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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Thank you for helping me. You're welcome to make yourself at home if you'd like to stay. I hope your opinion of me hasn't changed. I'm sorry I got your clothes dirty. I didn't want you to get hurt. I'd rather take the slap then you." Welkins spoke softly to Reia, placing the eyepiece on the table. The cloth he used to cover his eyes, took up most of the space on his face, and Reia was extremely curious. She almost wanted to remove the cloth to get a better look, but knew that would be rude.

"Are you okay? You didn't need to do that. You barely even know me," she said, her tone even. She was finally beginning to calm down, her hands which she didn't notice were shaking before, were finally stopping. Her stomach was still tight from the encounter with Isara. She felt bad that Welkins was hurt, and was curious if she could help him at all with anything else. "What was it you were wanting to show me?" she asked finally, still curious about that as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins blushed at Reia's words, this time he couldn't hide it. "Well I knew we just met, but I really liked you." He gulped a little not really sure why he was telling her this. "I really enjoy spending time with you and if I'm honest with you. I have had more fun today than I have in a while. Yeah we just met, but I feel like I can trust you." This time he finally looked away and blushed beet red. "I also think you're incredably cute." his voice hardly louder than a whisper. There was a silence and for a minute there he wasn't sure what she was going to say to him.

"Well what I was going to ask you." He changed the subject quickly. "Was if you wanted to. I would really like to show you the stars from the to of my windmill. That's my favorite place." He looked back at Reia and smiled. He could feel her eyes on the cloth. There was no getting around it. She wanted to know what he was hiding and Welkins wan't great at keeping secrets. Especially not from cute girls. He sighed then came closer to her. "I know you want to know." He said softly. "Just.. don't freak out." He took of the cloth covering his eye. When he did his hair fell forward and kept it covered for him. His eye was all scared up and completely ugly. It was frightening to most people and no one ever talked about it. After taking off the cloth he dropped it to the ground and waited, looking at the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia waited until Welkins finished speaking, and he took the cloth off his eye. His hair fell in the way of his eye and she reached out and pushed the hair away. She lifted his chin up so he could look right at her. He was still handsome despite the scars and she grinned up at him. "I think it makes you unique. And you don't have to tell me what happened," she said softly, her cheeks pink. What people failed to notice about her was that her skin was slightly blue tinged. So when she blushed or smiled, the pink tone was quite obvious.

"And for the record, I'd love to stargaze with you."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins looked Reia in the eyes as she pushed away his hair. Regardless of not having the cloth on he could still only see out of his left eye. When he looked at her all he could see was her blush and how beautiful she was. He had the strange urge to lean forward and kiss her, but decided against it.

Welkins had never felt that way about anyone before and it was odd that he felt like that to someone he only knew for a day. 'Lets just get to know her first Welkins.' He thought to himself. Reia said that she would love to stargaze with him tonight and that made him happy. "Well then come around 10 tonight. Unless you'd like to stay while I fix my eyepiece." He smiled at her then looked over at the table where his broken eyepiece was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia noticed Welkins seemed to be staring at her, and her eyebrows lifted slightly, wondering if something was wrong. "Everything alright?" she asked him, but he told her to come back around 10pm, unless she wanted to stay while he fixed his eye piece. She thought about this for a few minutes. Should she stay? She knew she would have to have dinner, and assumed he was probably not a vegetarian. Maybe she'd go home and make dinner there, and bring him some? There were lots of options.

She shifted her gaze to his eyepiece on the table, and then made a decision. "Ill be back at ten then," she smiled softly. She showed herself to the door and waved at Welkins before leaving. Since they lived close together, it didn't take too long for Reia to get home. Once inside she immediately went into her bedroom and grabbed a change of clothes, since hers were now dirty from being pushed over. She decided on something that was a little more revealing, but she felt she could get away with clothing like that because of how small she was. Everything from her height to her breast size, even her feet were small. But she enjoyed being tiny. It gave people a run for their money sometimes. Finally after deciding on her outfit, she went into her bathroom and started up the shower. Despite the fact that the adrenaline was gone at this point, she still felt slightly sick to her stomach. She stepped into the shower and let herself cry. She relieved stress best that way if she didn't want to do yoga. Today has been crazy. She frowned at the fact she already had what seemed to be an enemy. Once she finished up in the shower, she dried off and got dressed, then did her hair. She decided on curls with the top bit pulled back.

