Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Oshikuru
Gender: Male
Species: Human possessed by a demon
Age: 100
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Lawful Good (Chaotic Evil)

Full Demon Appearance:

Personality: Oshikuru is a proud and noble samurai he is very serious and straight forward often coming across as blunt when talking to others however he has a powerful demon seald with in him that demon is always fighting for control over Oshikurus mind, body and soul this demon can begin to influence his personality as It fights for control making him more over aggressives and violent as it fills him with a unquestionably blood lust

Bio: Oshikuru grew up in a small village in the middle of nowhere where his farther taught him the way of the samurai as he grew up and continued his training he discovered he had a natural talent for battle magic and began to use his skills and abilities to protect his village form various monsters that lived in the area around his village but one day a demon appeared and drove the animals and monsters into a frenzy they started a huge stampede that ran though his village as some of the monsters started attacking the villagers Oshikuru and the other village soldiers could not handle the large sworn of monsters Oshikuru decided to leave the defence of the village to the other soldiers and hole he went to kill the demon after a long and gruelling battle he eventually defeated the demon but he incurred fatal injury’s and before he managed to strike the killing blow he fell to the ground the Demon took that chance to posses Oshikurus body while it regained it’s strength Oshikuru was taken to the village priests who realised it was the demons powers that was keeping Oshikuru alive and if they banished it he would die so he cast a sealing spell on Oshikuru and covered his body in sealing runes designed to keep the demon form taking control of Oshikuru but this didn’t work as well as he hoped the demon could still take control of Oshikuru if he lost his focus knowing he was a danger to his village Oshikuru left the village in search of a way to fully suppress the demon within him after a while he realised time had lost all effect on him and after a long and lonely journey he heard of a school for supernatural abilities and magical creatures and hoped someone there could help him

Power 1: Battle Magic
Power 2:
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Rose
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 15
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Neutral Good

s a little socially awkward because of this she spends most of her time alone with her books she is kind and considerate of others and is always willing to offer a helping hand

Bio: as a child Rose never had many friends or anyone she could really talk to so instead of socialising she read book books on heros and there adventures books on magic and supernatural beings and eventually began to teach herself how to use magic she became quite skilled but she knew she still had a lot to learn and teaching herself was taking to long so she began to look for magic teachers and instead found a school dedicated to teaching those with magic abilities she enrolled right away

Power 1: Rune Manipulation
Power 2: Transmutation (Alchemy Magic from Fullmetal Alchemist)
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Sabrina
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 16
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Sabrina is always cheery always smiling despite the situation or how she is feeling She is a boastful and cocky smart ass who takes nothing seriously her attitude towards others tends to be disrespectful condescending and sarcastic Sabrina has a sort attention span she can be a bit of a show off and tends to get bored easily

Bio: Sabrina was born with the ability to manipulate carbon and when she was young she use to play around with her powers far to much one day she lost control and got hit in the face with crystal shards that tore her retina blinding her but after learning to read bral she dove into reading any magical books she could get her hands on determined to regain her sight although she never managed it she did learn a few tricks along the way and eventually found a spell that would allow her to see though the eyes of voodoo dolls after learning that she focused her time to learning everything she could about voodoo magic she soon found out about a magic school and decided to enroll hoping to learn more about magic

Power 1: Voodoo Magic
Power 2: Carbon Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Akaneiro
Gender: Female
Species: Zombie
Age: Unknown
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Personality: Akaneiro is a kind and friendly she is typically quite happy and cheerful although she is very ignorant of the ways of humans and very naive when it comes to morals she doesn’t realise that some of the things she is forced to do to survive are morally responsible she gains the memories of the people she eats and also temporarily takes on parts of their personality this can make her a little a erratic and unpractical though her years of eating the brains of human and experiencing thier memories and feeling she understands how dark and evil human beings can be

Bio: TBR

Power 1: Organic Manipulation
Power 2: Negative Force Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Sky
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Human
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: Sky is a kind, caring and selfless person who always puts the needs others before her own. Sky is Honourable and respectful and she will do anything to protect the people she cares about. Sky is somewhat stubborn and is generally hopeful and optimistic believing that if you try your best things will work out in the end. Sky dose not give up on anything she believes even the worst of people have some good in them and can be redeemed but dispite this she is not naive and is well aware that the best of people have some evil in them and the potential to give in to their darker nature.

