Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
Avatar of Double Capybara

Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

So they bought some beer and decided to party at the Pictaraika.

So tell me Griffin, what is next?
"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."

"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."
<A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now.>

"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."
< A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now. >

(Too wide. Looks worse on Chrome)

"A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now."
< A term used to reffer to a thing that comes after the one mentioned, but that's not important right now. >}





Well hello my name is Loca
And Im a special pug
I live in Belfast Ireland
And me favorite things a hug
I love to eat roast chicken
And my friends say Im good fun
But the one things that I cannot do is I cant feckin run

Im bouncing flouncing
falling all around the show
Rolling bowling
I just cant get it right
Skipping hopping
tripping up and floppying
I just cant get the hang of it
though trying as I might

(VLeast word count wasted on code)

I’ve got a brother Alfie
A little pug like me
Me mum says he’s a lap dog
As he’s never off her knee
He runs just like a bullet
That’s been fired from a gun
And he’s tried his best to teach me
But I still can’t feckin run

(^Least word count wasted on code)

Theres a moral to this story
For happy still am I
Just because I cannot run
No reason for to cry
I love me life
I love me house
And I love me family
And the thing that makes it all ok
My family luvs me

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
Avatar of Double Capybara

Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 5 mos ago





You expected a signature?

(Make signature bigger so the fakeout can actually work)

Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
Avatar of Double Capybara

Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

<Insert cool banner here. Insert it, Frettzo!>
Divinus: The Deity Roleplay (Mk.III)

<Will fill this with some fluff later, and then put some credits on the bottom.>


Divinus will be a story about a pantheon of gods, their creations, and the world of Galbar as it is shaped by our collective actions.

One great and enlightened being, the Architect of the Spheres, tried to create an entire universe on his own. After toiling for unknown aeons in maddening solitude, he accomplished nothing but the bare shell of a planet called Galbar and the blank cosmos that surrounded it. He reflected and ultimately realized the limits of his own strength. It was then that he made the fateful decision to open a rift to What Lay Beyond, allowing several spirits to enter the realm of his making to help him see his vision fulfilled. Regardless of whatever those spirits might have been before, they were, in the Architect's arms, made as gods over this universe. Though his expectations are reasonable, the Architect nonetheless expects the gods to ‘earn their stay’ by not slacking in their duties, and to show him some measure of gratitude and fealty. Incurring his wrath can have consequences, for he is a powerful being; however, he is not infinitely so. Through the combined might of many rebellious mature gods, the Architect could perhaps one day be overthrown.

Though these gods may start small, in time they will raise mountains, gouge rivers, sow jungles and freeze oceans, and having done so they can create every manner of flora, fauna, spirit and mortal folk to populate them. Their colliding visions for the world may drive them to invent mighty weapons and field vast armies, conjure horrific monsters, and sanction glorious heroes to defend their dreams from the passion of the other gods.

Each god will be important. Each will potentially wield great influence over reality and all the life that comes to arise, as every god will control a ‘Sphere’ that can be thought of as a piece of the intricate system that constitutes Galbar’s universe. The gods’ power is measured in Might, which they must spend wisely on the aspects of creation that are most vital to them. As they continue to grow their powers and shape the world ever more, the gods may build holy sanctuaries in which their mortal disciples may glorify their name, raising them to new heights of terror and splendor.

The game of gods has many rules but do not be daunted! This RP is about weaving interesting tales, not about such crass motives as winning or losing. All rules are here for your benefit to make sure everyone plays fairly, in a collaborative manner and to work for the betterment of the story. We've put a lot of effort into the system, so I hope it brings as much pleasure to you as it has to us.

