Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by shamrocknroll
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shamrocknroll Cosima Niehaus's stuffed squid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Emma Avril Jameson

Location: Adelaide Airport
Interacting With: Anybody, you don't need to be an Aussie to be here

Emma just landed in Adelaide, Australia. Her boss has sent her to look for handsome men for her industry. Emma didn't know her appeal to men or at least not since college. It wasn't that she wasn't unattractive but she had very high standards. Mom always said marry a HANDSOME doctor. Emma was completely out of her depth. What do I do? Where do I find men that are handsome that AREN'T already under contract? She thought to herself. Gulping she headed out of the airport ready to take on the land where every animal wants to kill you. At least that's what her grandpa used to tell her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 2 days ago

Clayton Radshaw

Location: London, some dirty old alleyway.
Interacting With: Anybody.

The bright light of a rising morning pieced the thin flesh of Clayton's eyelids. Groggily he shook his head trying to hide from the sun as the cool crisp outside air ran along his skin. Shit, he was outside...

It seemed to have gotten much brighter by the time Clay opened his eyes again, he squinted as he looked around trying to assess his location and situation. He was by no means feeling ok, but there had defiantly been occasions before were he had woken up feeling much worse.

His head was splitting with a pounding headache, he had poor recollection of the night before, the strong residual smell of whiskey hung on his breath and he had the faint taste of blood on his lips. No there was nothing unusual here.

Despite all reasonable logic and indicators he still prayed to find himself in a large soft bed with luscious white sheets and an exotic strange girl wrapped in his arms.

As his eyes adjusted to and filtered the piercing painful light he quickly looks around and lets out a deep loud long disappointed sigh, reality hit him hard and confirmed the initial thoughts he wanted to hide from. Clay lay outside amongst a rubbish heap in a dirty small back alley.
Surprisingly, even though the odds were against him, he was still both saddened and disappointed by this, as it meant there would be no breakfast or morning sex today.

With a groan he picks his battered, bruised and injured body off the floor and recollects the night before....

Last Night
unnamed pub

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Adelaide Airport

Interacting with: @shamrocknroll(Emma Avril Jameson)

Jacob walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed, he'd managed to snag himself enough time for a holiday. No work, no worries and most importantly. No shit! Sure it was only a week but that was a week he wouldn't be busting his back moving turds the size of children. Fuck yeah Jacob, you got yourself a trip to Adelaide so you can loosen up. Then tell sis all about it. This ain't no Queensland but it beats Melbourne. Though I've seen all of Melb so maybe that's why it doesn't seem as nice... Shut up Jacob and enjoy your holiday, fucken ayy... Jacob grabbed his one large case and started wheeling himself towards the exit.

He felt a strange pulling, it wasn't physical pull it was more of a gut feeling. Was this something to do with his gift? He turned the way his stomach told him, and there he saw a woman who looked a little out of her element. She looked a little to stressed to be here for a vacation. But hey she was cute, maybe the change in city would help him finally meet a girl. She didn't need to become his girlfriend or anything, but any experience would do. It couldn't hurt to try. he thought to himself as he approached the woman. "G'day, you alright there?" he asked in his semi thick accent. Fuck me who still say's G'day? he mentally rammed his head into a wall, but he managed to maintain his smile as he looked at the woman.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shamrocknroll
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shamrocknroll Cosima Niehaus's stuffed squid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Emma Avril Jameson

Location: Adelaide Airport
Interacting With: @LemonZest1337 (as Jacob Hamilton)

Emma turns and sees a rugged man, totally her type. But not Cerise's. Wait, not Cerise's type and my type? This is awesome. She thinks. She stutters for five seconds until she speaks. "Well G'day to you to mate as well." She says in a chipper tone. "I originally was here on work for a VERY demanding snooty fashion designer so I could use some relaxation as I just got here. Look I know this is a big order but can you just help me out? I can pay you and write it off as a business expense? My boss never gives me anything of note on where I'm going. I'm Emma by the way." She squeaks holding out her hand. Her smile beaming with hope.

Cerise Baptiste

Location: London, some dirty alleyway
Interacting With: @Dark Light Clayton Radshaw

Cerise looks down at the half-beaten man her divine sense detected (hence the plane to London that cost a fortune just to alter, silly girl). He was rough around the edges, would've been VERY sexy and valuable in the 80s when men could have hair and not be called a creep. "Need a hand? Some bonbons, anything dear? She hoped the man would get her subtle flirtation and if that didn't get him, a dear would. I hope he can withstand some of the drama that goes with being a model. She thought. "May I hold you if you can barely stand up? I think it's best that the police not get involved." So many attempts to win him over already, Cerise hoped her hard sale pays off.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 2 days ago

Clayton Radshaw

Location: London, some dirty old alleyway.
Interacting With: @shamrocknroll.

