Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by paragloan
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Malcolm walked down the hallway slowly as he tried to calm down. He had just come from speaking to one of the nurses that had been making mistakes excessively often and he had been elected to tell her that if she did not straighten up then she would be terminated. He hated when he was assigned that task. He did not like to be the bad guy but since it was something that Katherine had requested of him he would do it even though it left him feeling disconcerted. Sighing a bit, he finally let the tension go since he was on his way to a place that always made him feel be#er. He was on the way to Katherine’s office to have their daily meeting. It was the highlight of his day. The brief moments that he got to spend with her during the day during their shifts were just a teaser to him, but the time in her office was heavenly. She was his queen and he loved to worship at her throne when she allowed it.

He paused in front of the door and raised his hand to knock. He knew better than to barge right in since the one time he had made that mistake he had been thoroughly chastised. He could have dealt with that but the week of her icy silence except when she answered work related questions had been too much. He relaxed when he heard her call out to come in and he opened the door.

“Hello, Katherine. I have been waiting to speak with you all day. I have some concerns about some of our patients and you never gave me another of your special assignments and I do so want to please you.”he said as remembered the last assignment and the feeling of blood and tears on his hands. He was not a violent man usually but for her he would do anything, including some things he had never thought himself capable of before, just to see her smile. Dealing with people who made her upset were just one of the pleasures she allowed him.

He sat in the chair across from her and said, “I am worried about Chess and Ryan. Chess is so unpredictable and Ryan has so much anger. I am often at a loss of how to help them. Do you have any suggestions? Their meds do help but sometimes their eyes frighten me. In addition, poor Laura seems to be getting worse again. Did you get a chance to speak to Dr. Asher about her?”

He sat in the chair almost holding his breath as he waited for her to speak. He wanted nothing more than to get up and go around the desk and touch her but he knew that was not allowed. He would just have to burn her image in his head for later tonight, once he was alone.


Chess inwardly seethed with impatience as the nurse finished with his hand. He hated being stuck in one place for too long, the nurses here were not any fun, and Daniel was still asleep from the meds so he could not even talk to him, which was not much btter than talking to a wall in his opinion. The only time Daniel was any fun at all was when he lost his temper. Then he was amusing.

Once the last bandage had been wrapped, Chess smiled charmingly and asked, “Can I go back to my room now please? I just want to sleep and as nice as this place is I would be more comfortable in my own bed.” He watched as the younger of the two nurses blushed while the older one just shook her head and replied, “Yes you can go. I will send you pain medicine with your regular meds in the morning. For now just make sure not to overexert yourself and go straight to your room. If you don’t think you can make it there I can always send for an orderly to escort you.”

Trying not to show how irritated he was with her tone and her attitude he replied, "I will be fine. Thanks for your concern." He got to his feet and without looking back he walked out of the infirmary and down the hall towards where the bedrooms were located. He was almost to his room when he decided he did not feel like lying down just yet. He was bored and he needed a distraction. He peeked into the rooms one by one and no one was there except for Laura, who was alone. The sight of her so vulnerable lying on the bed got him hard in an instant. He inhaled sharply, was going to go into her room and play, but saw an orderly coming down the hallway. Now is not the time. There will be another opportunity later. I do not want to get thrown into isolation. Besides it will be more fun when she is conscious. Maybe I will see what the others are up to first.

Walking past the orderly who looked at him wit suspicion at first, which then turned into contempt and then disinterest, he went towards the main room. He did not enter but instead peeked around the corner and saw Winter talking to Alice but no Chris. That was indeed curious. He knew how Chris liked to sneak around and free Evan when she was confined so maybe they were somewhere doing something fun. Nodding to himself, he he walked towards the place where he once saw Chris disappear and slowly cracked the door to see Liv and Chris sitting outside.

Well, I was not expecting that at all. Just what are you two up to? He made sure to be as quiet as possible as he spied on the two. He heard his name spoken once but could not quite make out what was said unless he got a bit closer. The risk was too great so he just remained where he crouched and after a while, his eyes got really wide and he broke out into a grin. Yes, he was glad he had decided to go out and find Chris after all.

