Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jason "Phoenix" Diabolus | Squad Sigma Pilot

The boy stood in formation with his fellow pilots, but a fist was clenched tightly at his side. His features betrayed that he was quite unhappy with the current situation. Hearing the freak talk to Serah like that, Jason's clenched fist twitched slightly as he desired nothing more than to just sock the ugly bastard in his self-righteous face. The entire time they stood there, Jason's eyes tried to find Serah's gaze as he hoped to tell her that everything would be alright with his gaze. Then his gaze shifted back towards the sick bastard talking to them, alight with fury. He wasn't sure what was true or not, about Serah committing war crimes. But if she did, he figured it had to be thanks to the... whatever had happened to those inside of the station. With an irritated sigh after they were dismissed, he looked towards the newcomer into the group. Some girl, pretty but not his issue at the moment. Not long after, another approached and started talking about something. Not that he cared.

Jason didn't talk to any of the other pilots as he left, his emotional turmoil obvious on his features. He went first to change out of his plugsuit before heading towards the gym. He turned up some loud, ancient, rock music and immediately went towards the punching bag. He didn't think as he wailed away on the bag, just using it as a way to vent the frustrations building up inside. Was he about to lose somebody that he cared about for the third time in his life? First, it was his family, and those he loved on his home. Then his squad. Both dead at the hands of the Cruxi. Then because of some Cruxi... thing, was he about to lose Serah for a crime he was confident she couldn't do on her own? Bullshit. All of it. The boy continued his actions for a long time, he wasn't sure how long, but only stopped when his knuckles began to bleed and his arms sore. Then he decided to quit and go back to his room, to calm down a bit after everything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Before Alyssa had a chance to answer Zim's question about deployment they were interrupted with the introduction of a second new pilot. Zim could feel a nosebleed start as he watched her reach up to remove her helmet. He was ready to introduce everyone again but was interrupted by her own attitude. As Zim was about to continue talking again he was introduced by a third pilot.

"Another new Pilot?" Zim said as he wiped the potential trickle away as he turned to see her. She was tall by any standards, but compared to Zim she was a giant. Where others might see this new pilot as unsettling given her height, garb, and cultural markings, Zim had no room to talk. Where she was tall, Zim was small, where she had cultural markings, Zim was disfigured. If she was a freak so was Zim, and so he was already starting to feel a sort of comradery with the Amazon. If Valeria noticed Zim's gaze she would be able to tell that it wasn't the cautious leer of an outsider, but more of a studying eye absorbing details, there was no animosity in his eyes.

By then Katya, Maria, Jake, and Jason had all departed going their own directions despite the apparent continuous flow of new squadmates. Zim wasn't too terribly happy about that, especially for Katya to leave considering she is part of the squad leadership. Just as well, another opportunity to act as a leader in the group. "Valeria, Pleased to meet you," He continued to introduce himself and everybody else, as well as the other new pilots.

"El," Zim turned to the shapely red-head, "You just missed the XO, but he is going to be preoccupied with his new... pet. According to what he told us, CO Ritzu is busy filing reports. Squad Leader Elise Stienhart will have to suffice for the moment for who to report to as the ranking authority at the moment. Don't let her appearance fool you, she will break you if you disrespect her. Valeria, same for you."

Elisabeth visibly stiffened at the use of the shortened name. The first time anyone in the group actually talks to her and they are already acting so familiar with her that think they can shorten her name. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked away with a dissatisfied grunt.

"I can't speak for Elise, or the rest of the military, but I would say that as far as I am concerned you are both now reported for duty and now officially part of Squad Sigma. Congratulations. Also, please don't refer to us as the Heros of Leviticus IX. We are just coming back from a mission where we were cleaning up part of our own mess for those of us who failed the Joppa front. On that note, there is another member of the squad who can't be here right now for... various reasons. We'll fill you in on that a little later on, once we are maybe not out in the open so much... also, I am not sure how much of that is "need to know" at this point."

"Anyways, tell me about yourselves? Training, any deployments prior to this squad? What is your Framewerk called and how do you use it?" He resisted asking if they thought their machines were alive, he was still itching to get more information on that, but he figured it was best to save the philosophical questions for after they got to know each other. "As for me and my partner," Zim began before allowing them a chance to respond, "I pilot Black Star, we are front-line Melee combatants. Get us up close and we'll cut 'em down. I seem to spend a lot of time cleaning up the grunts while our artillery lineup cracks at fortifications or the big bad guys. Just like me, Black Star is one of the smallest Werks you'll come across."

"Okay fine, if we must, I pilot Ojo," Elizabeth offered quickly, she motioned towards the white werk in the distance, "She is a defensive machine, my job is to keep the bullets at bay. I guess I'll be spending a lot of time helping you get to the front of the line then, Zim."

"I'll look forward to it. I do alright by myself, but if you could keep the snipers or turrets off of me it would help a great deal. Alright, whos next? Who else are we going to be fighting with? Oh, while we talk who needs a tour of the base or needs help finding your quarters?"

Zim would guide the girls around as much as he could, though Allysa and Valeria had time to wander around a little on their own, perhaps they wouldn't require such assistance. However, the entire time that Zim guided them Elizabeth would be talking down to Zim like he was some sort of man-servant.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As Maria and Jake continued to eat in the cafeteria, Jake then said, "...there's also someone I want to talk to...just to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Maria put her sandwich down then asked, "Who?"

"Jason of course. Surprised you haven't noticed..."

Shaking her head, Maria then said, "Yeah your right. If he did something rash, there goes any chance."

Looking around, Jake then spied Katya at her own table.

"...think we should take a chance on her too?", Jake then asks.

"Why ask me Mr. Reconniasence? You seem to know what your doing", Maria said with a smirk.

"Oh that's low, ho ho ho", Jake responded with a rhyme.

"...but yeah...let's just ask her to follow us out towards Jason's quarters. If she follows or not, her call", Maria responded.

Finishing up, both Jake and Maria then got up from their tables after cleaning them up. They then approached Katya's table.

"...Katya. I'm sorry for this sudden interruption but if you got a moment, could you come with us to Jason's quarters? There's...stuff we like to talk to you and him about", Maria then asks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Katya had gotten herself change before heading the mess all. Wearing standard issue cold weather fatigues she had been given when she had been transferred to squad Sigma. It no secret those form Kromm found most place to cold for comfort. Something she still hoped she would eventually adjust to but had her doubts.

But it was a minor matter and right now Katya had something she deemed far more important on her mind. That being what Elora had said about Killing the Son. Katya still have no idea what the young pilot meant by those words. Although that did not stop her again letting her mind ponder the meaning as she entered the mess and acquired something to eat and sat in the corner of the room on her own.

There she stayed slowly eating as her mind wondered. Failing to notice both Jake and Maria approach her. Only looking at them and paying them any mind when they started to speak. Only just hearing their request for her to come with them to Jasons room as there was something they wanted to speak to her and Jason about. Katya giving sigh as she was only halfway through her meal. But she could not say no. After all, she was their superior and she could not recall a time either Jake or Maria had approached her and ask her to come with them. So was pretty sure whatever they wanted had to be important. So saying no was not really an option.
“Alright give me a minute put this away.” she spoke before taking one last bite of her food. Before throwing the rest out. Feeling a little annoyed she didn’t get to finish it. But the thought was quickly pushed aside as she joined the pair of them.
“Lead the way. Meanwhile one of you care to tell me what this is about. I can’t recall a time either one of you have come to me like this. So whatever this is I get feeling you both think its important.”


As Zim looked at Valéria she her posters shifted showing a small amount of discomfort at the short man gaze. But it quickly faded as Zim said he as pleased to meet Valéria. Who gave him a bow of the head to thank him silently.

“Thank you brother Hero. I’m pleased to meet you as well.” she spoke tilling her head down to look at the shorter pilot. Adjusting her hood in an effort to make sure it covered her head correctly. Feeling Zim’s short height might let him see things she was not allowed to show at this time.

As Zim spoke of the XO which she already knew was Lorenzo having already had made herself known to the man. But that was more of a she was escorted to him when she arrived so he knew he had another pilot under his command. Valéria was pleased the meeting was short and he seemed not to care less that she had arrived and was ready for duty. Valéria finding the had a creepy feeling about him. As Zim spoke of Ritsu Valéria made note of what Zim said. The woman feeling a slight frown appear as it meant she’d have to officially report in later. When the Ritsu was free as Valéria’s order stated clearly to report into Captain Ritsu. Which to her meant the Elise was not an option although it would have made thing so much easier for her if the young Sargent was.

As Zim spoke of Elise Valéria could not help but glance over. Having heard of Sargent Elise Steinhart although Valéira was surprised to see she was someone so that looked so young. Was center of several tales of valour and bravery. To Valéria to have someone so that looked like she was still a child fight and not to mention lead was unnatural. But Valéria had undergone some education courses to make sure she was aware some worlds had did things differently and that she needed to accept such things.

Zim kept speaking Valéria making a mental note as Zim said not to call them Heros of Leviticus IX. The woman giving a nod of the head to say she would comply with such a request. Although she had not intended to refer to the squad in that way again to them. Only her Haath brothers and sister at the base she was sure she’d end up spending time with and swapping war stories with. As it was common pass time for Haath troops was to share the stories of war when they came back from the front. Valéria positive she’d end up having more than a few all she hoped is most of them were tales of victories.

The moment Zim asked the new pilots to share some information about themselves. Valéira nodded and was about to answer the questions Zim had asked. However, Elizabeth spoke first. Valéira listening closely to what the young woman had to say. Although she could not help but be a little distracted by the woman's bountiful red hair. Valéira again wondering how did she tolerate it? Surely washing and brushing it must be time-consuming.

Once Elizabeth had finished speaking Valéria cold see several use’s for Elizabeth and her werk and expected the two of them would be working together at least a little bit. When Zime offered a tour of the base while they talk Valéira pondered the idea of a moment before gesturing for him to lead them. Valéria not about to say no even if she had partly familiarized herself with bases layout. After all he might show her something she had missed that and she didn’t want to be seen as rude. Zim had made offer out of what she assumed was kindness. So it would be impolite to not partake of his offer.
“I’ll will take up on your kind offer brother Hero. As for the werk I operate it is called Redeemer. A heavy melee werk. If you wish to see it you’ll find it in the werk hanger. Look for the large black werk with a mace on it left arm and claw on the right. Can not miss it. As for prior deployments, I have been protecting my peoples home for roughly 4 years. I have seen one battle against the Cruxi but … it ended in defeat. The Cruxi drove my kind form our second home.” Valéria spoke rubbing her left arm feeling a pang of phantom pain run through it. Her tone becoming one of anger and hate as she spoke the word Cruxi

As they walked Valéria was quickly to notice how Elizabeth spoke to Zim finding it to be quite rude and uncalled for Zim so far seemed like a nice enough person. For a time Valéira merely didn’t utter a word. However, her tolerance for it in the end, wore out.
“If you will excuse me. I can’t tolerate the rudeness of Sister Fullbright any longer. I think I will hunt for the captain and report in. My thanks Brother Hero for showing me around.” she spoke giving a bow of the head. With that she walked off on her own adjusting her as she went.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Thank you ma'am and again, were sorry for interrupting your meal", Maira said with a salute.

"Well then. Let's go", Jake said.

As the three walked down the hallway, Jake then said, "Ma'am. If you must know, were going to talk about...well something in private but out here..."

"Katya...we want to help Serah and Elora. With Serah...getting those war crime charges dropped. Jake's just afaid to talk to the wrong person about it", Maria then said.

"Yeah. Say it like no one's around", Jake said with a roll of his eyes as they continued to walk.

"As well as Jason. We want to make sure he doesn't do anything...stupid to hurt our chances", Maria then said.

"It's a bunch of stuff. For one ma'am. Where do you stand on that? Do you think Serah facing those charges is just? Or do you think those charges should be dropped?", Jake then asks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Three days had passed since Squad Sigma had returned to their mission. In that time, the new recruits have reported to Captain Ritsu, still caught in the web of administrative procedures thanks to the controversy surrounding both Elora and Serah. Higher ups have demanded for their execution, but Lorenzo had kept them at bay, promising to resolve their cases soon. Pilot Sigma was assigned out from the squad for "classified reasons", but the most believed cause was the lapses of memory that she had experienced, rumored to be a memory disorder caused by a defect in the cloning process.

