Nexus nodded almost immediately. "Passionate emotions all work the same way, changing how Ki flows, in a variety of ways. The less passionate, the gloomy, the darker feelings that we get, do something else. While it is impossible to reduce the overall might of a soul without access to the void, it can be dampened, disoriented, and shaken by things like sadness, hopelessness, and heartbreak. But, there is a center to it, a point where emotions lose their chaotic effect on our Ki. Peace. It's not a state of mind, it's the lack thereof. Normally, our Ki expands and contracts randomly within our bodies, changing in size and power based on how we think. But with proper training, a person can fix their Ki to their bodies, sealing it in a stasis and perfect balance, where energy can be output indefinitely. In this state of perfect concentration, you acknowledge your soul for what it is." Nexus explained thoroughly. He paused and chuckled. "Unity with Ki, it's almost like a fourth state of energy, outside of reality. Much like Meta energy. It can shape the other energies perfectly, but it is limited, and can only be created by our conscious decision to do so, through meditation, and way of life. The way we speak, the way we act, and the way we live. Peace is an energy we create, and expend, for tranquillity..." Nexus stopped and shook his head. "Jenso couldn't grasp it. He's too reckless, too brash. He holds a different kind of power. I was foolish to think he could harness it. But you seem somewhat different." Nexus pointed towards his hand.
"If you wish to turn yourself away from impulse, then you must tame those feelings. Readily accept them as your own, but rather than letting them use you, or using them, then you must not destroy this wall you've created over the years. You must create a door, and visit the realm within yourself that you've feared so long, regularly enough that the wall no longer serves a purpose." Nexus paused, and then sighed. "I am not a very good teacher, as should be obvious with Jenso's experience. I've always been more of a... Story teller."