but slowly. Poker was not an easy game, but it took skill to keep you in, as he heard folds, two on the table, the man opposite still in. It was his last play, as he knew that he had other shit to do. The other man wasn't brave, but he was holding to his guns. Did he stay...well, he was cracking a little. A little drop of sweat from the other man's cheek. It came to Ross, as he played his hand, posting a flush, three through six to nine and ten of diamonds. The other man played a straight. Ross internally cheered, as he scooped the chips over.
"Sonofabitch!" The man said, not pleased at all.
"Fella, calm yourself. Now....I think I might go." Ross replied, as he swept his chips further across, each of them significant. It had been posted almost a 200K in the pot, given it was early on, but Ross wasn't staying long.

Recieving the text, before the next game played, he put the rest of his cards to centre, leaving it there and then.
"It seems I'm needed. Good game." Ross said, as he stood, taking leave as the rest nodded, continuing back on. Ross had walked away with about 200K more than he had brought into that game. To put that into perspective, it was enough to buy over his RX7 job, about three times over, he guessed. Just by keeping a calm and collected self, to be unreadable.

Approaching the lady who had been near the target's side, talking to Kimberly, Ross approached the other girl.

"Couldn't play when I caught a glimpse of you, seeing you all alone out there. Barman, get me and this lovely lady another drink. Your choosing." He almost sounded half like David Tenant with his Highland Scots, as he turned to her, looking on not too pleased.
"I'm a married woman, so I don't know what you're..."
"Your husband is over there, right? I've seen it all before. My lass left me and...well, here I am. Name's Robert Fitzwater, I'm a COO of a fund back in Glasgow." For a second, Ross was getting into this. Before he was running at low level from cops, now he was at the highest stakes, impersonating a hedge fund or financial services manager. This was seriously, fucking, cool.
"Marie. Get us a whiskey, single malt." Ross shook hands with her, as the barman went away, preparing the drink.
"So, how is business?"
"Good. Boring though. Trading....stuff at the moment."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, it's pretty complicated. What about you? How do you end up getting left on your own?"
"Honestly...Carter does it all the time."
"Carter? What a dickhead."
"Yeah, but I'm married to him. And he's not all that bad...."
"But he just left you here. And he's going to...the bathroom with that girl?"
"He won't. Or I'll just guilt him into it. He's like that."
"Okay....well, I suppose then it's all good on our end right?"
"Maybe." It was back and forth like that, till the whisky glasses arrived on the bar.

"Cheers!" And as Ross was about to drink, meanwhile reading his text, he knew he needed to move. Or he'd be late. And this was going to be bad. He knocked himself forwards, spilling his whiskey on Marie. He swore, as he looked back, realising he'd nearly got her in the face, and that meant only one thing....

Getting slapped, Ross was hardly suprised, as he knew he had done what was needed.
"Sorry, sorry! Shit, my phone's going off...I'll be right back love!" Ross put his phone to his ear, as he left her, gently walking as fast he could away from the spillage, heading towards the back of the hotel, much like Kimberly would be, towards the kitchen and through a small corridor, into the loading area.

The four-wheel drive 2017 Ford Focus RS was a vehicle to behold, it was a hooning tool but no doubt they were prepared for this work. Two of them in black were menacing indeed, and they were a professional's tool. Ross saw Kimberly in the loading bay, as he smirked, shaking his head.
"This is fucking insane." Ross said honestly and simply, as he looked down at his jacket, the spill marks of whiskey on there that made him smell.
"Also...promise, I didn't drink any whiskey. Or wasn't going to. I mean, I may have totally just fucked up and tried to get his wife to drink so I didn't have to spend long networking. How about you, anyway?" Ross said, shrugging as he hugged Kimberly, knowing sometimes she was going to hate him for this. Though chances are, she probably saw him watching as they headed into the bathroom.
"Love you." He kissed her gently on the forehead, before heading down into the loading bay itself, leaning by one of the Fords.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lingering in the loading bay, Kimberly eyed the blacked out Ford Focus RS as she saw some suited men holding briefcases come toward her and her husband. After Ross had arrived, they were sitting ducks out there. So much for punctuality. What exactly was in the briefcase? And why was there so much extra effort that went into this? The drivers had to take care of much more than just driving and that was particularly odd. Kimberly hadn't been on many jobs, admittedly, but she knew that most of the time, her job was driving and driving only. She didn't have to interact with people, nor did she have to do any shooting if she had to do so (not that any of the jobs she was involved in actually had people shooting).

The suited men came up to Ross and Kimberly and handed them a briefcase each. The briefcase was heavy, as proven by Kimberly's arm sinking as possession of the suitcase changed. Lifting it up and clutching it to her chest, a suited man also threw some actual shoes down onto the floor in front of Kimberly. They looked like $10 running shoes from Walmart, but they were a hell of a lot better than the heels she was currently wearing. Taking off her heels, she slipped on the assigned pair of shoes and looked back at the big suited man. He looked at the both of them, possibly drilling a hole into their soul behind those sunglasses of his. "Instructions are in the car. Good luck." Good luck? Why would they need good luck?

Kimberly looked to Ross and shrugged, before going to her car. She put the briefcase into the floor in front of the passenger seat, and her chucking her heels behind her. Pressing the engine start button, she heard the 2.3L Ecoboost engine roar to life. Giving it a couple revs, the customized GPS system also initialized and put the destination they were due to be. Putting the car into first gear, she pulled out of the loading bay and onto the Strip, strangely.

