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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Yzeira's action took Oz by surprise. It was more spontaneous than he was expecting. He twisted out of the way of the twin lasers as best he could but the one grazed his side and the other cut into his left shoulder drawing blood. Neither were fatal but they would likely slow him down.

Atlas extended an arm so Oz could land atop the palm and look downward at Yzeira. The tyrant was stubborn and already carving out a more stable position. He seemed to be unaffected by Oz's manipulation of gravity so long as he was within his barrier. Whatever was under or around that barrier made it dangerous to even approach. With that barrier in place maintaining this level of gravity distortion didn't hold much point but it had at the least taught him about his opponent. Oz released control. The world turned back, vertical becoming a proper horizon. Dust, sand and dirt settled and the water in the distance that had been affected lapped back onto the shore in huge waves.

Atlas hauled itself out of the ground, placing Oz down and standing at full height. So Yzeira required time to charge significant attacks. But he didn't need significant attacks to hurt Oz. Oz just needed to keep at it. Atlas summoned its own hammer and began advancing on Yzeira's zone. The patriarch's zone of control was only getting bigger with his new addition of more orbs.

Oz himself moved so that he wasn't lined up with Atlas anymore and summoned several momentum gates in succession in front of himself. There's still more tricks to try.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Yzeira was content with his position, but his composure quickly changed as he stood up, straightening his back and lowering both hands to his sides. The red streaks in his hair began to fade away, one after another.

Behind Oz's previous position, where he stood upon falling under fire, the two lasers struck each other at the end of their paths and converged into a singular orb of violently rotating red light. Yzeira began to walk slowly away from his small platform, and down towards the stabilised ground beneath him, letting his arms sway casually at his sides. By then, his hair had returned to its normal ginger hue, but his eyes still glowed with a tinge of ferocity. The orbs the surrounded him began to fuse together, not changing shape, but rather, changing in composition. They were reduced to 7, which rotated around his waist like a small belt as he walked forward, held in pace unconsciously by his energy. His footsteps at this point were leaving small reddish prints in the tossed dirt, trailing behind him slightly as he continued to channel energy in his gut.

"This will not change much of anything," Yzeira whispered under his breath, speaking to himself with a hint of frustration. Two of the orbs that orbited his torso floated away. One headed slowly for Atlas' massive torso, darkening in hue as it grew closer, while the other began to pursue Atlas at a much faster rate. The patterns within the orbs became more violent, as if they concealed raging winds that gave them their perfectly spherical shape, but didn't hint at the capabilities they possessed. But it was safe to say, they were not about to give Atlas and Oz a massage.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SuperFlash
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SuperFlash Gideon ~ Wind Sage Half

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well can't say I expected Yzeira to use drugs on you" The sage remarked on Rajaka's comment on his strangr surge of power. At this point, he really did expect about anything and refused to let it setback his current plan.

"Don't worry Mikey, there will be some loses reguardless, but I do have some of that covered." The sage's voice quietly echoed into his intercom having the wind direct it and muffle the sound so that only he could hear it.
Turning his focus back to Rajaka once more and took advantage of Rajaka's fall and shot both his hands out having them releas a massive shurge of wind very much like the one used before, but this time it was aimed to cut off his jump and cause him to crash down just before the walls of the city, using twice the amount of force due to Jeff throwing most of his focus into it and natrual gravity being an aid. Reguardless on how effective it was, the second Rajaka neared the ground, metal rods began to shoot out from underneath the ground and each began to discharge high voltages of electricity in attempt to paralize or at least momentarily slow the yellow mass of muscle down.

