NEBULA )) (pl. nebulae) A blanket term for the synthetic life forms commonly found in the wild. Believed to have been originally developed from unearthed dragon remains. An invasive species: has diversified, evolved, and all but replaced native flora and fauna.
FOLK )) Refers to ancient and primitive civilizations; their stone ruins are common in undeveloped places. Little survives of what they were truly like, but stories and legends abound.
LABYRINTH CORP )) The label on every high flier, scum skidder and deep mover in production. Most high-quality machinery, vehicles and weapons have the LABYRINTH mark. Known for their innovation in -- and monopoly on -- bio-machinery.
THE HELIUM FRIGHTFUL )) A living sky-vessel, captained by a renowned vigilante, in need of a crew.
FOLK )) Refers to ancient and primitive civilizations; their stone ruins are common in undeveloped places. Little survives of what they were truly like, but stories and legends abound.
LABYRINTH CORP )) The label on every high flier, scum skidder and deep mover in production. Most high-quality machinery, vehicles and weapons have the LABYRINTH mark. Known for their innovation in -- and monopoly on -- bio-machinery.
THE HELIUM FRIGHTFUL )) A living sky-vessel, captained by a renowned vigilante, in need of a crew.
To Set the Mood
ART )) the gallery of Cosimo Galluzzi
- A colorful, post-post-apocalyptic world that's full of uninhabitable spaces-made-inhabitable and 'magic' born of a fusion of technology and a new kind of synthetic nature. People adapt, people find creative and unusual solutions to their problems, and people continue to love and laugh.
MUSIC )) Feel Good Inc, as covered by PostmondernJukebox
- I think it'd be fun and hilarious to focus on 1920's era music style!
- A colorful, post-post-apocalyptic world that's full of uninhabitable spaces-made-inhabitable and 'magic' born of a fusion of technology and a new kind of synthetic nature. People adapt, people find creative and unusual solutions to their problems, and people continue to love and laugh.
MUSIC )) Feel Good Inc, as covered by PostmondernJukebox
- I think it'd be fun and hilarious to focus on 1920's era music style!
Plot Concept
A usurped king-turned-vigilante is in need of a crew for his new sky-vessel. He promises adventure and heroism, but makes no mention of money or comfort. Instead of the usual skill requirements, all he asks is that applicants completely and honestly fill out a form with very personal questions.
Each player will propose and help run a small adventure that is personally meaningful to their character -- essentially everyone takes turns being co-GM. There will be an overarching plot, but it will develop only as the characters do. Once the most recent post reaches '7 days ago' -- or everyone has posted what they wanted to, whichever comes first -- the GM will make a post to keep the stories moving, whether or not the acting co-GM has posted. Players are encouraged to worldbuild a bit for their turn at an adventure.
Everyone is human -- mostly. After centuries of adaptation following the extinction of most natural trees and wildlife, and the widespread practice of body alterations and messing with genes, there is no longer a norm. Social equality is part of the reason most people wear layers of clothing, hats and helmets and veils -- but mostly this is done as protection against unpredictable weather and unstable air quality.
The Captain