Laura jerked awake abruptly. She looked at the clock and saw that only about 30 minutes had passed since she had read the note. She shivered as she woke up and felt a cold chill go down her spine and for some reason had the feeling that someone had watched her as she slept. The voices were agreeing with her and one even yelled a name but she could not quite make it out. Her head started to pound and she started to rock back and forth holding it while shouting at them to shut up. She was more than a bit surprised when they did. The voice cut off and it went silent. Even the ones that usually kept whispering went quiet. She felt disoriented for a second since she was rarely alone in her head and then smiled. She hoped it lasted.

She sat up in bed and then put on her slippers before going over to her desk. She did not see anything else amiss so knew that no one else had been in her room while she slept. She let out a breath she did not realize that she was holding and then sat down in the chair. She pulled her notepad out and quickly started to write while she could think straight. She used the language she had made up so that if anyone else read it they would not understand. She had done this for as long as she could remember. The first entries in the notebook were fairly long, but lately they were shorter and shorter as her periods of lucidity were more rare.

She jotted down all that happened during group and her concerns and her fears. Once everything was done, she still did not hear the voices and she began to wonder. What had made the voices stop? She decided that she would go and look for Liv while they were quiet so that she could maybe share her concerns. Liv was the only one she trusted here.

She had gotten out the door and a bit down the hallway when an orderly spotted her and quickly came over. “You are not supposed to be out of your room. Dr.Asher said that you were to rest until dinner time.”

He took her by the arm and led her back to her room despite her noises of protest. Once she was inside he closed the door and she hurried and went back to her desk. It figured the one time she wanted to go somewhere she would not be allowed. Damn Dr. Asher. She had always felt creeped out by him but never showed it since most of the &me she was not in her right mind. She sat back down at the desk and ripped a piece of paper out of the notebook and began to write Liv a note. She just hoped that she stayed lucid enough to remember to give it to her before anyone else saw it.

Pain and the sound of voices talking were what work Daniel up. He slowly opened his eyes, was confused for a second to where he was, and why before recognition and recollect hit him. Evan had kicked his ass again and he was in the infirmary. He slowly turned his head a bit searching for the voices and flinched at the pain. He saw the two nurses sitting at the desk not too far away and opened his mouth to ask about pain medicine but stopped as he heard what they were talking about.

“I tell you Betty, I saw it for myself. I was down in the archives and it was sitting right there in a box. It had her name on it and I couldn’t help myself. It was all about Laura and her mom. The poor dear was born right here in the asylum. Her mom died giving birth to her. She was a patient too.” The younger nurse said.

With a disapproving glare nurse betty replied, “You know that you are not allowed to go down into archives without Dr. Ashers permission. Why were you there in the first place?

Nurse Clara blushed as she tried to figure out what to tell her superior. She could not tell her that the real reason she was down in the archives was that she was smoking a joint to relax a bit. She thought for a second and then replied, “I was looking for the old forms we used to use before the changeover. One of the ones we had for an old patient needed to be copied. It got damaged and the dr insisted that we use one of the old ones so they would not go to waste. “

She sighed in relief and hoped that Nurse Betty bought it. Since it had happened before she was pretty sure that she would. Nodding her head, Betty stated, “I don’t know why they always have to insist we use the old stuff when it is so much easier to use the computer and we can just recycle the old paper. Makes no sense to me.”

“Yes ma’am.” She paused for a second before blurting, “However, I didn’t tell you what else I found down there. So I looked to see who was listed as Laura’s father and you will not believe who it is!”

Daniel sat up a bit since he really wanted to know but he must have made some kind of noise since the two nurses stopped talking and looked his way. He mentally cursed and then moaned in pain to try to cover the fact that he had been ease dropping. He was quickly checked over and then given something else to help him sleep. As he drifted off, he heard the nurses begin to whisper again but was unable to make out what they said before he fell into Morpheus’s arms.


