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@DJAtomika@Bartimaeus Both approved. Feel free to move them to the character tab.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sightseer
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I'm new (but not to RPing).

If there's still space I'd like to propose writing a character focusing on the magical domain of travel.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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I'm new (but not to RPing).

If there's still space I'd like to propose writing a character focusing on the magical domain of travel.

Yes there is still space, and pitch your idea's concept. Mostly because travel can range from time travel (which is off the table) to actual physical travel. As with any huge magic, the greater the distance the more power and Essence from the user or other sources is required to perform.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightseer
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<Snipped quote by Sightseer>

Yes there is still space, and pitch your idea's concept. Mostly because travel can range from time travel (which is off the table) to actual physical travel. As with any huge magic, the greater the distance the more power and Essence from the user or other sources is required to perform.

Time travel is far too complicated for me to do it justice in writing, so I'm interested purely in physical travel.

Cost being multiplied by distance would seem to be a simple way to prevent anything far too silly from occurring.

Character Concept: Sam, commonly known as the Planewalker (she claims to have had a much cooler name, until some bald guy stole her thunder with a series of awful movies about an unnamed transporter), is an independent contractor, plying her trade by offering the most discreet means of transportation possible...teleportation. She has few scruples regarding who her current client is, provided they follow a simple rule: "half now, half upon arrival at your destination". A big fan of her own work, Sam claims that she can get past any physical barriers or magical wards (but she is quick to mention that the greater the difficulty and haste required to complete a job, the more astronomical the price demanded for her services).

Summarized powers (sorry for the very quick notes format, but it is late and sleep beckons).

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Time travel is far too complicated for me to do it justice in writing, so I'm interested purely in physical travel.

Cost being multiplied by distance would seem to be a simple way to prevent anything far too silly from occurring.

Character Concept: Sam, commonly known as the Planewalker (she claims to have had a much cooler name, until some bald guy stole her thunder with a series of awful movies about an unnamed transporter), is an independent contractor, plying her trade by offering the most discreet means of transportation possible...teleportation. She has few scruples regarding who her current client is, provided they follow a simple rule: "half now, half upon arrival at your destination". A big fan of her own work, Sam claims that she can get past any physical barriers or magical wards (but she is quick to mention that the greater the difficulty and haste required to complete a job, the more astronomical the price demanded for her services).

Summarized powers (sorry for the very quick notes format, but it is late and sleep beckons).

The edits make it easy to read and thank you. I need to talk with Syn, as some of these would need some serious thought and limits applied with the more powerful ones. However, I think it's possible at least some of them are doable without too much issue.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dracorex
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My new work-in-progress CONTRIBUTION TO SHENANIGANS.

If his ability to be a threat to everyone else is a concern, that's because he's meant to be so very, very powerful and dangerous XD. What keeps him in check, aside from the usual threats of a battalion of angels come to vanquish evil, would be his own nature (and my desire for a good story)(and his desire for a good story, too). He's emphatically not the go-forth-and-conquer kind; he's the equivalent of the witch in the hut you make questionable deals with, whom you would never ever cross because God only knows what might happen.

Revek (from Solus' sheet) might be related to Mr Sharp here. Apprentice? Offspring? Wannabe rival?

Matthew got Contempt from him. No, Matthew is not going to talk about what he paid.

Name: The King of Swords / The Smith / Mr Vulcan Sharp / etc.

Age: A construct and a number. Very, very old. Time abyss.

Gender: Male, most of the time.

Race: Demon

Sub-Class: Hellion. Demon lord. Fae. Shapechanger. Iron-kissed.

Description: Humans, if they meet him at all, see a middle-aged man with worn, calloused brown hands and night-black eyes. He might be behind the counter of an antiques shop, or dining alone in a restaurant so prestigious the bill for each meal is more than the entire monthly salaries of some people. His clothes are not nearly as notable as the accessories glinting on his person - one of those watches all of silver, with even the band made of thick links of metal; fine chains around his neck, tucked down his shirt, or perhaps one bears a pendant of an iridescent gem; studs in his earlobes; a filigree pin upon his lapel. The effect is of an exceedingly wealthy eccentric. The look in his eye discourages curious questions.