Bio: Sky grew up in a small village in the middle of a large forest she spent most of her time as a kid hanging out with boys rough housing and having fun although she did get into a few fights and no matter how many times she lost or got knocked down she always got back up and stood her ground when she was 10 her parents enrolled her in the villages ninja academy where she quickly learned to fight and begun to train herself in the use her powers after graduating she begun taking on verious jobs from the villagers to earn money but she found that most of her jobs where supply runs where she would have to travel to another town or village set a makers and then make regularly trips teleporting back and to with whatever the client requested after awile she heard about an academy for those with special abilities and powers and decided to apply

Power 1: Molecular Manipulation (can onily manipulate the molecules of herself and inanimate objects)
Power 2: Teleportion (Sky is able to teleport herself and others she dose this by tapping someone or something and placing marker on them she can also teleport anything she has placed a marker on to her)
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Sky carries all kinds of Ninja tools and weapons in two small compartments under the armor plates on her lets she dose this by using her molecular manipulation to shrink them down
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Prince Ali Sekhemi
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: Sekhemi cannot feel pain or emotions, thanks to this, he is considered to be very selfish, and very mean. He doesn't care about life at all, he doesn't find any worth in it. He cares for nothing, so much so, he doesn't even care about himself. He has suffered many battles thanks to this, taking a very high risk and going up on the front. He does what he wants, not what others want him to do. If somebody tells him to do something, he will just refuse to do it, and will probably do the opposite, though, reverse psychology doesn't work on him either. He is very stubborn, once he decides on something, there is a little chance of him changing his mind.

Bio: Sekhemi is an Egyptian Prince who rules with an iron fist. Time after time, Sekhemi has gone to war with other Kingdoms and slaughtered their men with his supernatural powers. His parents 'mysteriously' died the moment Sekhemi became old enough to rule. He claims he knows nothing of it but it was always obvious that even if he did he wouldn't tell you anyway. Besides nobody dared question their new ruler for they knew if they did Sekhemi would kill them. Some suspected that Sekhemi killed his own parents himself while others speculate that he had hired assassins to kill them for him but nobody knows the truth. For all they know, he had no involvement with their death whatsoever though everyone believes that is highly unlikely with how power hungry he is. He later heard of an academy which would aid him to harness his powers and applied immediately.

Power 1: Fire Manipulation
Power 2: Darkness Manipulation
Likes: Respect, Obedience, complements.
Dislikes: Disrespect, Everyone who angers him, Animals.
Family: None to mention
Friends: None yet.
Sentimental Attachment: His Egyptian Items
Weapon: Golden Spiked Knuckles.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Rika
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Species: Seraphim (Angel/Demon)
Room Number: Room 335
Rooming With: Winter
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Rika is nervous, he doesn't believes he has what it takes to be a Seraphim. He doesn't believe himself. He believes that he is the only Seraphim left alive, which makes him lonely. He is depressed, always trying to hide his secret, although, it is clear who he really is, for he bear the eye of the Demon Lucifer, and the eye of the Angel Ariel. He can go into a uncontrollable rage because of his demon side.

Bio: Rika was born from two very powerful parents, an angel and a demon. An act that was always forbidden had been committed and the reasons why it was forbidden showed in the early ages of Rika. His demon side was too powerful for him to control. Rika became afraid of his power and ran away at a young age. He wanted to learn how to control his powers as well as to control his demonic side. He found out soon after leaving that hiding his demon eye with bandages helped suppress the demon, making it weaker. All he had to do was stay calm forget the demon was there, ignore him but that was never as easy as it sounded. Soon enough Rika came to know of a special school which would be able to help him control his powers and so, he applied.

