Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia was happy to learn that Welkins was in two of her classes. She flashed him that same grin she had earlier in the day, and finished her second cup of tea. She got up, taking the tea things with her back to the kitchen, and walked with Welkins to the door. He thanked her and said he was excited for class tomorrow. "I'll be looking forward to it!" she said in response, closing the door afterward. Once the door was closed, she moved so her back was against the wood. She breathed out, feeling giddy. She wanted to get to bed as soon as she could, wanting it to be the next day already.

With that thought in mind, she cleaned up the dishes and went to the bathroom to have a bubble bath in her big soaker tub. She relaxed in the deep water for a while and then put her pjs on, getting into bed and quickly falling asleep.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once Reia had closed the door behind him, Welkins ran back to his house. He grabbed some pj's and ran into the bathroom, turning on the water for a shower. The excitement was taking over and he couldn't wait for the next day. All he could think about was Reia and how he wanted to take her around the town and introduce her to everyone. The moment he thought of that he frowned for a bit. "I hope Isara won't be rude. Since I'm hanging out with another girl and all." He said out loud to himself. Whatever. If she was rude he would just stick up for Reia and hope taht eventually they would be friends.

After his shower, Welkins put on his pj's and started a fire to warm the windmill up a bit. It would only warm up his room, the bathroom and the kitchen/living room, but he wasn't going out star gazing tonight so it didn't matter much. Once everything was done and he was all cleaned up, Welkins laid down in bed and tried to get some sleep.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia woke up early enough to make herself some breakfast. She made toast with cheese and yogurt on the side along with a grapefruit and a glass of water. She ate quietly, thinking about how the day might go. She was excited to see Welkins again, hoping he would introduce more people to her so she could make a few more friends. She wasn't really shy, but she also wasn't extremely outgoing, which was perfectly fine with her.

She went into her bedroom and decided on an outfit to wear. It consisted of a blush colored blazer with a white lace top that she tucked into a pair of navy blue shorts. She decided on a pair of navy blue flats to go with it, and grabbed her book bag, placing everything she might need for the day inside, including her daggers. Finally she was out the door, crossing the little bridge over the stream to head into town.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins was up before the sun was and started to get ready for his day. He laid out his uniform and walked in to start the toaster. A bagel with cream cheese this morning for breakfast. The fire from the night before was still going, but was very low. Welkins went ahead put it out before getting dressed in his uniform. He couldn't wait to see Reia today, so he got all his stuff together and started his morning rounds through town. The rifle was slung across his back and both sabers at his sides. Today was going to be a good day. He though as we made it to the center of town.

"Nothing out of the ordinary today." Welkins muttered to himself as as he started to make his way to the guild building. "Guess I better get ready for class and report in."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eventually after a while, Reia made it to the guild building. First she had history, but since it was the first day she figured the class wouldn't take too long, or at least that not much would be going on. Usually it was just an overview of what they would learn over the course of the year. Reia made her way to class, paying attention and writing notes when she felt it was good to do so. She just wanted it to be the next class already. She hoped that there was a seat near Welkins, since he was the only one she knew.

Once History ended, Reia went to the next class, which was weaponry. She stood in the doorway slightly, waiting to see where people would sit. There wasn't a seating arrangement for any class, but knew that people who were friends would sit together. Once Welkins walked into the room, Reia sort of followed him to his seat, waiting to see if anyone would sit beside him. "There you are!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Strategy class seemed to go on forever. At least that how it felt to Welkins. He already knew everything that the teacher was going over. His father had showed him all this before, but he knew he had to take it. Once the classwas over though, he rushed to Weaponry. He knew Reia was going to be there and couldn't wait to see her. Once he entered he sat down close to the window and saved the seat next to him for her. Reia came up to him and greeted him. "Hi! Yes here I am and there you are." He smiled and laughed at his dumb joke. Before she could sit down, Welkins got up and pulled the chair out for her, then pushed it back in and sat down next to her. "This is my favorite class. The first day is kinda boring but after today we get to use our weapons a lot and fight each other. I have the record for the longest distance shot with my rifle. It's all thanks to this." He pointed to his glass eye piece.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia grinned when Welkins saved her a seat next to his, which was close to the window. "Hi! Yes here I am and there you are," he said to her. She laughed softly and listened to him talk about the class. He said it was his favorite. "This is my favorite class. The first day is kinda boring but after today we get to use our weapons a lot and fight each other. I have the record for the longest distance shot with my rifle. It's all thanks to this."