For those with whom he is open to the idea of doing business, Mr Sharp is blunt with his words, but seemingly genial. His face is dark, craggy and harsh; not at all what one might say is conventionally attractive. His clothes are worn, sooty work gear, complete with leather apron and tough boots, though metal still gleams at his throat and from his pockets and perhaps even piercings in skin. He may limp as he walks, as if his legs aren't quite right; come to think it, his eyes are misaligned, his nose crooked - but those broad shoulders and bony-knuckled hands seem like they might crush the life from you with ease anyway.

He always speaks the truth; perhaps not the truth entire, and not clarified for the listener, but it is always the truth. His word is his bond. Whether this is a law he cannot break, or a choice he has kept to, only he knows, but so it is. What this usually means is that if he states that he will kill you unless you show some respect, rest assured it is no idle threat. The King of Swords makes no idle statements; he can be alarmingly mercurial in his mood, from whimsical cheer to the pedantic comprehensiveness of a lawyer, from cold fury to unmoving stoicness, but take nothing he says lightly.

Most importantly, mistake none of this for human morality or common decency. He does not feel mercy, only a curiosity towards your behaviour which he chooses to indulge. He is interested in humanity; your pain will do as well as your pleasure. He may even be emotionally invested concerning particularly intriguing individuals; do not expect that he will give without taking, that he will value you as more than a pretty bauble, or that you will linger in the memories of this great immortal as more than a pebble upon a long winding coast. He may remember each and every stone upon that rocky beach, but do not hope for more than that. He would be disappointed with your foolishness.

Affairs: His history does not matter; it is by and large well beyond mortal ken, irrelevant to the current day and age, not to mention none of your business. A selection of notable facts, instead.

He has a brother. One much more inclined to politics, to wealth and human economics, to power and its maintenance. They do not like each other, but they have a mutual understanding; each has use for the other, each has not yet had a reason to turn upon the other, and each finds that they like others even less than they do their sibling. As demonic familial relationships go, it's positively heartwarming.

His personal interests are challenging projects and interesting people. The opportunities to feed his appetite - a portion of the essence of any being killed by metal he has charmed, or those bargained away to him - is an enjoyable side benefit. He deals in information and favours as well as his metalcraft, though he much prefers the latter to the former two. Souls in trade are so last-season; he likes irony, and setting the kind of price men willingly accept, even for what they hoped never to sell.

What has drawn him to visit Loom? He's hoping to answer that question, himself. One of the likely answers might involve a particular half-born he's dealt with before.

Abilities/Skills: The King of Swords, as befits his preferred title, is known first and foremost for his skill at forging exceptional blades. He can imbue a weapon created by his own hand with powerful enchantments and horrid afflictions, and any such sword or dagger is a perfectly balanced, ever-sharp and nigh-indestructible killing tool, not to mention beautiful to look upon, if he so desires.

There is a catch, of course. There always are. Especially when one is of the broad and ill-defined category of demonkind known as fae, who if they have only one thing in common, have in common an appetite for that which they can win away by bargain or trickery.

He does his best work when it is for another, as part of a deal struck. There are other concerns; he can make a sword by simply taking a lump of steel and shaping it with his will, but such careless use of essence can tire even a power such as him. It is better to smelt the ore and forge the blade by more mundane means, saving his attention and strength for working gifts into the metal. And of course, it doesn't have to be a weapon; he is a smith of unparalleled skill, who can work any metal, to any end, given the time, material and incentive. So few people think to ask for something more inspiring.

His knowledge of metals, of course, is without equal. Their physical and magical properties, the places they may be found and the value assigned them by humans, by angels and demons. The traces of metals in the earth hum to him, and the nails and screws in the walls sing; he can pinpoint each and every piece in any given building teeming with men, down to the coins in their pockets, and then if he wished he could collapse the building upon them.

As part of his powers, naturally, the Lord of the Forge is immune to the burning touch of silver and gold that plagues so many of Hell's denizens. Fire and heat cannot harm him either. What he is susceptible to are the protective plants, the woods and herbs of warding efficacy - rowan, rosemary, St. John's wort, and so on. Weave your charms of protection with vine and cloth, and bring no metal on your person.

Less well-known, but still not the most well-hidden of knowledge, is his nature as a shapeshifter. The Smith takes on the form he needs so that he may craft as he wishes, or to present the right face to the right individual; he is confined to a humanoid structure, but the details sometimes leave a great deal to be desired, if one desires anatomical accuracy or consistency. And this is of course a choice; he could appear handsome, even stunningly beautiful, if he wished (he does not wish). Neither is he is in the habit of taking a shape which is sharp of tooth and quick to battle, but it is not beyond him.