Power 1: Elemental Control
Power 2: Bone Manipulation
Likes: (Optional)
Dislikes: (Optional)
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: None
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Arken
Gender: Male
Age: 2000
Species: Human
Room Number:
Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: He is kind and calm. He is very understanding though strict. He wants all the students to learn and master their powers. He is the first one to master all his powers, he is the strongest in the entire academy. He watches everyone in the academy very closely. He believes that people need their space, which is why he allows others to go training by themselves. He is always honest and will do anything he can to help another.

Bio: TBR

Power 1: He is a master of magic, being able to summon things and use a variety of spells.
Power 2: He can cancel, weaken, or enhance powers. He is even able to turn powers against their owners.
Power 3: He is able to see the future, he can predict moments before they happen, though he has to close his eyes to do so.

Sentimental Attachment: His spell book and staff.
Weapon: Staff.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Prince Kuro
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Species: Neko
Room Number: Room 229
Rooming With: Rose
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Kuro is the nicest person you will probably ever meet. He will never hesitate to help another in need, even if it means getting himself in trouble for it. He is always kind and honest, never telling a single lie, no matter what the case, because of this, he may sound offensive at times. Kuro is carefree and playful, he enjoys the little things in life. He cannot see the bad in things, nor the bad in people. Instead, he sees good in everything, always looking on the bright side and trusting way too easily. He has let himself starve before, just to feed a hungry animal in need. He never takes more than he needs in anything, and is always giving more than he should, leaving himself out. He is always forgiving, even though others have let him down time and time again. He believes if he is patient, then they will change. To him violence is never the option.

Bio: Kuro is a prince who has been taught the seven heavenly virtues. He has always been taught that if he ever breaks one of the virtues, he will be punished, not by the parents, but by life, dying of a early age. His mother and father wanted him to have a life they could never have, to be kind and honest with everyone. They taught him to never lie, no matter what the case may be. Kuya was always pampered and protected. He was a special boy, a boy who never had to grow up. His parents always wanted him to have his innocence. One day, his father died of a sudden heart attack, leaving Kuya's mother to look after him on her own, Kuya never got over it, he was still very young, what's even worse, is that his mother committed suicide soon after. Kuya was now on his own and became depressed, he was no longer eating or drinking. When he finally got hold of some food, he gave it to a starving cat, saving it's life, that is when he realized, he could understand animals. They spoke and soon became best friends, curing Kuya of his depression and returning him to his carefree child like personality. Everyone thought he was crazy, talking to Yoruichi constantly, so eventually, he decided to use the magic book which his parents told him to keep, and never use until after their deaths. He casted a spell on his pet Yoruichi. allowing her to talk freely.

Power 1: He can transform into and control animals.
Power 2: Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: None

Pet Name: Yoruichi
Pet Age: Female
Pet Gender: 3
Pet Species: Cat
Pet Apperance:

Pet Personality: Yoruichi is smart and logical. She will think every situation through before approaching it. She will also judge a person based on their personality, looks and attitude. She does this in order to protect the prince. Yoruichi is Kuro's personal adviser. She will tell him the best way to handle a situation. She is very kind and forgiving like Kuro, she hates to see others getting hurt and if she can, she will do whatever it takes to protect both parties. Yoruichi will always analyze every situation and every move, She studies everything, because of this she is very patient, and normally very slow, considering everything.

Pet Power 1: Thanks to Kuro, she has been given slight psychic powers. Allowing her to read thoughts, as well as speak to everyone telepathically.
Pet Power 2: She also has minor magical abilities.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Miarikia
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Witch
Room Number: Room 230
Rooming With: Oshikuru
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Miarikia is a kind young girl at times. She won't go out of her way to help others, but she won't go out of her way to hurt them either. She is carefree most of the time, honestly not caring what happens to her at all although she can lose her temper quickly with others. Miarikia will happily show respect to others as long as they show respect to her. As well as she will be kind to people, if they are kind to her. She studied magic everyday so she doesn't have to rely on her Demonic Possession, learning new spells, some very powerful and forbidden.