Spring pouted for half a second when Chris left but then realized she was alone with the hot blond and perked right up. She got up and sat down next to Alice and said, “So, you want to know the dirty details about this place huh? Well I can help you with that alright. First off you already know about the meatloaf so that is a start. Never go anywhere out of bounds unless it is nightime. The orderlies then are lazier and you can sneak around better but if Dr. Asher is here then don’t bother. He has like superhuman abilities or some shit and always finds whoever broke out when he is around. Another thing is that the basement where the archives are stored is off limits and even though I have tried to break into it I have not succeeded. If you ever do then who knows what you will find. It supposedly has all kinds of info about this place and past patients and creepy shit but only Dr. Asher has the key to the lock and it is this badass type that I couldn’t even pick.” She looked around and then leaned closer to Alice and whispered in her ear, “I heard a rumor though that one of the nurses managed to make a spare key but I don’t know which one.”

She took a deep breath of the uniquely Alice smell and shivered before she moved away. “As for the patients here, well we are on ward 2. The other three wards are for the more volatile or older patients but we are not allowed off of this ward unless accompanied by someone. I have never been off this ward myself but I think Ryan has before even though the dick never shared anything with the rest of us about what he saw.”

Spring sighed and curled a piece of her hair around her finger before looking back at Alice. She tapped another finger on her bottom lip before continuing, “Ryan is a grumpy dick. Daniel is a whuss. Evan is a crazy bitch but she can be funny. Chris is cool as shit. Laura is like a broken doll. Chess is a little sociopathic asshat. Liv is alright but she is distant to most people except for Laura, Ryan and Chris. Of course, I am awesome.” She winked at Alice before siting back and crossing her legs as she turned to face Alice better. She hoped that the beauty had brains as well. Spring liked her ladies to be smart, not just gorgeous and she was bound and determined to make Alice hers if she fit the bill.


Once the door was closed and locked, Fenris smiled and circled around Ryan back to his seat behind the desk. He spent the next ten minutes playing his special musical cocktail of violence while he spoke and told Ryan to always follow his impulses but not ever against him. He wanted the boy to be unpredictable, like a boiling kettle that only needed a nudge to overflow and burn whoever was near. Once the time was up, he got up and filled another needle that would make Ryan a bit more aware of what was going on around him but where he would not be able to lie. He injected the boy on the neck and went back to his chair while he waited a few minutes for it to kick in. Once he saw some clarity and anger come back into Ryan’s eyes he said, “Well, I am glad to see you again today. We have a lot to discuss.

Ryan glared at the Doctor for a few minutes until he was asked a question and then surprised himself by answering it even though usually he would not speak unless forced. His eyes got wide as it happened again and again. He was telling Fenris stuff that he had never even shared with Liv and some things that he didn’t want anyone other than himself to know. Something was wrong!
As soon as Fenris came to a halt in his questioning, Ryan asked, “What the fuck did you do to me? I wouldn’t tell you this shit unless you had done something. Make it stop now you sick fuck!”

Laughing at Ryan, Fenris replied, “Well at least you are consistent. You say that every time around now in your session.” His eyes got a bit cold as he stood up and walked around and place his hands on the arms of Ryan’s chair and bent down to look him in the eyes as he said, “It is amazing what a little drug cocktail and some hypnotherapy with electrical stimulation will achieve.”

Ryan felt the anger surge up in him and tried to stand so he could knock Dr. Asher on his ass but was unable to move. It was like he was frozen to the chair and his legs were paralyzed. “You son of a bitch! What have you done to me?!” he raged and could only watch as Fenris laughed and moved over to his filing cabinet to get something out. Then Fenris retook his seat behind the desk.

“This little interlude has been fun but we do have things to achieve during this little session and although you are as charming and clueless as usual we should really get started. First thing on the agenda is to address that little codepency you have with your sister. Then we shall get to the other task at hand but don’t worry, you wont remember anything unpleasant.”
Opening his mouth to ask just what that meant, Ryan heard Fenris say a word and then everything went blank.

“Ryan? Wake up Ryan. Our time for today is up. We made some real progress today but then you fell asleep so I let you rest for the end of the session.” Fenris said as he watched Ryan blink a few times and opened his eyes.

“Wait. What? I don’t remember anything except coming in here and then us talking for a few minutes and then things get cloudy. What happened?” Ryan asked a bit bothered by the lost time but not realizing that anything amiss had happened.