And in addition to all this, the King of Swords is a demon lord - he is old as the archangels, with all the experience and cunning to match; he can command the service of a multitude, who give him their souls in exchange for secrets of the forge, or weapons which are proof against their own foes; he is mighty enough to be a plausible contender for the throne of Hell, had he any interest.

Notable Belongings: Easier to ask what he doesn't own. He does not own the world, no country nor notable territory. He does not own any sentient being, though quite a few people may protest otherwise, for he owns things they hold so dearly that the distinction is merely academic. There are a great many items of power out there which he wishes he owns (and many more that he does).

For the immediate situation, he owns an elegant penthouse apartment in a very exclusive condominium in an exclusive neighbourhood, a very nice limousine, a motley assortment of staff, and far too much metal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Approved no changes

Approved, bellow are my thoughts. They don't necessitate any immediate changes so much as IC things to keep in mind.

“The Gate Keys if brought back together and the correct ritual is performed, then it is said the Jewels will open a rift in time and space to a dimension the Mysar designed. A library of all knowledge collected over a thousand years from generations all mastering the art of Shadow Craft.”

I am okay with this personally, however when Synth gets back we should talk because he has a race of Demons with a Library EXACTLY like this. So it might be worth exploring a connection. You will find that of the three of us there are lots of little lore fragments floating around that we are happy to integrate with you so if we go “oh hey cool idea, I have this little thing from before let’s work it in together.” We aren’t holding out on you, there are just a lot of those little pieces that may appear as time goes on.

“ The Gate Keys due to the amount of essence vibrating inside them, can also be used to strengthen an individual wearing one. It is not through physical attributes that one will feel stronger, but it is through mental fortitude on the grounds that the Gate Key's increase the individual's vibration and the increase in vibration gives their essence further elasticity and strength to be used with the mind.”

I imagine that these are also INCREDIBLY powerful vessels since it sounds like they contain both the Auras and Cores of literally hundreds of incredibly powerful mages. So I imagine they could also be used as Vessel for drawing essence from to power spells.

Two other Notes:

1). You may wish to consider where the Mysar learned magic. I have a race of Demons with VERY similar powers to these mages called Shades. If you would like you’re welcome to come up with some sort of shared history or lore. Or I can just pound sand and they can be a unique lineage.

2). I have a character that I am holding out on rewriting until an event that I anticipate happening close to the end of this season (knock on wood). We should talk when I write him since he will be VERY interested in this lineage of mages.

Beyond that I see no issue with the character other than that when it comes to possessions one of three things happens: 1) the demon wins, eats the hosts soul and takes over their new meat puppet. 2) the demon is cast out in which case the host reverts to normal. 3) the two fully merge creating a new being. I’d like to see a little more detail on the possessing demon as we continue forward as well as how powerful it is (Hellion or Warden. My thought is probably close to Warden given the demons title)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sightseer
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Questions and Answers from Players

From Dracorex:

Vampire powers:

I know we've talked about them learning to control blood, but what does that even mean? Bloodbending A:TLA style, or....?

What else is on the table? Glamour and illusion? Shapechanging? Hypnosis/compulsions/whatever you want to call it, that ability to make some hapless human do as you bid?

Bloodbending with vampires is similar to A:TLA, but you can only manipulate the blood a vampire has consumed and stored within your stomach. You can affect certain traits of the blood, like use as a barrier, strengthen it, sharpen it and form. However, it is still blood so things that affect blood will affect it as well. Example, superheating it will cause it to evaporate since it’s still very much mostly water. Clotting agents can make it hard to manipulate or possible solidify into a useless mass, etc. I’m going to let you determine this on your own with your best judgement on each case, purely because I couldn’t literally list everything and it’s more work than I feel is needed for it.

No glamour and illusions, they seem to fit Fae more and we have mention of those in the world. Also miracle Angels use this by infusing light and air with their essence.

No Shapeshifting because feels again like a Fae and also a werewolf ability, with the later having more advanced physical abilities.