Destructon: Destructon is the biggest of all the demons. He is bulky and is the reason he he the strongest physically. Destruction is a warrior, he is prideful and arrogant. He seeks battles to test his strength, and will often show off his power before finishing off his opponent. He is very short tempered because of his pride. He believes there is no stronger demon than him.

Tyrannican: Tyrannican is cocky and carefree. He knows that one's anger causes a clouded mind, which makes one's skills sloppy, which is the reason he is cocky, to make others angry and make their skills sloppy. He will always go for the kill when he sees the opportunity. He doesn't care what really happens to him at all.

Rytrinax: Rytrinax is super hyper active, he can't stay still at all. He is cocky, for the simply reason to make others attack him so he doesn't have to stand around and wait for the battle to start. He talks super fast, so he can finish a conversation as fast as possible and get on with the fighting. There isn't anything in the world that he hates more than being bored. He has to always be doing something entertaining.

Kakalukia: Kakalukia is the most dangerous demonic possession of them all, as he is sadistic and insane. He loves nothing more but to torture and make everyone go insane. He loves to play with his prey before he kills them. Kakalukia will create a never ending maze and trap his target's mind in there, rendering the body unconscious, and then watch as the prisoner tries to escape, until they lose all sanity they own. Kakalukia is all about mind tricks, he is a master of magic.

Bio: After years of studying magic from her grimoire, Miarikia discovered a forbidden spell which allowed her to take a form of a demon, as well as taking on the personality of that demon. She found out this was highly dangerous, as if one loses completely control and conscious then she will be trapped in the demons body, and will never be able to return to her old self. So she practiced at keeping her consciousness even under extreme situations, until she was ready for the spell. When she first activated it, she became Kakalukia. He immediately began to play mind tricks on everyone who lived in her village, until they all went insane, and committed suicide. By the time she returned to her normal self, everyone was dead and she was on her own, this is what made her angry and short tempered.

Power 1: Demonic Possession: Miarikia can take possession of a demonic soul, and use it to transform herself into a demon. Doing so, changes her appearance and personality.

Power 2: She can use many different kinds of magic, including forbidden dark magics.

Destructon: He has got super enhanced strength, endurance, healing and senses. He can control energy or absorb it using it to heal himself, or cause exploding damage with his punches.

Tyrannican: He has super enhanced agility, healing and senses. His spikes are covered in poisons. He can produce spikes from anywhere from his body and control them, turning them to weapons and armor. He has enhanced speed.

Rytrinax: He has super enhanced speed, healing and senses. He can stretch his limbs and transform them to whatever he wants.

Kakalukia: He has super enhanced intelligence, healing and senses. He is the most powerful demon wizard in hell.

Markings: None
Family: Dead
Friends: Dead
Personal Attachment: Grimoire which has many spells, including many powerful forbidden magic.

Pet Name: Flash
Gender: Male
Age: 2500
Species: Demon

Personality: Flash can be quite cocky, when in a battle he doesn't bother to fight at his best due to becoming bored with his enemies, claiming it's too easy to defeat them with his speed. However, he is very kind and won't hesitate to help innocents. He gives his master advice when she needs it.

Power: Lightning/Thunder
Power: Magic
Hidden 7 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Shade
Gender: None (Male in previous life)
Age: Unknown (15 in previous life)
Species: Heartless
Room Number: 330
Rooming With: Beast
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Shade is a heartless, a creature that does not possess a soul or heart. Heartless are simply monsters, born to kill and destroy, however, Shade is different. In his previous life, he was a psychic, and a powerful one at that however, in his time of dying, and becoming a heartless, those memories began to fade, his emotions became lost and his mind started to become unstable. It was the normal progression to becoming a heartless, however, Shade kept hold of his memories due to his psychic powers, he was able to keep hold of them and remember his previous life. Thanks to this, Shade didn't become the monster that all heartless were born to be. However, he had lost touch with his emotions, and it is now difficult for him to feel emotion or empathy although he does try his hardest. He tries to remember how those feeling felt in his previous life, but, having no soul or heart prevents him from actual feeling those emotions, no matter how he tries to remember how they felt, he still cannot feel them. He hopes that one day, this shall change. He finds it difficult to resist his heartless nature of death and destruction.