"You're releasing me from duty?" Elise screamed while in Ristu's office, and banged her fists against her desk. "I can still fight! You can't do this to me!"
Ritsu sighed heavily. "It can't be helped, Sargeant; your injuries are too grievous for you to be sent to any new missions. You would put not only yourself, but the rest of your squad at risk." Elise bit her lip, and looked aside. Ritsu continued. "This wouldn't normally be an issue, but the energy system your Framewerk operates on rejects cybernetic enhancements, which means you can't be fitted with artificial replacements." The red-headed girl clenched her fists. "I know that...But still, isn't that too drastic? And what about Squad Sigma?"

Ritsu typed on her laptop. "Don't worry, Romanovna will take on your duties. As for you, well, there's options. You could take on the duties of a quartermaster or a drill instructor, or begin commissioned officer training." Elise shook. "Fine. As long as I can be with P...Nevermind." She stood up straight. "Understood, Captain. I will take my lead, and report on my decision later." She made one last salute, and drifted off. She walked to the hangar, and looked up at Prometheus, holding back her tears. She then hesitantly reached out, and touched the Framewerk with her hand.

Elsewhere, in Lorenzo's laboratory, his beautiful and shapely assistant Dariya made a light-hearted giggle as she looked at Elora step out of the containment sphere, with a strange helmet that covered her entire head, wearing a black bodysuit with bright green lines running on it in a Tron-like fashion. Dariya wrote down a line on the clipboard she held in her hands. "Now Elly my dear, we're going to make a few tests, ok? If you'e a good girl, I'll give you a plushy toy and some sweet bars." She pet her head. The young ex-pilot slowly nodded, completely silent. "Professor, are you sure of this? We haven't got authorization to release her yet, and the Neuro-Mask is still in the prototype phase of testing. We are already treading on dangerous ground with the ESP research."

Lorenzo was on the other side of the vast room, typing a password to a terminal. "It is fine. Aside from the occasional noise, she's been stable, and her readings have only shown a minuscule rate of fluctuation, especially after Subject X was relocated downstairs. Besides, the Neuro-Mask works on the same principle as the Dampening Sphere; it is simply a mobile, and more importantly, adjustable version. Proceed with the experiment." "Very well then, Professor. We will start with the sensory testing, and then move on to telekinetic evaluation. Come on, Elly~"
Dariya smiled sweetly, and took Elora by her hand, as if she was a mother taking her daughter to a picnic. The two then disappeared past an automatic door that locked behind them.

Lorenzo scratched the back of his hand. "Liu'un is showing great progress. If I could just convince those idiots of her potential..."
He grumbled, and moved to a big, egg-shaped construct; it had XA-01 painted on it. "Ana..." he cooed in a creepy voice, and opened the pod; a young woman, or at least something resembling a young woman, was inside, her eyes closed, completely unmoving. He grinned, and caressed her cheek with his wrinkly palm while she was in sleep-mode.
"My masterpiece...My precious daughter. I may have lost you once, but now you are reborn. And you look as beautiful as your mother. You will avenge her..." Lorenzo then removed his touch, and took a moment to look aside, having become emotionally charged. After he calmed himself, he reached for his pocket to press a button on his device. "Wakey wakey." Ana was finally activated, and opened her eyes. Lorenzo smiled gently. "Anastasia, you are now a month old, which means it is time you take on new responsibilities. Today is the day of your integration to a pilot squad. Remember, your social skills will be tested even harder than in the simulations, so you must be prepared for anything. Also, you must keep your personal details as well as your Framewerk classified, level Red. Understood? Dismissed," he then said with a wide smile, very unlike his usual demeanor.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anastasia "Ana" Korolev | Squad Sigma Pilot

The floating sensation fell away, soon followed by the blinding pressure of the light. The girl shied away from the harsh lights,
holding up at a hand even as lines of code ran across her vision. Eventually, she seemed to adjust as Lorenzo started speaking.
Listening to everything that he had to say, she nodded as she came out of the small pod. Immediately the girl threw her arms around the man.
"Goodmorning Father!" She said in her typical upbeat tone, then stepping back from the sudden hug with a happy expression on her features. "I'll make sure to keep it all the best secret you've ever seen! Do I really get to go meet them today, other humans!?" She said, leaning in slightly until she was given an answer and seeming quite content with it. "Oh." She said as her head whipped back and forth. "Is Ms. Dariya not here today? I wanted to ask her if she had any sweets I could have..." She said, wearing a slight pout as the girl went through a little routine of stretches and such. Designed to look like natural stretches in the morning, Anastasia was actually running a system diagnostics on herself to make sure everything was running well. After seeming satisfied with her performance, the girl went about getting ready and being 'checked out' of the lab under the ever watchful eye of the staff.

Just before heading off to meet the rest of her squad, Anastasia spun on a heel to face Lorenzo. "Bye-bye Daddy! I'm heading out now!" She said before whirling back around and skipping out on her merry way. It would be quite a bit of a journey, but soon enough Anastasia was making her way through the halls of the base. She was dressed in a simple military battle dress uniform with the top buttoned left undone, something which she thought was kind of cute. Otherwise the uniform was pressed perfectly, with an almost machine like precision. Over her shoulder, the girl held onto a duffel like it was not big issue to deal with. Instead of heading towards the quarters, Anastasia was heading towards the hangar with the idea that she would check up on her тайна. She was humming lightly to herself as she skipped down the halls and looked around the base to process everything going on. Small updates processed before her vision as Ana figured she would be fine to deal with some minor data while making he rway to the hangar. Just as she was about to enter the large hangar, Ana crashed into what felt like another person.

Letting out a soft yelp as she she fell to her rear, Anastasia shook her head quickly before looking towards who she had run into. After a few moments bits of data that she had access to popped up around the boy's head. Identifying him as Ariin Sorus, the boy who had been involved with that strange incident. The one where a werk had seemed to possess his mind if she recalled correctly. She could check on that later, it wasn't a big deal at the moment. Quickly closing out the information, Anastasia decided it best to play dumb in knowing who he was so no strange questions were asked. Bouncing to her feet, the girl cocked her head slightly to the side before leaning over to offer Ariin a hand. "I'm so sorry Mr... I don't know your name. But I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going, please forgive me! I'm uh... I'm Anastasia by the way. A new addition to squad Sigma!" She said, forcing herself to keep an upbeat tone and hoping that is passed off as human enough for this boy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ariin had been busy since the team had been getting so many heavy hitters and the fact that he performed so poorly on the last mission he'd doubled his own training regime. Even working with Paladin to improve his personal combat skills, there was something to be said for having an electronic eye with military grade AI able to help run targeting software through it. Granted the task had to be completed by a human but it still helped him none the less learn to better control his own body in personal combat.

When he wasn't practicing his martial arts he and precision he was usually in a simulation, he'd been trying to come up with a method of deploying the heavy hitters with himself. He knew how effective his own weapon could be but he'd seen first hand what focused fire could do, but they needed to organize it. Paladin was biggest of the bunch and if there was going to be a backline operating fire support they would at least be organized around Paladin and it's protective ability.

With energy weapons becoming more common and the shield having been replaced, Ariin was going to check on the new system sent over with the parts to keep Paladin in repair from Mars. An energy shield generator, the Phalanx was a toy he'd never gotten to use before but with recent developments, he'd finally been approved to get it going. Of course, his real reason for working so hard was to distract himself... He wanted to go see Elora but... He didn't know if he could... Face that, he'd failed her. He had blamed only himself for her being taken, his own inability to do anything to protect her. If he had been a better pilot... If he had placed those shots better... He'd seen how they had locked her up, he'd read the reports of what it had been like getting her back.

He'd heard about the new pilots getting brought in, though he'd taken no time to meet them he was to busy. He wasn't going to fail in protecting his squad again, never. Had just pulled his casual clothes on over his plug suit as he stepped out into the hall from the simulation chamber heading for the hangar and another person smacked into him.

Groaning as he landed on his side he turned, Paladin focusing his electronic eye on to the girl before him. He'd never seen the brown haired girl before. "Ow, yeah... I'm Ariin Sorus, I pilot that big hunk of metal in the bay we call Paladin." He grumbled taking her hand and getting up, as he did Ana would see his eye flash with an exclamation point and then flash the words 'baka' on its screen. The eye then flashed a waving hand and a pixelated image of a large shield carrying werk, Paladin had been working on his introduction. Since Ariin had been avoiding human contact he wanted to make a good impression when he did get to see people.

He turned and stepped into the hangar, Paladin, the werk, sat kneeled the PBS being installed. "I was coming down to check out the installation of the new system. Paladin wanted to make sure he was still pretty after all the holes they put in him last time." The pilot spoke walking towards the massive kneeling protector. "And I wanted to make sure the system is working."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elizabeth, having now been properly reported in with Command, had made liberal use of the simulation pods in an effort to acquaint herself with the tactics of her new squadmates by simulating the events of previous combat experiences and exercises. That way there would be fewer variables to learn and manage as they enter real combat. The princess of the Praxus V system had finished up a training session, this time working through the infiltration teams run through the space station attack. The nature of the environment limited her ability to assist in meaningful ways, making it a very frustrating simulation for her. She exited the pod and shook her mass of red hair free from the training helmet and made her way to change back into the standard issue fatigues. Deciding that it was time to eat she made her way to the mess hall, along the way she ran into fellow soldiers from Praxus V, whom she warmly greeted in her diplomatic way, thanked them for their continued service, and continued on her own route. Her face returned immediately back to its rested state the moment she had passed the familiarly uniformed men and women. She stopped before entering the mess hall to adjust her uniform and make sure that it was in up to regulations before entering the room.

It only took her a few steps to realize how busy the mess hall was at that time of day. It shouldn't have come as a surprise, but being Royalty she rarely had to eat with large groups of people, let alone people she didn't know. Her head swiveled quickly, looking for someone from Praxis V or from the squad. anybody would do, just so long as it was someone that she was at least somewhat affiliated with. The first person she saw was Val, the tall hooded figure who was introduced at the same time as Elizabeth. The princess kept looking for someone and failed to notice anyone else from the squad that she could invite herself to sit with. So she left the line to go talk with her. Besides, there was unfinished business between her and the giantess.

Elizabeth sat down with all the grace one would expect of a royal princess. She sat for a moment in silence until her gaze was matched.

"Yeah, I wanna talk to you," she said at last.

The morning had been a pleasant one for Valéria having completed her morning training in Star Fist, a style of hand to hand combat she was not familiar with. The Haath did not train in Star Fist, using their own style of hand to hand combat. Valéria, however, was happy to learn Star Fist and was confident she would pick it up quite quickly.

So when she was done and told she had done fairly well, she was pleased as she headed towards the mess hall to get something to eat as the training had made her quite hungry. Val could be seen sitting in the corner of the mess hall with two other Haath soldiers where she chatted with them happily. Always pleased to be around her own kind. It provided her with the comfort that she was not alone for Haath did not fair well when isolated from others of their kind for extended periods of time.

When Elizabeth sat down at the table she earned looks form the other two Haath soldiers, their facial expressions showing nothing as to what they thinking. But Valéria who had glanced at Elizabeth as she sat down had a feeling she knew what this was about. In fact, she had been expecting the princess to bother her about it. Valéria looking at the other two soldier for a moment and nodded to them once. Who then promptly left to sit at another table leaving Elizabeth and Valéria on there own, much to Valéria’s dismay, but it was a matter of privacy and this didn’t concern them.

Valéria looked down at her food for a moment making Elizabeth wait on propose for a moment before slowly meeting the princesses gaze. Elizabeth’s words earning her a small frown.
“And what does Sister Fullbright wish to speak to me about?” Valéria asked as she adjusted her hood to better cover her eyes. Pretty sure she already knew the answer to her question.

Elizabeth's arms crossed in front of her, and her back straightened even further as she finally got her response from the Haath pilot sitting across from her, "Hmph! I don't like your attitude, Sister." It was stated as such a fact that everybody in the known universe should know it, and anybody who could see their interaction would have no option but to agree with the fact. She reached up and flicked an errant lock of hair back over her shoulder before once again looking down the length of her nose at the non-worlder, having never broken eye contact.

Seeing Elizabeth cross her arms Valéria knew this conversation was not going to an enjoyable one and mentally readied herself. So she did not lose her temper at any insults the princess might give. Not wanting to be put on report within the first week of her new assignment. As it would make her look bad and bring shame to her family name, something Valéria did not want given it would take a lot of work to remove that shame and restore the honor of her family.

But the princess did not make that easy and Valéria felt her right-hand ball into a fist and the left shattering the plastic spork she was holding as Elizabeth spoke the word sister with a tone that she took as quite offensive, not to mention her body language. If Elizabeth had been Haath, Valéria would have issued a challenge of combat and settled the problem there and then. However, Elizabeth was not Haath, all that red hair made it far too obvious, which meant she had to take a more diplomatic approach as Haath social code demanded it.