At this time of night and year, the Strip was relatively less busy. That didn't mean they had a smooth ride there though. They were stuck in traffic because the red light in front of them lasted a long time. They needed to make a turn up ahead onto West Tropicana Road. Keeping her arm on the gear lever, Kimberly sighed and continued inching along on the street. Watching the light up ahead turn green, she sighed a breath of relief. She followed the car in front of her to the intersection, and as soon as she cleared the crosswalk she made the turn and floored it down Tropicana. The car bellowed down the relatively vacant street. Luckily, it was all greens the whole way and soon they had made their way away from the strip.

The Strip was nice to look at, but as a driver it was an absolute nightmare to get through. Constant jams and the flow of vehicles made things more difficult than Kimberly would've liked for a destination like Vegas. Getting more toward the outskirts of the city, Kimberly was starting to wonder why exactly the two were employed to do something so simple. All it consisted of was getting from point A to point B. Turning onto another street, the street was actually vacant this time.

It wasn't Vegas vacant. It was true vacant. Going down the street, Kimberly went at a brisk pace. She was in 3rd gear. It was much too quiet for a job like this. Why employ Ross and Kimberly for something so simple? Her gut didn't like it. Suddenly, a pair of lights showed up facing them. It was on the other side of the street, but for whatever reason it seemed to be getting closer to her in relation. Not going past her, but going toward her car. Kimberly then realized what was going to happen and floored it, creating distance between her and Ross as the Chevrolet Suburban missed its target and went up on the sidewalk.

Shifting down a gear, Kimberly peeled off and started to barrel down the street. Ross's headlights were diminishing, but many other headlights replaced his. She took a peek in her side mirror, and they looked like a mix of Chevrolet Tahoes, Dodge Chargers, and Audi A4s. Pulling the handbrake, she ducked into an alley nearby to create some separation. As her car went down the alley, she grabbed her phone out of her clutch and rung up Ross. Putting it on speakerphone, she waited for him to pick up.

"Ross? I think we're being chased right now. I don't know by who, but there's a lot of them." She said worriedly, before pulling out of the alley and onto another street. "Split. I'll meet you at the rendezvous once I shake 'em." The driver hung up and continued to peel down. Watching two Audis try to create a roadblock up ahead. Kimberly immediately found the gap in between the cars and hit it like a running back, screaming away from the cars that tried to create a roadblock. It was going to be tricky figuring out a way to shake these people. Her car was loud and there wasn't any place she could hide in. Didn't help that these people were persistent as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Ross was bemused, looking in the mirror of the Ford, keeping going.
"Take the side roads. I'll hold the main streets...just step on it!" Ross replied, hitting the gas, the two Audi A4s behind him closing in, and he didn't want to risk this. He had to take their attention, and his GPS was still showing a long way out. This was a little smokescreen for Kimberly, for now it would have to do. He'd find his own way, through whatever alleys and paths there were.

The Audi went in for the PIT, as Ross braked hard, skidding into the turn and breaking out with a hard countersteer, spinning away almost as he hit the throttle once more, the 4WD kicking in through the Haldex, as Ross turned into a residential side street, keeping the gas on. The Dodges kept up, trying to overtake, Ross chuckling as he gave it a little handbrake, pulling into an alley between two houses, throwing them off almost entirely with hard braking, using the handling to outwit the other chase cars, not sure what the fuck was going on.

"Whatever the fuck we are carrying, they want it bad!" Ross replied over the comms, racing out of the alley and into a parking lot, skidding in as he saw the Dodge in his rear mirror. It kept going, as he barely dived the car out of the way onto an off-ramp out the other other side, shifting gears as he put in another four-wheel drift, no drift mode required given the speeds and the sheer way he was manhandling the car. He looked behind, and saw nothing, for now at least.

"Lost a few of them. Meet you there."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The situation had suddenly escalated to a whole new level. A level that Kimberly wasn't comfortable with at all. The constant pressure of these cars coming after her and whatever was inside that briefcase was too much. Following Ross's advice, Kimberly diverted off to a side road. It was alleys and smaller streets. Avenues, boulevards, expressways. Everything like that was off limits. Only God knew what was coming for them and Kimberly had no intention of getting any piece of it. If it was anything like the movies, there was probably bigger, badder vehicles coming in. As a matter of fact, she wouldn't be surprised if there were guns involved.

It had been a while since she had done something remotely this risky. The days of doing some pretty dangerous shit day in and day out were behind her. Not with all she had on the line. Taking a slower pace after noticing there were no cars behind her, she turned her lights off and slowly cruised down the alleyway. The more she stalled the more of a chance she had against these people. They were gonna look for her elsewhere and that meant she had a window to get the hell away and peel to the meetup area.

Pulling out of the alleyway, Kimberly floored it and peeled down the perpendicular street. She wanted to make her way back to the meetup and get this briefcase out of the car and these people away from her. She didn't want to deal with these people any longer. Taking another turn, it was clear through and through. Did her tactic really work? Why wasn't there anyone around? It was much too quiet. Kimberly really didn't like how there wasn't anyone around. Not even a single car parked along a sidewalk. The more she went down the street the more uneasy she got. At any moment a car could've popped out of nowhere and run her down. Going down the road at a moderate pace, she was scanning the road as best as she could.

Right on cue, two pairs of big GMC Yukons came out of nowhere and surrounded her car. There was no way to get around them other than going into the alleyway nearby. She really had no choice but to dart in through there. It definitely wasn't a smart idea but at the rate these Yukons were going, it was better than being trapped. Going down the alleyway, she was flooring it to make it out as fast as she could so that she would be able to figure out another way to escape. Nearing the exit, the experienced driver was able to see the light illuminating the road in front of them quick enough to decide her next course of action. There was to be no turn taken with this.