Clays stomach grumbled as he looked up at the lady through blinking groggy eyes. There was a small pause of silence as he just stared at her, a playful daring grin spread across his lips. With a groan he picked himself up off the floor and placed one hand on the brick wall behind him and the other heavily on her shoulder for support.
Despite the obvious impedance from either his hangover or injuries, or both, the man seemed to be enjoying himself. He didn't seem to catch the tone or intent of her words. Instead he looked to the sky as he had a small stretch. It was cut short as he stumbled for balance and came to lean heavily on and close to the lady.

Now that he was awake and leaning close against her his eyes capture hers. Deep and intense. He whispers "You have such beautiful eyes, we should get a drink sometime. Don't suppose you have a spare fag?" with those words his grin grew into a full blown teasing and charming smile. A smile that was well practised and rehearsed. A smile he was well aware of.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by shamrocknroll
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shamrocknroll Cosima Niehaus's stuffed squid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cerise Baptiste

Location: London, some dirty alleyway
Interacting With: @Dark Light Clayton Radshaw

Cerise smiles. She knows never to pull punches with her feminine wiles. Her husband knew this, but his... mortal limitations limited his physical desire for Cerise. She overtly flashes her rather big wedding ring "Thanks dear stranger. As for your drink suggestion, I hope it doesn't matter that I'm tied down. It's a complex situation, I'll leave it at that." She pulls out a pack of cigerettes and tries to stifle a chuckle (fag as a cigarette slang never gets old for her) and hands it to the bloody man. "Want to head back to my hotel? Back in one of my homes across the pond an old... favorite of mine taught me some first aid, he was a boxer so he knew a thing or two about wound treatment." She asks knowing what this entails or implies. "You're not employed are you because I know that a man like you might need to call in sick when we're done." She winks, realizing she is fishing for an answer. Thoughts of her sweetheart from college came to her head. She wondered what happened to him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 2 days ago

Clayton Radshaw

Location: London, some dirty old alleyway.
Interacting With: @shamrocknroll.

Clayton chuckles which inadvertently causes him to wince in pain.
"What? Aren't married woman allowed to drink? Your not pregnant are you?"
He asks as he takes the cigarette and let's it hang loosely in between his lips. It was a rhetorical question and his tone gave away his playful teasing.
"Honestly I don't think I'm welcome back at work after last night, think I'll just avoid that awkward conversation. Your room sounds great though." he says more seriously. "I gotta be on a plane this arvo anyway and I don't think this is any state to travel in.

Shit! What's the time?"

Then there's the frantic patting as he checks all his pockets again and again. He finds a wallet but nothing else.

Slightly disappointed he shrugs it off.
"Say, your not from around here are you? What brings you to these parts?

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by shamrocknroll
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shamrocknroll Cosima Niehaus's stuffed squid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cerise Baptiste

Location: London, sidewalk (I'm imaging Cerise getting out of the alley)
Interacting With: @Dark Light Clayton Radshaw

Cerise chuckles at the pregnant comment. "Conception hasn't came easily for me. I crave to change that. I bet you can work over my husband in that department. I love my husband but it's his side that isn't strong enough." She winks at him trying to gauge his desires. Usually she's more methodical, but this man is influencing even her. A Goddess of beauty, love and childbirth. So fascinating. She notices the Australian slang and thinks quickly about that twit Emma, she isn't getting anywhere near this man. She answers rather honestly. "I'm originally from France but now live across the pond in the south mostly. I'm here on pleasure, which is in a way my business." She soon reaches her room and opens the door and places the man on her bed.

"Wait here, I'll get the iodine and swabs." She kisses him gently on the cheek then whispers in his ear. "Enchante' je suis appelé Cerise." She smiles and then escalates the seduction. "I'll be changing as well, your blood got on my clothes, any preference?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 2 days ago

Clayton Radshaw

Location: London, hotel room.
Interacting With: @shamrocknroll.

He might not have woken up amongst soft white sheets, fluffy pillows and in the company of a gorgeous lady, but here he was now. The smug smile on his lips was nearly uncontainable. The way the sultry French whisper rolled off her tongue only made it worse. The sounds were magic enough but the words then tested and stretched his memory.

He knew je suis for 'I am', so therefore assumed appelé Cerise to be her name. Who was he to judge. Her next comment also put any doubt about her intentions to rest. She was extremely forthcoming for a stranger he just met in the alleyway, a married one at that. But then again, who was he to judge.

"un peu noir ou rouge" He says in his broken accent in attempts to humor or impress, all while he gives a sly predatory glare. His eyes followed her intently until she was out of sight. Shamelessly studying her womanly body and figure.

There was still sometime before he had to be at the airport so he decided he might as well have some fun to kill the time.
He gets up and heads over to the mini fridge and begins searching through it, occasionally wincing every time an off movement reminds him of an injury.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Adelaide airport

Interacting with: @shamrocknroll (as Emma Avril Jameson)

Jacob was relieved with her response, might have been a little awkward but that was fine. Then she talked about a snooty boss, that was something he could relate to, then she offered to pay him! Getting payed on a holiday? Sweet! Things were looking up for Jacob Hamilton. He smiled as he shook her hand, it was so small and soft, guess not all girls were like his sister. And did she just squeak? "Nice to meet you Emma." he then gave her hand a firm shake "I'm Jacob. And I'd be glad to help you out, I don't have any plans so I'm all yours." Jacob then released Emma's hand and rolled his wrist.

