Name: Eternal Battleground
Size: Practically unlimited but generally confined into a 100m wide circle
Player Capacity: Suggested 2 fighters. Can be more and the 100 m distance rule is changed to the most distance between 2 players is 100m.
Description :

Flavour Text: The playground of a warrior god, he often invited fighters, willingly and/or knowingly or not to either, into it to amuse him with their fight. The winner of these fights generally would gained a favor or a boon from him, which can be taken as soon as it was given by taking out a weapon in the arena back to their origin. Those who are in high enough tier might even entice his warrior blood further and subsequently received a challenge from a frenzied god.
Size: Practically unlimited but generally confined into a 100m wide circle
- Fighters are confined into a distance of 100 m from each other before running into an invisible wall that kept them in that distance. Fighters can chase each other more than 100 m but they can't outrun or distance each other for more than 100 m[/*]
- Increased effectivity of all magical and physical ability that affects other. Exception to mind altering effects.[/*]
- Wounds would bleed regardless of size unless treated. Can be treated through magic or medical knowledge, but passive regeneration is generally slowed.[/*]
- Weapons are scattered throughout the arena, standing and laying around, old and new, mundane and magical, pristine and rusted, all waiting for an eager hand to grasp and use them. What they all share is, they're all melee or thrown weapons, spears, axe, sword, javelin, knives. Judge decision on whether you run into a magical weapon and how strong it is.[/*]
- Heightened gravity that affects ALL without discrimination. Gravity is at least twice of RL earth's gravity, increased further according to fighters agreement. In event of a different tier fight happening, decision of gravity multiplier is given to the lower tier fighter. Previous rule applies.[/*]
Player Capacity: Suggested 2 fighters. Can be more and the 100 m distance rule is changed to the most distance between 2 players is 100m.
Description :

Flavour Text: The playground of a warrior god, he often invited fighters, willingly and/or knowingly or not to either, into it to amuse him with their fight. The winner of these fights generally would gained a favor or a boon from him, which can be taken as soon as it was given by taking out a weapon in the arena back to their origin. Those who are in high enough tier might even entice his warrior blood further and subsequently received a challenge from a frenzied god.