Dropping a gear, she floored it and flew across the road into the next alley. She was hoping this was the last time she would be in an alley. The longer she stayed in these things the more she felt like she was being lead into a trap. A trap that was going to be the end of her. Reaching the midpoint of the alley she was prepared to make a sharp right and escape regardless of what was there. She really wanted to make sure she was out of this maze of alleys. But, there was a literal block in the road up ahead. A pair of headlights appeared up ahead. It was the unmistakable signature light from a Dodge Charger. Kimberly cursed to herself and quickly threw it into reverse to back up and get out. But, the car behind her was a step ahead of her by sealing her way out. The only way left was the exit to the right, and she didn't have the space or time to get out. But even if she wanted to do something, she couldn't. Another pair of headlights showed up beside her.

"Ross! Ross! ROSS! I'M IN TRO-"

Kimberly stopped what she said out of sheer horror as she watched the lights get brigher and closer from all three sides.

This was it. There was nothing else she could've done except accept her fate right there and then.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Ross was flooring it, and now, more than ever, he had to escape. He had taken a different route to Kimberly, but kept out of sight, the crowds following her more than him, as he took a different route, but was approaching the rendezvous, and closing back in.


That was till the comms came through, as Ross listened on...it couldn't be. He only could guess by an instinct, a sixth sense where she was, pulling down one block and flooring it, and Kimberly was almost right, when he saw it all in front of him.

There wasn't a thing he could do.

He couldn't be that hopeless. This was the love of his life, the only person that mattered, and to him, he had to change that. Somehow, every bad mistake, every fucking stupid thing he'd done, it felt like nothing, compared to whatever he could do right no matter what, and he was going to make this right. He had been close enough in pursuit, and there were cars behind him, but far enough and out of the way. But that put him in a place to intercept, and to stop. Perhaps it all came clear to him right then.

There WAS a thing he could do. It wasn't going to end well, and it took a split-second decision to decide if he wanted to live knowing he'd done nothing, or throw every chip onto the table, and go all in. And almost certainly lose. He could do something to give her a chance, but at his own cost. And he knew what that was going to be.

One of the Yukons was headed down the wide open road, as he put the throttle in, swallowing the lump in his throat as the RS's four wheel drive kicked hard, Ross clinking through into second, the turbocharged four-pot roaring as he gave no thought.

Given he'd hit it going about 40, and still accelerating, Ross was fully aware that he was basically going to have killed himself. He'd accepted that. Better she was a mother to Mia, than he was alone. He knew the stakes were high, and given what he'd done, he hoped that it was worth it. Going like this. A lifetime of wonder, gone in an instant just to give the person he loved the most, some chance of escape. Maybe she hadn't seen it, but that route out was enough, with the third car missing. Somehow, it all made sense. For this moment, nothing else mattered, no decision could be made quicker for what he had to do, and yet, it was one that made him feel like he was gonna be sick. It was a stupid life he had. She had a degree, and an opportunity, and here he was, a common criminal, worse than her, and someone who couldn't do fatherhood. A piece of shit, sometimes he wondered if Kimberly had settled. But that didn't matter. Mia had to have her mother, and Ross loved Kimberly, that it drowned out any fear in him and made his decision resolute. And that was good enough to go for, if that meant she'd walk away from all of it, Ross mused, This was going to be horrid, as he watched the GMC's close, the Ford accelerating into a T-bone, as the front arch of the GMC slammed into the Focus's front. It was a good run. And he hoped somehow, it was all going to be okay.


But he wasn't dead.

He spat blood on the airbag, the seatbelt at extension, the entire front of the car a crumpled mess, the engine as dead as could be.

A side-on T-bone into a vehicle significantly larger wasn't ever going to end well, the entire front end of the Focus crumpling and mangling, the GMC knocked a little and totalled, the entire front quarter of the car's wheels smashed in, but that was nothing, not really compared to his own. It had stopped the gargantuan SUV, but right now, Ross didn't even know how he wasn't killed.

His nose was broken, and his face was cut, he must have banged his head pretty hard, and his spine felt that characteristic sort of hurt of a crash, except it was worse than he remembered it when he was going slow into the back of someone. His ribs ached, they must have broke, and he had to be concussed, nothing made sense, he felt blurry and bleary, barely able to make out what the fuck was going on.
"Kimberly....Kimberly.....shit.....run, please...." He was delirious entirely, as he rested back in the seat, the front window smashed and splintered like broken ice, and the car in a complete state. He was going to be sick, but held it back, his head completely in agony, Ross feeling for a moment he couldn't move. But he felt his fingers, then his toes, and knew nothing was broken there.

Looking to the door, he tried to pull the handle, and nothing went. Of course. The whole door was stuck, given how bad the crash had been, and how deep into the wheel arch the Focus had gone, knocking away like a pinball, the whole mechanism was bent. Kicking hard against it, Ross heard the metal creak, but nothing. Window. He tried that, using his driving glove, a little torn beneath to gently punch the window at the corner, as he'd been taught to do with breaking into cars, not out of. And it gave in, the thing shattering in the corner, then pushed out at the rest, as Ross exhaled, the noise of metal cooling and swearing going on. Ross limbered, howling in agony as he pulled himself through the window, and dramatically falling onto the floor in a hail of glass and blood, shoulder first.

