The Stalker

Name: Thane
Val'Garan Name: The Stalker
Height: 23ft
Weight: 5,000lbs
Allegiance: The Val'Gara
Race: Former Niraan Shape-shifter, now Val'Garan Herald.
Sign: Cancer

Character-Type:Stand Alone

Other Statistics: Arm-Reach Is 11.5 Feet.
Tail-Length Is 23 Feet.
Wingspan Is 46 Feet.

Former half-brother to Morbid, you would expect Thane to be similar, correct? Wrong. Thane was, in fact, similar in very minor ways, but overall is very different, almost to the extreme, as well as a few minor differences in his physical appearance. Whereas Morbid was incredibly violent, aggressive, and would shatter a person's face for so much as breathing on him, Thane has the patience of a saint, a heart of gold, is a very pleasant person to be around. Where Morbid is straight-forward with physical means, Thane is diplomatic. He's always looking towards the path with the least bloodshed, and will go out of his way to ensure that he doesn't have to engage anyone in combat, simply because he's just that damn nice.

Description: With Thane's conversion into a Val'Garan Herald, he still has the same face, body-type and everything else, he has large wings and a lengthy tail, both of which mark him out as a type of gargoyle. Stoney in appearance, bulky in shape, and definitely a force to be reckoned with. His skin is that of a dirt-gray, and his eyes are completely black, leaving all of the other features completely indistinguishable from each other. This is his primary form, and while he can use it for combat purposes, he much prefers to use his ability to shape-shift as it gives him more to work with.

Personality: Patience of a saint, a heart of gold, kindness towards others, including prey, diplomatic approach towards things, open-minded, overly creative, and a vivid imagination. All these things represent the emotional chemistry, that is Thane. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it, Thane truly is the opposite of his brother; at least on the inside.

That's what he used to be like.

Now, he has become The Stalker: Mother Nature's bastard child, and Idea's... ideal child. He is obsessed with the hunt like the Val'Gara are obsessed with harvesting bio-force. The hunt keeps him focused, motivated - determined to carry out the will of Idea no matter what the cost to himself, or anyone who accompanies him. Maybe they should've thought of that before they volunteered to go with him? His selfishness aside, Thane has a natural tendency (perhaps from his former life) to act as an older sibling, or father to other Heralds; keeping one eye on his opponent, and the other (or others depending on his chosen form) on his comrades -- stepping right in the way of an overwhelming attack in hopes of not only finding worthy game, but, to ensure the Cataclysm's victory on the battlefield as well.

Though these two aspects of his personality may seem to clash, they truly do mesh well together when looked at from the perspective of a pragmatist like Thane.

Racial Traits:

Shape-Shifting (8): The common abilities of his people ranged anywhere from being able to cause earthquakes in the ground to cutting the very sky in pieces with silver blades, spawned from their own bodies. Thane is no different, for his abilities ranged on the rather extraordinary, even with his own people, whereas normal Niraans would have abilities such as the ones listed earlier, for he was a shape-shifter; most rare of all of his kind. The reason for this being, he could shift his entire form, not limited to simple parts as some others were. This made him greatly respected among his own race.

He could mimic the exoskeletal design of an ankylosaurus' hide, drastically increasing his ability to take hits as well as dish them out, bite into his enemy's neck, and deliver a paralyzing shock in the same way an electric eel would, vomit the corrosive juices of a hyena's stomach onto the skin of his adversary, generate crippling poisons, and even give birth to some of mankind's most-feared parasites. What makes this ability truly threatening is that Thane is able to not only augment these naturally occurring traits, but to mix and combine them into something even more deadly than what they already were.

Super Predator: (8) As co-leader of the Niraans, it was part of Thane's job to not only know how to hunt, but, to be able to teach the art to other members of his clan. This included stalking, chasing, setting traps, learning how to overpower much stronger opponents, and even how to avoid becoming a prey-item themselves, as well as how to defend themselves, should they end up on someone else's menu. It is for this reason that Thane is as smart, fast, and strong as he is; knowing the ins and outs of living the life of a hunter, and as such he is an expert and a specialist.