She looked at his eye piece again and decided to ask about it, "Does it help you see? Or is it mostly just useful for when you are using your weapon?" Reia was a curious person, loving to learn and experience new and exciting things. She looked up at him, watching his face while she waited for his response. She was barely paying any attention to the instructor, if she was honest, but wrote down a few key words she heard. She was pretty decent with her daggers. She could fight if she needed, but it wasn't in her top hobby list, that was for sure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins smiled at the question, but wasn't sure how to answer. "I don't really like to talk about it, but in a way yeah it helps me see better. It's helps a lot when I'm aiming too." He hoped that that was enough for now since it wasn't a topic he liked to get into. His eye wasn't deformed or anything, but it still made him uneasy to talk about. Noticing that Reia wasn't really paying attention to the instructor made him smile again. "Nothing he says right now is that important. If it is I can tell you about it later." He kept smiling and then winked at her. "I can't wait to show you around the town. This place is fantastic if you want it to be."

"Welkins!" The instructor called out in a deep raspy voice. "You may already know everything in this class, but that doesn't mean the rest of us do. Pay attention or shut up." Welkins lowered his head in apology. "Yes sir. Sorry sir." The instructor went back to talking about different weapons and what not. "Looks like we've been busted." He grinned and giggled a little under his breath.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Looks like we've been busted," Welkins said to Reia, and she held back her laughter. She cleared her throat, coughing slightly. "I guess we better pay attention..." she whispered. She really wanted to do well here, she was lucky she was accepted to the guild as it was. It was harder to get into places like SPA though, since it was a much bigger, more intense guild. Quietly Reia wrote in her notepad, though the note didn't have anything to do with the class.

"Once we have free period, we should hangout? I'm not sure how long it'll take us to see the town, but I would love your company..."

She pushed the note over to Welkins, giving him a gentle side glance and she pushed her long hair behind her ears to reveal that they were elongated and pointed at the top. Her jaw line was sharp as well, everything about her looking almost streamlined. She was happy to be a moon elf, and even though this breed of elf was a bit more rare, it just made her all that much more special.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins saw the note that Reia past to him and smiled. He though it was pretty cute that she was writing him a note in the middle of class. On it she had asked him if he wanted to hang out with him for a bit in the free period and wanted his company. Ge grabbed his pen and started writing back right away. Of course he wanted to hang out with her. It wouldn't take long of him to show her the town, but anything to spend more time with her.

"Of course, I'd love to hang out with you. Since the town is so small it won't take long to see, but I'd like to spend more time with you if that's okay with you."

He finished up writing and passed the note back to her. When he looked back at her he noticed her facial features. She was an elf just like him. That made him laugh a little. He figured he would ask her about it after once they got together again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Of course, I'd love to hang out with you. Since the town is so small it won't take long to see, but I'd like to spend more time with you if that's okay with you." was written on the note that was passed back. She tried to hide her blush, and let her hair fall back around her face like a curtain. She had crushes before, but now she was out of the 'high school' scene, and wondered if it would be different here. She gave her head a shake gently.

She didn't need that type of distraction since she's just starting out here. She did still want to hangout and she was excited despite what she told herself. She wrote back on the note, "Looking forward to it. Meet you outside during free period." She bit the inside of her lip and tried to focus on what was being said, but couldn't. Eventually the period ended, and she headed to Magic user class. This is the class she would learn to use and strengthen her affinity for Spirit. She was excited for that, and wrote notes and drew little sketches in her book while the class continued on. Finally once it ended, she headed immediately outside and waited. She tapped her foot slightly, hoping she wasn't looking too eager.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins took a look st the note. He couldn't wait for his classes to be over. Once Weaponry class was over he quickly ran to his next class. This one was special to only him. His father instructed this one and Welkins didn't really like it to much. The room was his office with only a desk and two chairs where in the room. Gunther Welkin was on the name tag on the desk with a man who looked a little like Welkins but without an eye piece. "Hello father." Welkins said happily. As much he didn't really like having a class by his father, nothing could ruin his day. It was only an hour so it wasn't to bad. "Hello Darion. You seem to be in a good mood today. Has something happened?"