It hurt even more than heaven, as he yelled, barely able to use his other arm to look up, and watch what had happened to Kimberly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

There was nothing left to do for the trapped driver than to brace and accept her fate. Watching the headlights get closer and closer, she was only accepting her fate. She knew that there was a good chance that she wasn't going to come out of this alive. Not in a car like this, or with these SUVs closing in on her at this rate. As they got close, she closed her eyes.

She only hoped that Ross was able to get away clean. But all she wanted him to do was to make sure Mia was going to be okay. She wanted her to grow up with at least one parent in her life. That was the only thing that she wanted if she didn't make it out of this.


The seasoned racer two years out of graduating from Stanford was making her way to Willow Springs for an event that a friend of hers had organized. It was a car meetup/track day, which was right up Kimberly's alley. The sunny day in Southern California was definitely welcomed. A break from the gloominess and the cold, bitter winter was welcomed by all, especially the racer. Tearing down the highway in her Nissan Skyline GT-R, she was enjoying herself and the strangely open road that was in front of her. It wasn't like California to have such an open road, but she was going to take it anyway.

Suddenly, she saw an orange vehicle ahead of her in the distance. Some signs of civilization. Very nice. Kimberly dropped down a gear and floored it, quickly catching up to the orange vehicle. Upon a closer observation, she discovered that it was BMW M3 GTS. Kimberly smirked to herself. "AWD vs RWD. Oh boy!" She flashed her lights to the car, which was a universally recognized signal that someone wanted to race. Of course, the orange BMW accepted and responded with the unmistakable sound of the 4.4L S65B44.

Happy to oblige, she responded as well, her own 2.6L inline-six thundering throughout the highway as the two officially engaged in a race. To summarize the race, it was back and forth throughout, despite her having the advantage in pretty much every single way. This guy was talented. She needed to give this guy some of her respect. Keeping up with her was an incredibly tough task, let alone overtaking her and staying in front.

Once the race was over, she flashed her emergency lights and pulled over, the orange car following suit. Shutting the car's engine off, she let it cool down for a bit as she emerged from the vehicle. Her (very obviously dyed) red hair shined in the sunlight, which highlighted the half sleeve tattoo she had on her left arm. The young adult was clearly holding onto her youth very well, her soft, light skin also reflected quite a bit of light. Walking up to the hood of her car, she met the man halfway and the two met face to face for the very first time.

"That was one hell of a race... it's not everyday I get to race someone who can hang with me." She reached a hand out to show respect as well as meet the man officially, "I'm Kimberly. What's your name?

"Ross? That's a cool name! I suppose you don't have a sister named Monica? But anyway, it's good to meet you!"

Ever since that day, Kimberly's life had gone nowhere but up. The day she discovered she was pregnant in Japan, the day she narrowly escaped death also in Japan, the day Ross proposed to her in Italy, or even the day she gave birth to Mia Victoria Hartley in Scotland. It was all uphill and she wasn't going to let it end today. Not like this. There was absolutely no way she was going to go down without putting up the biggest fight of her life. But, there was a big chance that it wasn't going to be enough.

Kimberly had opened an eye. It was blurry to the point where she couldn't see anything clearly at all. Not to mention, the right side of her vision seemed to be completely gone. She had a broken orbital bone which was severe enough to the point where she could no longer see out of the right side. That was the least of her problems. The sheer force from the impact had given her a severe concussion. She couldn't hear much, and she definitely wasn't going to be able to recognize much either.

Taking a breath was one of the most painful things she had ever done. It was more than likely that one of her lungs had collapsed. If her ribs had created a laceration in her lung, she was going to have a ton of problems afterwards as well. Trying to move a bit, she wasn't able to. It wasn't because she was pinned in between her seat and the steering wheel, but it was because she had broken bones in all of her limbs and vertebral column in addition to how she couldn't feel her legs. She had fractured her left femur, and broke her right fibula, tibia, and patella as well as numerous broken bones in her feet as well. Her arms weren't in much better shape either. Both of her wrists were broken, her right radius and ulna were broken, and she had fractured her left humerus as well.

Quite frankly it was a miracle that she was able to regain consciousness like this. Kimberly was in the worst shape of her life. It also could very well be the last shape of her life. She slowly regained vision in her left eye and she was able to see up close. But she couldn't see much. The Yukons had broken their headlights in their maneuver. Kimberly could barely move. She was able to move a finger or two, but that was it for her. Her body was busy trying to fix itself internally for it let her move. Looking down on her, all she saw was red. Not the red of her dress, but the red of the fresh blood leaking out of the many lacerations she had throughout her body.

Shallow breaths. Sweet, short, and shallow. The only sound that could've been heard at this very moment was Kimberly struggling to breathe. Her raspy breaths. A cough revealed more blood, which meant that she was also bleeding internally. The amount of blood she was losing meant that she was going to be dead in a half hour or so if she didn't get any help, which the chances of that happening in time were very slim. She needed to know where her husband was. If she wasn't going to make it, and chances were that she very well wasn't going to, at least she could have the love of her life by her side one last time.

If she was going to go out, at least she was going to go out seeing one of the things she loved most in the world.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

(Short, but sweet.)