Nearing the city itself, several things could be noted such as several buildings including Jeff's lab, rocketing off into the sky and begining to reach the realm of clouds, while others had robots shooting off various supply crates out of the borders of the city, a couple which even flew past Jeff and Rajaka and landed somewhere in the forest behind them both. Other robots took to the air ready to help fight despite how futile and others just made confusion by rushing off in random directions in extra ships, perhaps to throw off Rajaka if he descided to give chase to anyone, but overall the biggest thing to be noted was directly over Techmo's Castle itself, a giant superweapon of sorts which even at this moment was still charging energy and from the looks of it had been charging ever since the heroes left to seige the tower, using a forcefield that surrounded the tower with the primary intention of just being a cover for the large amount of energy being drawn together into the weapon. The weapon itself was pointed towards the direction of the tower, but quickly was changing direction aiming at a new target it had gained from detecting the dangerous energy output being made by the Yellow monster himself.

"I have to admit, I had cotingency plans made for all known Order members at the time, but you I will admit you left me with not too many options. Mainly cause you know.. you can pretty much tank everything and bust out of most shit. So yeah, initially planned to save this to try and disturb that universal destruction blast as a super last resort, but seeing that you are here... You did said hit you with something big right?" The sage spoke as a massive laser shot out of Techmo Castle out towards Rajaka with a blast raidus that could consume the entire Order Buster easily. "I guarentee it won't be what you're expecting though."

The wind sages words were on point as the beam was not ment to destory in the same sense that the Buster's lasers were and instead it seeked out to devour any and all energy that was in its path, be it arcane or ki. Between the wind blasting him down, the paralzing traps, and the energy destroyer. The sage hoped that it would be enough weaken the ki bomb attack that Rajaka planned to use while Jeff in the back ground finalized his own attack forming 5 compressed pockets of air and super charging them with arcane energy while landing behind him to form his left handed nanoblade

The sage then planned to fire all of them simutaniously at the back of Rajaka's neck and follow up with and an ultimate wind slash that he hoped to use to take off the bruisers head off entirely. Once the beam died off, he struck.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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It wasn't nearly enough.

Rajaka moved his fingers as if to mock Jeff's words, making a mouth and flapping them together while rolling his eyes when he got struck by the down-draft and pushed towards the ground. The spiked beneath him were only a few feet away when it happened, and the laser from Jeff's tower was already mid-way across the field. "BANG!" He shouted, widening his eyes. It was just like before, except this time, Jeff was about to see the full scale of the explosion that emitted from Rajaka's body. It consumed the spikes beneath him immediately, as well as the ground beneath them, and the rock beneath that. The walls of Tech-mo faded into dust, and the giant energy beam that headed towards him was dispersed as if it were nothing. The robots that came towards him, the buildings within, Jeff's lab, the castle, and any unfortunate soul that was left behind in the city... They were all gone in a few seconds as the expanding ball of yellow light moved outwards without any sign of stopping. Within only a half a minute, all of Tech-Mo, along with a massive portion of the terrain that surrounded it, would be gone. Jeff would share the same fate, if he didn't get the hell out of the way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SuperFlash
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SuperFlash Gideon ~ Wind Sage Half

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The sage sighed as he vanished once more, overall he figured a good chunk of this was futile, but he still wished to let the city give one final chance to fight back before it fell, wasn't like he would be able to stop it at this point himself. At the very least, the villagers escaped and as long as that was the case his will to fight would continue.

That much couldn't be said for his energy reserves.

Using what he had left, the sage narrowly escaped making sure to infuse two of the crates with his energy and taking them along with him in his dash to safety. As he escaped the blast radius, the sage fell out of his new form going into a roll and accidently launching the crates he took with him off several yards into the remaining forest once more. The 3 fights he had taken place in were begining to take a toll on his reserves of energy and he was reaching a limit. Instintively the sage did his best to stumble back to his feet before reaching for a power pill and placing it in his mouth.

"Hope you're satisfied..."
the sage spat out as he did his best to catch his breath, and preparing to swallow the pill. "Cause, I'm going to make you regret that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Rajaka was left kneeling in a massive crater, at least 2 kilometres in diameter. He stood up slowly as Jeff landed nearby and cracked his neck. "Sure, bud," He mocked, stretching his arms out, "Sure." He looked around and whistled at his handiwork. "Gotta say, I think I improved the view. You should be thanking me for erasing that gross metal smudge! Makes this whole thing a little more interesting, dont'chya think?" He rose his hands outwards and walked around Jeff slowly, briefly taking glances at the terrain as he spoke.