Important Terms
  • Galbar
    This is the name of the primary setting for this RP, the middle and most important Sphere of the universe, and the realm in which most mortals will reside.
  • Sphere
    This setting is a magical one. This is reflected in how the universe itself is divided into numerous Spheres, similar to Aristotelian physics, and Galbar is the aforementioned Middle Sphere in the center of this system. Each sphere can be conceptualised as a bordered physical space in which all manner of things could be made. Each god in this setting will come to be attuned with one Sphere, taking charge over it and shaping it with their powers so that it may serve some purpose in the greater system and influence Galbar in some way.
  • God
    In Divinus, the pantheon of gods will be the focus and main characters of the story. Though mortals, demigods, and other beings will eventually emerge, in the beginning there will only be gods. Gods are powerful beings capable of traveling throughout the Spheres (though this may be difficult and take time), but they are not omnipotent or omniscient. The baseline of every god’s power will be explained in greater detail below.
  • Hero
    A hero is a lesser being that has been endowed with great power by some god, often to act as a champion or noteworthy servant of some other kind. Heroes can be granted a great deal of power, but even if they start with more humble beginnings they can become formidable over time. A hero’s actions can earn them Prestige, which in turn can be spent on increasing their power or on having them perform godly acts (such as creating powerful artifacts or performing miraculous feats) albeit on a smaller scale than would be expected of the gods themselves.
  • Demigod
    A demigod is a being that exists in the sizable space between a hero and a god. Players who enter the RP after the beginning will start as demigods rather than gods. They are immortal in the sense that they can weather time and disease and other natural forces with ease, though they could still potentially be killed. Demigods are divine beings in that they can potentially traverse the various Spheres, but they are not attuned to any of the Spheres and nor do they have a Sphere to command as their own. They will thus find themselves wanderers, usually unable to truly ascend to full godhood until they prove themselves worthy enough to be uplifted and sponsored by an existing god.
  • MP
    This is an acronym for Might Points (sometimes just Might), our way of measuring the power and exertion that a god puts into their various actions. Gods have immense powers of creation and can alter reality around them, but most actions that do not directly pertain to a god’s portfolio will cost some amount of MP. Gods will earn an income of MP over time as the RP goes on; the IC will be separated into turns, and MP is be issued out in chunks at the beginning of each turn.
  • FP and Ages
    Just as the IC is divided into turns, the turns will be grouped together into Ages. Each Age will generally span for 1-4 turns and will set a theme and rough timescale for the IC events.
    FP is an acronym for Free Points, which are functionally the same as MP except for the caveat that they can only be spent on actions pertaining to the theme of the current Age. For instance, in the beginning we will have an Age of Creation during which a substantial amount of FP will be given to every god for the purposes of shaping their Sphere as well as the landmasses and various features of Galbar.
  • Portfolio
    In most mythological settings that feature a plethora of various deities and other divine beings, the major gods each rule over certain aspects of reality. This is the case in Divinus as well; we describe a god’s powers in terms of short and highly specific words (preferably one word) called Portfolios. A Portfolio could be anything from a natural phenomenon like fire, to a craft like carpentry, or to a more abstract concept like authority.

Detailed Description of RP Mechanics

General Rules and Regulations
The Golden Rule--Do not godmod/metagame/powerplay. It’s ironic because this is an RP with actual gods as characters; however, there are definitely limits as to the power level of our gods. We’re trying to make a collaborative story rather than host a game meant to be ‘won,’ so please keep that in mind as you write.
The Rule of Fair Warning--Before significantly influencing someone else’s creations, especially if it is going to be in a destructive way, give them some fair warning OOC so that potential objections can be made ahead of time and plans can be shifted. Ideally conflicts between two gods that lead to destruction or harm of one god or its possessions will be written with the consent of both players, but if you think that somebody is being unreasonable us GMs can intervene.
The Good Summaritan Rule--Somewhere in every post, please attach a hider box containing a short summary of the post’s actions, including how Might has been expended in the post if applicable. As Divinus RPs have traditionally had some massive posts, this helps greatly when trying to keep track of all that’s been going on and when trying to make sure you didn’t miss any important plot point within some massive post. That being said, please do still try to read all IC posts and not just the summaries.
The Bookkeeping Rule--We will be using a wiki to store character and creation sheets, as past experience has demonstrated that RPGuild character tab on this thread won’t be enough space and will get too cluttered. For all creations of significance, please make at least a 1-2 sentence page for them on our wiki. The 0th post on the characters section will contain a link to our wiki; if you need any help figuring out how to use the wiki, by all means feel free to ask.
Leave of Absence--Please give us forewarning on the OOC if circumstances dictate that you will become inactive in the RP for a time. I’m sure we’ve all seen the phenomena of people simply vanishing; it’s frustrating and leaves work where the others have to pick up the narrative pieces. Failure to follow this rule can potentially lead to your god being deposed IC; the Architect won’t look kindly upon squatters that sit around in his realm without contributing to Galbar’s development or fulfilling their divine duties.

The above commandments are most important. Almost every other conduct is to fall under the domain of common sense and the RPGuild rules, with the understanding that our goal is to collaboratively create cool narratives. Be considerate to one another and facilitate storytelling. If there are any concerns or clarifications required, the GMs are always happy to help.

Character Creation:
I would like to reiterate that we will be using a wikia (link can be found on the 0th post of the character section) to store and organize all character sheets, rather than the character tab on this RPGuild thread. This is obligatory; however, if you need help figuring out how to work with the wiki, just let us know. If you like, you may still use the character tab to compile links to the various wiki articles for you creations.

With that out of the way, feel free to format your sheet however you like, so long as it clearly contains answers to at least the questions posed by this example sheet below.

As you consider ideas for your character and grapple with what you want to do, I would encourage you to first focus upon what sort of Sphere or portfolio you want to have, and then use that as a foundation to construct a god that makes sense given that dimension.

Beyond the concept for your character, you should also have an idea of what you want your god to do, how your god might change or progress, how they will contribute to the story and how they will interact with other players. In particular, note that the first few Turns will likely be inhospitable to mortal races. Otherwise, an otherwise excellent character might become very boring to play very quickly, and nobody wants that.

A reminder: Once the RP has already started, new players will only be allowed to join as demigods.

The above character sheet is designed for gods, but for demigod characters simply remove the parts pertaining to Spheres, and perhaps instead talk about your demigod’s parentage.