Crawling out, Ross coughed, as he looked across at the smash, watching it all unfold in front of his eyes. It was sickening, it felt like he was gonna be physically, violently puking right now, and his own injuries set it off enough. The people in the car he'd hit hadn't got out yet, as he slowly went to his pocket, looking for his phone. It was miraculously not smashed, the burner of a flip-phone made in the age when phones weren't crap, and almost as if he was some kind of drug dealer. It was more than enough, as he dialled 911, coughing blood, dragging himself against the car, looking on.
"Hello 911, what's your emergency?"
"There's been a crash, lots of cars, I'm hurt and my friend is too, I'm at....fuck, I don't know, somewhere in North Las Vegas, it's..." Ross mumbled, seeing colours and his vision blurry, as he could barely speak at all, leaning and looking around, his vision dancing and going to total shit.
"Can you identify any streets?"
"I can't see shit....arrgh..." Ross moaned, as the men clambered out of the smashed car, smashing out the window, looking at him on the phone.
"We're on our way, sir. We're sending a police and ambulance unit your way, keep the line open." Ross heard, as the men looked at him, a pair of suit and tie wearing mooks, drawing Sig Sauer P226s on cue, looking at him, as Ross clutched his wounds, looking back, dropping the phone to the floor in his weakness.

"Fuck, you might as well finish it." Ross uttered, as one of them shook his head, adjusting the smashed sunglasses and taking them off his face.
"Too easy. Grab the case. He'll bleed out anyway before anyone arrives. The girl will too." He said, his accent distinct, it was Latin American, that was for sure. The man spat a little blood himself, from a cut on his lip, not seriously injured, as he walked over and kicked Ross hard in the stomach, pistol-whipping him against the smashed door of the Focus, and knocking him unconcious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hearing the unmistakable sound of flesh and metal, Kimberly's heart sank further as she heard footsteps. She still couldn't do anything from this position. As her condition worsened, she started losing consciousness as the footsteps got louder and louder. Soon enough, Kimberly's entire world had shifted. No longer was she looking at the wrecked remains of her car.

When they said that your life flashed before your eyes moments before death, they weren't wrong.

"Dispatch, you got a location on the 401B earlier? We're in the area but we need an exact location."

The ambulance had just turned off of the strip and toward the industrial area of Las Vegas. The sirens were blaring, and every single car in its way was pulling to their right. Good. That meant that the paramedics would be having an unobstructed path to whatever they were responding to. An automobile accident at this time of night? Probably some unwise drunk drivers doing what they usually do and getting into crashes. Typical, but it wasn't anything that these paramedics hadn't seen before.

"Alright. I've got a location. Thank goodness they left the line open. It's right next to Bernardo's Pawn Shop. I think in the alleyway.

"Copy that dispatch, we're on our way.

The emergency response vehicle made a turn and wailed down to the pawn shop. Lucky for these paramedics, they knew the city like the back of their hand. That's what many years on the job and responding to various cases all over the city did to you. Knowledge not many other people in the city had. It was going to help them figure out where these people were. Closing in on Bernardo's, the paramedics had seen the tell-tale tiremarks. But for whatever reason, it looked like it was coming from more than one source. Multiple car accident? Why would they be in the alley, then?

The closer the ambulance got, the more suspicious things started to get. Luckily police and firefighter units were not too far behind them. Pulling up into the alley, it was a very grisly scene, but also one that didn't add up. Two crashed cars, but one car was crumpled from three sides and the other one was crumpled only from one side. The paramedics were perplexed, but that was something the police officers would have to handle.

Getting out of the ambulance, the paramedics pulled out their carts and went in to examine the victims. One went to tend to the man, who didn't look too bad, especially compared to the woman inside the incredibly fucked up car, who was cold to the touch but somehow still breathing and barely had a pulse. The paramedic looked to their partner, who signaled that the other person was also still alive, somehow. Now the problem was getting the woman out of the car in time to get her stabilized and rushed to the hospital.

Firetrucks and police cruisers soon pulled in, and started to assist with the recovery effort.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada

Somehow, at this time of year, there was still powder and snow on the mountains of Lake Tahoe. It was toward the end of winter, but the climate had been generous this year to extend the length of prime skiing season. The officials at the ski resort had been gracious enough to open up the area for them at this time of night. It was nobody but them, and a couple of officials that Seb and Ellie had agreed to pay graciously to open it up for them. After spending a lot of time carving down the slopes on skis and snowboards, they were at the top of the last peak of the resort. Ellie was sitting on the top, butt on the snow as she looked down at what looked to be a very treacherous, but also very fun-looking descent.

It was a good break from all the hijinks they had gotten into lately. From street racing to jumping out of planes in Europe, all the way to reuniting with a childhood friend. It had been a wild few months for Ellie and probably Seb as well, so it was a good feeling to use their hard-earned money to go back to their roots and get in touch with what got them all the way to the top in the first place. It was just them. For the first time in forever, there were no other cameras than the security cameras the resort came with. No GoPros, no vlog cameras, not even a Snapchat or Instagram story. It was just them, their snow gear, and the snow itself.

"You ready for this, Seb?" She asked curiously, before putting her goggles on. "Wait, how about we make this more interesting?" Ellie looked down at her white jacket and black pants before leaning over to poke Seb. "Loser has to buy drinks when we get to Vegas." She got off her butt, before slowly starting to roll down the slope. "Let's go!"

These were one of the many times where it was good to have such strong family ties. As soon as Kimberly was admitted into the hospital and rushed into surgery, barely hanging onto life by the bare skin of her teeth, the entire Rossi clan poured into Las Vegas within half an hour of finding out. By the time they arrived, Kimberly was about three quarters of the way through being operated on and having her numerous injuries fixed, if they were able to be fixed.

It was a miracle that Kimberly survived. However, it was not smooth to the hospital the whole way. There was a time where the paramedics had lost Kimberly's pulse and she had to undergo resuscitation. Luckily for her, though, it was smooth sailing from there after that slight hiccup.