“Be careful Sister Fullbright. Insulting me and treating me like I’m something you stepped in will only serve to anger me. I am showing basic respects as required by my culture. If you wish to speak with me I expect to be treated with a basic level of respect all humans are entitled to. Otherwise, Sister Fullbright, you can take your leave now and allow me to enjoy my meal with more pleasant company.” Valéria spoke her voice showing trace amounts of anger and annoyance although her expression remained a neutral one.
“Now Sister Fullbright. If you wish to speak with me please acquire me a new spork. So I may continue my meal as we talk.” she said to simply annoy the princess and to get a reaction.

"What is your problem?!" She asked incredulously, one of her finely shaped eyebrows raising along with the pitch of her voice, "Why should I have to get you a spork? I didn't break it." The obvious signs of self-containment barely holding in the other pilot caught Elizabeths attention, it was obvious that she could only control the situation only so much longer before they escalated to a place that she was sure neither of the pilots wanted. The crimson haired beauty uncrossed her arms and stood up from the table quickly and turned sharply sending her mass of hair splaying out wildly as she spun. "Hmp! Forget it. You aren't worth my time. I'd challenge you to a duel in the simulators if I felt you'd even have a chance," She said as she started to walk away, waiting for there to be a few steps of space further between them, never bothering to look back at the Haath pilot as she headed for the exit.

The moment Elizabeth asked why so she had to get another spork. Valéria could not help but give a small smile as her level of satisfaction of annoying the stuck up princess had peeked. Such a simple request and it earned a such a reaction. Valéria would remember this and have to use this trick again. The reaction was quite amusing to watch.

As Elizabeth spoke saying she would challenge Valéria to a duel in the simulator if she felt like she had the chance made Valéria give the Haath version of a mocking laugh. Doubting the princess had the skills nor the will needed to beat her in one on one combat. To Valéria Elizabeth was not worth her time, that and Haath social code, for now, would not allow her to issue a challenge otherwise. The code required Elizabeth to cause actual offence to Valéria’s personal honour or insult her family name.

Once the princess was gone the two Haath soldiers where quick to sit with Valéria again, one even letting her use their spork so she could keep eating. Valéria feeling quite content, she seemed to have gotten under the suck up princess’s skin, best of all she didn’t even seem to notice she was being played.
“Such a bother, my meals gone cold while she made all that noise. I wonder what she even wanted to talk to me about. Meh whatever, if it’s important she’ll try again, of that I have no doubt. Maybe next time she’ll try to be more reasonable.” she muttered to herself giving the Haath version of a snicker before going back to her meal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

By this time, most of Squad Sigma were well aware of Roger and his hyper-industrious work drive. He spent practically every moment working on something, whether that be piloting simulations, practicing martial arts, studying up on the theory and more technical aspects of Framewerks, or just cleaning his quarters (everything in and surrounding there were practically spotless). His mental state seemed to physically degrade if he wasn't preoccupied with something productive, as if the guilt of not contributing was too much for him to handle.

However, for the past several days, there had been no indication that he still existed on the base outside of the mandatory events everyone took part in daily. The pod he usually used for VR training remained empty. Nobody had caught sight of him in the gym or library. Hell, there weren't even any run-ins at the mess hall or during a trip to the men's room. The moment the pilots were given any amount of free time he just seemed to be erased from existence.

The truth of the matter is that he holed himself in solitude as much as possible. The problem is all the new pilots. There were so many girls in the Squad now, and they weren't just kids this time either. Every moment he spent around them his mind went around nit-picking every single thing it could find wrong with him. Even something as minor as a passing glance he caught from one of the new squad mates was interpreted as a judging eye, to which he was always deemed unworthy.

He could just barely hold himself together during the day, but any more was too much. Rooney had to get himself alone just so he could feel like he could breathe again. It really was a miserable experience, ping-ponging from a state of mind-searing self consciousness and terror to guilty self loathing, but he told himself that as soon as they had any real mission together, he would at least be able to exist within the same space as them without being on the verge of an existential breakdown.

The worst part of it all was that he ran out of cigarettes two days ago and kept forgetting to pick up more before he returned to his quarters. In one ear he had a voice continually whispering Hey, know what you really need right now? A smoke. You haven't had any in way too long. It's really not doing us any good man. If you keep up like this you're going to go crazy. In the other What if you run into Valeria or Elizabeth on the way? What are you going to do? Piss your pants and babble like a dumbass before turning and running tail? How would they react to something like that? Would you be able to work with somebody who can't even hold a normal conversation? Better to just stay here where you can't mess up. So he was kept pinned in place, but pulled in opposite directions, all the while his sense of duty barked at him to stop being a dumbass, get back out there and do something.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jason, Maria, Jake & Katya

Three Days Ago

The moment Katya heard the reason Jake and Maria had asked her to join them. Katya gave a small nod as her mind started to tick over. Thinking of Elora who she had already planned on helping if it was needed and Serah who Katya knew she had not made any exact plans to assist. Finding when she thought of Serah her mind drifted back to how Atty went after Elora. Something that still bothered Katya given she had to engage Serah to stop her.
“I see.” she muttered listening to the pair as the continued to speak. Make a slightly confused face as Maria mentioned they wanted to help Jason. Katya have no idea why he might do something stupid.

Hearing Jake ask it was a bunch of stuff they wanted her help with Katya mentally sighed. Thinking for a moment as he asked if the charges Serah was up for where just or should be dropped.
“Hmmm …. I think given the circumstances they should dropped.” she stated sounding like she was thinking hard about the question. However after a moment she shook her head and set it aside for a moment having a question to ask the pair of them.
“Now tell me why would Jason need help?

"...I'm surprised that you hadn't noticed it ma'am...back at the meeting area where Lorenzo was addressing us...the moment Jason heard about what happened to Serah, he looked liked he was about to explode. Trust me, I'm percetive about these things", Jake responded.

"It didn't help either as to how...well..."sloppy" Lorenzo was about it...I mean, "dispissed"...really...", Maria added with an eye roll.

As Jake answered her question starting with he was surprised that Katya had not noticed she gave a small huff her eyes shifting to Maria as she spoke of how sloppy Lorenzo broke the news about Serah charges.
“I have a few things on my mind, Elora she’s … nevermind. It’s complicated …” Katya said trailing off as her eyes shifted to a security camera.
“I might ask you to help me in return. But I can’t speak of it in the open. After we speak with Jason.” she added a moment later. Think out of all of her squadmates Maria might know what the Son was. Given she had picked up on Maria had some sort of history with the elite.
“Anyway let's just go see Jason and you two can go over everything in detail. Although I find it odd you’d ask me over the captain. I’m sure if you asked her she’d offer to help a little bit.”

"...if you mean Elise, I'd rather not...losing her eye...and my outburst when I saw Elora and that...Cruxi in containment didn't help matters...besides...I..."

Maria trailed off at that as if she seemed concerned about something. Jake noted it but simply said, "Come on...let it out..."

Finally, Maria said, "Ok...I just trust you more...there I said it..."

"And yeah...we also want to talk about Elora as well but as you said, when it's appropriate ma'am", Jake then added.

As the trio approached Jason's room door, Jake said, "I hope Jason isn't in a rage. If so, we're going to die of young age."

Letting out a sigh, Maria knocked on the door.

Sitting on his bunk, the boy was staring at the ceiling. Occaionally his eyes would close and flash back to various scenes of his life. Though he was quickly yanked from that state by a knock on the door. Sitting up and pulling on a tank top, he went to the door and opened it. Members from the squad, though he feared he didn't know their names. "Is uh... something up?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jake was the first to speak because he immedately noticed something when he saw Jason.

"...word up Jason. Glad to see your not on the floor. Though with knuckles like that, you lose a fight with a door?", Jake said, point to Jason's knuckles.

Maria was about to let out another sigh when he noted Jake's observation.

"...oh Jason...please tell me you didn't beat up some poor crew member", Maria then said with a shake of her head.

"I uh... who are you? Don't even know me and the accusations are going around. No. I beat the shit out of the punching bag. Turns out seeing your girlfriend arrested for bullshit upsets you. Something I can do for you guys?" He asked, still a bit unsure as to why they were all showing up at his door.

The when the opened the door and Jason seemed calm. Katya was pleased although it quickly faded when Jason asked if something was up. As she turn her mind to the matter at hand. Listening as Jake and Maria asked about his knuckles which Katya had noticed although had no intention of mentioning unlike the other two.

The moment Jason asked who they were. Katya gave a loud sigh.
“Jason you should learn the names of squad mates. Anyway I’m Katya the boy is Jake and that’s Maria.” Katya stated pointing at herself then Jake and Maria as she spoke their names. sounding a little annoyed Jason did not know who they where. Given she had taken time to memories names that face’s that go with them.
“Anyway we want to help you with Serah’s charges. See if we can get her off.” Katya added a moment later.

"That and to make sure you didn't...well rage so much that you either get yourself thrown into containment or worse, did something to hurt Serah's chances at helping her out", Jake then added to Katya's comment.

"...and I'm sorry for butting into your personal business with Serah but...some of us do care Jason. It's just...something I haven't done in awhile", Maria then said.

"Shit. Lead with that next time. How do you think we can get her away from that freak?" He Immdiately asked. Now interested since the idea of Serah getting off had been mentioned.

"Well first off, I put in some requests from my recon division to try to get together the "recordings" of that last battle. My recon drones did pick up as much as possible before they went down. I'm also trying to-...wait hold on."

Jake then pulled out his tablet and began looking through information on something.

"Ah here we go. I just got auido recordings of that battle. It's...a bit dramatic but you can litterally hear Serah telling "Atty" to stop and not kill Elora generally. That and...well my contact did warn me about that nasty yell I heard before that part temporarily cut off. That and I have the sync rates when that Cruxi sprung it's trap on my team members here. Serah's sync goes well below zero percent. But yeah, with that I can prove that Serah was not in control of her framework so she isn't at fault", Jake explained.

"...not only that but...frameworks going "berserk" is...rare but not new...I've personally dealt with those...situations in the past", Maria added but seemed to trail off at the end there for reason.

For Maria though, just mentioning that brought back some unwanted memories when she was Miss Split Personality with Seven...

Hearing Jake mention he could send a few request to get recording of the battle. Katya shook her head. She was about to say she could acquire them easily given it was her werk transmitting anything Jake might have picked up when he suddenly said he got the audio recording of the battle. Katya giving Jake a very suspicious look given they only copy of the audio records were in her werks data banks and the reports she sent directly to the captain. Beyond that she had not transmitted them to anyone else.
“You know those recording are not exactly open to anyone.” Katya mentioned unable to stop herself form mentioning that fact.
“Still I can provide a more complete audio recording along with my werks visual records. Which could show further show Atty was not under Serah’s control.” she added a moment later. Katya thinking for a second.

Katya truned to Maria thinknig for another moment before opting to speak.
“Maria I need to ask? How where not as badly affected by the scream as me and Serah? Does your werk have some sort of shield ours lacks. As I think if that is the case we could use that to show that squad is ill-equipped to deal with Cruxi attacks on our minds. I’m sure the military is on some level aware of such Cruxi weapons and if anyone knows it would be Lorenzo. Not that asking him is an option. Aware or not I think we can get her off by arguing and prove the events leading to her attacking an allied unit was an extenuating circumstance. Which if I recall my regulations should be enough to get her off.”

"So, then what's the plan to get Serah out? Who are we getting this to? How are we keeping the guy with the recordings not available to anybody from getting into legal trouble?" He asked, wanting to see if the group before him had much of a plan beyond breaking Serah out. "I'm also not certain how I can be of much help. I just blew the station up from the outside."

"...I'm afraid I can't go into details but it's generally my unique sync system. I'll tell you more once we clear up things here", Maria then said.

"First off, I maybe apart of this team now but I'm still with recon division. And basically asking for intel on prior battles isn't anything illegal. Hell, I do it just to keep up with any new enemy units we may have come across. Though I do apologize for going over your head ma'am Katya", Jake then said.

Jake then said, "Jason. You can help by first off, trusting others. We know your angry but just don't do anything rash. Heck, if it goes so far as to a courtroom, you can testify on Serah's behalf. I mean, just to show that Serah wasn't some unstable wackjob before the mission. Bottom line is, the more pilots trust her despite these charges, the better."