Bio: TBR since his history is all forgotten.

Power 1: Heartless Physiology
Power 2: Psychic
Family: Unknown
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: None
Weapon: His only weapon are his powers
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Fianciona
Gender: Female
Age: 4000
Species: Dark Angel

Personality: She can be flirty at times, though normally she is very serious and very strict like Arkan. She always carries her book with her, Fianciona is very intelligent. She can normally predict something bad is about to happen when she sees it. She cares only about the students. She doesn't care about herself. She will do whatever it takes to take care of the students.

Bio: Fianciona found it a blessing, to be able to control her powers so well, and it was all thanks to Arkan. He offered her help, and all he asked for was to join the academy as a teacher. She accepted, she knew there were others who could transform into demons, and she knew, that some wouldn't be able to control that darkness within them. She wanted to help, so they wouldn't do anything else that they would regret, as well as wanting to help other students.

Power 1: She can control darkness.
Power 2: She can control wind.
Power 3: She is a master of magic, being able to bring anything alive from her books, and cast a variety of spells.
Markings: None
Family: None
Friends: Arkan
Sentimental Item: Her book which holds spells, comics and many other things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Teacher Cs
Name: Lady Red
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 300
Alignment: Good

Personality: Lady Red is a very regal. She is always formal and has high standards for everything she does even for her students. She may not be royal but Lady Red is high class, rolling with the money. Although she doesn't brag about her wealth nor does she say exactly how much she owns but it is clear that Lady Red owns a very large mansion. She is extremely strict with her students although she is kind and will help others, knowing when being strict will not work. Lady Red cares greatly about her appearance. She has to look well dressed no matter the occasion.

Bio: Lady Red or her full name, Red Summer Rose was born into a very wealthy family who had very close connections to several royals. Although Lady Red was never spoiled. Her parents were always strict and Lady Red had to work to get what she wanted. She did so quickly earning her place among the family line easily. Due to her family Heritage Lady Red grew up with high standards and anything below those standards wouldn't work for her. She trained her powers as much as she could only seeking perfection. It was Arken who approached her and made her an offer. Leave her mansion and her life of wealth to come and work for him in an academy and if she did he would teach her how to use her powers. In return she would teach students who came to the academy to learn. Lady Red agreed and went with Arken to perfect her powers.

Power 1: Lady Red focuses on elemental magic but she can use other types of magic.
Power 2: Lady Red is able to copy any power she sees and imitate it perfectly. However she can only store one power at a time.
Power 3: Calculation: Lady Red is able to calculate anything and everything at inhuman speeds. With this she is able to predict what is going to happen next and it is very difficult to catch her off guard.
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Swords and magical guns.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Soul
Gender: None
Species: Spirit
Age: Unknown
Room Number: Room 337
Rooming With: Max
Alignment: True Neutralmg

Personality: Soul is litterially nothing but a soul. He or she is kind and helpful, willing to do what it takes to help another however it isn't necessary good. Soul can do some questionable things. It has no sense of right or wrong. It has lost all of that during the thousands upon thousands of years lingering. Soul is often very lonely and seeks interaction with others however it is scared of scaring others away, and so doesn't normally tend to approach often. Soul is able to take any form it wishes but normally it stays in it's natural spirit ball form.

Bio: Soul died many many years ago. He or she lingered in the world, never passing on. It has been that long now, that Soul doesn't even remember what it was called when it possessed a body. It doesn't even remember it's own gendered or name. Everything about it's past is forgotten, lost in history. In fact, Soul doesn't even remember when it was born and often loses track of the year.