If someone like Ross were to be there, then he would be seeing the whole clan there. From their father, all the way down to baby Mia. Just based off of the description of the injuries alone, and the description of the incident, it was clear to them that a member of their family was in trouble. And not just because of how Kimberly was in surgery. It was trouble that nobody wanted to be in. The trouble extended far further than one of their own barely clinging onto life, and already plans and strings were being formulated and pulled to figure out who was behind this.

Kimberly was lucky enough to have two siblings in the military, one in law enforcement, and one who happened to be a trauma surgeon, which meant information was coming in whenever they wanted. It was going to be a long ride. A long ride for Ross, a long ride for the Rossi family, and a long ride for Mia. Mia had no idea what was happening and why she was in a hospital, the little girl was busy staring at a little iPad and watching her shows. It was better that she didn't know. Not at this time. She didn't need to know that she very well could lose her mom at any second.

Hopefully Ross would be coming soon, as there would be a lot of questions that needed answers. According to murmurs, his injuries weren't as severe as Kimberly's. Which was good, vengeance was in the cards for each and every single one of these people, and Ross held keys that would help vengeance be carried out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Lake Tahoe, Nevada

Seb chuckled, hearing her proposition. He was on skis, rather than a board, staying to his natural craft for today. He carried his Faction Dictator 4.0 Skis over his shoulder as he walked up to the top of the piste, sitting down as he clipped in, adjusting the black Picture helmet on his noggin, and the blue. He wore a blue and black ski jacket and wore his yellow and black Mammut mountain pack, and Black Crows dull yellow salopettes, no goggles required for this run here. He had a pair of powerful white chem lights strapped to his pack, just for additional illumination too. On top of of his helmet sat a bright xenon light, which lit up the area like mad, being slightly more powerful than car headlights, for more visibility. In the areas they were going in, when they were out of bounds, it was needed. It was lucky the moon was out, or they wouldn't see shit. It was going to be slow, and gentle slope down. They were off-route, and this was going be technical indeed.

OST, We Belong (ODESZA Remix)

"I'm up for that. But I feel like backcountry might be better. There's those pine forests on the left before it comes back to the main route. Think you can hack it?" Seb asked, chuckling as he took his Faction poles, chuckling as he strapped them around his wrists and took them tight into hand, looking into the horizon, and at the moon.

And with zero provocation whatsoever, he howled, a perfect wolf's howl, as he raised his nose at the moon. And after a few seconds, almost letting Ellie chuckle it off, he heard a distant call as he heard the singing of wolves howling in the distance, quiet but audible, as he laughed.
"Holy shit, there are wolves out there....well, just don't stop." Seb said with his classic mountaineer's spirit, as he nodded, making sure not to point the shiny beam in Ellie's face, as he let her go first, letting her roll down first, as he quickly picked a steeper line, darting over. The snow was melting, and thinner than he would have liked, turning into icy mush. The red sandstone stuck out in particular, with the grey granite that was prominent in this area, it was beautiful and somewhat surreal, especially given the fact that he was able to only properly see what was right in front of him, as he overtook, and took the lead.

Turning left as he flew past, he hit the kicker and pulled a cork 360, grabbing the side of the skis and gently pulling the manoeuvre, slamming hard into the ice below, the snow not like powder as it wasn't anywhere near as fresh. And it hurt a lot, as he stood it through, skidding down but still on both skis, braking hard as he knew Ellie would have the lead here now. Following her, the trees were coming up thick and thin, but on the steep slopes, that only made for some very creative riding, as Seb darted between pine tree to pine tree, taking air and almost clipping one, as he skidded hard, shredding ice and loose snow as he lit the way forward, following Ellie in the technical environment. The light and moon shone bright to show the way, and it was amazing, the snow was almost crystaline blue in the cold, and slaloming trees on skis was just lucid, it was just so visceral and insane, as he had to keep on his shit, chasing after Ellie as he followed through the crests and kills of the backcountry.


Ross awakened, his eyes bleary, as he sat up.

The nurse looked to him, nodding, watching as he recovered.
"Mr Hartley, take it easy. Your body is still weak. You've been out for about 12 hours, you fell unconscious." She said, as she knew the next question Ross would ask, given who they found close.
"Kimberly is recovering, Ross. Take it easy, and stay in this bed for now. Your ribs are shattered, and you've lost a lot of blood, among other injuries. You're not going to feel very well for a couple weeks, minimum." She said, as Ross sighed.
"Bollocks. Good to know. Let her know...I'm sorry."
"Why so, Mr Hartley?"
"I don't know....just let her know." Ross said, as he sat up, sighing out. She didn't know her family had come to visit, not yet at least, as he looked around, the TV on and showing some crap reality TV show, the Scot unaware of how long he'd been unconscious for.
"I will. You get some rest now. I'll bring some water and food in the next few minutes." She added, Ross nodding as she left, taking in the view outside of a parking lot, and then the general room, the atmosphere strange. He felt weak, whatever it was he had done to himself, it was way more serious than any injury before, he'd been shot once and even that felt better than right now.

The phone on the bedside table rang rang, as he gently sat up, sighing.
"Fuck. That isn't good." Ross said, as he took it.

"Mr Hartley? We have a caller on the line, they say they urgently want to speak to you." The receptionist said, Ross replying as he got his voice back.

The line held for a little while longer, till the line went quiet, and Ross heard a voice he did not expect to hear for a while. A heavily accented Scot, but a man that he wondered about the criminal underworld with sometime ago.
"Ross? Is that you?"