Reia felt like her range of clothing styles varied a lot. She had clothes that were lazy, sexy, casual, cute, or sophisticated. She loved to find new outfits and try new things out. She moved quietly, putting the dirty clothes in the hamper and then heading out to the kitchen. She began to prepare dinner for herself, which consisted of tofu tacos and quinoa. Once it was done, she nibbled at it, glancing at the clock for a moment. She still had enough time for a glass of wine. She poured some red wine into a glass and sipped at it gently, the liquid tasting smooth and warm against her throat. Once she finished the wine and her dinner, she washed the dishes, put them away and checked over her home. She always tried to keep a mental note of how things were when she left, just in case something bad happened. She figured everything would be fine, so left her daggers by the door and locked it behind her, heading over to Welkins' place. She arrived at exactly 10 pm, knocking on the door three times. The night was clear and the air was nice and cool against her skin, but not cold.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia had left and Welkens sighed. He didn't really want her to leave, but was also a little happy she did. He needed to fix his eyepiece and didn't really want anyone to know that he could use magic. "See you soon.." He whispered to himself after Reia left and started to work on his eyepiece. He pulled out a new slab of glass and placed it on top of the outline. Once in place and the glass was cut, Welkins put it on to see if it was all right. "Okay time for the easy part." He closed the blinds over the windows and started to chant over the eyepiece.

After a few minutes of chanting, the eyepiece was finished. Welkins smiled at his handy work and tailored it to his face. He laughed to himself a bit then started to make dinner. He turned the oven on and left to get some new clothes laid out for when he took a shower. The oven dinged and Welkins placed some biscuits in then turned the timer on for 15 minutes. While waiting he quickly took a shower and thought about how the day was. Isara was very rude to Reia and it really pissed him off. Oh well Reia seemed to be able to stick up for herself. He quickly washed up and turned the water off. Right as he did, the oven went off. Welkins grabbed a towel and got the biscuits out then turned the oven off. While waiting for them to cool off he changed into his new clothes. They were fresh and looked really good. A blue shirt with some jeans. Now all he had to do was wait for Reia to come over again. He went over and unlocked the door so she could just walk on in when she got here. Instead, he heard three knocks on the door.

He got up and opened the door for Reia, giving her a big smile and took her hand. "Come It's better when you get to se the sunset first." The two of them made it up to the top of the windmill and started looking out. The sun was just about to clear the horizon and the night was rapadly creeping up. Welkins brought the biscuits with him and started to eat them and offered them to Reia to.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins took Reia's hand and spoke to her, "Come. It's better when you get to see the sunset first." She looked down to their hands curiously and then to his face. He had his eyepiece back on and he was looking out over the horizon. He offered her a biscuit and she shook her head gently in response. "No thank you. I ate dinner already." She was tempted to pull her hand out of his, and knew in any situation that this scene would be like one out of a movie; romantic and sweet. Despite her better judgement, she left her hand in his. She was curious though still about Isara.

"So, what really is your relationship with Isara? I realize you told her you two are nothing but friends, but obviously something has made her think otherwise..." she said evenly, her tone a mixture of curious and unsure. She turned her attention to the sun, watching as it dipped in behind the mountains, a glorious display of pinks and oranges blazing across the sky. She smiled slightly, knowing that this was probably one of the main reasons Welkins lived in this home.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins kept eating the biscuits thinking about how to respond to Reia's question. "I don't know why she reacted that way and I was serious about us only being friends. We hang out all the time so maybe she was just mad about me paying more attention to you." He honestly didn't know what to say. He never had a girlfriend before. It surprised him that Isara would think that they were together. "I promise you that there's nothing between us. And if I'm completely honest with you, I think you are much kinder than her." He looked over at Reia and smiled gently, realizing he was still holder her hand. "Oh.. I'm sorry." He let go and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