Yes to minor compulsion magic, but on a few conditions:

You can’t ask them to kill themselves.
They are still themselves when it comes to the request.
They still have free will as the spell works more to coax them into fulfilling your request than forcing them. They don’t have to comply through it might be emotionally painful to do so, like disappointing your best friend by saying no to a dangerous dare.
It has a wear off timer and has to be recasted when it runs out.

More specifically, of course, I want to know what's actually on the table for 400-year-old Matthew Stanford, who used to gorge himself on blood as a matter of course, but in the present day confines himself to donations once every two days. I'd assume any power upgrades are going to come with an increased appetite, but by how much? I can see him eventually scaling up to multiple feedings daily, with animal blood if he had to, if that's what it'd take for him to have more power on hand to tap XD.

The above abilities are a baseline and naturally gifted to vampires after turning, but we agreed that older ones would’ve gradually developed abilities outside their standard race’s baseline. Ranging into anything that a human could do. However, they still lose blood to pay the essence price for these spells. Each individual is unique in their development from their origins and might’ve brought some in from before they were turned.

We've talked before about the limits for Contempt, but to clarify: does a vampire who has given in entirely to their demonic nature still qualify for Contempt's effects by definition of having been once-human, or is there no longer anything human within them to call upon? Because I think I recall a mention that an elder vampire is practically a Hellion? And I take it the knife works on Solus XD?

After looking at your item, with Merlin, we made some clarifications while trying to keep the item’s base close to what you wanted. I think we did pretty well balancing with strengths and what we nerfed.

It’s going to be treated like super silver in a sense, which means it always damages its target. Including Hellion, Warden, or higher level Angels. However, that’s all it does with the higher level creatures. It doesn’t suppress their abilities because they were never human to begin with and it doesn’t fly trying to change them into what they never were, which I think was discussed in the main chat before. It still needs to bind to its user so Matthew is currently the only one that can use it and it will work for. Matthew’s abilities have been restored and he isn’t lowered to human level when he uses. One last effect, this item can suppress Grey Angels, Surface Demons, and unmorphed Chimeras (ones that aren’t fully formed like Solus) essence because they were once human. They are brought down to human level.

Regarding my still-in-planning angel character Taneli:

How exactly does the 'trapped in onyx' thing work?

Exactly as it sounds. An Angel is sentenced to become trapped in Onyx through a ritual, their whole being placed in suspended animation (their minds active, though it’s like thinking with an overly tired mind). The Children of Sathanus have something similar called the Bloodstone. Any Angel trapped within remains how they were when they were originally trapped, no matter how much time passes. This form of punishment is severe and held for all Angels that actively go against the Council, and refuses to heed their warnings about their actions. Their sentence can last from permanently to only a day for minor cases.

What secret could he have learned that would cause the Council to imprison him in order to keep the truth under wraps?

There is one secret that could lead in to a pretty great arc down the road and that’s the information about Black Winged Angels. They aren’t paying for past sin nor will the Whites or Greys risk becoming one of them, that’s a lie produced by the Council. In trying to uncover the truth, he could’ve been warned off by the Council then imprisoned for seeking/freeing Clairvoyants in exchange for additional information. They wouldn’t know what he learned so they imprisoned him to be safe, which he learned very little. We can work additional details when you get ready to finish him.

How does a normal angel ascend to Seraph level?

Seraphs are Angels with all their prior lifetimes unlocked making them second in power to Archangels.

Battle Angels: how does their power work? They can seal their own wounds, shut down pain signals with a thought, basically it's all manipulation of their own body in order to get through danger, correct?

Battle Angels focus on physical manipulation of their own bodies. The only thing they can’t do that is physical is literally shapeshift into another individual or too radically out of their original shape, mostly because it requires changing their biology completely and that is one limitation they can’t overcome. Angels will always be Angels. They can seal their wounds, shut down pain signals (thought they still suffer damage), manipulate their blood into acid, use their tendons like whips, create bone armor, etc. If you think you can do something with your anatomy and it feels plausible with science, example changing the PH of blood to make it more acidic, than you could likely get away with it in a Battle Angel. They also can increase their strength, speed or other attributes.

Can Tamer Angels control a vampire like Matthew? Or is it a case of whose will is stronger, or if magical backup of some kind is involved, or....?

Taming has to do with the personality and psyche of a demon, so yes one could.

There’s two ways to affect a Demon. First one is a short term, but uses lots of focus and essence to achieve. The second one is more long term, uses less essence and focus to achieve.