As Jason asked who they would be getting this too Katya thought for a moment. Only half listening to the conversation as it continued. Giving Jake a dismissive hand gesture as he apologised to her for going over her head.
“Just don’t make a habit of it.” she stated as she continued to think for another moment.
“I think Captain Ritsu would be our best bet. She our squad commander so I she’d more than likely involved in some manner anyway and from what I’ve seen she seems like a reasonable person. I think if we gave it to the captain. She’d at the very least look over what we give her. I think if we can present her with solid argument she’d back us. Not to mention she in a better position pass it along to whomever it needs to go to. So unless one of you knows some high ranking official or officer who could get involved and would support us I say Ritsu is our best bet.” Katya said looking at the other three to see if they had any suggestions or idea of three own on who to present this to.

"No offense ma'am but...I don't think Captain Ritsu believes in the whole "mind control" stuff...or TK or any of that related stuff. I had told Maria about this concern of mine on her", Jake then said.

"But she's higher rank...and like it or not, closest to Lorenzo...unless...Jake...I hate to ask but your family...the Armstrongs...are there any high ranking you can call a favor in?", Maria then asks.

Maria knew she had made a mistake when Jake closed his eyes as he suddenly looked at his tablet again, clamming up. But then again, her family history wasn't exactly the best one either.

"...I'm sorry Jake-", Maria was about to apologize when Jake cut her off.

"No no. The question is legit. I just felt like I got bit", Jake then rhymed.

"...Jake seriously. I know you don't like talking about such things", Maria then said.

"Yet I don't think...Miss Armstrong has the pull to get it to the big wigs above Lorenzo's paygrade...then it looks like Ritsu is really our only safe bet. The evidence isn't really the problem. It's getting it to the right people without them screwing around with it is the problem. I was saying before that not everyone is going to support us on this. Somebody who doesn't like us see's this, they'll screw us over "legally"...it's sad really. Were in a war with humanity on the line yet there are a handful that still want to act like...trolls to use internet lingo", Jake then said.

Jason raised an eyebrow as they all went back and forth before him. "None of you know me, beyond my name and that I'm the guy who blew up the station. Not sure you're in a position to be telling to avoid doing anything rash. I had no intention of doing so, hence why I went after a punching bag." He said calmly, sighing before falling silent for a few moments. "Now then. Ritsu may be our only safe bet, so we'll talk to her first. If that falls through, then other options will be considered. Lets tackle one part at a time instead of getting all upset about what may or may not happen, Jake." He said, looking towards the boy who had just gone off about others screwing around with them. "Now then, we going to go get things started or what? Because if not then I am going to go see about visiting Serah."

Katya stood and listened at Maria asked Jake someone form a family name she did not recognise. But from what she gathered seemed to will connected. But it seemed the idea was a no-go as Jake seemed not like having the named mentioned. Leaving Katya to think Ritsu really was their best bet unless the got someone else form the squad involved and they had connection to someone high up.

Katya listened as Jake spoke of people screwing them over. Although she had her doubts anyone would bother to do so. Katya sure the military would just want the matter resolved quickly as possible. The only one she could see maybe trying to screw them would be Lorenzo but she had her doubts he’d bother. Given right now he was far too busy playing with his newest toys. Which made Katya hope he wasn't being too hard on Elora. Katya wishing to see her again to know if she was okay and hoped the old man would release her soon although she doubted it.

When Jason spoke mentioning if they going to get thing started or not. Saying he’d go see about visiting Serah, Katya looked at Jason for a moment thinking it would properly be for the best if he visited her.
“I think for now you seeing Serah would best. Let her know she not on her own. That and I’m sure it would do you some good as well. I can tell you from experience the brig is not nice place to be.” Katya stated looking at Maria and Jake for a moment before looking back at Jason.
“We of us can handle the rest for now. So go see Serah keep her company for a little while. Katya said her tone implying she was not suggesting in more telling Jason to go visit.
“Also if she up to it. Ask her about what happened, getting her account of what happened might be useful. As for speaking with Ritsu Jason I think we should leave that till after we having everything. It’ll be a lot harder for her to dismiss us if she had proof staring at her in the face.” she added a moment later, before giving a sigh.

"Then I guess we have our game plan. I'm already on it so when I'm done compiling the evidence and data, I'll let you look it over Katya. For now everyone, just sit tight and do your usual things. And yeah, Jason. Just visit her and show support. Hell, tell her there are even others pulling for her so to not give up. And like Katya said, if she's in the right frame of mind, talk to her about what happened. I'll try to use her testimony too if possible", Jake said.

"...then it's all on you Jake", Maria said.

"...drop the ball and I fall...doing my best, for success...", Jake responded.

Maria let out a sigh but smiled a little at that. She might as well start getting used to that part of Jake.

"...well then...with that out of the way, what else should we talk about? Katya. You wanted to talk about Elora?", Katya then asked.

"Speaking of which, I'm also trying to put together data on her too. But unlike Serah's case, Elora's is tougher. She was a P.O.W. and most likely forced to do things against her own will. Anyone above Lorenzo's rank can easily say that she's compromised-", Jake started but Maria stopped him.

"Jake. Just do you best...besides, I get the feeling that Lorenzo himself wants to keep her around because of her abilities. Still, any evidence there would help."

"Gotcha. But yeah, do you guys still need me? I don't know whatever Katya wishes to talk about but it sounds important but is it some sort of secret I shouldn't be aware of? I may not like lies and secrets but I'll respect your privacy if you need it."

Jake then started tapping on his tablet again as he seemed to be working on sorting the information he had received on what happened at the Cruxi controlled station from the last mission.

Hearing Jake was already on getting what they needed, made a small smile appear on Katya's face. Able to respect the young man for being what she saw as a hard worker. Although she did note what he said which made the smile fade.
“If you need help with anything Jake just ask. If I have time give you a hand. I'll also send the more complete audio later.” she said looking at Jake then at Maria as she spoke mentioning the Elora. Which caused a slightly troubled look to appear.

“Yes I do but privately. So if no one as any questions and knows what they need to do. Then Maria lets go have chat.” spoke looking at Jason just to make sure everything that was happening was okay with him.

Jake nodded then said, "I'll let you look it all over when I'm done with sorting it out ma'am. Jason, I'll be in touch too if you want to stay in the loop. So we all good?"

Maria and Jake then looked at Jason. Maria then said, "So your good with what we have set here Jason?"

"Yeah. I'll let her know we're working on it and not to worry. Don't want Serah to feel alone." He said softly before turning and heading back into his room. After a moment he found a more presentable shirt and tugged it on. "Real quick though, which way to the brig?"

"I'll show you the way Jason. Afterwards though, I can't stick around to see her. Have evidence to put togther into a presentation that'll get Serah off the hook", Jake said.

Nodding to Maria and Katya, Jake then started leading Jason towards the brig.

Maria then looked at Katya.

"...so ma'am, where do you want to talk about these things?", Maria then asks.

Once Jason and Jake where gone Katya sighed. Looking at Maria as she spoke asking where she wanted to talk about these things.
“Here is fine. Just don’t go repeating this conversation with the others alright. So I’m going to trust you not to do that” she said moving away from the door to Jason's room. Looking around seeing the corridor was mostly empty and those few where no one she recognised so was certain it would not matter if overheard anything although she doubted they would do anything about it.

Taking a deep breath as the expression on her face shifted to more serious one.
“Right so, when I went to visit Elora. She told me I needed to kill something called the Son.” she stated plainly replaying the memory in her head.
“I have no what this Son is, but I assume it a Cruxi of some sort. Which I think she meant our prize for the last mission. But I have no means to confirm it. So given you encountered Cruxi before joining Sigma you might have an idea as to what it might be or know someone who could do so or point in the right direction. As Elora was quite insistent whatever it is it needed to die.” Katya added her expression shifting to one of thought for a moment.
“Also another thing which has me worried is that Elora said she can still hear whatever this Son is in her mind.” she spoke looking away from Maria as expression of concern formed on Katya’s face.
“Anyway that’s the jist of it.”

"...I see...", Maria said as she listend to Katya's story. Clearly, Elora felt the same as Maria when it came to that Cruxi they brought on board.

Leaning against the corridor wall and crossing her arms, she then closed her eyes.

"...yeah I've had several experiences with Cruxi before I came here but...that was when I had "Seven" running around my head...that was a different me Katya...tell me...do you believe in split personalties or schizo frenic disorders?", Maria then asked.

Katya listen to Maria speak intently. Making sure not to miss a single word she spoke incase she said anything that might be of use or help her. Make note that Maria had indeed had run in with Cruxi before being put in Sigma and making another note as Maria said that Seven was different her. Katya only have a very basic understanding of what she meant.

The moment Maria asked her question Katya gave Maria puzzled look.
“Schizo what disorders?” she asked having no idea whatever the disorder thing she asking was.

"...basically, two people in one body. Each half of the brain holds two different people...that's the dummy version of the explanation...or at least...I was until my deadly duel with that Cruxi...then Elora used her powers to jump into my head and...well me and Seven merged together...that's kind of the reason why I now call myself after my late ace of a mom. Maria "Angel" Twilight", Maria said.

Opening her eyes, she then said, "And possibly one of the reason's why she was able to do so was because of my unique sync system. You might have heard of it but some simply call it the T system. Or Telekenetic. In my case, the one on the Neo Angel let's me use my sync energy to weild it as a barrier of sorts all around my framework like a "coating" of armor but through my mind. I can also use it to block...well psychic attacks on my mind if I come across those that can mind read and the like but I'd have to drop my physical barrier to protect my mental one...I can't block both a physical and a mental attack at the same time is what I mean..."

Maria then closed her eyes again.

"I know. Your thinking it's all a bunch of...garbage to put it nicely but you yourself wondered why I was able to hold thirty percent sync even after that Cruxi sprung his mental trap on us. Then I suddenly was at a hundred percent sync. Hell, I'm no londer talking monotone or acting all stoic...I'm making normal conversation with you aren't I?", Maria then asks.

As Maria explained what disorder thing was Katya could not help but feel a little lost having little understanding what she was talking about at first. She had never been good with humans. Always better with machines. With the total sum of her medical knowledge was basic first aid which was basic education for outpost dwellers on her world.

But even Katya didn’t understand much of what Maria was saying she did understand enough to know it was this T system that protected her from the Cruxi mental attack. But it also meant it was not something that could simply be replicated.
“I see … sort off. But don’t bother trying to explain it. We don’t have time for that. Anyway yes I noticed you're making normal conversation. I actually feel like can talk to you without it being a chore.” she said rubbing the back of her head.
“Sorry but that’s how it felt to me.”

"But it also means...that I don't have that "killer instinct" anymore...worse, I'm more of a basket case now...Katya...when I saw that Cruxi still alive even though I ran it through with it's own sword...I lost it...even during that fight...I saw an image of it...fighting against mom and killing her..."

Still leaning against the wall, arms crossed, she let out a sigh.

"...sure I'm at a hundred percent sync now but at what cost?...there was a reason...that I was like that too perhaps...my framework even repeated the word I feard...why I was...acting "Seven" all the time..."

Maria's arms then changed in a way that it looked like she was hugging herself...bracing herself.

"...Neo Angel repeated the word "Attachments" across my screen...Katya...that's my worst fear..."

Seeing Maria hug herself Katya felt the need to comfort Maria and a hand reached out and rested on the woman's shoulder.
“Look I don’t really get how you but if I understood what you said right. Look you can’t fight the war on your own. You need people you can trust and count on and I don’t mean just our squadmates I mean proper friends. People you trust because they people you are close to. People when you need to you can lean on and prop you up. To Keep you going in the darkness. To help you weather the storm that is this war.” Katya said give Maria a small smile.
“That was something dad used to tell me.” she said her smile faltering a little as she spoke of her dad.

"...I know Katya...but that's why I fear it...attachments to people, places and things...in a war like this, they all have a tendacy to be destoryed...taken away...I lost my first framework, Setsuka, because of some higher up's say so...only for it to get wrecked in that live fire test the earlier members of squad sigma went through...my mother...shot down in combat...my home...I don't even remember anymore...or even who my dad is..."

Maria was still holding herself with her eyes closed but did feel Katya's hand on her shoulder.

"...yet that's generally what Elora told me too...what you just said...never go it alone...it...just hurts when I'm forced to say goodbye to people, places and things in general...I'm also afraid that something like that will happen soon...from what Elora told you...it could mean that P.O.W. Cruxi we have is a high profile target...Son could mean the son of some powerful Cruxi...and THAT Cruxi is powerful as you, me and Serah felt..."

Maria then opened her eyes and looked at Katya.

"But your right. No more keeping to myself. If something is bugging me like right now, I should say something. But as you saw before, basically saying to kill our P.O.W. is out of the question...unless you want to commit career and life suiside?"

