Jacob Stacera.
Famous Musician and Record Producer.
Nicknames: The golden heart or Mr. Good Guy/Boy
Biography: Jacob Stacera was born to two very hard working loving parents who made sure that he had everything that he ever wanted. His next door neighbor was a young girl around his own age named Adriana who he befriended. The two were very close becoming best friends rather quickly. This friendship lasted through elementary all the way up to high school. After catching a lucky break his band was signed and within the year was one of the best-selling bands in the world. Jacob left the city and changed his name to Jack which is what he'd used through his childhood anyway.
Jack Stacera is a young man who loves to hear about how handsome he was but is not cocky about it. He knows he's handsome and helps people who are in need at a request if he see's someone picking on someone else he helps out as soon as he sees it. Jack is six foot six and is two hundred and thirty pounds with golden hair and baby blue eyes and has worked out since he was a child.
History: Jack was a child model for a band called "The Majestic Seven" and the modeling business went on after until he was eleven. Jack is in a group his great, great, great grandfather created it is called the Lima Deion he has made it a group that helps talented kids get into places they need to be in. Jack still rarely does modeling showed though as well as being a co-vocalist in the famous band called Lords of captivating hearts which consists of his best friend Robert Gaffinger as co-lead vocalist and guitarist and Jack as co-lead vocalist and bassist.