First Method: Compel.

Focusing on a Demon, a Tamer can send their essence through the air into it without detection. The Essence seeks out and reads through the memories, finding something to actually compel them to obey the Angel. This is usually based on the Demon’s personality and method that will work best. During the digging process, the creature can fight back against it. However the success is based on intelligence and will of target vs the Angel’s power and experience. For Players, this is a discussed matter and one they both have to agree on. Then both need need to inform the GM separately to avoid concerns.

Tamer needs to be aware of the demon and location in order to use this.
During this, the Tamer Angel is left open to attack from outside sources. To counter this, they work in teams with Battle Angels.
The range and duration varies based on the Angel’s power.

Second Method: Shock Collar.

After a Tame Angels traps a Demon, they insert their own Essence it while in the shard, which they use like a shock collar. While they can’t manipulate the outside essence, it’s still very painful to feel the essence within become hot, cold or in some way hurt them. Using this method, they can ‘tame’ the demon in order to follow their orders or behave a set way. Some Demon, like Wardens and Hellions, are much harder to control. Mostly because they can’t be caught with a normal shard but only a specially designed one or more advance device.

Longer term as the Demon still has free will and themselves, but the shock can literally cripple the Demon with just a cue from the Angel.
The range of influence on the Essence is based on the Angel’s power. Inexperienced or ill trained Tamers can lose control of their Demons should they get out of range.

Is there anything planned for the Illuminati? Because I think the King of Swords has a brother who probably might be one of their number. I haven't got any plans myself yet, just trying to set up possible interesting connections.

At this point, there’s no hard plans for them. That could change as the IC advances and things get going.

From Bartimaeus:

Limitations of Demon Regeneration

Demon Regeneration/Healing depends on the species. Some heal really heavy damage, but rather slow. Others heal rapidly but very little at a time. Some are just plain hard enough to damage, they don’t need it. With this ability, you need to figure out which type you want:

Fast healer, but low damage taker= These guys can rapidly heal shallow wounds in moments, but they can’t take wound after wound because it drains their Essence too fast. If they take enough damage, like regrowing a limb a few times, their healing ability will literally give out on them during a fight. One needs to carefully monitor their damage to ensure this doesn’t happen. (using bursts and large amounts of Essence, more drainage but faster)
High damage taker, but slow healer= These guys can take a lot of damage of various types, some even lethal as long they are able to remain alive. A snapped spine or severed arm can eventually be healed or regrown from, but it takes a long time like a month at least depending on the damage. This means any healing shouldn’t be counted on to prevent death, but after you survive and licking your wounds. (using low and steady amount of Essence, less drainage but slower)
No healer, but hard as hell to damage= Excessive tanks. Most have skin or some type of barrier that naturally prevents common damage. Some have been known to walk through fire, repel most magic, and even survive damage that otherwise would kill it. However, one thing to note… when you get past the shell, then any damage that happens heals at a human rate and might become permanent depending on the damage.

The reason I added the last section is because there are some Demons that lack either of the prior two, but still heal depending on the damage.

Each have their own strengths and weaknesses as you will note above.

From Naril:

1.) I understand Loom is a crime-filled city. To what degree does that effect everyday people? Are average people constantly afraid for their lives from random attack (mugging, carjacking, shootings, arson)?

Stockton, don’t be on the streets in a shitty neighborhood after dark.

2.) The same question but for magical assaults. Given that the magical world is, generally, secret, how much are supernaturals (or plain humans who have knowledge of the supernatural) preyed on by other supernatural creatures? Is going out after dark always an invitation for death or assault? Is it just around the full moon?

About 20%, and depends on the supernatural. All Demons need essence, so they had a variety of ways to get it that doesn’t always involve murder. Including looting freshly killed corpses, alchemy potions using plants, etc sold at the Goblin Market. Some just kill animals instead of humans for their Essence, as it comes from all living things. Usually when there’s a huge murder spree in short period, it’s player/plot related which will toss the supernatural world into a rumor mill with worry over what the aftermath means for them.

3.) How often do Creatures Of The Night go on murder sprees that have to be cleaned up or dealt with by [insert faction here]?

No more than once a month but it's more common for a single repeat offender to be a problem for extended periods of time with a decent gap between one issue to the next.