“Losing someone or something is never easy. While I don’t know what it like to lose my home, I’ve lost family My father and sister so I know it not easy. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on I’ll let you borrow mine alright. Gotta keep my underlings in fighting form.” she said giving a small playful smile as she was trying to make a small attempt at making a joke.

The smile only lasted for a moment before fading into a more neutral expression.
“Yeah we just can’t march into it’s holding area and kill it. We’d never get close. But … I think if we get a chance. We should deal with the it. Otherwise, for the moment, I can’t see anything we can do. We’d never get near it. Still telling someone makes me feel better or maybe it knowing you not going to bottle things up so much and learn to depend ofyour comrades a bit more. she said giving Maria should a quick rub before removing it.

“Anyway I think we’ve discussed the matter enough. I need to return to my duties. Thank you for hearing me out. I trust you recall not to speak of this with the others not even your friend Jake, unless I give you the all clear.”

Nodding, Maria then said, "Katya. Thank you. And yeah, bums the word. I won't sing like a bird...ugh...I have to stop hanging around him..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zim had been spending more time in the Hanger with Black Star now that he knew his partner was 'alive'. Checking for various systematic applications, running diagnostics, calibrating sensors, helping out the repair crew as best as he could as they went through the process of replacing or repairing any damaged parts from the previous combat. The entire right leg had to be replaced, too much structural damage from forcing it to work under such extremes and the fall after making it back to the hanger. There were several armor plates and servo motors that had to be replaced as well from the stress placed on them from combat. The removal of the Assault Pack made Black Star seem so much smaller again, but Zim seemed to think that the Werk was happier without the extra load. There was no real evidence of it, he just felt that way.

He stopped reading through a configuration readout to take a drink of water when he heard the commotion over at the entrance of the Hanger when Ariin bumped into someone Zim hadn't seen before. There were a lot of new faces around the base of late, it wasn't unusual to not recognize someone. However, Zim watched as Ariin and the girl exchanged words and he leads her over towards Paladin. Outside of mandatory meetings and briefings, the last time Zim saw Ariin was when he was waiting to be able to offload from Black Star when they first made it back to the ship. Zim couldn't be sure if it was just him avoiding the other pilot, or it their schedules and paths just didn't cross in the days following their return. But the bad taste in his mouth was only getting worse, and he wanted to get an answer and clear the air before it ruined something.

Zim grabbed his communicator and sent a message over to Ariin, "When you get a chance, can we talk about something? I'd like to ask you a question. I'm over working on Black Star if you have a moment now. - Zero"

Ariin had just arrived at Paladin checking over the installation he paused catching sight of a message. He decided to answer. "Sure I can come right over been busy with simulations and a new part that arrived for Paladin. -Ariin"

While the message sent he hopped down and then carefully made his way around and across to Zim, stopping short of Black Star admiring it for a moment. Ariin had been avoiding the others mostly out of how some people thought he was crazy and others he just didn't know.

Left to his own devices he and Paladin had several deeper conversations also many talks of the future, though both agreeing they were sure Ariin would have with his status as a prisoner. "What did you need Zim?" Asked Ariin as he looked for the pilot emerging from the werk.

Zim climbed down from the cockpit as Ariin called out to him, he would have moved when he saw the response and saved time, but he wasn't entirely convinced he wanted to give up the higher ground. Deciding to see the conversation through face to face (to face? Zim still wasn't completely sold about Paladin, but he believed it more every day). Once on the ground, he let out a low sigh. "Thanks for coming over. Not really sure how to ask it other than to just, well, ask it. So, sorry if this is coming from nowhere..." Zim looked at the hair band around his wrist that belonged to Katya, he sighed again slightly, "What is your relationship with Katya?"

"She's my friend." Paladin flashed an X across Ariin's eye. "I trust her... She's my commander and one of the only people who didn't treat me like a freak now that I have an AI in my head." Paladin flashed a heart now on the screen. "Why do you ask?" Now Paladin and Ariin had given rather contradicting answers...

"I see," Zim said as his focus shifted between the two eyes. Zim wondered what the truth was, which of the two answers he had received was the reality of the situation. Of course, giving credence to the idea that Paladin was actually controlling the cybernetic implant, it could be that both were true. That Ariin had his feelings, and Paladin had its own. "It seems as though you have been close with her now for a little while and I..."

Zim hesitated for a moment. This was stupid. 'You are a grown man, stop acting like such a child, especially in front of someone so much younger than yourself,' Zim berated himself.

Zim's face contorted into a sneer of self-loathing as he finally forced himself to say what was on his mind. "And I have feelings for the commander. But I didn't want to pursue if there was something going on between you two. I mean, you two are closer in age, and seem so close." 'And you don't look like a freak' Zim left off of his reasoning. "Let alone the military regulations that I would be bending in my efforts, assuming that my affections are returned."

"Look even if I did have feelings for her and I do think a lot of her... I couldn't. I'm not a soldier or a volunteer Zim. I'm a prisoner, my sentence? This until I die or until the war is won. I killed two MP's that's life on Mars." He explained Paladin made a frowny face. "I'll admit I've thought about her like that a couple times... Paladin brings her up a lot as part my 'moral compass' whatever that is about. But I'm not gonna be able to do anything my life isn't my own I belonged to Mars and now Lorenzo's project. The only way I get out is if I'm given a pardon."

He stopped a moment and sighed looking Zim in the eyes. "Do what you feel is right... You still have control of your life. I've lost my family, my freedom, and now? I've lost the right to my own private thoughts." He added turning away. "I just have one thing left to do... Die for the cause then I get to be free in whatever comes after that."

Zim's self-loathing passed into confusion and rapidly turned into anger. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. This squad is so messed up, that damned Lorenzo... But even worse then him is your attitude. I will continue my efforts, then. But so should you, if that is what you want to do. You cannot allow your past to rule the rest of your life. Lorenzo may have conscripted you into the Squad, but that means that he has given you an opportunity to earn your freedom. You said it yourself that a Pardon can set you free, then I would do everything in my power to figure out what I could do to earn that freedom. But then again, that's just me, that's the kind of person I am. As such, if you say its fine, then its fine. Thank you for clarifying that for me. However, if it is going to cause you pain in your already terribly miserable existence, then I wont."

"And I certainly don't want you to pass up an opportunity to continue being friends with her on my behalf in either situation, I could never ask that of you, even before you told me of your situation. Understand?"

"Hey whoever said I was unhappy... I get to kill the things that wiped out my parents and I don't have to scrounge and work my ass just to feed myself." He spoke trying to hide his pain. "You think Lorenzo will release me? Zim, I'm a walking science project, he didn't care when Paladin started controlling my body. He would have left me and let Paladin just control my body." Another frowny face from the eye.

"It's not like on Mars. I had an officer who looked out for me, I had a path to maybe getting out. His project got scrapped Paladin and I went to Lorenzo, who I personally think is a madman." He grumbled. "The one good thing about being where I am, you can speak your mind and they have nothing left to do to you." He spoke turning to look at Zim. "I don't think I will be pardoned. I'm not going to stop having friends... But I'm also out here to protect others usually the guy putting himself up in front of danger dies first." He pulling his hood up and stuffing his hands into the pockets of his civilian clothes.

"I'm not letting anyone else get hurt. My purpose is to get make sure you all get futures." He added with the conviction of an older more veteran soldier. Zim might have forgotten that he Ariin stated piloting years ago, he had time to understand his position and make peace with it.

"Well," Zim said after a moment, "The war has to end at some point, one way or the other. There is being brave and there is being Stupid, just make sure it isn't the later. I'm not giving up on you. On any of us."

Zim held out a hand. "Thank you."

Ariin chuckled and took the hand shaking it. "Yeah, no problem... I'm the shield. Gotta be here for everyone." He let go and walked away, heading back towards Paladin wanting to turn on the shield generator at least once.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It's been three days now...three days of tension...at least, it was for her as Maria was in the hangar, doing routine work on her Neo Angel.

Maria had alot on her mind. Katya's pep talk though did help. For one, she was more interactive with people generally over the last three days. Though she did avoid talking to the new squad members. Even more so with Elizabeth Fullbright due to their brief past history. Still, she ran simulations and studied the martial art that sqaud Sigma expected her to learn and master.

Back then with the Helldivers though, their style though was much different. For one, it didn't really focus on rapid strikes and brute force so much that you can smash metal and perhaps other impossible objects. It was focused more on finesse and...assassination...neck snaps...arm and leg breaks...stealth tatics...even learning both "Human" and "Cruxi" body studies. Knowing where EXACTLY to hit was the trick with her. But she had to admit, the style this squad was trying to learn was useful if her previous style failed to get the job done since it was more about an all-out fight rather than stealth and passive-aggressive hits on critical body areas her style focused on.

But what was on her mind was the whole issue with their P.O.W. Cruxi and Serah and Elora...Jake had told her yesterday that he had submitted the information to Captain Ritsu but it generally has been a whole day without any word on if it made a difference. Honestly, Maria felt that either Ritsu wasn't going to submit it or someone above Lorenzo wanted to simply...execute Serah and even Elora.

That was what frustrated her. Back when she was Mai "Seven" Twilight, she surpressed those emotions though or at least, Seven herself kept her in check. They didn't believe it or perhaps they did but wanted it covered up so that word about a "mind-controlling" Cruxi was out there, ready to control you and make you look like a traitor. Now that she thought back on it, that was probably why high command shut down the helldivers...maybe it was that Caulder, scientist and her old commander, didn't agree with all the "methods" high command were doing to battle the Cruxi.

Based on "Seven's" memories, she did recall him showing his displeasure with the whole "cloning" experiments...the Homonculus project...cloning ace pilots since it was rumored that the Cruxi were doing the same as well. But Caulder believe in "quality" pilots over "quantity". With the power frameworks had even at high sync rates, he said that one trained pilot would easily best a squad of lower class pilots. He said that, eventually, the Cruxi will overwhelm them all since their technology was more advanced than humanities in that department.

There were other things but Maria felt that was the general reason...and when Caulder didn't fall in line...despite the success record the Helldivers had...despite all the "dirty work" they did for high command...the demand...the training and perhaps torture...Setsuka...Mom...

Maria shook her head at that. She didn't need that anger right now. Even more so due to her believing that Cruxi P.O.W. was the same one that shot down mom. But yet again, was forced to "follow orders"...like high command knew what was best for humanity.

...ugh stop!...that's dangerous thinking Maria...just stop..., Maria thought to herself.

But clearly, doing routine work wasn't distracting her. Still, she was all finished so, attaching the magnetic hook next to the cockpit, reeled herself down to ground level and detached the hook.

She was in her black plugsuit right now actually holding her black helmit with it's red visor plate in the face area of it. Just in case something DID happen. And she still believed something will...either that Cruxi tried something...or perhaps it had friends ready to attack their HQ ship just to get it out.

Wrapping things up, Maria was about to leave the hanger when she saw her superior, Elise, looking up at her framework. Feeling the guilt from her eye patch as well as her outburst in the containment area three days ago, Maria felt that she had to clear the air between them.

She walked up to her and gave her a salute.

"Ma'am", she then said.

* * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, Jake was going over intel data on his tablet. So far though, no new Cruxi units had been reported. But he knew that would change sooner or late. The Cruxi were never lax when it came to any new "toys" they develop.

But right now, as he was walking down one of the many hallways of the ship, his mind was on the evidence he had submitted to Elise a few days ago. It had been a whole day but Jake was sure it was all the "red tape" that stuff had to go through...which didn't make him feel better.

Despite all the work he put into putting it all together into a neat electronic presentation of all things, he was actually starting to show doubt. After all, it came down to high command to actually decide if Jake had resonable data/evidence to show that both Serah and Elora weren't at fault or they simply say "no" and go through with what he KNEW was both of their executions.

...*sigh*...gotta love high command and their "sweep it under the rug" solutions...wonder how long before that same solution bites them in the ass hard, Jake thought to himself.

But by the end of the day, even with him being in "recon", they had the last word in everything. Even when it came to him and his family...

Shaking that thought off though, he then continued towards the hanger. He was told Elise was there and he just wanted to touch base with her.

He did check with Jason and Katya on this of course before he submitted it and they both agreed on what he had. But now, as he thought just before, it was up to others now to believe what Jake had presented.

Jason was doing his part to keep Serah calm but to Jake's perceptiveness on Jason's body language the last few times he spoke to him, the "waiting" was driving both him and Serah nuts now even though it had only been more than a day since he submitted his report.