"Shit....Mark, you pick terrible times to call." Ross replied, as the voice on the other end chuckled, Ross wondering what the hell was going on. Mark was a criminal, a bad man indeed, someone who would kill people for a living. But an accomplice that Ross worked with. If Mark was the robber, Ross was the wheelman, able to get him out of anything. And he had been very, very good at his job.

Mark Torridon was a former Royal Marine, and one of the few that Ross respected in his old crew, the gang that worked from Barcelona to Bangor, London to Lisbon stealing, robbing and smuggling whatever people wanted, with Ross as the driver and Mark as the top man. He was a thinker, a shooter, and most of all, a very nasty bastard. You didn't cross him, but he had a healthy amount of respect for Ross, and knew that he'd helped him as much as Ross had helped him back. Taught him a few skills with a gun, even. And right now, his criminal friend was in need of help, so Mark had made the call. Found him, something he only would have done if the circumstances demanded it.

"I know I do, son. Look, I heard about the accident through contacts, and know there's something more to it than whatever you saw. I know we said we wouldn't get involved in each other's lives, not after...well, you called it quits on the scene. Me and the lads know." His Scottisism was clear, given that Mark was a few years older than Ross, but obviously unrelated in any way.
"You know I had my reasons."
"You have a wee lass and you have far better things to do than hang around with us. Believe me, nobody is judging ye. I mean, Paul ended up in prison, Rachel did too. And I can't say I have it easy right now. But I want you to know, if you need help, I'm here. I know you're rusty, but if yer....well, I never did make good on what you did for me, back in the day."
"You're a good man to mention it. You do owe me. So why are you calling me, when I'm laying in a hospital bed, in Las Vegas?"

"You need a helping hand. The people that did you over, and the people you work for, I have connections in the underworld that tell me that you shouldn't have ever gotten involved. This goes beyond just normal criminality, my friend. These are some seriously fucking scary people. Whatever it was you were wheeling, those cases were gonna be wanted and it's lucky you're note dead because of that. If I had to give you advice, I'd say that you walk away. But I imagine that won't last long enough. Once the heat dies down, they'll find a way to cut any loose threads."

"Shit...how'd you know that?"

"Like I said, it's made waves over here in London. Same sort of shit has been going down, cases for racers, and while I know your courier work is good business, this is something far more high risk. Whatever is being moved, it's something more precious than the fucking world in there. You should have told me, Ross. This isn't small game. Someone saw you as weak links in that chain and took you out...it's been going on for long enough and now they found the right fall guy. They didn't kill you because that would have left a scene. You're two street racers in a serious crash with other vehicles involved, probably some gangland war to the local police. It's too convenient."

"You sound like a fucking nutcase. And how you know this is beyond my knowledge. Fuck, what am I saying, you're the intel nut, it's the only reason you're not in prison, and I know how to drive fast....but, I believe you. So what exactly are you proposing?"

"Well....I cannae say it all, but a little revenge is in order, isn't it? No specifics. Have you still got that stash, where we said it'd be back home?"

"Yeah. Grab it, take what you need. Not a lot of cash left there, in that one. But it'll get you to here."

"I can get to you. I know a man out there who can get us set up. These people aren't ghosts, but right now, I imagine they are going to be rather exposed before they go to ground with whatever they took. The contractor won't chase it, because it's too risky. But we can." Mark said, as Ross sighed, thinking about it.

"And what's in it for you?"
"You get revenge. And I get to sell whatever is in that case." Ross heard, as he was quiet for a moment.

"Look, maybe this is a bad time. You're probably hurt, and I know it's a lot. But I'm here for you." Mark added, as Ross chuckled, replying.

"Steal whatever is in the case? You're suggesting stealing from thieves?"
"Yep. What are they going to do, call the cops? Worst case, you deliver it to the original contact. He'll probably pay out anyway. Or not. Better than having yourself as a loose end. But, if you don't want to...I understand. You can hide from these people, it's an option but it will not be easy to do. Something I can get you help for too."
"You are fucking crazy. When this rib heals....fuck it, one last run. Get over here, we won't need more than us two, the crew won't help. If this needs a little flair than usual, I might know someone who might be able to help, anyway. She happens to be a rather useful escape artist where my wheels end. And in need of money." Ross said, as he sat up in the bed, nodding to his friend, though he was thousands of miles away on the phone.

"Got you. I'll text you a meeting point, and my contacts will figure out where they've gone. And what we can do. Get well soon, Ross."
"Thanks, pal. See ye soon."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sliding down the slippery slope (literally), Ellie maintained a careful, but brisk pace as she went down the previously unconquered path. There were a ton of jumps, rocks, and trees that could definitely provide for risk and thrills. Just the way the Scottish-Canadian skier wanted it. Powder was gonna fly up, despite it being actually pretty thin. It was going to foster a very fun environment and one that would actually challenge and stimulate the seasoned snowboarder's mind.

Coming up on a little makeshift ramp, she took the jump gracefully, getting some serious air. It was enough air between her and the ground that she was able to pull off a 180 before coming back down to Earth. Feeling the powder kick up as she landed, she flipped herself around and continued down the most direct way down to the bottom of the peak. The speed was collecting the farther she went directly down the slope. The longer she did this, the more risk she had when it came to crashing. Sure, Ellie liked her risks but she also knew when she was going too far.

Her internal speedometer had determined that she was going too fast according to the patented Ellie Dorian Scale of Speed™. As a result, she diverted and started a serpentine pattern to slow down. Rerouting the momentum laterally should definitely help her slow down. As well as hitting this sweet jump coming up ahead. Catching some air once again, Ellie lifted her snowboard up and grabbed it midair, before letting go, landing smoothly as was the typical Ellie fashion™. From the looks of things, it looked like she was about to beat Seb.

