Greetings and salutations, mortals. Posting here to show you im real. Ive RP'ed in play-by-post, video games, and personal writing for about a decade now. Tolkien, Salvatore, Rowling, Lucas, and everything in between. I generally dont RP with writers that arent up to a certain standard...all the while being overwhelmingly average in my own writing skill. *winks with both eyes* The type of judgemental hypocrisy that you pick up from a hard life on the streets...of the rural Midwest. Im a melting pot of interests. Computers, video games, sports, reading, etc. I build trucks for a living and nerd it up behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes of normal folk. Self proclaimed weirdo that can chat about almost anything. Except anime. (My knowledge stops at Dragonball Z which doesnt count, according to the experts, and the Blue Exorcist show on Netflix doesnt have any more episodes so here we are.) Im one of the nicest assholes you will ever meet and thus enjoy a clever insult directed my way from time to time. It helps remind me that my rhymes are weak. TLDR: Dogs>Cats. Cornell>Staley>Vedder>Cobain
Looking forward to RP'ing with everyone!
Looking forward to RP'ing with everyone!