Well this is a reboot, after all, and even in canon that isn't exactly true. There were True Mandalorians left, but they either scattered or kind of just checked out of the galaxy to do their own thing, depend on what you read.
The Mandalorian Civil War killed all but two True Mandalorians, Jango Fett and herself.
I repeat:
As I said in my cs the True Mandalorians were nearly wiped out, only survivors being Jango Fett and my character who was off world doing Jedi stuff.
If you want to have some survive because they were not at the final battle they better have a good reason for it otherwise my character will treat them as traitors and/or deserters and that is a death sentence.
Name: Kreeata Jendri Sex: Female Age: 22 Species: Rodian Force: N/A Force techniques: N/A Combat Techniques: Standard Supercommando training, Bounty Hunter's Guild standard training, proficiency with numerous classes of weapons, including sword-fighting with a Mandalorian beskad blade. Equipment: Merr-Sonn Scalphunter rifle, DL-18 pistol, Beskad sword, light beskar'gam, YT-1250 light Freighter Mereel's Revenge.
Appearance: A towering (as much as a Rodian can be), heavily muscled woman for her species, Kreeata is considered 'cute' by Rodian standards, with bright green skin and black, multi-faceted eyes. Her hair is kept in a very short mohawk usually hidden under her helmet, and her face is marked with old, pale green scars. She favors a stripped down suit of beskar'gam, the helmet modified for rather obvious reasons, retainig the general shape, though sacrificing the iconic t-visor for two bulbous lenses, and the front is widdened to accomidate her snout. Otherwise, she wears only the chestpiece, codpiece and shin guards (all olive drab trimmed with bright yellow), wearing a baggy short-sleeved gray jumpsuit underneath, along with long, black fingerless gloves and heavy combat boots.
Personality: Kreeata is a proud warrior without a nation to fight for, trying to keep the bitterness of her people's fate from souring her disposition. Brave and willing to meet almost any challenge placed before her, she tries in every way she can to embody the values taught to her by her clan, though this can easily lead to her biting off more than she can chew, and has been the cause of more than a few scars. Unlike most of the few remaining True Mandalorians, she bares no ill will toward the Jedi, placing the blame for the massacre firmly on Death Watch's head, and has sworn to see every fool that follows their banner dead.
History: There isn't too much to be said about this woman. Born and raised in the Mandalorian clan Jendri, Kreeata is one of the last of the non-Human Mandos in her time. Taught from an early age to fight and drilled into the lifestyle set by the Supercommando Codex, she wanted only to follow in the tradition set by Jaster Mereel and Jango Fett. Sadly the dream was cut short, or so it seemed, when most of the True Mandalorians were slain on Galidraan, she being too young at the time to fight in such a battle. With their leadership and most of their numbers dead, Kreeata could only watch as her people scattered or assimilated with the pacifist New Mandalorians, a path she would not accept.
Seeing little other purpose, she set out in the galaxy, joining the Bounty Hunter's Guild to seek out her fortune and some amount of glory, though she holds out hope that, one day, she might hear the call of a new Mandalore to rally her people. With each passing day, however, that hope starts to dwindle, and she's beginning to think that the bounty hunter's life will be hers forever, and now she's stuck on Naboo while she awaits repairs to her ship, all the while that damned CIS propaganda grates on her ears...
I like the original Mandos, not the Disney version, but since I already approved the Disney versions, I'm not going to say that you can't use them. If anyone wants to play as the Legends version of Mando, I'll retcon them in.
I'm interested in the premise but I'm not sure how much room there is for a character concept i want to play just yet. Or at least, i am more hoping for my character to grow through the Clone Wars. It's possible that i could be a youngling at this stage...
Anyway, instead of rambling, how would the members feel about a (currently) very young Sith Apprentice who is planned to later be brought in by the Jedi?
Okay since this RP is looking for characters and I did state my interest earlier, I think it's fair to mention I want to make a character I just have no idea what I want to make. Currently thinking of a annoo-dat prime tracer/bounty hunter who also uses some kind of powerful melee (that isnt a saber) and fire to draw out prey.
@DoomFlavoredThe Sith Empire doesn't have trained Force users. There are instinctive dark side Force users, many of them in the Sith Empire, so you could be the apprentice of one of them, which the Jedi take in after your master is defeated. Maul and Dooku are possible candidates for Master, as they will likely die at some point. They wouldn't tell you the identity of their Master, outside of calling him "Darth Sideous" (who is an agent for the Sith), but the Jedi would know that he exists.
@Pyromaniacwolf Damn! That species was beaten to death with the ultimate ugly stick. That is nightmare material. I whole heartedly approve as long as I don’t actually have nightmares about it.
Glad that the concept could work. I particularly like the idea of being an apprentice under Maul. Sidious also could approve of the apprenticeship on the condition that he be trained without any knowledge of Sidious' existence. Essentially a Sith Assassin and tool just as Maul was.
As for the age of my character, I was thinking he would be about 10 years old, a year older than Anakin. Could be an interesting shift in episode one for Anakin to see what's happened to another kid just about his own age heh.
I took a look at the canon and the years that Maul becomes a lord in is about 5 before the events of Phantom Menace. This leaves enough time for him to have gotten my character to train, but I was hoping to have the lessons and hatred of the Sith a bit more ingrained into my character. Would it be possible to say that Maul became a sith lord a couple years earlier? It wouldn't change a large amount as far as I know and it would provide a couple extra years of torturing a child! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... I'm a good person...
Anyhow, how would you like to receive the character profile? Via PM? Or posting publicly?