The sun was fully down now and the stars started to shine. The was beautiful and romantic. The best thing about living in an windmill. "I love this view. It's one of the best things about living in Galia. I hope you like it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins kept eating the biscuits thinking about how to respond to Reia's question. "I don't know why she reacted that way and I was serious about us only being friends. We hang out all the time so maybe she was just mad about me paying more attention to you." He honestly didn't know what to say. He never had a girlfriend before. It surprised him that Isara would think that they were together. "I promise you that there's nothing between us. And if I'm completely honest with you, I think you are much kinder than her." He looked over at Reia and smiled gently, realizing he was still holder her hand. "Oh.. I'm sorry." He let go and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

The sun was fully down now and the stars started to shine. The was beautiful and romantic. The best thing about living in an windmill. "I love this view. It's one of the best things about living in Galia. I hope you like it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I don't know why she reacted that way and I was serious about us only being friends. We hang out all the time so maybe she was just mad about me paying more attention to you. I promise you that there's nothing between us. And if I'm completely honest with you, I think you are much kinder than her." Welkins tugged his hand away from Reia's suddenly, apologizing to her. She looked at him gently and considered his words. "I love this view. It's one of the best things about living in Galia. I hope you like it."

"Well maybe you should talk to her... If she's a good friend it's the least that should be done. Don't you think?" she asked, her blue eyes cool against her raven black hair. She pushed a few strands away from her face, and looked back out toward the sky. "I'm not that nice... And yes, this place is beautiful," she murmured. "I really do think I'll like it here, even if i have an enemy already..." she frowned a little and looked down, sighing softly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins sat and thought about Reia's words. He was going to talk to Isara because he wanted to know what was wrong that made her act like that. She also was his friend so he wasn't going to be mad at her for long. "I will. She's my friend so I'll forgive her." He spoke gently and laid down. "I'm glad you moved here though. I know we just met but I feel like I can talk to you." He looked over and could only see the outline of Reia. Even in the dark she was still stunning. "Oh and for the record, I think you're very nice." Even though she probably couldn't see him, Welkins still smiled at her. It was going to be a better day tomorrow, he could feel it. Most of the time his gut feelings were on point.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia watched as Welkins moved and laid down, and she could feel his gaze on her form. She thought for a moment about what he said, that he would forgive Isara, but Reia felt like Isara wouldn't be too happy about this for a long while after. She obviously felt as though Reia was overstepping a boundary. Quietly she moved over to where Welkins was laying down. She sat near his feet and crossing her legs beneath her, spoke gently. "Sure you will forgive her, but will she let it go? I don't think I really want to run into her again..." she said the last bit of the sentence as a statement, and mostly to herself. She knew though that if Isara and Welkins were as good of friends as he said they were, she would be around her again, and she knew she would have to be the bigger person.

She looked over to Welkins softly, her eyes taking in his features again. She wondered faintly for a moment what time it was, and looked at her phone. It was already midnight, and she had class tomorrow. She sighed, knowing she should get home to bed soon. "It's getting kind of late..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins could feel Reia by his feet and smiled. "I'm sure she'll get over it. It'll just take her some time to get to know you. I promise she's not all that bad, but then again I've never seen her act like this before." He looked up at the stars then the time when she said that it was getting late. He didn't really think about it that much sence he does well in all his classes. Understanding that Reia just started and that he was pretty sure she wanted to do well too. "Would you like me to walk you home then?" Welkins sat up and could see Reia clear as day. Being a wood elf had its perks. His low light vision was pretty good when people where up close. The eyepiece helped with that too.

Welkins didn't notice how close he actually was to Reia until he realized how well he could see her. Her face was inches away from his. Her skin glissened in the moonlight and her eyes were beautiful. "I.. I'm sorry.." He said even though he didn't move. He couldn't, he was to stunned by her to move at all. It was almost as if she had put a spell on him or something. Even though that could't be possible. At least he hoped it wasn't. 'What's wrong with me.' he though to himself 'Why can't I move.'
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia watched as Welkins sat up, offering to walk her home. He was extremely close to her, their faces inches away. "I... I'm sorry.." he said, but didn't move. Her brow furrowed slightly. She could feel the tension between them, and was confused as to why he was even apologizing. He hadn't done anything wrong, or anything to make her uncomfortable. She smiled softly and brought a hand up, taking his chin between her index finger and thumb. She turned his head so the moonlight caught his features in shadow and light. Her smile was genuine and soft, "I'd like if you walked me home."