Pigs were flying, hell had frozen over. Kimberly Emily Rossi had survived the crash the night before and was in recovery. They managed to repair everything that was threatening her life after a long, strenuous surgery. It was now a concrete scientific fact that Kimberly had the willpower of a thousand men. Of course, she wasn't completely healthy but surgeries to correct those injuries would be coming along later down the line.

Right now, she was looking like a mummy with all the splints, pulleys, and casts that were all over her body. She came in with a Glasgow Coma Score of 4, but yet there she was recovering from surgery. She wasn't breathing on her own just yet. Her lung capacity had been severely diminished, and that, along with a myriad of other things would have to be addressed on the long road of physical rehabilitation ahead of her. Additionally, there were a few other issues that were definitely going to put a wrench in the works, but those would be addressed later down the road.

Of course, Kimberly wasn't going to wake up for a while. She was far too damaged to even reenter the realm of consciousness. For the next few days she'd have to be stuck in the hospital in the bed while her injuries healed.

Mia still didn't have a clue as to what was happening even after all of this time later, which was the plan her aunts and uncles had for her. At some point she was going to have to find out, but not right now. She didn't deserve to see her mom like this. Speaking of Kimberly's family, news that Ross had woken up had quickly traveled to the Rossi family. After discussing a plan of action, three members of the family made their way to Ross, which was not too far away from where Kimberly was.

Walking into the room, they had found Ross in his room sitting up on his bed as if nothing bad had happened to him. He was one tough son of a bitch. In the room right now was Maria Rossi, a Marine Corps Combat Medic, Michael Rossi, a member of Navy SEAL Team 6, and Athena Rossi, a member of NYPD's Emergency Services Unit. They had a plan that they wanted to carry out, but Ross held the key that would assist them.

Maria, the only blonde in the room, had turned around and closed the door and blinds of the room, making sure nobody could listen in or see what they were doing. With that many people in one room, it was looking very ominous. But, nobody knew that they were all family. Whether they liked it or not (they liked it), Ross was their family. He was the husband of one of their own, and father to a member of the next generation.

Michael, in particular, was one BIG motherfucker. 6'4", at LEAST 255 lbs. He was not someone you wanted to cross, and definitely the last person anyone wanted to cross in this room. Sitting down, he had his massive hands folded and scooted up real close to Ross. At that point, you could practically smell the testosterone coming off of him. Years and years of war hardened experience definitely had that effect on people.

"You know why I'm here. You got a lot to tell us." He placed a hand on his shoulder, placing not too much weight on it but just enough to establish the severity and seriousness of the situation in their hands, "I want every detail."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Ellie flew over Seb through the forested section, as he skidded the skis, giving her room as he carved around some trees, keeping serpantine but dodging trees left and right, knowing they were darting around, and it felt like it wasn't going to end.

Coming back into the light of the resort, he chuckled, letting Ellie keep the lead, as he disengaged the stupidly bright light, coming further down towards the base. Both going slower now, he skiied alongside, chuckling.
"You still got it!"


Ross looked to him, coughing a little and covering it with his elbow, covered in cuts and bruises, his ankle hurting a hell of a lot, his legs hurt in general, but he was pretty sure it wasn't broken, despite the painkillers. The Rossi family were a scary bunch. Given Ross had no brothers or sisters to talk of, the fact that Kimberly's family was so widespread and all made up of elite, crazy and hardcore motherfuckers was impressive. They were a nice bunch, but Ross had always made a mental note to never, ever get on their bad side. And he'd always treated her like golddust, kept his past away and followed what she wanted to do, sometimes bringing her into the safer parts of his past.

Michael was a scary man indeed, a frightening character, even for the Scotsman to take in, as he took a moment to think of a response, wanting to start from the beginning.

"Kimberly took a run for an unknown contact and brought me along. High end. We were taking unknown packages for an unknown contractor. We still have no idea who that is, but it's a standard job we do. Pays very, very well. Cops are the biggest problem. We didn't expect what we ran into." Ross said, almost spluttering at times, as he was still quite weak. Whilst they probably all agreed he had gotten off lightly compared to Kimberly, he was still battered, and in no fit state to stand, given how much blood he'd lost. He had several transfusions, and probably had no idea of what had happened after he'd passed out. Numerous scars and stitches existed across his upper ribs and he had taken a serious hit, but he would recover with time, given no serious fractures had occured, and he had mostly had to deal with wounds from smashed glass and blunt impact force.

"She got recruited by a group in Los Angeles, who were sponsoring a street race we were brought into. Whoever they were, they wanted her on board, and I came along, because they needed a second driver. This sort of work doesn't attract much attention, for good reason. Safe to say, that didn't happen." Ross added, shaking his head.
"All I remember, I tried to stop one of the GMCs going into her. I crashed into one, side-on and T-boned my Focus. I passed out and woke up in a smashed up car, crawled out, and tried to call for an ambulance. But not before...well, a couple of suited guys, they kicked me over and knocked me out. Left me to die" Ross said, sharp and distinct in his words with what he saw as he tried to remember.
"One guy had an accent, Hispanic, I can't remember. But they were well dressed. Like not Cartel boys, they were serious motherfuckers." Ross added, sitting up, his ribs hurting as he did, feeling like he was dragging his body more than moving it.

"How is she? I got told she's stable but apart from that...I don't know anything specific."
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