"I mean... Man, I couldn't have made this any more awesome. A giant crater? Come on! This is like, the coolest fucking place to duke it out! Where 'duke' means 'crush' and 'it out' roughly translates to 'your skull'. What I'm basically saying, is that you stand no goddamn chance." He chuckled to himself and grabbed his waist triumphantly. "That laser though," he started, raising a finger while freezing in place. His eyes moved towards Jeff and he waggled his finger in acknowledgement. "That might have hurt if I didn't see it coming. Might of."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The incoming attacks were undoubtedly fatal and would mean the loss of Atlas for a while if they struck. Regardless there was little to be done, if they weren't removed Yzeira would simply change their direction again. Atlas' hammer reshaped itself into a bladed wheel that the colossus held the center of. It reeled back and rolled the wheel at the ground. The war-wheel swiftly glided forward, picking up speed toward Yzeira's barrier.

Atlas reacted with the little time remaining by jumping into the incoming spheres, projecting shields around its hands to catch them in individual bubbles and turn any resulting explosion away from Oz.

Oz grimaced. Yzeira was picking his attacks and defenses both apart without barely even moving. He shook it off. There could be no losing hope here, he couldn't afford it and neither could his companions. He would buy them more time for certain! His body started to give off a violet aura. Wisps of energy seeped off coalescing into a multitude of rough spikes that gathered around him like shards of ice floating in the air. He strafed off to the side, away from Atlas. The circles and spikes all orbited around him until he would need them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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The two orbs that headed for Atlas reacted differently to being concealed. The lighter orb moved fast, and struck the edge of its bubble, disappearing and sending lightning-like tendrils through the rim of the bubble, destroying it in its entirety. The slower, darker sphere concealed in the opposite bubble, stopped, and began to pull the surrounding veil towards it like a miniature black hole, almost in an identical fashion to Oz's own technique. The only difference, is that it was also throwing bolts of energy towards the shrinking bubble, slowly peeling away at its shell.

Yzeira had 5 orbs surrounding him now. While all of this was going on, he released a sixth, which joined the rest in revolving around their creator. He looked toward the incoming wheel cautiously, but instead of taking the brunt of the attack, Yzeira began to run width-wise, around the saw blade, and towards Oz's location. His speed wasn't all too formidable, but with the ground flattening and morphing around him, it was as if he was controlling the earth. That wasn't the case. It was once again a series of underground cuts and implosions which he used to manipulate the battlefield on a whim. He now had a straight path for Oz, and sent two of here spheres forwards. They began to spiral, leaving streaks of red energy behind them that formed into a double helix as they picked up speed in both their forward momentum, and rotation. The red gravity well in Atlas' bubble began to crack its edges, and the two lasers that had converged earlier, far behind Atlas and a long ways away from Oz's new position, finally fired another beam of devastating energy towards Atlas, expending themselves with the attack.

Now Yzeira was closing the distance between himself and Oz. Had he given up on a long range battle plan? Or was he better in close combat than he let on? Perhaps it was a bluff? Or maybe he was just trying to pull Oz's attention away from the converging beams that grazed him earlier? The man's coat fluttered behind him, and two more of his spheres moved towards his hands, enveloping them in darkened red energy that hid his skin, and sharpened to two points like knives.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Atlas dragged the cracking bubble that held the expanding black hole with great difficulty into the laser as it ripped open, consuming the giant's arm and most its torso. What was left of Atlas collapsed on itself and faded.

