Equestria was a land of peace.
Invasions of changelings. Long slumbering conquerors. Relics of untold and heinous power. The cruel humor of a mad god of chaos. While countless dangers had befallen the magical land of Equestria in the past it was always the honest hearts of the ponies, pegasi, and unicorns that ensured it's prosperity time and time again.
One such unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, had begun experimentation on a new form of teleportation spell. It was during a bright and sunny morning that her eagerness finally outstretched her normally meticulous precautions. During her first proper casting of the spell she made a mistake.
In a flash of blinding, overpowering light Twilight found herself in a strange alien place. Cold, colorless rock seemed to cover every inch of the ground around her as constructs of glass and steel stretched into the sky above her head. It was only after casting her spell for the first time did Twilight realize it didn't simply take her to another location, but another realm entirely.
Within moments of arrival she spotted the residents of the world. Strange creatures unlike the ponies she was used to seeing. Though she wished to return home without incident her curiosity got the better of her.
After a series of long panicked misunderstandings regarding her nature Twilight was able to return home, having started a dialogue between Equestria and the strange new world of “Earth”. For a time everypony in Equestria was abuzz with talk of the new world, the new race, and the wondrous potentials that seemed to await them.
The creatures who lived on the new world, ‘Humans”, had a lot to offer. While they were ignorant and incapable in all things magic they had a wondrous grasp over the non-magical manipulation of the world around them. Trade was incredibly enticing to the humans and had the potential to be immensely lucrative for the Equestrians.
The first exchange was simple. Basic magic spell books in exchange for human science and physics textbooks. It seemed like a harmless, almost childish trade. Like students trading reading material between classes. Though Unicorn magic was largely useless to the humans, the spell books still acted as an introduction to an art long since dead and buried on Earth.
Just the mere possibilities the books presented were enough to ignite something in the humans.
Something dangerous.
It wasn’t long before human researchers managed to extrapolate the means of harnessing magic for themselves and a glorified magics arms race exploded between opposing human groups. Basic magical knowledge was used to engineer grotesque weapons that immediately made mankind’s previous arsenal of mass destruction utterly obsolete.
The Equestrians were left gaping in shock as the Humans twisted basic, almost mundane magic into horrifying engines of doom.
Plans were quickly made by the Equestrians to intervene. To warn the humans and do everything in their power to dissuade them from abusing magic any further before it was-
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Tensions boiled over and with weapon and ritual in hand the humans rent the world asunder.
The Earth shuttered as it was smashed by the ungodly might being unleashed. In the blink of an eye countless people died. Cities, entire chunks of landmass vanished as fire, light, and freezing cold splintered through the sky. In a matter of minutes all of human civilization, from governments and organizations, to the very law itself crumbled into nothingness as chaos swept over the land.
Though the violence ended quickly the deaths did not. The simultaneous use of so much destructive magic spread an unstable residue energy across the entire Earth. At first it seemed to do nothing. Then after a few days it began to effect the adult humans in ghastly ways. Millions began to die from mass organ failure. Those who didn't die lost themselves as were gradually warped and twisted into horrific monstrosities.
Younger adolescent humans were seemingly unaffected by the energy, but many found themselves alone as their parents died or tried to claim their lives in fits of inhuman madness.
By the time Equestria stepped in to give aid the entire adult population of the Earth had either been killed through fighting and illness, or rendered inhuman by the aftermath of their own weapons. They arrived to a smashed world filled with nothing but monsters and frightened, confused children and teens.
Equestria was confronted with an utter nightmare and began to devote a great deal of resources to resolving the crisis.
They formed an ‘army’ of sorts made up of guards to establish order, volunteers to treat and care for the massive amounts of young human survivors, and brave individuals tasked with getting rid of the remaining magical weapons both living and inert made by the humans.
It was difficult, dangerous, threatening work but the Equestrians achieved great success for their efforts. Yet they were still left with the survivors of a civilization that had no way of leading or rebuilding itself properly.