Still, he had to touch base with Elise and even Captain Ritsu if necessary...he had to make sure high command's decision making didn't claim yet another innocent life...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everyone was busy with their various tasks around the base. Zim himself had spent most of his free time in the hanger working with Black Star. He felt that he owed the Werk more of his attention now that he had come to realize that, at least to him, Black Star was alive. In his coming and goings, Zim had noticed that he hadn't seen much of the enigmatic Commander. He had assumed it was due to her injuries that she was placed on a reduced labor detail and commanded to bed rest while recovering. Despite this, in his thinking about her absence, Zim came to realize that he had no idea how Elise viewed the Framewerks they piloted. Zim decided then to send a request for a meeting, if nothing else, it would do well to see her. He was pleased to see the approved response very shortly after the request was sent. He viewed the details of when and where and entered it into his datapad.

When the time came to meet with the young commander, Zim arrived a minute or two early and knocked on the door to her quarters. "Private Zim Hero, reporting for our appointment, Ma'am," Zim announced, waiting for a response before entering.

A downcast voice came out from the other side: "Come in." Elise slouched in her chair in an unladylike fashion when Zim arrived. It took her a few seconds to realize he was in the room with her, upon which she made an effort to look presentable, sitting straight.
"You wanted to speak with me, Pilot Hero? What is it?" She asked while leaning on the desk with her elbow, holding her chin up. Her one eye looked at him with curiosity.

Zim cleared his throat as the commander adjusted her positioning and uniform. "Yes, Ma'am. I wanted, in part, to check in with you and see how you are fairing since your injury. I haven't seen you around the base. But, if I am being entirely honest, I am driven to ask about your opinion regarding the Framewerks. So, if you'd rather not discuss your recovery, there are other matters that I wish to discuss." Zim attempted to maintain eye contact with the good eye, but Elise would be able to tell that his attention was shifting between her eye and the red eye patch that covered her injury.

"Permission to speak freely?"

Elise leaned back and gave out a weak chuckle. "I don't mind that. In fact, I have yet to make an announcement to the squad about how I have been adjusting to my current condition. Well, I'll listen to you first. Go ahead." She picked up something resembling a bottle and uncorked it.

"So, any indication of how long they think your recovery will take?" Zim started. He eyed the bottle as the girl uncorked it. He seemed to remember seeing a similar bottle somewhere in the past, he couldn't quite place it.

"Well, it's still going to take some physiotherapy, but I might be good to go in a couple of weeks...Well, not that it matters." She took a swig of the bottle, a small cup, and poured herself a drink. Zim recognized the bottle to be some kind of fruit-based beverage, smuggled to the base illegally. Fortunately, it was alcohol-free.
"Since I can no longer participate in operations. They think I'm some helpless cripple now."

"Really? So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. Ritsu suggested some paper-pushing job, but I have no interest in that. Then again, I have nowhere else to go either; no family or friends, and no orphanage wants a war veteran." She took out another cup, and poured some of the drink to it, followed by offering the cup to Zim. "Here, take it."

Zim took the offered cup and took a small sip from it, hesitant. "Thank you," he mumbled after the sip. "I think you could still have an impact on the war effort, on the front lines, as an instructor... but why not a prosthetic eye like Pilot Ariin? Or why not transplant a cloned eye?"

"Prosthetics and cybernetics would interfere with Pa-I mean, Prometheus. The system is...Unique. It's got a lot of power, but it has flaws, and one of them is that it requires a completely biological pilot to interface with it. It also has to be of the same genetic structure, or it would reject the pilot."

"I mean, I won't claim to be an expert, as I was a terraformer before the war found me, but isn't a cloned eye going to be the same genetic structure? Well, I'm sure that whoever told you that is smarter than me," Zim conceded, taking another small sip of the fruit juice. He noticed how she started to say one name and stopped when referring to her Framewerk. Now was as good a time as any to change the topic towards what his true intentions were.

"Speaking of Prometheus, what is your relationship with your Framewerk?"

Elise winced at the question and now drank straight from the bottle, before setting it down.
"Why do you ask that, Zim? They're...Machines. Built to serve and protect. Well, I gotta admit, if it wasn't for Prometheus, I might have already left by now. I just...can't leave him. Ugh, I thought this one was dry," she commented as she looked at the label of the bottle.

"A curiosity of mine, I admit. There seems to be a spectrum in the squad ranging from Utilitarian to Familial. And I must admit that my position on that scale is changing, crazy as that may be. So let me ask you this," Zim said as he set the glass down and inched forward slightly, "Do you feel that our Framewerks have a form of sentience or at least a little free will?"

"You're being awfully specific there, Zim. That sounds like crazy talk. But you know what, I might be crazy." She leaned in again, her hands gripping the desk. "I've felt something in Prometheus. I don't know why, but it reminds me of someone I used to know. Probably just combat stress, but there's that. I do know that I've sometimes made moves I didn't consciously think of. Maybe they have some secret AI to assist at critical moments, but it has saved me a couple of times."

"I've experienced similar 'phenomena' myself, which is why I find myself asking these questions and digging for proof. However, you are the first person I've talked to who has sensed something familiar. Care to share who he reminds you of?"

Elise simply glared at him, obviously not liking how he was basically prodding at her private life. But then, she took a deep breath and sighed. "This is getting really personal, and I might have you sent to cleaning duty for that, but you seem to believe me, so screw it: he reminds me of P-" She hesitated.
"-my father." Zim could see how her lower lip trembled a bit as she said that. "I know that's impossible, but it's how I feel. "

"Interesting," Zim responded, his demeanor showing his apologies at prodding. He didn't need to ask, anybody who looked at the pilot could tell that her father was most likely dead, why else would she be nearing tears? The trembling lips, the grip on the desk. She was barely holding it in. It was obviously time to back away from that direct line of questioning. With this information, Zim would go back and look for anything similar with Black Star, but then again, it might just be a projection if he is looking for someone.

"So what do you think about what happened with Serah and Atty? Given that we both believe there is something to these phenomena," Zim turned the questions another direction, hoping to give his commander a reprieve, "I've looked through the combat data, there was a pretty serious drop in Synchronization rates with all the pilots in the room, but none worse then Serah. Is it possible that when our Syncro rates get low enough, whatever it is that is controlling these machines goes berserk? Meaning that it wasn't Serah who attacked our comrades, but rather Atty itself."

Elise calmed down as the topic shifted, but she was still at unease from the previous discussion. "I've read the reports, but I don't believe them. Serah's not the kind of girl to turn on everyone like that. Must have been a Cruxi trick or something, those damn bugs." She gave an angry glare at Zim and leaned closer as she spoke in a lower voice: "You might know about this, but I have a history with some of the folks here, including upstairs folk. That Colonel who gave us the last mission? I know the guy. I heard him talk with some Galactic Navy folks, about Serah and the other girl, and it's not good. The geezer's gotten flak for acting like a pompous ass and thinking Solaire is his personal playground. The fat cats at HQ are gonna send him a message by executing the two." Elise looked dead serious as she said that, waiting for his response.

"Is there anything that can be done to save them?" Zim asked, his tone matching that of his former commander, "I'm no fan of Lorenzo, brilliant as he may be, but killing two pilots simply to prove a petty point? Who are we fighting in this war, and what are we trying to protect?

"To them, we're just numbers, a statistic. All they want is to use the geezer to build them more weapons to blow stuff up with, and not fiddle around with toys. However, Cain's been arguing against that decision." By now she had stopped drinking, having set the bottle aside as her fiery spirit came back to her. "You know, Maria's been pretty transparent in her efforts to collect data on what happened at the station. If you guys did find anything useful as evidence to show they're innocent, I can send it to Cain."

"Cain, huh?" Zim asked making mental note of it, "I'll pass that information along. Thank you for answering my questions, and thank you for being willing to pass this information along to someone who might be able to assist. Before I go, is there anything I can do to help you with?"

Zim drank the rest of the juice in his cup before setting it down, preparing to leave.

Elise stood up, her shoulders barely reaching over the tall desk fitted for adults. "All I want in return is that you guys vouch for me when I ask to stay in the unit; Ritsu has agreed to let me collect reports on my performance from you guys and see if I'm still fit to stay despite my disability." She handed out a small device with an LCD screen and saluted. "And even if I can't fight with you guys, I want you to continue doing your best. For everyone's sake. Dismissed."

Zim stood up when Elise did and took the device with a nod, "Of course." He saluted and made his way out of the quarter. He needed to find Maria and let her know what was going on, and the sooner the better.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anastasia "Ana" Korolev | Ariin Solus | Paladin

Ariin stopped leaning on the railing mentally arguing with Paladin as he watched Paladin's engineers check over the shield system. He'd test it after they were clear deploy the thing inside required quite the bit of space. The young pilot groaned out loud as Paladin chastised him for his views, Paladin believing that Ariin could go back to his familyone day. Ariin maintaining he would no doubt die in service to protecting humanity as he stated several times. "Oh shut up you glorified toaster, you are lucky I even have an implant for you to live in." Ariin had begun to talk out loud now forgetting to his conversation mental as Paladin and the young man were no doubt engaged in rather fierce debate.

"Oh come on, you always use that as a defense." Answered the young man now with growing annoyance. "Oh no! First thing I'm doing is getting you out of my head and somewhere else... Maybe a cleaning robot." He grinned before frowned and then said much louder than before. "Oh hell no! I am not letting you come home with me if we get out here... I don't care if you want to meet me sisters... Wait your trying to projectgrowth ratios about them based off- NO PALADIN BAD AI! I DO NOT WANT STOP IT!" He put his head in his hands groaning loudly. "I hate you right now. I swear I'm going to make you a toaster one day, a very hateful toaster with no mouth."

Noticing the sound of somebody seemingly shouting at themselves, the Android couldn't help but find herself curious as to who and what was going on. Humans were just so interesting! Snaking her way through the hangar, she quickly found the source. The boy from earlier, Ariin. Maybe we has arguing with his cute little emoji eye? Making her way over towards the boy, Ana eventually drew close enough from behind to see there was clearly nobody else there. Frowning to herself, Ana bent over slightly as she leaned in and poked his cheek. ""Hey, why are you just shouting at the air! Also, why are threatening AI!? That's mean and they probably don't like it you know!" She said, wearing a slight pout and planting her hands firmly on her hips. She was annoyed, but oddly looked a bit cute. The girl was a bit unhappy with him however, not taking kindly to the AI comment, knowing what she was herself.

Ariin had been just about to continue the debate when he felt a poke at his face then paused turning his head. Facing the girl he encountered just a little while ago he stared a moment. "Oh! Right. You don't know." He turned to face her pointing at his eye a little pixelated Paladin appeared on it. "A copy of my Frames AI lives in my implant." He explained. "That arguement? Was mostly me and Paladin trading comments about things." Ariin stopped a moment and sighed as Paladin flashed a waving hand at Ana. "Shut up, I'm getting there. So the two of us are communicating through my brain and implant some times I start saying what I'm thinking when I get angry with Pally." The AI made a frowny face. "To bad live with the nickname you could have gone back but you stayed so you are stuck with me."

Ana knew very well about what happened to the boy, knowledge from his incident had been what put the final piece in the puzzle that led to her. Still, she didn't show any of this as she glared at him. Pointing A finger at his face, she spoke firmly. "Well maybe if you two were nicer to each other things would be different! Paladin doesn't deserve somebody being mean to him all the time." She said, then after a few moments seemed to calm down. "So he talks through the cute little emojis in your eye?"

Ariin sighed. "Trust me we fight like siblings but we like each other. Mostly." Paladin made an eye roll as Ariin spoke. "Right now it's argument about my future. Also because Paladin wanted to show me things I really didn't want to know or see." He sighed looking at the werk kneeling in the hangar. "Mostly I get angry when he brings up my family since I won't be seeing them again." He spoke pushing back from the railing. "Yes Paladin controls my eyes display though I can't see what he displays on it."

"It'd be better if you two were nicer to each other! Oh, why won't you see your family anymore? Is that what he's trying to show you? Maybe he wants you to know what you're protecting! It could be worse, he could be showing you innapropiate pictures of girls!" She said, before stepping close to Ariin with no regard for personal space as she peered into Paladin's eye. "Its kinda cute how he talks! Though maybe he should get a body, like a robot fighting buddy!" She said as she stepped back and mimicked some fighting motions.

Ariin chuckled a little. "No he was doing something almost as bad." He sighed. "No I'm a prisoner. Surprised you didn't know, I'm basically here until they decide to put in a prison cell or I die." He shrugged as Paladin made a shrug on screen. "I quite literally am Lorenzo's property now." He turned and started to move and head up the walkway towards Paladin, the werk. "Paladin doesn't need a body quite yet... Besides Pally would want to pick what it looked like. Pallys different than most people would think." He laughed as stepped towards the werk opening the cockpit.