4.) Do other nations have similar bodies to the Bureau? Are their hiring practices less "join or die?"

Yes and Yes. Currently most lack detail.

4a.) Who cleans up the body, relatives, loved ones, pets, and unpaid bar tabs of people who choose "die?"

The PR branch of the Bureau

4b.) Are any of members of the Bureau themselves supernatural creatures?


5.) If there are substances that restore Essence, where do they come from and who has access to them?

No, only rest, food and time. Use of Vessels or something like Solus chemical bath can also help.

6.) What other races are planned, if any? For example, chimerae.

Chimera. No other races at this time however we may consider player created ones.

7.) I am reasonably assured Essence and magic is about to be detailed, so I'm holding questions till later.

Look at pin within Discord Chat. ^-^ We will add a link to the OP soon.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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Hello all I must ask before making the attempt because I really want to fully develop the character.

My concept is based in Lovecraftian, something beyond heaven/hell.

The creature is a being of experience as a living avatar of Yidhra, the Dream Witch. Utterly insane, it changes itself to appease its unknowable Mistress as she slumbers. Yidhra must be entertained in her dreaming, lest she awaken from boredom, devour the world, and become it. Not much is known what happens next but it cant be good.

Initially I had an idea that this thing, while initially worshipped by small cults, was contained following a raid. The very nature of it made containment in some room not a favorable possibility. It is now utilized as a type of attack dog for the bureau, and give useful if entirely random insights into the super natural world. A dangerous asset.

Would this work?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

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@ShwiggityShwah You have not been forgotten, @Fallenreaper has a response for you as soon as she has a moment.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Apologies for a very late response as I got a part-time job and had to learn the ropes today. So yeah, moving on.

I’m wary of this idea because it sounds like Yidhra is a deity similar to Lucy and Aaurus. This isn’t going to be allowed. It changes the foundations far too much and risks possibly rippling across others. So, I have an idea how to give the same impression without forcing radical changes to the RP structure. It also gives you something to write and explore, while still having that Lovecraftian flavor in the mix.

Right now, the closest thing to otherworldly beings is demons from hell. More specifically a race that hadn’t made its way into the surface. These races don’t fit the myths or legends giving an alien appeal to them.

My idea is that Yidhra is a demon, who is the first of her race to make it to the surface, masquerading as a goddess among her followers. This wouldn't influence or change any of the world's foundation because she's not a higher being, simply trying to pass herself off as one. It's easy to do when no one knows of your race or abilities. I would say she has done this for a few years so she’s not well known but known enough among a set group and other selective individuals.

She infects her chosen avatar with her essence. Now when most demons infect someone, they end up altering the host into another one of their own kind. Some, however, can create a pact. Kitsunes- an example from old essence- were able to make a pact by creating a shard using both their own essence and another’s. This shard bound the two and later prevented permanent death for the Kitsune should they be killed at any time. (There was additional rules such as the Kitsune couldn't harm the other individual or betray them, etc)

Yidhra’s (if the name is straight from a Lovecraftian story, I might suggest using another name and only mimic the theme) pact could bestow a connection with her and possibly a few magical abilities. Thus, differentiating him from the other cultists.

As for Yidhra or her avatar being used as a Bureau attack dog… that’s a little hard to do if they were captured during a raid. Mostly because at this point things aren’t terrible enough for the Bureau to consider using a prisoner (which they would have ways to contain her) or her avatar as assets. And this would place your character on the backburner for a while until things got to that point. Which they won't for a while.

I have two suggests for this part of your concept:

1. Have her captured and imprisoned in the Bureau, making her avatar decide to infiltrate it. Mostly in order to figure out a way to free her. This provides a good, solid and long-term plotline for your character during the rp.

2. Have the avatar willingly join the Bureau then use their missions to keep the demon entertained and gain information about the supernatural world. Another solid and long-term plotline, but with slightly different motives.

No matter what you decide, you need to actually consider a write up for both your character and the demon (using her as an example of her race). Then I suggest you also do a write up for her race, including their culture and their abilities. Mostly for the GMS to look over and understand how they fit into the world of hell for later plots. The race write up is less urgent or important at the moment than the avatar and demon, so it can be written after those two are approved and gradually over time.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Really kind of want to write her up as an SCP now... I'm taking your advice into account and already considered the look and some of the themes for the demons, or probably hellions would be more accurate.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

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