I don't want a quote"
Name: Ahab Baha ( Either Baha, Or Ahab)
Age: 27
Nationality: Brazil
Ethnicity: Filipino
Birth Place: Saudi Arabia
Current Residence: At start: Los Angeles , California
Gender: Male
Education: Attending Orthopedic Surgeon, Now: Trying to get PHD in physics
Mortal Job: Attending; Now: Works for an Ablertsons part-time
Pantheon : Balance, Vengeance,
Weight: 136.8
Eyes: Changes to Grey Outside, Changes to Black inside
Hair: Brown
Skin Tone: Taned
Personal Style: Easy, Anything in his drawers, mostly Black and blue shirts, and Jeans, usually wearing his grey combat boots
Manipulative * Blunt * Talkative * Easy to get along * Cruel( In his own way)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: To Ahab, his best way of interaction is reading people, it is the most easy to read people when their emotional wards are down, like most of his patients. Either crying about how close to death their so 'cherished' loved one, or worrying if they are going to be okay. Reading people is easy for him, as he had to, making a quick buck as a kid. If you got to have a conversation with him, he would somehow have a lot to say with, 'How was your day?', though, he isn't great at detail.
At work, he likes to speak in monotone to piss off the patient's, though, if the victim dies, he wouldn't be ' Sorry Mrs.Whats-ya-face, I don't know how to say this.. but-' Ahab will just say it, ' Your son's dead, yay!' He would say in mock excitement, 'One less mouth to feed..'
Slapping people; especially if they are an asshole
Being a Hypocrite
Watching Anime
Going into an office, and mess up an OCD person's cubical
(An SAO 3)
Cough Drops
Fucking Cats
Asian food
Mochi ice cream
Baal jokes, mostly about himself
Dogs, big ones.
Terrorists, just generally all of them.
People that try to hard
Bio: In the beginning.... nothing really abnormal happened in Ahabs life, named Ahab because their parents thought it was funny, though the more he thinks about it, it seemed like his dad was high at that time...
Not much is known in his childhood, as it was normal, or TOO normal.Though that was werid, nothing abnormal happened in his life, as if, it was in total balance, ever sense he was born, the parents quit drink and smoking, and had one terrible job that pays low, and a Hugely great job with high pay, his father is drowning in debt while his mother get's free things from her old college friends.
Starting at 3rd grade, he saw some random kid get pushed, someone stole who's cookie? And Ahab, having no idea why, shoved the other kid into a sandbox, getting in trouble for this ' Roughhousing' , asked why he answered bluntly, " 'Cause I felt like it." And it was true, something inside him told him to push him back.. He got most in trouble though, as he kept on keeping chaos in his class, being in the office was a regular thing for him. but, beside all that trouble, he graduated early at 15
He only considered on him being a god when he moved to Baltimore, somehow, his neighborhood, and his college, was in balance, 50/50 Male, Female and when someone in the city is born, someone dies on that day. He didn't notice until he was playing some shooter game, and some 12 year old kid say "Woah! Your a god BRO!" And it hit him, all the evidence shoved into his brain. During his years of residence, he tried to use his 'powers' but the best he could do was, well nothing, he could do
anything, so he continued his life, with the secret that his is an god, a fucking GOD!
Now, as he began to mature, his powers began to grow, noticing this as he walked along the beach, a little kid was staring hungrily at a huge cupcake, and found a 5 dollar bill. Instead of buying that cupcake, he gave it to a homeless man, near some bike racks, as Ahab smiled warmly, thinking on how he should have a reward, the kid trips and finds a gold bar! And that was where the kid's parents came in, looking at the bar, and began to holler, Ahab was confused yet impressed,
What luck, he said. But as some time passed, while he was mopping the floor, he stopped and though about that boy. He realized that it was HIS doing, and he only chuckled, and continued to mop the floor.