The tyrant's advance was an unusual tactic but he still had orbs to use and an attack underway so it was clear he had plenty of an advantage coming in close. Oz fired off half a dozen shards into the spiraling orbs through the momentum gate, regardless of their spinning he managed to hit one. He quickly turned and fired off the remaining half dozen in a spread at Yzeira. Concentrated energy gathered on his left arm and in his right hand forming a physical, medium sized shield and a hammer. Excess energy flared off of him making it obvious Oz had his personal shield up. He was prepared to take a hit as he charged forward, spinning out of the way of the last orb to clash with Yzeira.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Yzeira's eyes flickered as he approached. That that gigantic paperweight out of the picture, his unparalleled focus had a much easier time dealing with Oz's counterattack. The sphere that was struck exploded in a small display of erratic pulsing energy, fading away in only a moment while Yzeira dashed past it and scattered the remains like smoke. The oncoming shards of veil didn't reach his barrier, instead burning away in mid-air despite their speed and focused energy. Though, while this happened, one of the two remaining orbs that circled Yzeira faded away as if to be consumed. The chaotic man left a trail of reddened footprints in his wake as he approached Oz, but instead of directly clashing with him, he swept his left hand side-ways and launched a slicing wave of red energy towards the center of his torso, expending the power in his left hand, and dashing around Oswald in the same motion to flank his left side. Yzeira skid across the ground for a split second before rising back to his feet, looking away from Oz as he began to circle him. His eyes instead moved up, towards the sky. He grunted to himself.

"I shouldn't have wasted so much time here," The man said calmly, barely audible through the hectic scene. His eyes moved towards the tower.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oz postured into the attack with his shield. He whinced as it collided with his injured arm but held firm, managing to absorb the entire attack. He turned to follow Yzeira in his path, keeping the shield handy between them. "I know you've got more than that for me." Oz lifted the hammer into the air over him. "Or is this your serious face? Glancing away, constantly distracted." Oz arched the hammer straight at the ground, causing a crack before it exploded outward in a wave of emitted force spread toward Yzeira. Hopefully he would disrupt the energy beneath the ground that Yzeira kept funneling for his defensive techniques. Assuming he even needed anything down there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Yzeira spun back towards Oz and slammed his right palm against the ground, overpowering his shock wave with one of his own. A crimson tide of wave-like energy ripped through the ground, destroying the earth beneath Oz and forcing it to cave in from below. His remaining orb flung upwards, and hovered above Oz in the same moment. With his eyes focused on the orb above Oz, it began to expand slightly, gathering energy at an alarming rate. "I cannot be distracted," Yzeira claimed sternly. He spoke through the sound of his attacks, his body disappearing in a puff of red smoke. He reappeared behind Oz as the ground collapsed beneath him, and the orb overcharged above him. With both hands, he began to amass another well of energy within his arms. "But I will not stay here much longer."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oz remained bold despite the tough predicament. As the forces combined around him and his feet gave way he did the most brazen thing possible. He launched backwards with a burst of force energy into Yzeira and drove the shield straight through his well of energy and toward him. In that same action he lobbed his hammer upwards at the orb. Whatever happened would happen, he was going to do as much as he could.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Yzeira stood his ground and clasped his hands tightly at his sides, building the power much faster than it could be dispersed. Oz was met with a wall, matching his shield and stopping him dead in his tracks. Oz's hammer was consumed the the orb above him in a flash, and the energy that Yzeira had fired from his opposite side continued forwards, creeping along the ground like an army of ethereal snakes.

"Are you finished..."

The orb above Oz fired downwards immediately afterwards, aiming to strike him dead-on with a force the Yzeira channeled directly from his body. In a flash of red, the chaotic energies converged on Oz's position, and appeared to consume him whole.

"...Probing me for weakness?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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The guardian's attack was courageous and unpredictable. Sometimes bravery didn't pay off.

Everything was red. Chaos energy had warped all around him, taking away any other sense of awareness. With everything he had he launched himself out of the fourfold attack from the patriarch of the order. Oz flew out like a cannonball being fired, leaving an explosion of force in his wake. So disoriented was he that he slammed into the ground quite a distance away, bouncing like a pebble across a still lake. Finally lying motionless on the ground, he tried to get up, to move even a little. Everything hurt or felt numb, he couldn't see and his ears rang. But he was still alive.