“We are using hypnosis to deal with some of your anger issues. It is not uncommon for you to be a bit disoriented but the memories should come back as quick as a flash.” Fenris said using the trigger words for Ryan’;s implanted session memories to return. He watched as Ryan visibly relaxed as he remembered talking about his past and a few things that made him upset as well as what Fenris had suggested to him to help.

Fenris walked over to his phone and paged an orderly. “You will be taken back to isolation until dinner then you may go back to your room. You may not speak to Liv until then. Use the time to think about why losing your temper is bad and the consequences of our actions.”

There was a knock on the door and Fenris escorted Ryan to the door and ushered him out. Once they were gone he went back to his chair and collapsed into it with a sigh. He was always exhausted after dealing with Ryan. The boy would fight him even under hypnosis and the training that he had given him. He knew that it would be worth it in the end once he had broken Ryan to suit his needs but for now it drained him. He looked over at the video camera he had hidden behind a picture on the wall. He would watch the video later and see what needed to be tweaked in his approach. Grinning, he opened the desk drawer and took out a small bottle of whiskey and took a sip. He deserved a little treat before having to go to dinner in a half hour. He would use the free time to savor the time when his efforts would pay off and the residents of Wonderland would truly be his.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

Katherine wasn't surprised at all to see Malcolm coming into her office after she beckoned for him to come in. Of course it was him. The nurses didn't really deal with her unless it was one of her assigned patients, like Liv and Chris were. She looked up from the file and gently closed it before she tucked it in the pile when he spoke to her. "He's going back to her old medication for the time being. He had changed it recently." Katherine said with a bit of a sigh.

She drummed her fingers against her desk a moment, trying to go back to the first bit of what he asked. That was a little trickier. Chess nor Ryan were patients she saw often outside of group, especially since Ryan was Fenris's patient. "Ryan, honestly, is a bit harder to answer for since it's rare I see him. But just notify anyone if you need help with him, his medication is usually effective. Chess on the other hand, watch carefully. He's capable of more than what people tend to realize, and if you want more answers for him, ask Absolum. Dr. Absolum has seen him more than I have too."

She looked up, "And be sure that if you are carrying a sedative, to keep it in the inner pocket of your jacket around the both of them. Chess wouldn't hesitate to try and use it on you."

When he brought up a special task, she gave a gentle smile. "I actually have a task in mind for you. Not quite the usual that I ask, but it is something I just won't have time to get done today." she said, scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Bring this to the pharmacy in ward three and bring it back to me please. I know we're out of what I need for my stores in this ward."

Katherine took the file back off the pile after a moment, "Oh, and if you happen by Dr. Asher, will you let him know I'll do Liv's evaluation tonight before I leave. Hers will be very simple and quick, all things considered, and I have moved her next one on one session to tomorrow morning."


Alice listened to Spring as she spoke and nodded. "Okay. Thanks." she said when she brought up sneaking around. Alice usually didn't sleep well anyway, so it would be nice to be able to get out and about instead of being confined. When Winter brought up the archives in the basement, she quirked a brow. Alice had been pretty good with locks, especially since she usually forgot her house keys whenever she went to school. "I might go looking at it one day, I've... I've gotten rather good with locks." she said the last part of it a bit more quietly.

As she went on about the patients, she sort of smiled a bit at what she had said about herself. "I can tell that about them for the most part. Has Evan always had it out for Daniel though? I do feel kind of bad for him because he doesn't seem to do anything to egg it on." she asked, and when she got her answer she nodded. "It's good to know that at least there are a few people to talk to." she said, and she saw the orderlies walking around, and she looked up to the clock. They still had some time before dinner was due to start.

"Is there any place we can go walk around? It feels really stuffy in here after everything? And I know that after dinner things will probably calm down, but I just... I don't know. It feels weird in here." she said, looking around the main room. It was really weird to see it this empty too, but she knew everyone else was either in isolation, their room, or the infirmary. Hopefully next group session wouldn't be too bad.

(I'll bring in my others next post since they're mostly interacting with each other or not really doing much at all otherwise. But yay! Post)
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