She dropped her hand back into her lap and then stood up. She put her phone back into her pocket and waited for Welkins to lead the way outside, not wanting to intrude on his home. She brushed her hair away from her face again, it having moved against her cheeks when she stood up. Despite how minimal clothing she wore, it was still a reasonable temperature outside, so she wasn't cold at all. The ruffles of her shorts moved as she walked, and they made their way outside into the dark. She could see clear as if the sun were up, being a moon elf. Her pupils shifted from round to two slits, similar to a cat's eyes, she looked around gently, locating the path from his house towards hers. She waited quietly for Welkins, making sure he was still beside her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins and Reia both made their way down through the house and out the door. He never needed to lock his door before so why now. He followed Reia out the door since she seemed to be able to see more than he could. He really wanted to hold her hand while they were walking, but he thought best not to. So instead he just stayed close to her, feeling her aura was good enough for him right now. It was dark, but he knew Galia well enough to be able to tell where he was going. "I hope you had good night with me." He looked over at her and smiled as she lead the way back to her house.

Even though it was a rough start Welkins could tell that he and Reia would get really close. He could already tell that his feelings for her were going to grow quick. He just wished that he knew what she thought about him. At this point he couldn't take it anymore and gently grabbed her hand. 'What are you doing??' His mind was racing not really sure why he did though. It was to late now he'd already taken her hand. She didn't seem to be fazed by it though so that could have been good. Though they just met he felt he had to say what he was feeling. Even if that meant that she wouldn't talk to him anymore.

"Reia I need to tell you something." He stopped. They were about halfway between her house and his. "I know we just met, but I think I've already started developing feelings for you. I know we don't know much about each other and I'm aware that it sounds crazy, but I just wanted to tell you. I Understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore, but for some reason I feel I can't keep anything from you." Welkins looked away and felt his cheeks go beat read. 'Now you've done it Welkins. You spilled the beans after one day. You've known the girl one day!' His mind was now racing faster his head started to hurt. 'Shut up me.' He thought trying to get his thoughts in order.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins reached down and grabbed Reia's hand. She didn't think much of it, but she stole a quick look at Welkins face. He looked deep in thought. "Reia I need to tell you something. I know we just met, but I think I've already started developing feelings for you. I know we don't know much about each other and I'm aware that it sounds crazy, but I just wanted to tell you. I Understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore, but for some reason I feel I can't keep anything from you." They were half way to her house. She looked at him again, this time her expression blank. Her heart was in her throat and she didn't know how to react right away. She breathed in slow and deep through her nose to try and calm herself down.

"I..." she started speaking, unsure though how to continue. She could tell there was a spark. She felt it right away, but she didn't want to be distracted from her schooling this quickly. Swiftly she tried to sort her emotions and feelings out. She did think he was very cute, he was an elf as well, and he seemed extremely nice. What was she gonna do? "I don't know if I should be distracting myself from my studies..." she finally said, "I just started..." her sentence trailed off again. She looked at Welkins again more closely, her hand was still in his and she didn't want to let it go. She wondered what would happen if she started seeing him. The worst that could really happen is she could get hurt, and her grades could suffer.

Reia chewed on the inside of her lip and then came to a conclusion. She took a step closer to him, standing almost right up against him. She knew that this life was new and she wanted to make the best of it. She wanted to keep every door open. "How about this... You take me on a date. And then we can see how it goes...?" Her eyes met his and they shone in the moonlight brightly, her pupils still slit and black, the blue more obvious this way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins didn't want to stop looking at Reia. She was so cute and her eyes were captivating. "I don't want to distract you in anyway and I can help you with anything you need when it comes to classes. I've taken just about everything the guild has to offer." He wasn't kidding either. All the classes were easy to him that's why his father was teaching him more. What he wasn't expecting is what she said to him next.