"What have you got planned for me?" He tilted his head a little rubbed his moustache with his index finger and his thumb, the fingers met under his nose then he rubbed the side of his fist under his nose a single time. He felt relaxed already, but he still had a hint of worry in him. Who knows what this woman was going to ask him to do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shamrocknroll
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shamrocknroll Cosima Niehaus's stuffed squid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Emma Avril Jameson

Location: Adelaide Airport
Interacting With: @LemonZest1337 (as Jacob Hamilton)

Emma crinkles her nose and smiles. "Well I'm a newcomer here, farthest place west from Boise was Portland and the farthest west is Macon, Georgia, the state not the country." She then hands him 100 Australian dollars. "It's not much but if I spend too much my boss will kill me. Anyway since you're the native and all I know about Australia is that John Curtin was the Prime Minister during World War II. You can lead the way, if you want to know my interests I like knitting, kind of a geek in most of the predictable ways and like to see animals... except the snakes, they always look at me weird." She jumps slightly in joy. Very happy to ditch her boss for a guy's attention. She quickly reaches for her phone to stick it to Cerise, but realizes she has no leads for a new job and puts it away.

Cerise Baptiste

Location: London, Cerise's hotel room
Interacting With: @Dark Light Clayton Radshaw

Cerise smiles as she shows off most of her bare body. For a woman who's had more than one kids, she didn't look like it. Her ring tone of "hanging on the telephone" goes off, it is her husband. She rolls her eyes. He knows I'm busy. She thinks. She pivots and sees the heartthrob looking at the fridge. "You a wine guy or a liquor guy? I'm curious because I think the two of us could have a very beneficial relationship and I like men who are... well-rounded in more ways than one." She asks her southern inflection bleeding into the words. She realizes she forgot the iodine... if he really needs it he'll notice.

She slides onto her bed and smiles as she found this speciman of humanity... why is he so influencial to me? She thinks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Adelaide Airport

Interacting with: @shamrocknroll (as Emma Avril Jameson)

Jacob respectfully took the money then frowned as Emma complained about her boss "Your boss sounds like a piece of work. Now I feel even better for helping you out, bosses can be a real pain sometimes." Jacob's smile quickly returned and he picked up his bag. What were the chances? This girl liked animals, actually thinking about it there were going to be lots of people who liked animals. It was just a bonus that this cute girl liked animals, it was basically perfect. Jacob's smile turned into a slightly cheeky smirk, "You like animals? Then I guess the zoo should be our first stop then, it might be nice to look at animals that I don't need to clean up after. You wouldn't believe how hard it is." it probably wasn't the smoothest thing to bring up his job but he'd already done it, so no going back.

Jacob then whipped out his phone ready to search up the local Zoos. He also pulled out his boomerang and slipped it into a leather holster he'd had made for it. It'd been mistaken for a gun a few times, he actually felt kinda cool but also like a living stereotype.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 2 days ago

Clayton Radshaw

Location: London, hotel room.
Interacting With: @shamrocknroll.

Clayton turns from the fridge with a large smile on his face, in one hand between his fingers he balanced a bottle of wine and two serving glasses while in the other his fingers cling to the necks of various single serving shots of liquor.
He balances his two hands weighing up his options.

He casually strolls up to where she sat on the bed and while standing he places himself between her knees. The outside of his legs pushing against the inside of hers. He hovers over her, savouring the moment, dragging it out, toying with her.

Bringing the wine bottle to his mouth he bites into the cork and pops the lid. Ignoring the glasses he takes a small sip. Satisfied he holds it out towards Cerise. Should she reach for it he will playful pull it back and shake his head. Waiting for her to allow him to pour it into her mouth...

And he did. But he didn't stop there. He filled up her mouth until it spilled out and continued to pour it over the rest of her body. He kissed her lips deeply tasting the wine and then he continued to follow the liquid as it rolled slowly all over her body. He only stopped to share the small whiskey shooters from his spare hand and laugh at the soaking sheets of the bed.

As soon as the bottle was empty he leans over her and effortlessly scoops her up off the bed. In his arms he continues to ravage her as he carries her to the shower. Slapping the taps, the room quickly fills with hot steam, fogging the mirrors and hanging heavily in the air. It was deep, dense and suffocating. Just as were they.

Clayton had come to some conclusions during their affair. The 'complication' of her marriage. The way she spoke of both 'business and pleasure'. How upfront and eager she was. How quick it had all happened. How 'skilled' she was.
Clayton decided to disappear before she could charge him and snuck out as soon as she turned her back. Well... Maybe not the first time but eventually.

Now as he sat on a plane bound for California he stared out the window and thought of her. He sipped his whisky and cola while daydreaming of those past events. A smug smile glued to his lips.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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