~ Details ~

Name:Age: 28
Birthday:17 September 1990
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Unknown
Birthplace: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Current Residence: Gender: Male
Education: Highschool
Mortal Job: Bartender
Pantheon: Booze, Brawls and inhibitions.
~ Description ~

Height: 183cm / 6'0"
Weight: 95kgs / 210lbs
Build: Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Skin Tone: white/light tan
Distinguishable features: tattoos, tattoos everywhere.
Personal Style: ~ Psychology ~

Stubborn *
Easy going *
Impulsive *
Friendly *
Lazy Sexuality:Relationship status: Always somewhere between the last and the next.
Personality:Habits: Going to excess, procrastinating.
Hobbies: Working on motorbikes, Brewing alcohol.
Likes:- Booze
- Babes
- Bikes
- Brawls
- Betting
- Kittens
Dislikes:- Commitment
- Academics
- Rules/Laws
- Confined places
- Pineapple on pizza
bio: Family: Alive and well, he just has little to no contact with them these days. His parents are quite young, as he was a teenage accident. An accident his true father didn't want to stick around for.
Almost for as long as he can remember he has had a step Father .A strict, controlling ex military man who is now part of the police force. They never saw eye to eye and argued or yelled often.
As a potentially prominent psychologist of her field, his Mother was a rather busy lady. His childhood was buried beneath her extensive study. Her career, her patients, always seemed to come before her own family.
Younger sister. His only sibling, 9 years younger than him they are not really close. He sends the odd msg or text but had moved away when she was only 8. Now 19 and nearly out of her teens, he makes a bit more of an effort as he feels bad for not doing so sooner. She is family and he doesn't even know her.