Father Michael S. Bryer, 24
Beloved Pastor
Arguably the antithesis of the aging, judgmental and old testament worshiping pastor, Reverend Bryer is quite commonly regarded as laid back and easygoing, never seeming to cast judgement on any of the townsfolk who, frankly, really really deserve a pretty good amount of it. People feel comfortable confessing and confronting their sins to the Father because he never seems to look down on them, always encouraging them to look towards the light and find comfort in the watchful eyes of God. Indeed, Father Bryers makes people feel good about themselves and is yet another cherished member of the community...
Immoral Apathetic
...Which is an ironic sentiment because Michael Bryers may well be one of the more callous members of the community. Bryers is almost never seen without a silver flask he carries inside his coat pocket but his drinking habits goes far beyond the odd swig to warm up or a glass after a hard day's work, Bryers' is typically intoxicated, high, or simply hungover a good 90% of the time. Michael is skeptical at best on Christianity and more or less pockets most, if not all, of the collection money and charity drive funds, the one good thing to be said about Michael in this regard is that he never sees himself as a good or "holy" person but he is claimed by so many vices its hard to keep track and somehow twists the notion that, because he knows he is a piece of shit that somehow makes him better than everyone else who doesn't know they're a piece of shit. Considering his status as a "pure" reverend it's ludicrously easy for Bryers to pull half the shit that he does which really only serves to fuel his indifferent, borderline sociopathic disregard for himself and others.
About the one good thing Bryers does is occasionally let Filthy Frank sleep in front of the Church's door or on a half broken Emergency Cot, but he does this pretty much in exchange for hard drugs or stolen liquor. Go figure.
"Big Mike" Bryers - Father
Michael's only (living(that he knows of)) relative. "Big Mike" is sort of a source of legend for schoolchildren considering he spends his days confined in a wheelchair hurling conspiracy theories about the blacks, the gays, the mexicans, the asians and more or less any minority groups, it's regarded as fact that he has a shotgun hidden under the blanket on his lap at all times, though this has never been proven.