Treks and Tombs
A 1920's Pulp Adventure

Welcome to the thread! If you've decided to peruse, chances are you quite like pulp adventures or lost world genres! When modern man must face ancient myth and human greed on a daring adventure of treasures, exotic locales, and romance! Stories like Indiana Jones and King Solomon's Mines. Well you've come to the right place. I, and my esteemed adventuring colleague @Penny are looking for 3-4 daring souls to share in this adventure, having been recruited by an aging aristocrat who has funded a team to search for the city of life, where the Lunwaba, the Chameleon messenger of God is said to be located, deep within the Congo. World War One is but a memory and the roaring 20's are dying down, the economy is collapsing and gangsters roam the streets of America. Europe begins to mobilize and scheme, while Germany regains power with its new political state under the National Socialist German Workers' Party, better known as the Nazis. Will you dare to risk life and limb for the promise of treasure?