He will be done once I do the last two sections.

Name: Uriah Collins
Age: 23
Birthday: August 22, 1993
Nationality: British/American Dual Citizenship
Ethnicity: British, and German
Birth Place: Oxford, England
Current Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada
Gender: Male
Education: Bachelors in Criminal Justice
Mortal Job: Police Officer

Pantheon:Crime, Corruption, and Trickery
Height: 155cm/5'10
Weight: 165lbs
Build: Lean
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: 11 tattoos, and 3 piercings.
Personal Style:

Playful ♠ Apathetic ♠ Decitful ♠ Prideful
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single

Bio: When did you realize you're a god and such. Do you WANT to be a god? Do you want to ascend to the heavens or hell or do you just wanna be a cool guy with superpowers?
Family: Dead or alive you have them. You can also faceclaim as well

Name: Uriah Collins
Age: 23
Birthday: August 22, 1993
Nationality: British/American Dual Citizenship
Ethnicity: British, and German
Birth Place: Oxford, England
Current Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada
Gender: Male
Education: Bachelors in Criminal Justice
Mortal Job: Police Officer

Pantheon:Crime, Corruption, and Trickery
Height: 155cm/5'10
Weight: 165lbs
Build: Lean
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Pale
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: 11 tattoos, and 3 piercings.
Personal Style:
Uriah does his best to keep up with tha fashion approaprate for a 23 year old man. At work he can be seen with simple earings and a small nose ring, but when he is at home or out on the town, his tattoos are out and his metal is in. He dresses in an array of colors and wears out of pocket stuff all around: long coats, bolow ties, see-through shirts, LEATHER, and much more. He has a nack for pulling it all off. Soem tiems he does like to draw it back and keep it simple with a sweater and some jeans, but thast only on a rainy day. All in all, when you catch on the strip you know its him and for some reason you can't stop staring.

Playful ♠ Apathetic ♠ Decitful ♠ Prideful
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Uriah is the man the at the poker table with that soft smile and warm eyes that looks harmless. In actuality, he has been swindling people out their money all night and chuckling every time someone folds out and walks away with that mystified look on their faces. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing who does not really care for (actively tries to avoid) the pressing issue and important matters. Instead, he wants to play the games and beat around the bush, hoping to frustrate others and drive them closer to committing the immoral sins he loves so much.
When most speak to him he wears a bright smile that is laced with intentions (some good some bad) and he usually wants to talk about what the world could be instead of what it actually is. He is a daydreamer and will constantly nod off during important conversations, anything that is not important to him receives a lazy expression and a yawn. One thing he does love is a challenge, whether it be a game, a test, or some kind of physical challenge.
When most speak to him he wears a bright smile that is laced with intentions (some good some bad) and he usually wants to talk about what the world could be instead of what it actually is. He is a daydreamer and will constantly nod off during important conversations, anything that is not important to him receives a lazy expression and a yawn. One thing he does love is a challenge, whether it be a game, a test, or some kind of physical challenge.
- Biting his nails when nervous
- Running his hand through his hair, even pulling on it when he is stressed or anxious.
- He does bite his lip when a scheme has found its way into his head.
- Gaming
- Partying
- Running
- Mmessing with people
- Reading
- Working part-time as a dealer
- He has a fear of losing, this will cause him to sweat and shake a little. Defeat and failure, in general, make him cringe especially if he knew that he bit off more than he can chew. This fear is even worse if he planned to win but ended up failing anyway.
- Uriah has a fear of pain.
- Lastly he has a great fear of Lighting. For some reason, the booming sound and rumble just cause him to quake in his boots.
- Video and Tangible Games
- Red Pandas
- Cars
- Bright Lights and Tall Buildings (Urban Environments)
- Winning
- Cute things (i.e stuffed animals, phone charms, bunnies)
- Suits (He looks good in them.)
- People who resist their urges ("A life without sin is a life not worth living.")
- Hicks (Its the 21st century, get a phone)
- Pointless arguments that waste time
- Conservatives (Why live in the past?)
- Those who fake their emotions (he thinks they are weak)
- The Type-A personality
- Perfection (Uriah thinks there is nothing really perfect in this world)

Bio: When did you realize you're a god and such. Do you WANT to be a god? Do you want to ascend to the heavens or hell or do you just wanna be a cool guy with superpowers?
Family: Dead or alive you have them. You can also faceclaim as well