Ana's face turned a bright red at his first comment as her hands covered her mouth. "He's showing you innapropiate pictures of men!?" She blurted out, jumping to the nearest conclusion as her eyes were wide. Shaking her head quickly she shook off the shock and focused on what he said next. Lorenzo's property? Why would daddy need any property? For a long few moments a puzzled look sat on Ana's features as she wondered why her father would have another as property. Then deciding it might be classified she was related, Ana let it blow past. "I wonder if my Tayna would want a body like itself? Oh, you're getting in Paladin?" She asked, wondering if their conversation had ended.

"Ah no." Paladin showed a laughing face then it stuck it's tongue out at Ana. "He was showing me pictures of what my siblings would look like now. I haven't seen them in four or five years." He sighed as moved in. "I'm not leaving just making sure the new energy shield system is working." He groaned as he booted it up. "That depends. I'm not sure all Frames have AI like Paladin did, I would assume but Paladin's was with me being able to link myself to the frame. Being a cyborg and all." He explained showing her the plug he used. "Nearly fried my brain to do transfer minds and I ended up in the Frames mind... Weird place." He muttered Paladin then made a rainbow in his eye. "Oh Paladin wants to know if you have any family, you don't have to answer." Ariin groaned. "No Paladin she does not have to answer if she does not want to. We don't make people answer questions, no matter how curious you are, be polite." Paladin flashed NO, on the screen giving both Ariin and Ana his answer.

Ana nodded, looking a little embarrassed about her assumptions. Hearing that Ariin was a cyborg and plugged into his werk almost made her giggle. She knew this of course, it was part of his files she had downloaded when she bumped into him earlier. But he couldn't know that. "That sounds scary." She noted, but decided not to elaborate. She knew what it was like, she directly integrated with Tayna everytime. Then came the questions and the slight debate, causing her to giggle happily. "That's sooooo cute how he bickers with you! Maybe we should call him Pally. It's adorable and fits!" She said before suddenly switching over and becoming completely serious, not hint of the silliness from before. "Unfortunately, that's classified information." She said, rather firmly.

"Uh huh." Ariin spoke. "Well unless you have any more questions I should get the shield tested and then go get cleaned up." He shrugged with a yawn as Paladin made a sleepy face as Ariin focused on his letting the shield fold out and then engaging the energy shield generator.

Unfortunately for Ariin, Ana wasn't done with him yet. "What's Paladin's role? Is he like a big heavy hitter from the back or sit out front protecting us all like a super cool action star!" She said, leaning into the cockpit a little bit as she watched the shield power up. Immdiately thinking for a moment about how her Tayna could do something similar if needed. Maybe.

"Paladin is a protector not fast. He serves decimating targets and forming a protective barrier for others to fall back behind." He explained as he gestured to Pompey. "Generally I prefer to deploy Paladin as closet to the front as possible however. That is changing, I need to speak with Katya about an idea I had. Based off how Jason and I worked together on the last mission."

The girl nodded simply, deciding to look up the details on it later. "My Tayna is classified, but we tend to be a bit... aggressive." She said, no choosing to elaborate any further than that. "So does Paladin display his cute little emotes in here as well?" She asked with a pleasant look on her face.I'm

Ariin chuckled. "No. Paladin's AI in the machine doesn't do the emotes. Doesn't worry to much about it more important things to think about like how to kill efficiently." He answered smiling. "Paladin's purpose is to kill Cruxi."

"Paladin should get more purposes! Like making cute emojis. Or knitting. I think I massive werk knitting would probably be the funniest thing I'll see all day! She said happily as she pictured the giant Mech with a massive ball of cable.

"Perhaps. Either way I know Paladin's happy as long as were helping people. Sort of thing, keeping other people safe." He laughed as Paladin gave a thumbs up on the screen. "By the way... I'm gonna have a little party soon. Paladin and I have fifth anniversary as partners coming up." He groaned. "Were going to have it done in the common area between the barracks, I'll send invites to the whole squad. It will be a good meet and greet too, plus I'm going to make cakes. Maybe pizza." Shrugged the pilot as he finished clearing the systems check and started to hop out.

Paladin flashed a pointing finger at her then a question mark as if asking if she wanted to come, Paladin seemed to like her more than Ariin. "Paladin wants to know if you want to come, really wants you there."

A party? She'd never been to one of those! She would need to research what they were! A look of excitement appeared on Ana's features as she nodded happily. "Yeah! I'll be there! I guess Paladin really likes me for some reason then, huh? Also I wonder how many people can say they got invited to a party by an AI..." She said, a slight giggle at the thought especially since that number was still likely zero. Afterall, she wasn't exactly a person herself.

"Right well I should head out... I have supplies to grab and then I need to see Katya about changing up our combat formation." The young pilot chuckled as he moved with speed, curiously not making much noise on the catwalk. "Later Ana, see you around!" Paladin made a little wave as well as Ariin headed towards the kitchen, theft round two. He wondered how long it would be before someone figured out the resident thief was stealing the supplies to bake the treats for others?

Ana waved farewell to her newly made friends, before turning away from the massive werk before her and humming slightly to herself as she skipped off. Maybe she would go find her father next, ask him why he owned that curious boy, and then ask him what a party was. Maybe he would even give her a cute dress to wear! Shrugging to herself Ana began making her way towards Lorenzo's labs once more. Having idetically memorized the way from the labs to the hangar, it wouldn't be a very long walk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zim, freshly armed with the information given to him by Elise about the situation regarding Serah and Elora, went in search of Maria. Zim checked places that he was sure he had seen her in the past, of course, she was a different person then she was back then, so her habits and patterns might have changed, eventually he gave up the search for her and sent a direct message to her datapad, hoping to track her down that way. The message read: Urgent info about Serah and Elora. Let's meet ASAP. He time stamped it and sent out his location code to go along with it so that Maria could track Zim by his datapad, wherever he went, for a set amount of time. He didn't wait for her though, he continued his search for her, just in case she didn't have her datapad on her.

Zim then got a return message on his datapad. The following message read: "Ok. Time and place. But you better not be screwing with me Zim Hero."

Zim sent the information through the message and went directly there to wait for her. The area was somewhat out of the way, so that prying eyes and ears might not be readily available. While he waited he filled out the survey on the datapad that Elise had given him, he gave her a glowing review, crediting her training and guidance to the victory at the space station. Once Maria showed up Zim got right to the point.

"I understand that you are working towards finding a way to get Serah out of Prison and help Elora somehow, too?" Zim started, "Elise told me, said you weren't being to quiet about it. She wants to help, but she needs help in return. Fill out this survey giving the young commander a good review and she will submit your evidence up to someone who is sympathetic who might be able to stay their execution."

Zim presented it as an ultimatum, it wasn't, but Zim didn't want to mince words or waste any time, he didn't want to give Maria any options. It was a tit for tat situation that held someones job and two peoples lives, a cheap price.

When Maria finally showed at the location, Zim gave her the rundown on what he wanted. She didn't like how Zim presented it as an ultimatum but it looked liked Elise found out about the campaign to help Serah and Elora. And all she had to do was give Elise a good review of her role within squad sigma.

She took Zim's datapad, signed in as her official military id, and got to work on her review on Elise.

"...so Elise wants to help?...honestly, I'm amazed...the kid seemed like a "by the books" kind of squad leader. That and she didn't really know Serah or Elora well enough to make a proper judgement call", Maria then says as she continued to fill out the information on the datapad.

"Yeah," Zim said, "It came up as part of another conversation I was having with her. She knows more about what is going on then I did, anyways. But, she told me she has connections outside of our direct command line that are inclined to help, who apparently have the power to help, provided evidence. Send your report to Elise, and she will forward it to the contact. Personally, I think Ritsu would help, but I suspect her hands are tied. Lorenzo doesn't care enough about any one of us, or all of us as a unit, enough to stick his nose into it. Especially now that we have brought him the Elite Cruxi pilot."

"...don't bring up our P.O.W, with me and Jake in the middle of things and...Katya trying to calm me down recently, I feel like any little thing relating to THAT thing would set me off", Maria slowly said as she continued on the datapad.

"...ok finished", Maria then said. "So...do I just hit the "send" button on here or do you need me to do something else before that?"

"Nope, hit complete and send the report," Zim explained. He had no idea that there were others involved, but he decided to leave the whole remark where it was and move on, "I hope that Elise will be able to help. She seemed confident that her contact could pull it off."

Zim paused a moment while Maria finished the review, "Alright, thanks. Don't forget to have your evidence submitted to Elise ASAP." Zim peaked at the datapad and confirmed that she was done with the review before turning to leave.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ariin finally relaxed, slipping away from the other he went down to engineering bay Paladin wanted to research something and Ariin wanted the voice in his had trying to remove the moral grey area of grand theft food gone. Once he'd allowed Paladin to migrate out of his head at least for a little while, he headed for the kitchen quietly. The veteran thief entered the kitchen finding it abandoned he set to work, in a few moments undoing the locks and putting on an apron before he washed up. Ariin worked with the speed and efficiency only known to those who had to cook several different meals for children who were picky eaters. The young man began first on a large multilayer cake and then on batches of cupcakes mixing up icing first before snapping his fingers thinking back to the few parties he'd seen on Mars he burst back in the luxury ration supplies.

Starting on pizza Ariin stopped only a moment to put on headphones and turn a song, cleaning his hands once more the young man thought back to the few honest days work he'd done in his life. Mostly busing dishes, waiting tables, or in the weeks before his arrest cooking at local diners, Mars boasting a large garrison meant plenty of soldiers ate out. Soon Ariin sat down the finished pizza dough as he ducked back across his footsteps perfectly moving to the beat as the slim young man spun across the room. He took out the cake and began to ice it, carefully, taking time to write Paladin's name on it. As he then did the cupcakes doing each with little versions of Paladin in various poses.

Meanwhile back at the ranch engineering lab...

Paladin had been doing research, also compiling music for the party but mostly research. Paladin had become curious about the idea of family, Ariin had such a strong sense of it yet from what the werk understood family was closer than Ariin was to the pilots in the squadron. Ariin viewed them as such yet seemed to try and keep them at arm's length, the pilot seemed to fear others getting attached to him but did not fear himself being attached to others. A curious case peaked the learning computers interest, of course viewing Ariin's memories Paladin saw Ariin's childhood and the years the young man spent raising his siblings on Mars. Paladin needed more data, yet something... More Paladin did not like the idea of remaining inside Ariin's mind. Paladin wanted first-hand knowledge of family... The Werk also wanted Ariin to have someone to be with him even if the others would exit the military one day, Ariin could not and Paladin then resolved to find a way to be there for the person who had come to consider family. It was the least the werk could do for Ariin, to give him company.

Ariin finished preparing the pizza's deciding to leave them uncooked in the large fridge for the moment and set the cakes and cupcakes aside, hiding them from the cooks. The young pilot cleaned up quickly took his headphones off waiting until the camera's rotated and dashed out of the kitchen. He headed down to engineering retrieving Paladin with a simple upload. "Hey, buddy... Almost missed your back talk, grab all the music we need? Great, transfer it up to my laptop... Oh, shut up... I knew the eye had wifi." He grumbled as he left engineering to return to the room to rest.

Changing out of his clothing into just his underclothes he yawned and collapsed on the bed. "Hey, bud... Thanks, for always getting my back I promise we are gonna have fun tomorrow." He rolled onto his side looking into the mirror as he saw Paladin flash a thumbs up in return. "Anyway, I better sleep gotta finish cooking after the mess empties tomorrow." He grumbled before his good eye shut and he passed out upon the bed.


As the clock for Martian time ticked over the message began to flash across Paladin's eye, it had been roughly ten hours since the pilot had fallen asleep. Deciding to wake him up, Paladin prodded Ariin's brain with impulses from his eye groaning Ariin awoke and stared into the mirror. "Thanks, Paladin. I know you hate the nickname." Ariin groaned and rose pulling on a shirt and jeans then his hoodie he went to set up. First getting Paladin synched into the recreational room with control over lights, music, and even a large monitor and a microphone for those who wished to speak with the werk at the party. Paladin also had pulled images from Ariin's brain and from records of their battles that were on file for viewing since the Lorenzo had been given project over the idea of mass producing Paladin.