Power: Spirit Physiology
Sentimental Attachment:
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Pozuzy
Gender: Male
Species: Sin Demon
Age: 456
Room Number: Room 331
Rooming With: Sabrina
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Personality: For being a sin demon, Pozuzy isn't exactly evil. He loves to trick and scare others as much as he can. He will purposely anger others just because he finds it fun to. Pozuzy will make prank after prank. Jokes and pranks is all he talks about and what he finds enjoyment in most. He doesn't care about killing others, however sometimes his pranks can go a little too far and it can easily lead to that.ther:
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Celestia
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Age: 200
Room Number: Room 333
Rooming With: Isaiah Blackwater
Alignment: Good

Personality: Celestia is extremely kind and very welcoming. As some might say, she is pure of heart. Celestia often looks forward to meeting new people whenever she can, making new friends. Celestia is extremely smart, being a pegasus and all. She will often look out for others and protect those who are in danger whenever she sees a chance to help.

Bio: TBR

Power 1: Celestial Magic
Power 2: Pegasus physiology
Sentimental Attachment:
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Grace
Gender: Female
Species: Angelic Companion
Age: 25,000
Room Number: Room 233
Rooming With: Haven Castle
Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality: There is more to Grace than meets the eye. She is an Angelic Companion although spends most of her time in her much weaker form. This form is called the 'Companion' form. Grace is extremely confident in her abilities and at times can become arrogant when fighting, often insulting or teasing her enemy. However Grace is not blind, she knows when she cannot win. Grace is extremely stubborn, she doesn't like going into her true form instead she likes to keep it as much of a mystery as possible. While Grace may seem weak to most she actually holds immense power within the scar on her forehead. It allows her to absorb and store magic power as she grows stronger. Although she will do whatever she can to stop herself from releasing that power because she doesn't want anyone knowing just how strong she is as in her mind, it would ruin the mystery. This mindset however can easily get her into a lot of trouble with how stubborn she is.

Bio: Grace was born into a very powerful family. Her father was none other than God himself and is well known among other Angelic Spirits and Companions. Only a handful have seen Grace in her true form and that was when she was just a mere child with very little power. Since then she has stayed in her Companion form and has never left it since. Grace's powers were very unique not only did she process God's power but she also wielded dark magic. Despite this though God saw that she was pure and knew she hardly using her dark magic unless she had no other choice. As Grace grew up she learned how to seal in her magic power using a powerful spell. This would only leave a portion of her power. With help from a powerful friend Grace managed to cast the spell perfectly although it drained her massively as expected and she found it hard to do anything while feeling so weak. After a few
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Liv Moore
Gender: Female
Species: Squirrel
Age: 20’000
Room Number: 347
Rooming With: Akaneeiro
Alignment: Good

Personality: Liv is extremely kind and caring. She takes care of nature, believing that life is precious no matter what form it may take. She has promised to preserve it as much as possible. Liv will always help out others without hesitation, she is a extremely happy, outgoing animal who tries to make friends.

Bio: Liv was a normal squirrel, no powers to her name. That is until she ate the sacred fruit that belonged to the Tree of Life itself. Upon eating the fruit, she gained super enhanced intelligence as well as the ability to create and preserve life itself. Liv travelled around until she heard of OMA and decided to go and master her powers as much as she could.

Power 1: Life Force Manipulation
Power 2: Liv also knows some magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Cyber
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Species: Human
Room Number: 239
Rooming With: Drumdawn
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Cyber is smart, she is kind but she can also be mean and rough at times. Cyber has a short temper. She will try and help others if she can. She is confident because she is able to control her power reasonably well. She doesn't trust others easily, but, once she has befriended somebody, she can trust them and be a great ally.

Bio: Her family saw potential in her early, and began to help her control her power. It took time, but eventually, she began to control her power better and better. Her parents soon learned about an academy which would able to help her control her power and so they sent her off so she would be able to master her power.

Power 1: Technopath: She is able to control all technology as well as communicate to it, being able to learn everything about it, how it is made and how it works. She can use this to form armour and weapons.
Markings: None.
Family: At home, safe.
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: She carries green crystals in her backpack so she can use it any time.
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