List of burning topics to address:
Info on Avatars purchased with MP, for both gods and heroes
Info on Relics/Monuments " " ".
A fleshed out section on abilities and their MP costs.
Need to codify prestige, heroes, and holy orders
Move over this MP stuff below and talk about portfolios/clusters in more detail
Make the effects of owning a Sphere and being outside your home Sphere more concrete, possibly, although we do have a paragraph on it and it is good to keep it vague.
Ages and Free Points. We have it in the glossary, but we should have a separate section for it.


Innate abilities (stock with every god):
All gods start with one free form, whether it be humanoid, giant, gaseous, a swarm of bugs, or whatever else. They cannot change this form without purchasing additional forms as detailed in the purchasable abilities.

As immortals, there is no place that will be unsurvivable by a deity. However, larger storms, the depths of a molten lava lake or the blizzards of the poles are hard to navigate without affinity to such locations.

All gods are powerful by nature, they will not be harmed by most mundane threats and can do acts such as smashing large boulders with one kick no matter their domains.

Gods can see in great detail up to the horizon line, able to see even in the true darkness of deep space, and can observe aspects such as heat, magnetic fields or souls. They can hear as far as they can see, are able to pinpoint the direction of sounds and are able to simultaneously understand all speakers of a large crowd. Gods have a metaphysical sense that can perceive reality as raw information. (what we call perceive in MK2)

Senses - Mind Reading
All gods can read a mind and understand thoughts and memories, however, this is an act that requires some focus and a target for deities unrelated to the domains of the mind.

Gods can run and jump at inhuman speeds, float on air, walk on water. They can access the realms beyond.

Changing the weather costs might for gods without a domain related to it.

All gods can create relics with might points, but do not have a natural ability to craft mundane high-quality crafts unless it is pertinent to their portfolio or cluster. (A deity of the hunt is able to naturally craft great bows, but a deity of nature might struggle to do the same.)

Fauna and Flora
All gods can create any life using might. All gods may mutate life using their essence for free, though the changes are limited to their domain. All gods are able to discern the thoughts of animals and can communicate with any animal, but plants require affinity. The innate ability to create existing animals from nothing requires a domain related to the life being created. Plants can be created from nothing but will grow at natural speed without affinity.

Without might or affinity related to the material, a god will have trouble creating matter from nothing. Simple things such as sand and rocks are easier to create than metals or rare materials. All gods have the ability to control elements within their vicinity using only their minds, they may raise rocks and water from the ground, purify or mix materials, extract a particular element out the ground, or compress, melt, ignite or freeze something.

In simple words, most gods cannot just take a bar of gold from their sleeve, but if they are near a gold deposit (which they can perceive) they can reach into the ground and extract a pure bar of gold from the very soil.

Sphere Adaptation
All beings are bound to their home sphere. <Gods don't get sick we'll word this out later>.
(a god is probably also much stronger within their own Sphere, but that's a separate discussion).

A god wields enormous creative power, literally shaping reality to their will. Each god has a pool of might points which may be used to perform the acts listed under the Might Points rules.

Possible abilities:
New forms.
Or enhancements to an existing form
Changing between different forms is generally slow (read: can’t practically be done mid-combat or mid-scene) unless you have a shapechanging ability.
Ability to better hide your trail.
Ability to better perceive hidden deific trails (counter to above point). (Not like the levels of Mk II)
Auras (Madness, blinding, charismatic, musky)
Enhanced innate abilities (stronger, faster, etc.)
Potentially split soul for avatars(?)
A shard borrowed from a portfolio. (Trumped by portfolios themselves and quite limited)
This can probably encompass almost everything.
3 reference examples with escalating cost and power, like landscaping?
New skills.
Possibly 1 MP.
Things like good archer, good tracker, good blacksmith, good swimmer, etc.
These are granted automatically by a Portfolio (they’d be free to buy anyway), so if you already have skills and you get a Portfolio then these skill are enhanced.
Example: with ‘good archer’, you are very good at archery, with skills comparable to legendary mortals. If you have the Archery Portfolio, you get this skill for free. If you have spent Might on being a ‘good archer’ and have the Archery Portfolio, your archery skills are truly god-like, able to pull off impossible shots with flawless accuracy.
1 MP grants something a Hero or other legendary mortal could do, or something of similar potency.
How high do we go? We want Abilities to be less potent than Portfolios or artefacts. A good point to start might be considering what is the strongest ability (outside being enhanced by Portfolios, since buying a full-price Ability that aligns with your Portfolio will give it a super-buff.) I feel like 3 MP might be a good upper bound, maybe 4 or 5, although this might step on the toes of artefacts.
E.g. Teleportation. Long-distance teleporation is a Might-costing action, but short-distance teleporation (blinking, even) would be in the reach of Abilities. I feel like this would be a high-end ability. A relevant Portfolio could extend the range indefinitely within your Sphere or Galbar (allowing the fast-travel action, which is free if you have a relevant Portfolio, to be spammed rapidly).
E.g. an aura which blinds mortals which look at you. This is also a high-end ability, as it has a powerful effect on all around you.

Should purchasing abilities count towards unlocking portfolios? Consensus: Yep.
Should abilities come out of nowhere or must they be 'attained' IC somehow each time they're purchased? Consensus: Yep.
Should we limit the scope of abilities to minor things instead of bringing it to the level of artefacts etc.?
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