Ariin began to cook pizza soon returned setting out food for all as Paladin let music echo through the room, the young man smiled proudly. "I'd say we did pretty well for having no budget." He spoke back turned to the door, invites had been sent out the day before to all squad members and associates, of course, he didn't know who all would show up but Paladin still he was happy they had plenty of pizza to go around in all different kinds and sweets too. In varieties, the cake, however, was red velvet Ariin's favorite. Let an emoji of fireworks exploding appear on the monitor to celebrate the success they had in creating a party, Paladin now just hoped many friends would come to celebrate the day they were partnered together.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Things at Solaire once again took a slower pace, yet there was an air of uncertainty surrounding squad Sigma; what would become of of its members; would they be able to stay together, even amidst the political intrigue that threatened to split them apart? Maria and Zim didn't rest on their laurels, and were convicted to fight for their fellow pilots' lives, against all odds. It seemed all hope was lost for them, but Elise happened to provide a channel for their voices; when she received the evidence data from Maria, she gave thanks in a returning message, and asked that no word would spread from her involvement in the shady affair.

The pilots did not have much time to ponder on what the possible results of their deal would before came a day of celebration. Ariin had asked permission to hold an event, and Lorenzo agreed on the conditions that they clean up after themselves among others. The old professor himself seemed to widely smile as he invited Ana over, and showed her a pretty red dress for her to wear at the party. "Ah, my daughter's homecoming dance~" He mumbled, living out a delusional fantasy as the android went elsewhere to change. "But, she needs a date. And I'm not willing to let any man here touch my darling Ana. Hmm...Maybe she could go..."

It turned out that Ariin's party had attracted people outside the squad, as a few soldiers and engineers had caught wind of the plans, and attempted to crash the party. However, they soon left once Ana arrived, now wearing her pretty dress. She was accompanied by several others, who weren't on the guest list: Irina was one, wearing a modest blue dress. She did not say anything, and simply found a corner spot where she leaned on the wall and stared at the party, seemingly bored. Lorenzo's beautiful research assistant Dariya Chovalenko was also there, and she stepped in with an enchanting presence, her sultry eyes gazing at Zim in particular. "Ahh, Zim! My, it's been forever since we've met! I've been so...busy working with the professor." She gave a seductive smile, and traced a finger on his shoulder.
"Blowing up an entire Cruxi fleet all on your own...aren't you a naughty boy~" She then felt a weak hand tug on her dress, and he turned with a smile. "Oh, you'd like to speak with them too? Ok then. Say hello to everyone, Elora!"

Just like Ana and Dariya, Elora was wearing a frilly pink dress. However, she was wearing a nearly featureless white mask over her face, with green tron lines running in complicated cybernetic patterns over it. When she was given the command to greet, she clasped her hands before her, and gave a curtsy, her posture disturbingly perfect. "H-Hello..." She spoke in a low voice, and then hugged Dariya's side, trembling in fright. "She must be a little shy. Oh, and don't mind the mask. She feels better with it on," Dariya said, and then went right over to partake of some table treats. Elora on the other hand was left to stand there awkwardly, with everyone staring at her. "Um...Thank you for letting me attend the party."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zim got the invitation to the anniversary of the partnering between Paladin and Ariin, and at first, he had decided that he wasn't going to go, he had more important things to worry about. However, Zim decided that he should go, after all the younger pilot had more or less given Zim his blessings to pursue a relationship with Katya, despite his own feelings for her... that had to count as some sort of friendship, right? So Zim decided to support that with his attendance, besides, there was a good chance that Katya would show up. Zim pried himself away from his obsessive search for proof of life in the framewerks, and got ready when the time came. He wasn't sure, to be honest, about how he should be dressed, this wasn't a formal ordeal, but there were actual invitations given out? So Zim decided, ultimately, to go ahead with the military formal uniform. He dressed, polished the buttons, brass, glass, and his shoes and then finally stopped and adjusted everything to regulation perfection before finally leaving his room.

He arrived at the designated room just a moment or two late, while he was the first of the squad to arrive, besides the hosts, some of the engineering crew had made it before him. Zim looked around at the few that were there and instantly realized that he had overdressed for the occasion. 'Too late now,' Zim thought to himself as he approached the host, 'Better overdressed than underdressed, anyway.'

"Ariin," Zim greeted the fellow pilot warmly, looking into his real eye, he then shifted his gaze into the prosthetic eye, he continued with the same warmth, "Paladin, thank you so much for the invitation. Looks like you guys put on quite the spread, how'd you get permission for all of this?"

They would chat for a moment until other started to arrive, Zim would politely move out of the way so that they could make their greetings, he would chat with whoever approached him. Elizabeth was one of them. Fortunately for Zim, she had also come in some form of formal wear, though it wasn't standard military, it was probably from her home planet.
She made her way in, gave a polite greeting to Ariin and Paladin and then moved on as well, ending up near Zim. "Do these sort of things happen often here?" She asked Zim by way of greeting.

"Not at all, at least not in the time since I have been here," Zim said in response, "Though I understand that Ariin once stole the supplies needed and snuck into the kitchen to make a cake of some sort previously. I didn't partake, but I hear that it was good. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he made all of this from stollen supplies as well."

Elizabeth, who was about to bite into her second cupcake decided at that point to set it down, the thought of a royal princess partaking in something made from stolen military supplies didn't sit well with her. She gave a small frown, as she greatly enjoyed the first one, "Well then," She said as she crossed her hands in front of herself she looked away from Zim to hide her displeasure from him, "I am curious as to when everyone else will show up."

Zim raised an eyebrow at the comment, not suspecting that she cared enough about anyone else in the squad to want to see anyone. Rumor had it that her relationship with Val was not a friendly one... Zim would do his best to monitor that to try and mitigate any damage that their feud may have on the squad.

It was at that time that Ana and entourage entered the room. Like a bouquet of flowers, brightening the room each of the ladies entered in a dress of different colors. Zim was just as surprised to see Inara as he was to see her in a dress. And then the bombshell Dariya walked in like she walking out of his dreams. And just like in his dreams, she seemed to only have eyes for him. "Oh, uh, yeah, I've been busy as well," Zim said, sniffing up a nose bleed, hardly able to form words, let alone sentences, as all of the blood in his brain vacated for a different organ. "Oh, no, that wasn't-" She walked away without hearing what he had to say, she found the food more important than her words. As she walked away, Zim's face finally started to return to a shade of color that might be considered normal for the permanently disfigured pilot. Before Zim could even wake himself from the waking dream he had just encountered Elizabeth grabbed his arm and shook him with excited urgency.

"Hold on, just a second," Zim said as he looked at Elora, he couldn't believe it was really her. He wondered if his and Maria's efforts paid off for Elora and Serah.

"Hey, Zim, Who is that?" Elizabeth pointed at Ana after shaking Zim again.

"I don't know, I haven't met her yet, though I saw her talking to Ariin the other day in the hanger."

"Well, let's go introduce ourselves!"

"Um, Okay?" Zim said, confused on why he was being dragged into Elizabeth's sudden change of character. Perhaps she knew that Irina and Dariya were part of Lorenzo's entourage, and figured that the girl was as well and that getting in good with her would get Elizabeth in good with Lorenzo? It was the best thing that Zim could figure. Zim spoke in a quieted voice, "Let me say hello to Elora and introduce you to her, first. She was why we went on our last mission." He didn't say it, but something definitly wasn't right here.

"Elora," Zim said warmly, "It is so good to see you up and about. Elora, this is Elizabeth, she is a new pilot on the squad."

"Hi!" Elizabeth said quickly, she then grabbed Zim by the elbow and said, "Ok, let's go!"

The reality was that in her head when Elizabeth saw the girl in the red dress enter the only thing she could think of was how ridiculously cute the girl was. It was everything in her power to not betray her decorum and scream "Kawaii!" as soon as she saw her. However, thanks to the countless hours of etiquette classes that were beaten into her, she was able to retain her composure. While Elizabeth lead Zim over to the new girl she chided him, "Introduce me correctly this time, titles and such."

Elizabeth was already struggling to contain herself, she was feeling things she had never felt before and she hadn't even heard the girl's name yet, but whatever it was, she was sure that she loved it. Visions of dancing in white dresses flashed through her mind only to snap to reality when she realized she was blushing, her bright red cheeks matching the mass of red hair on top of her head.

However, Elizabeth would have to wait as Ana had already latched on to Inara. She gave a pout of disappointment, but she steeled herself to be ready to pounce when she had a chance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Even since her chat with Jake and Maria, Katya spent most of her free time doing work on Caretaker. Finding it helped keep her mind of Elora and Serah. Although more so Elora, Katya finds herself worrying about the young pilot enough that at times it distracted her. Causing her to make mistakes, hoping that she was not suffering too much. Even if Katya felt deep down Elora could handle whatever Lorenzo put her thought she still was concerned and continued to dwell on what Elora had tell her on board the NOAH. But Katya had no idea how to look into the matter. Although she had sent a little time going over the database of known Cruxi units.

When the invite to the party came Katya had sent some time wondering if she should even go. Looking at the invite on her tablet during a lunch break she was sharing with one of the engineers assigned to Caretaker. A fellow Kromm native who Katya had formed a friendship with. Someone Katya had shared quite a few details of her thoughts and feelings with. So talked to her about it.

By the time that conversation came to an end, Katya had decided to go and she would even try to let down her hair a little more. Having become aware some of the squad might have seen her a little serious. Given she didn’t really do much with most of them beyond talk. Katya feeling she needed to keep some level of distance from her squadmates in order just in case she ever had to make hard calls involving them or something happened.

So when it came time to get ready, she figured she take the chance to dress in her casual clothes. Figuring if she going to a party she’d let her hair down and try to have a little fun. After all its not like they got to have parties all that often. It would be nice not to have to worry about anything other than having a little bit of fun.
Katya put on something she figured would be good. A blend of her clothes she had brought with her and had acquired since joining the squad. Katya enjoying being able to acquire things she simply could not back home. Although it made her think just how isolated her home outpost was. In the grand scheme of things.

She shook her head and sighed. Hoping she’d not be over or under dressed give. Katya had little idea how she should dressed for a party like this given back home gathers people just wore whatever they liked. Which most the time was worn or dirty clothes. Katya hoping her attire would be okay given beyond her dress uniform this was the nicest thing she had. After a moment spent convincing herself it would be fine she sprayed her hair with something she brought with her from home that made it shimmer a little in the light. Something she liked and she hoped it might get the particular attention pair of boys or at very least one of them.

Thinking that would be enough Katya headed down to the party being one of the last to arrive she quietly slipped in finding Arrin she greeted him and thanked him for the invite. Before finding a spot out of the way. A little unsure on how of people not form her world did parties. Katya feeling a little uncomfortable so retreated to a wall. Thinking maybe she should not have come. Glancing around the room, she could see somewhere in military dress or a nice dress making her feel under dressed for the party.


After the little incident with Elizabeth, Val just went about her duties. Having no care about the red-headed pilot. Val unwilling to admit the woman had annoyed her so took it out on her sparring partner later that day the incident had happened during hand to hand training.

When the invite came, Val was trying to meditate on her bed but the sound of her table notifying of her the message disrupted her. The woman jumping and quickly flicking up her hood only to see was only her tablet. Leaving her to swear in her native tongue. As she pulled her hood back down. Rubbing the top of her head as she stood up and grabbed her table.
“Party? Might be fun I not been to a social event since little brothers birthday.” Val said to herself having decided she would go.

So when it came time she arrived after Zim wearing her normal fatigues having nothing else to wear beyond her dress uniform and doubted it would be needed. Figuring they would be best. Although did change her hood to a red one with a swirl pattern on it that seemed didn’t hug her head as tightly as her military hood. But it covered a little more of her face but if one looked close enough, they could make out the bottom of her ears. Val picking this one out as it was her favourite hood and it was more comfortable then military one. Which she found to be a little starchy on the top of her head.
For the party Val did up her face paint with black and gold. The colours that when combined to her own kind meant she could
Drawing a gold line down her nose a pair of black handprints over her eyes. A pair of gold lines that started at the edge of her lips run down her jaw until the meet and then down her neck. To her kind, this meant was to help draw attention to her, but keep people eyes away form her eye.. Val not a fan of prolonged eye contact.

At the party was quick to greet Ariin and Paladin with bow and “thank you for the invite.” Before taking a moment to investigate the food helping herself to some pizza having fondness for it. With Pizza in hand Val find a wall to proper herself against. For the moment she’d just watch those who come and enjoy her pizza, although she would speak anyone who approached her. Even Elizabeth provided she was more respectful than last their encounter. Otherwise this time she might just have to show that stuck up princess that annoying a Haath soldier was not a good idea.
“Far too much hair. Damn it’s ugly.” she muttered pulling of Elizabeth as she started to scan the room.
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