Welkins sat down in the chair closest to the door. "In a matter of fact yes. I made a new friend yesterday and I'm showing her around town after class. Shes from the city." Gunther wasn't really paying attention and only caught bits and pieces of what Welkins said. He wasn't trying to be rude, but he had a lot on his mind today. "That's good son. I have a lot to do today so I won't be your instructor today." Welkins was concerned figuring it was about the attacks from Port Ashmer and decided not to talk about it. Instead he just placed his rifle on his lap and started to clean it.

After the long silent hour with his father, Welkins made his way to the double doors of the guild building and saw Reia waiting for him. She seemed to be there for a while, so he rushed on over. "Sorry that took so long. I had to spend a bit of time with my father before I could leave. You ready to go?" He smiled and held out his arm to her, trying to be as gentlemanly as he could.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After a while, Welkins arrived and spoke to Reia gently. "Sorry that took so long. I had to spend a bit of time with my father before I could leave. You ready to go?" He held his arm out to her, and she looked at it curiously. She wasn't sure whether it would be the best idea to take his arm. She usually associated that with dating. She smiled up at him and took his arm either way, not wanting to be rude at the gesture. "That's alright. I am definitely ready to go!" she said softly. She could feel the warmth of his arm beneath her fingers despite his uniform.

"Where are we going first?" she asked, her eyes on his face since she was holing onto him, trusting he would lead her. She stayed close to his side, her shoes pressing silently against the ground. When she finally looked away from his face and to her surroundings, she blushed, realizing she was staring for much longer than was polite.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins blushed when Reia took his arm. Even though he let it out to her, he wasn't expecting her to actually grab it. He didn't mind though, he liked the feeling of her holding onto him. Before she chould see his face, he quckly turned away wanting to look like he was expecting it the whole time. Welkins was trying to think of where to go first. 'Maybe the main windmill?' He though to himself. Without thinking anymore on the subject, they were off. "We're going to start at the center and work our way out." He smiled as they walked and pointing out little land marks as they went along until they made it to the town center.

"This is the main windmill the powers most of the town." He exclaimed. "I think you remembered it from yesterday, but it's one of our main historical land marks of the town. It's said that the first settlers here wanted a windmill so badly that they made it the center of the town. A few battles were fought over it if you'd believe that. I don't remember to much about those, but it's pretty interesting. Actually the last battle was supposedly the reason why the Order of Galia was founded. Originally to keep peace. You'll probably learn more about it in your history class." He smiled down at her, taking in her features, trying not to stare. He could feel her looking at them as they walked to the windmill, but didn't really think anything by it. Maybe she found him attractive. Who knows, but he didn't want to be rude and ask.

After looking and talking about the windmill for a while he pointed out a little building next to it. "That's the grocery store as you might have figured that out from yesterday as well." He started to laugh a little as Reia turned and looked at him gently. "I'm just teasing you a little. Where would you like to go next? We have the market place and then the outskerts of town. That's mostly just houses and a few farms, but it's still cool to see." They started to walk again slowly with Reia still holding his arm. Even though he was a little used to it by now he still blushed every time he looked at her. A cute girl was holding onto him. Could you believe that? He felt a little giddy, but tried to hid it. Didn't want her to thik he was an odd ball.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"So... Are there any places you especially in love with around here? I'd like to see those, if that was okay?" she asked him curiously. She wanted to see the town from a locals point of view, not from a tour guides point of view, even though she was thankful he even offered to take her anywhere. She knew it wasn't his job to take people to see the town. She really loved her home and the stream and forest that was nearby, but wanted to find some new places she could visit to get away, do yoga, or just to relax.