"How about this... You take me on a date. And then we can see how it goes...?" That took Welkins by surprise and he almost staggered when she said it. "I.. I would love to take you out." He said shakily. "I won't disappoint you." He looked at her and smiled. Her hand was warm in his and even though it was a little smaller than his, it still felt like it fit perfectly. He looked at their hands and shifted so that they were linked together. Still smiling they started to make their way back to Reia's house. After a few minutes and a slow paced walk they finally made it to her front door. Welkins looked at Reia and thought about kissing her again. This time he did, but leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you for the wonderful night. I really enjoyed our time together. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." He smiled at her and stayed looking at her gently taking in all of her features.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia waited for Welkins' response, and he agreed to taking her out. She smiled softly as he shifted so their fingers were linked together. Once they arrived at her house, Welkins leaned forward and kissed Reia on the cheek. Suddenly, she could feel a pair of eyes on her back, and she turned to look over her shoulder quietly. Her smile faded as she gazed out into the houses and area behind her. She could feel other people in the houses and the general area, so was unable to pinpoint exactly who or what was looking at her, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Her eyes narrowed, and she breathed in slowly, shivering at the feeling of being watched. She shook the feeling off and then looked up at Welkins.

"Thank you for the wonderful night. I really enjoyed our time together. I can't wait to see you tomorrow," he said, looking down at her. She smiled softly again up at him, then leaned up onto her tip toes, giving him a small peck on the lips. "It was my pleasure," she said, turning to unlock her front door. Her hands were shaking just slightly, and she tried to rush a little, hoping Welkins wouldn't notice. She hoped that whatever it was that laid eyes on her, was just an animal from the woods, and not anything that would want to willingly hurt them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welkins closed his eyes when Reia gave him a peck on the lips. He felt a small shot of warmth travel through him and he instantly wanted to kiss her again. When he opened is eyes Reia was unlocking her door. He could tell something was a little off, but couldn't quite put him fingure on what. Maybe she was still shaken up from today. It was a bit of a shit show with Isara and could completely understand if that was the reason. He decided not to press it. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He waited for her to turn around again after the door was unlocked and smiled gently at her. "Have a wonderful sleep and sweet dreams." He looked at her then took her hand and kissed it. After that he started to Make his way back to his place.

Welkins' mind was all over the place and he didn't really know how to react to what had just happened with Reia. "Why on earth would I say that? It turned out okay, but I took a major gamble. What had gotten into me? I never to that." Whatever the case was he was happy that it turned out okay. After the short walk home Welkins decided to take another shower just to cool off. A lot had happened today and the last few hours. "What is this feeling?" His stomach had been hurting ever since he had left Reia's. He had never felt this way about anyone before and it was really strange. It this point in time Welkins was way to tired to think about it, so he shrugged it off and got out of the shower. Once all dry he got the fire going and hopped into the bed. "I wonder what tomorrow holds?" He thought to himself then passed out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Reia waved goodbye to Welkins and then went into her house, locking the door snugly behind her. She looked at the daggers which were on the table beside the door, and grabbed them. She felt really anxious, her senses heightened by the entire days encounters. She went and closed all the curtains and made her way to her bedroom. She shut and locked the door there as well, and placed her daggers on her bedside table. She didn't want to take a risk tonight. In a way she felt she was being overly paranoid, but something was just weird. Her cat like eyes shifted back to normal once she was in her room, and after pulling the duvet back and fixing the pillows, she changed into some pjs. She yawned softly and curled up in bed, falling asleep quickly.

Groaning many hours later, Reia was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock. She yawned and stretched out in her bed slightly before sitting up and looking around. Everything was still in place and seemed perfectly normal. She got dressed into a casual outfit, and grabbed her daggers, packing them into her bag along with her books. She was feeling off still, and decided she would figure out how to feel once she got to school and saw Welkins. Maybe he had a date planned already. That would be exciting. She smiled softly, fixing her hair into a simple messy bun. Finally she grabbed a quick bite and left the house, moving swiftly along the stream towards the guild building. She kept a hand on her bag the entire way there, just in case, but nothing happened.
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