Val'Garan Traits

Dominant Trait You Are What You Eat: (8) Anything that lives in any way, shape, or form, should Thane manage consume a solid chunk of flesh/bone of his enemy, he gradually begins to integrate it into his genetic make-up, with the process of mimicry happening the moment his stomach starts digesting. This does not apply strictly to conventional opponents, he could just as very well consume a type of plant, and cause his body to become photosynthetic, produce seeds on his skin, roots from his digits. In essence, this is merely an extension of Thane's pre-existing power to shape-shift, only maximized to its full potential thanks to the Val'Gara.

Flesh & Bone Growth: (8) Ever observe a tumor growing in someone's brain? Ever watch a bird burst into a rain... from gorging like a glutton... on far too much grain? Ever see a dead body... floating in the pool... just sitting there bloating until it finally goes fucking boom? Well, if you haven't then, I'm sure Thane would be more than willing to show you by doing it himself. Thane is capable of producing massive amounts of fleshy growth all over his body in some of the most disgusting ways imaginable, reaching sizes that are just outright ridiculous. However, should the amount of mass he accumulates serve to become a burden, he can easily detach the growths from his body, leaving it to become larger and larger as time goes on.

This can benefit Thane twice over, for he can just as easily reattach himself should the need arise, or consume large portions of it for the purpose of healing injuries. While the growths that he detach from his body aren't particularly mobile, they are still capable of gradually spreading themselves to other areas of a certain location, closing off narrow passages, or waiting for an unfortunate victim to first venture in, before closing off both the entrance and exit ways.

Environmental Resistance: (8) When Thane uses flesh growth in conjunction with his ability to shape-shift, he can begin to generate his own supply of oxygen, and regulate his body heat to avoid freezing to death in space. This also works for high-temperature environments as well, for he could simply mimic the DNA of something adapted to survive such extreme conditions.

[i]Bio-Force:[/] Bio-Force is the the supernatural life-force which flows through all living creatures, comparable in nature to ki/qui/chi

History: Soran: a planet of extremes in every category, ranging from the biological, to the magical, to the chaotic weather patterns, and several moons that govern the planet's oceanic tides. In a world where Darwin's principles on predation, natural selection, and survival of the fittest reign supreme, few creatures are able to survive the harsh reality that is the world of Soran. In appearance, Soran resembles what Earth was like before humans inhabited it, and the creatures that make the planet their home embody what it was like to make a living on such a cruel world.

What races did manage to survive on Soran however, thrived, truly thrived: imagine plants that sustained themselves more from feeding on giant insects, and mammals than on water, the sun, and the soil. Parasites like the toxoplasma gondii, only the size of baseballs, able to latch onto large mammals, and manipulate them into getting themselves devoured by an even larger organism, for the sole purpose of finding a suitable breeding-ground. Cave-dwelling insects that ranged in size from infants to school buses, and the occasional building sized arachnids capable of spewing silk that rivaled the strength of most-known metals.

It was a biologist's dream, and a camper's worst nightmare.

To Thane, this was home-sweet-home. That all changed however, when Thane, and his brother Morbid found themselves kidnapped, and taken aboard an unknown space-ship, where a not-so-natural, not-to-mention malevolent entity managed to force Thane into participating in a war he had no business nor interest in, 'less his brother be executed using the arcane magics that the being possessed at his disposal. He had been tossed out of the ship with a few extra abilities given to him, and was immediately ordered to defend the ship from what appeared to be patrol cruisers sent in from the Red Technocracy.

While Thane had been successful in defeating the enemy, he was also successful in attracting one of the lesser known Sons of Idea: Dreadnaught. It was here, that Thane engaged in a truly epic battle against hordes of drones, and various other Val'Garan abominations. Though they weren't much of a threat individually, with their combined numbers they were able to subdue Thane, and take him into the fold, converting him into a member of the Val'Gara after Idea had finished reviewing both of his fights. Why the entity that had kidnapped Thane and his brother Morbid did nothing to stop this is currently unknown, but what is known is that the chances of Thane ever going back to his old life are slim to none.

He is The Stalker, the Val'Gara's ultimate predator.