Oz refused to die. Even caught in that by such a powerful being.

After what seemed like an eternity he finally managed to get some light to his eyes. Everything seemed red as he stared at the torn sky above. He reached up to the sky with his left arm. Except, there was nothing left to reach up with. His heart dropped as much of the numbness stuck in his body started to fade, leaving sharp pain all across his skin. He examined his right forearm. His skin was pink and blood was welling up in random places. It was like someone had tried to use a fine device to flay him. Most of his upper clothes were consumed by the attack or torn by the landing. He drew on berserker strength to tear the remainder off and use it to triage his nub of an arm. In the wake of his landing he'd even left a trail of blood splattering every time he slammed into the ground.

Hyperventilating wasn't what he'd expected to do. Oz started to panic. He pushed that out and decided to be pissed instead. There was no way to try meditating or thinking when everything hurt this bad. It was all real. Not some illusion. He fumbled for the pouch which was thankfully still there and pulled out a power pill. He popped it in his mouth and tried to stand. He stumbled. More than once. Determination burned just as badly as the pain and he just kept trying. His body did not, however, agree with him. Oz blacked out and collapsed on the sand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Yzeira looked down at the battered warrior from afar, slowly making his way across the battlefield. The sky above them was still. Its rupture, the rip that tore like an axe wound across the sky, did not grow. The dark energies within, reddened to some extent from the effects of Yzeira's magic, pushed forward and pulled back, pulsating as if the very flesh of the universe was revealed. Like an exposed vein of crimson blood, it looked as if it could pop at any minute. But without Yzeira channeling it, it was also chanced to close back up. Yzeira finally reached Oz as he passed out, and held his right hand over the man's body, while looking up a the sky.

The rip was slowly closing itself.


~ End Of Chapter 191 ~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~ Chapter 192 ~

Escape, Now. Before It's Too Late.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hatman1801
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alvios landed fine, but gave Bruce a glare as he was flung to his new position so abruptly. "A warning would have been nice, Bruce. It's rude to just act without any preamble, you know." As if to purposely contradict his own statement, two swords formed in the air above him and launched themselves towards Zelraine and Shaidra without warning or even physical gesture from Alvios. Not that it had any real chance of being lethal, but hopefully it would divert their attention for the brief period Jenso needed to get by.

Whatever happened, at this point they had committed themselves to the idea of moving Jenso forward. Perhaps it was all an extremely elaborate trap, but they were at their final push, and they couldn't continue doubting and reconsidering their strategy. His grip tightened as Alvios' gaze moved to Shaidra and Zelraine.

It was time to fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Jenso flew towards the staircase, but in a flash of blackness, arrived right back where he started, smashing into the ground. Shaidra walked casually to block the doorway, standing up straight, with her eyes filled to the brim with a newfound determination. Zelriane zoomed around the battlefield to stand by her side. Alvios' first shard phased through Shaidra harmlessly, and Zelriane, moving faster than normal eyes could perceive, was at no risk of being hit by any projectiles from afar.

"This is a hopeless endeavour," Zelriane assured the three heroes, "With Shaidra present, your chances of reaching the top floors of this tower are practically nonexistent."

"Won't let you," Shaidra spat angrily, "Not now, not ever."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso's eyes widened as the ground appeared, but fortunately he'd prepared his hands if he had managed to reach the staircase. He landed on the palms of his hands and quickly stood back up as Zelriane and Shaidra spoke. "Oh yeah?" Jenso replied to Zelriane, smirking at him as he paused momentarily.

"I think you forgot the fact that Bruce here nearly killed you, and Alvios nearly killed Shaidra back when he was still unfamiliar with his powers. Why do you think it'll be any different this time?" He asked. "And, if Shaidra's presence alone is truly enough to stop us, then why do you bother being here?" He questioned.

Jenso glanced briefly to Bruce and Alvios afterwards, not quite sure what to try next. "Any ideas, guys?"
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