Reia was the second youngest of her four other siblings; Lysander, Ava, Emerald, and Zayn. Ava was the youngest of them at age 15, and she was one of the sweetest people you could meet. But she was also stubborn. She missed her family a lot. She wished she could share these new experiences with them, but knew that she made this choice for herself. She looked to the ground for a moment, a wave of sadness washing over her for a brief minute. She shook the sadness away and then looked back up at Welkins, waiting to see if he was willing to bring her somewhere more personalized to his likes.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins knew exactly where he wanted to take her, but they would have to wait a few more hours when the sun went down. Not many people cared about it so he wasn't to sure if Reia would like it or not. "Well.." He stammered a bit. "If you want I would love to show you the top of my wind.." Before he could even finished he heard a familiar voice come from behind him. He knew it was going to happen eventually, but he really didn't want it to happen now. "Hey Welks!" The voice of Isara cut through the air and right into Welkins ear as if she was right by her. "What are you up to toda..." She cut herself off the second she saw Reia attached to his arm.'Oh god. Not now.' He thought to himself and closed his eyes, not ready for what was going to happen next.

"Now who the HELL is that tiny girl on your arm!?" Isara said in a shrill voice. They weren't together or anything, but Isara liked to think so. They never even kissed before. Welkins turned around still keeping his arm for Reia. "Hello Isara this is Reia. She's my new friend. I was just showing her around the town since she's new and all." He tried to smile, but couldn't muster up the guts. "Oh so YOU are the new girl huh? Sleeping your way into Welkins heart now are you. Who the hell do you think you are?" Isara got up close to Reia, but not quite in her face. "Welkins I have half a mind to slap you right now. You just met this girl and you already have her clinging to your arm like a lost puppy." She was going a little to far. This must have really pissed her off. "Isara we're just friends. I was trying to be a gentleman to her. I like her I want her to feel right at him here. Please don't make this out to be a big deal." Isara scoffed at Welkins and kept her eyes trained onto Reia. This wasn't going to be good.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia was listening to Welkins begin to explain where he wanted to take her when she heard a high pitched voice behind them. The woman was shrieking about who was holding onto Welkins' arm. Despite the fact that this woman seemed to be extremely upset, Welkins kept his arm where it was, but Reia pulled her hands away. Was this woman his girlfriend? Why would anyone react that way unless they were an item? Reia was confused for a few moments. Welkins then introduced the woman to be Isara. He didn't smile at all while talking to her, and the backlash from Isara was extreme. "Oh so YOU are the new girl huh? Sleeping your way into Welkins heart now are you. Who the hell do you think you are?"

Reia's defenses were instantly alert, and her ice blue eyes stared right at the Isara's. Welkins spoke up before Reia could say anything though, "Isara we're just friends. I was trying to be a gentleman to her. I like her, I want her to feel right at home here. Please don't make this out to be a big deal." Reia's eyebrows furrowed together and by the sound of the response, it was only fair to assume that Welkins are Isara were together. Reia took a couple of steps away from Welkins, and she could feel the burn of Isara's eyes on her face. Reia was normally not the type to be easily offended, but she was ticked off completely by this entire situation. She felt so stupid!

"By the looks of it, the only one sleeping their way to anyone's hearts, is you. We are just friends, so don't get your stupid fucking panties in a knot, you dumb bitch. Maybe you should take a look at yourself and see what's making you so self conscious that you can't even trust your boyfriend." Reia's voice was crisp and her words short. There was no way that she was letting this woman speak to her like that. She didn't even know her. Uhg what a horrible day this was beginning to be.

Without hesitation, Reia turned and began to walk away from Welkins and Isara, heading towards her home on the outskirts of the city. Despite being small, she could walk quickly, and she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket, her fingers curling into fists. She felt so ridiculous, thinking that this boy liked her. He obviously had bad intentions, and she wished she could have sensed it from him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It all happened so fast. One moment Reia was holding onto Welkins' arm. Then the next her and Isara were having a yelling match. He was stunned at what both were saying. Isara was pissed and Welkins just couldn't understand why. They weren't a couple at all, not even close to one. So what was Isara so pissed about? Reia started to talk back and she brought up that Welkins was Isara's boyfriend. That took both of them by surprise. "She's not my.." Before he could speak more, Reia was stalking off. 'No no no why is this happening?' His mind was running wild at this point. Before he could react Isara went after Reia. "How dare you talk to me that you you sleazy little bitch?!" She caught up to Reia and turned her around as if to smack her. That was what she was going to do and Welkins had to stop it. Reia was his friend and no one was going to hurt her.