Countless debates were held and a torrent of concerns were raised. Many felt it wasn't right to expect the traumatized masses of young humans to fend for themselves after what had happened. Some feared that if left to themselves they would simply repeat what they had done, either on themselves or Equestria.
In an atmosphere of uncertainty a solution was presented...
Equestria would take Earth into its territorial domain as a kind of colony. Special facilities called ‘Reform Schools’ would be built on Earth. Here the young humans would be taken and have their memories erased with powerful magic. Freeing them of the burdens and traumas of their pasts. Allowing them to start their lives anew and be re-raised and re-educated under Equestrian values.
The plan concerned and deeply worried some. Yet few could argue with the results. Human children, who days before were left nearly catatonic from grief, were smiling and playing with others. Seeing the pain gone from their eyes made it difficult to object to the plan...
Ten years has passed since then and the world has changed.
The Earth has healed remarkably fast thanks in part to the assistance of the Equestrians. Forests grow, fields rise, and the wilderness has rapidly reclaimed much of the once overpopulated Earth. Abandoned towns, blasted cities, and the forgotten remains of facilities are now overgrown with the creeping tendrils of nature.
In the years since the construction of the reform schools Equestria has built it’s own settlements on Earth which has come to be seen as a new frontier. A wilder, more dangerous place of adventure and opportunity. Increasing numbers of ponies, griffons, dragons, and other races have immigrated to Earth in search of employment and a new start.
Only the settlements built or rebuilt by the Equestrians are readily lived in and considered safe. Outside of the new businesses constantly opening up there is a demand for explorers, scavengers, and adventurers on Earth. A hidden wealth of technology, riches, and secrets wait to be found in the otherwise abandoned areas of the world.
Along with the rush of opportunity the Equestrians have benefited immensely from adopting various elements of human technology. Firearms, radios, modern materials, motor vehicles, advanced electronics, robotics, computers, and more have been reverse engineered and given a unique twist by the Equestrians.
While Equestria itself remains just as rural and rustic as it’s always been, the settlements on Earth employ a mix of old and new technology. Crank operated cash registers are used in stores that sell motorized carriages while guards in knight like armor made from ‘modern’ materials patrol the streets with the assistance of vacuum tube filled surveillance robots. (Think something similar to Fallout Equestria in a sense)
The humans meanwhile live happy lives. Those who 'graduated' from reform school work and live in the settlements. While the children and teens still in the reform schools receive regular meals, education, and care with some even being adopted by Equestrian families.
However all is not well.
Dangerous creatures inhabit the wilderness of the Earth. The magical energies that ended the adults seemingly altered many of animals of the world. Turning them from simple beasts of instinct to highly aggressive, invasive, and murderous monsters. Other, far older dangers were seemingly awoken by the release of magic on Earth as things once only heard of in legend began to appear.
Some humans have also begun to remember things. Complete restoration of their memories was supposed to be impossible and it was. Yet that didn't stop fragments of memory from surviving. Phrases, locations, faces, names, bits and pieces of things without much if any context.
Even during the first year of the reform schools some children weren't as happy as others. They experienced nightmares, retained phobias and biases from before their memory wipes, and developed problematic personality traits. After ten years they've grown into rebellious 'problem children' that cause issues within the otherwise harmonious Reform Schools and in the Equestrian settlements on Earth.
On top of all that strange rumors have begun to spread as of late. Whispers say that somewhere on Earth is an artifact. An artifact of fabulous power that can grant any wish. Accomplish any task. Bring to life any desire. Accomplish even that which is unobtainable even through magical means.
And the rumors whisper that it is somewhere near the Equestrian settlement of Bellbrooke, located in the former British Isles...
Most assume it is nothing more then a story, but there are those who have taken a deep interest in the rumor. Even now schemes are being hatched and a shadow has begun to loom over both Equestria and Earth...