Lingering Malice The Hand and Heart Shattered Hate
Tier 4
possible Cult of Lycholme
Tier 4
possible Cult of Lycholme

Zil and Anq are parts of a single entity. Once, there were several of them, now, they're the only ones left. Zil is an imp-like demon standing at more than two feet and can be mistaken as a young demon-child. Anq is often assumed to be the mother of the little demon. With her height of 6 feet, she stands with strength and a womanly form. Both of them have red skin with three yellow triangle marks on their faces, horns are their most distinguishing feature with Zil having multiple small, pointed horns and Anq's pair of upward-pointing horns.
Both possess cruel personalities that they have inherited from their original form: an ancient demon lord. With them inheriting parts of their true self, each of them took to a particular facet of their true personality.
Zil, the little demon, was known as The Hand and the Lingering Malice. He enjoys toying with people's perception of other people and has destroyed lands with a mere influence on how someone viewed someone else. He acted the most among the fragments and caused the most damage.
The demoness frequently mistaken as Zil's mother took to assuring they all survive. She didn't care whether they wreaked havoc or not, succeeded or failed. All she cared was they all survived. She embodied the great demon's unnatural deviance from their nature, and that she continued showing hints of concern and genuine care for her fellow fragments. Currently, she works with the destructive and the other last remaining fragment to spread their darkness. Anq is The Heart and Shattered Hate.
Both of them working together had dealt fear in the heart of people. They are currently traveling and cause unbearable terror and suffering to any feeble being they meet. Despite this, the two are not combative and had dealt great damage without outright confrontation. Anq secures their safety above all else and while Zil might have embodied their nature of destruction, he could do nothing to stop Anq from making their survival a priority. As they traveled, they have heard rumors of a great dark power amassing somewhere in Ecetopia. They had come to find it.
After traveling and seeking out this evil they'd heard of, they came upon a forest near Watercave, Ecetopia. The two of them could sense the festering evil and death in there and so, they ventured deeper into the forest. What greeted them was a squad of rotting undead that did everything they could to defeat them. Alas, they were unable to. All of a sudden, the onslaught ended and the undead lead them to their creator. With some negotiations and explicit declaration that the two retain their independence, they became one of the Cult.
- 3 Demonic Vitality :While their physical constitution is weaker than their original form, they are durable and can withstand attacks that usually ends knocking the wind out of humans. They also recover fast enough that extending periods of physical exertion is nothing but a small task. As demons, they are immune to most poisons and illnesses.
- 3 Unholy Strength :Both of them have the same amount of strength and are able to crush bones easily with their grip but due to how small Zil is, it is not useful for him. Their strength match that of a trained warrior's but they only use it to break free and get themselves out of close-range battles.
- 2 Molten Blood :Their blood is full of hate and pain. Ingesting it or getting in contact with it is comparable to scalding water, and gets especially hotter if charged with magic. While harmful, it gives a boost of of vitality and magic to someone who drinks a good amount of it. Too much causes slight physical changes that may or may not be temporary.
Zil - It takes his mere presence to induce chaos.
- 4 Impish Demeanor :Zil exudes an aura of playfulness that is contagious. Non-magical beings are easily influenced and those who are weak-willed enjoy an experience of uncontrolled fun. This starts of as a harmless prank but escalates into actions uncaring of consequences, how dire they may be. Pre-existing feelings of contempt, hate, and envy helps the effect's hold become stronger. It can be removed by telepathy, light magic, or a strong will. Losing consciousness and getitng away from Zil automatically ends it.
- 2 Distortion :This distorts Zil already small presence. He uses his size to its fullest potential and by using this ability, he's practically invisible. Those with strong magic and sophisticated sensory tech can sense him. He can use it on someone else but it is easie rto spot due to their inherent presence (i.e.: size)
- 3 Deception :Zil changes his appearance into an innocent toddler. As the spell is cast, his presence and appearance is turned into a young child that can do no harm. More often than not, this is what lures his victims and drives them into despair and suffering. An innocent look is a handy tool for a devious demon. Seeing past this involves both suspicion at his current form and strong magic. When used in conjunction with Distortion, it gets harder to see past through him, making the simultaneous use of the ability Tier 4.And by doing so, it tires Zil more easily.
- 2 Corrosion :Zil shoots out a ball of magical energy that resembles slime. This magical substance is able to melt flesh and corrode armor. Magical barrier defends against it like metal shields do, but with due to it's corrosive nature, a slow breaking down happens.
Anq - Causes terrible damage and changes to her poor victims
- 4 Demonic Blessing :Envelops an individual in unholy magic, increasing their base capabilities and amplifying their destructive power. Harmless abilities are slightly twisted into weak but harmful spells, often at random. When casted on an already dark entity, a change can be observed - whether in terms of magic or their body. Holy beings or individuals filled with goodness often feel sick and have trouble reaching out for their magic.
- 3 Scorching Soul :Victims who have their blood spilled and tasted by either Zil or Anq feels their soul burn within a few minutes. It is a mild discomfort to ones still strong enough and haven't been weakened and at most, will distract their concentration mildly. The weaker and more damaged the victim is, the stronger the burn they experience. The most extreme case of this turned the victim insane, experiencing phantom pains even when it isn't there anymore. Healing magic done in intervals dissipates the worst effects of this ability.
- 3 Primal Hunger :Anq is capable of devouring entire humans whole. By doing so, it lets her recover faster than she normally does. If she does devour an entire individual without rending their flesh, she can incubate them within her and create a demon-blessed. Different from the spell, it permanently changes the individual into a demon-hybrid. It can only feed through Anq or Zil's blood and will die if not fed for a time.
- 3 Corrosion :Anq shoots out a ball of magical energy that resembles slime. This magical substance is able to melt flesh and corrode armor. Magical barrier defends against it like metal shields do, but with due to it's corrosive nature, a slow breaking down happens. A stronger version of Zil's ability
- 2 Assassin :Anq is a capable fighter and while most warriors may be more skilled than her, her demonic nature helps her keep up with them. She is able to fight and hold her own but she prefers to end a battle as quick as she can. She doesn't waste her effort with unnecessary movements and delivers swift and precise attacks.
- 2 Enchanted Cloak :Anq always wears an enchanted cloak wherever she goes. She never takes it off. It helps her conceal her dark magic from seeping out, alerting her would be victims. Along with her magic, her hateful nature can be felt if the cloak is not on her.
- 1 Wicker Basket :She carries a basket with her. This is where Zil sleeps when he's not terrorizing clueless victims. It just a generic wicker basket. Although when there was a time the two didn't yet have the basket, Zil was noticeably more grumpy. It seems he likes the basket.
You will beg me to end you, but I won't. I'll just slowly destroy you, inside-out.