With lightning speed, Welkins pushed Reia out of the way before Isara could hit her. The hand came right down on his left cheek and made a loud smack. The sound echoed through the town and everyone was watching at this point. The force behind Isara's hand was great. So great that his glass eye piece flue off his face and shattered on contact with the ground. There was a gasp. Isara had just realized what she had done and didn't know what to do. "Welkins I.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." She pleaded with him as he was still looking down after the smack. He couldn't see a thing out of his right eye. He didn't want to look up because if he did, everyone would see the scares on his face around the eye. "Isara it's time for you to leave." Welkins said frankly and sternly. Isara was still trying to apologize to him, but Welkins wasn't having it. He had never hit a woman before and he wasn't going to start now no matter how angry he was. "Welkins please.." She kept going. "Isara." He cut her off his voice gone low. "You are my friend and only that. I don't know why you are acting like a child right now, but I'm telling you to leave now."

There was force behind his words and that scared Isara a bit. Without saying anything else to him or Reia, she left swiftly. Before anything else, Welkins grabbed a cloth from his uniform and tied it around his eye. After securing it, he looked over at Reia. No smile just a faint tier in his left eye. "I'm really sorry about her I honestly have no idea what has gotten into her. I'm sorry to ruin your day Reia." He said softly to her hoping she wasn't angry at him too. "Would you please help me back to my house. It's a little hard to see with just one eye." He smiled faintly then looked down. "I hope you can forgive me for all this." He picked up the broken pieces to his eye piece and stuffed them into a side pocket.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia has began to storm off when she heard Isara's voice demean her again, and suddenly she was being turned around. Isara's grip was firm around Reia's thin arm, and she braced herself as she saw Isara's hand coming down toward her face. Reia closed her eyes and then she was pushed to the ground and out of the way of Isara's oncoming assault. Welkins had shoved her out of the way, and took the hit instead. She could hear Isara's hand connecting with the flesh of his cheek, and when she opened her eyes, she saw his eye piece fly off and onto the ground, smashing.

Isara gasped and began to plead and apologize immediately to Welkins. But he wasn't having any of it. He told her to leave more than once, and by the second time Reia could tell that Isara was kind of afraid of his voice. She disappeared and Reia looked to Welkins, the humiliation she felt just moments before intensifying, but she wanted to make sure that he was okay. She got up and brushed her leggings off before moving to his side. He was looking at the ground, and apologized for ruining her day. He then asked her to help him back to his house. She simply nodded and slid her hand into his to help guide him. Her adrenaline was still pumping and she really didn't understand Isara's reaction. Welkins had said to Isara that they were friends and nothing more, but she figured maybe Isara thought otherwise.

Finally they made it to Welkins windmill home and she pushed the door open for him, letting him go inside first. "Okay, we made it," was all she managed to say.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins saw what Reia nod her head in agreement. She took his hand and helped him back to the house. He held her hand tightly so he knew that she was still there. It was hard for him to only see with one eye. Not that he wasn't used to it by now, but still hard all the same. After a few minutes of walking, the two finally made it to the house. Reia opened the door and let Welkins in first. "Okay, we made it." She said softly. He could tell that she was still stung up from the confentation. "Thank you for helping me. You're welcome to make yourself at home if you'd like to stay."

Welkins took the eye piece out of his pocket and placed it on the table. He looked over at Reia slightly then smiled gently. "I hope your oppinion of me hasn't changed. I'm sorry I got your clothes dirty. I didn't want you to get hurt. I'd rather take the slap then you." He looked right at her and smiled. The white cloth covered most of his face.
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