Samuel Hart

Samuel could easily be described as horribly awkward, with a face that most would argue screams of malnourishment and sleep deprivation, and a body that seems to disagree with how it should be structured, resulting in Sam being both quite tall and almost disconcertingly thin. He stands at about 6'5", has brown eyes, and weighs around 160 pounds. Due to rarely going outside, Sam doesn't pay much attention to his wardrobe, which mostly consists of jeans and dark colored T-shirts. For the few times he does go outside though, he often sports an old brown leather jacket that once belonged to his father.
Sam doesn't talk much. He's been a man of few words since the death of his parents, and has also become increasingly self-isolating. He has only left the house on a handful of occasions in the past few years. Sam's personality is overall quite subdued, his entire existence squared away to a single room and made as unobtrusive as possible. Online, where Sam spends most of his time, he is seemingly just as quiet, more often a lurker than an active participant in conversations, but he is at least known to be something of a workaholic.
Melody Hart
Melody stands at a respectable 5'7", weighing 120 pounds. She's relatively fit, though she doesn't actively work out. Both Melody and her brother share their father's brown eyes and dark hair, which Melody keeps relatively long. Her wardrobe isn't the most colorful thing, mostly dark colors and whites, staying away from anything particularly bright or garish, but it does contain a wide variety of styles, mostly due to friends who drag her out shopping because it's the only thing they know she's moderately fond of. Melody isn't particularly picky with her clothing, often spontaneously putting on the first appropriate thing in her closet.
Melody seems to gravitate towards socialization, unlike her reclusive brother. She picks up friends like some sort of magnet, though admittedly most are glorified acquaintances. She's never the decision maker, but is quick to agree with others. Most of her close friends don't really know what goes on inside her head. She doesn't talk about how she's feeling, and often refrains from speaking about herself at all, though she makes a great listener, and tries to help others with their problems.
Five years ago, Martin and Elizabeth Hart, Melody and Samuel's parents, were murdered. Ever since, the two have lived alone in the ever-quiet house they had grown up in. After the twins finished high school, Melody worked several part-time jobs over the course of a few years, whilst Sam stayed in his room, often months passing between conversations between the two. Eventually, Sam claimed to be making a steady income, allowing Melody to go to college using their parent's savings. The twins share one VR set up and one World's End Online account, originally due to monetary constraints, though it never became a problem due to their opposite sleeping schedules.
Ingame Appearance
Nomine looks much more like Melody than Sam, mostly because she was the one who designed the character. Nomine appears to be around 5'5", with neck-length bleach-white hair and brown eyes. Nomine's features are mostly androgynous, leaning towards feminine. The character wears simple white robes, much to Melody's dismay. Keeping the character's clothing choices simple was mostly Sam's decision, as he sells all of the more extravagant costume sets that Melody finds. Melody was only able to keep two cosmetic items, one of which was a Coat of the Forebears, which the twins eventually used to differentiate between themselves, Melody using a white-dyed version, and Sam a black-dyed one. The other was a Weird Hat that was given to Nomine after MOONPHASE popped up. Sam just unequips the hat during his playtime.
Ingame Personality
How Nomine acts depends on the time of day. In the late and early morning hours he tends to be relatively quiet, having short conversations with other players at most. During these times, Nomine functions as a solo player, using an odd solo-Acolyte build. When Nomine logs in during the afternoon, she's a completely different person. Hyperactive, playful, and something of a self-made idol. She often spends more time talking to other players in towns than she does doing quests and raids. This Nomine is definitely a highly effective support character, with no signs of the late night solo version.
Notable Skills
New Moon's Curse -
Passive Skill Skills that grant buffs to a friendly target are treated as debuffs of equal and opposite effect when targeting enemies.
Full Moon's Blessing -
Active Skill Grants a 10% buff to HP, strength, and speed of target for 2 minute. Increases by 2% for each additional target, with a max of 5 targets (20% boost) within a 20 foot range.
Invigorate -
Active SkillRanged minor heal to a single target, increasing in efficiency if used as a touch ability, and grants a small (5-10%?) amount of bonus hit points to the target for 1 minute. Notably, this weaker Heal alternative is treated as a buff effect.
Coat of the ForebearsAn ornate cloak obtained from a particularly terrible quest that most players avoid. While the item is just cosmetic, It does look particularly nice when dyed. Nomine has two of this item, one dyed black, and one dyed white.
Staff of the LunarchA simple wooden staff, curved at the top somewhat like a Shepard's staff. A glowing orb floats in this curved section, it's appearance is that of the moon. The moon orb seems to wax and wane with the patterns of the real moon. The staff offers a minor increase to casting speed.
Purified Moonwatcher's RingA simple ring with runic inscriptions along the inside, and a set with agemstone designed to look like the moon in various phases from different angles. Originally a cursed item that would cause all of a player's buff effects to become debuffs instead. The item could not be unequipped until it was purified or destroyed in specific ways. Once the ring is purified, it gives the wearer the New Moon's Curse passive ability while equipped.
A Flanged MaceA Weird HatA strange, tall hat that covers the ears. On the front of it is a circular symbol with a line down the middle. At random intervals, this opens to reveal a sideways eye. This is only a cosmetic item, and unfortunately, the item worn by most members of MOONPHASE.
A guild called MOONPHASE was created due to (M)Nomine's rising popularity. It's more or less a weird, kinda creepy Nomine fan club. They dislike non-members "getting too friendly with the moon goddess without knowing their place." Bothering (S)Nomine isn't as frowned upon, mostly due to (S)Nomine making it clear that he didn't want MOONPHASE following him around. MOONPHASE will generally follow the orders of either Nomine personality, as Nomine is the unofficial leader of the guild.
When not playing WEO, Sam uses Diminished_Fourth as his online handle.
Martin Hart was a relatively well known guitarist, and member of a semi-popular band called The Moon Pt. 2, which broke up two years prior to his death.