Name: Irvine (Shade) Code
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Humanoid
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Unaligned - Typically influenced by Neutral & Evil alignment
Appearance: Irvine has shoulder length black hair and brown eyes (couldn't find a image match :( ). In order to complement his personal use of his powers he prefers to wear darker colours of blue's, browns and black to help him blend in more naturally with his most comfortable environments. He always wears a belt that has several leather straps which act as a sort of holster / sheath for his weapon the shadow hilt.

Personality: Irvine is typically a quiet individual who would rather keep to himself than become involved in group activities or discussion. His lack of interactions with other people or species has him sometimes speak his mind without consideration for consequence or feelings. Both of which compound a shy, almost silent attitude of a person who'd rather speak with action than words. Despite this anti-social shell, Irvine will slowly open up as he develops trust for individuals.
Bio: Irvine's past is just short of being a complete mystery with little known about his early childhood or pre-teen life. He never had any direct family and never knew his parents being abandoned as a newborn. All efforts to track down his origins by either himself or others has always resulted dead ends, leading to the current status of any family he does have being a completely unknown variable. Constantly moved between different foster carers Irvine never developed any meaningful relationships, either through a lack of desire or deliberately preventing its on set.
By the time Irvine had come to realisation of his powers he was fending for himself and constantly moving, although typically remaining within a self-designated radius. Within his time alone Irvine grew comfortable with the general lack of being around others, typically hanging around within the constantly dark alleys of busy towns and cities. People who had claimed to see him on multiple occasions grew accustomed to referring to him as 'Shade' due to how his shadow un-naturally stuck to his body as though it was actually him who was the shadow. However despite this phenomenon Irvine has always considered himself human, his ageing and appearance were both that of a human, allowing him to move around easily in general populace. But he couldn't shake the feeling of a faint calling that maybe, just maybe, he was something more.
Power 1: Darkness Manipulation
Likes: Solitude, being in dark or dim-lit environments, observing interactions, combat training
Dislikes: being singled out/targeted, large group interactivity, public speaking
Family: Unknown
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Shadow Hilt - A hilt for a weapon, which alone or in the wrong hands is completely useless. The hilt serves as a material component, and through the use of his powers Irvine can use it to form basic weapons formed from darkness/shadow energy. Currently he has managed to muster daggers and batons, and when given enough time a short sword. The hilt itself is somewhat dull there's a particular lack of any distinguishing features other than the craftsmanship of the metal that forms it, there's a void within the pommel usually filled with a decorative gem yet on this hilt no such gem is present.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Humanoid
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Unaligned - Typically influenced by Neutral & Evil alignment
Appearance: Irvine has shoulder length black hair and brown eyes (couldn't find a image match :( ). In order to complement his personal use of his powers he prefers to wear darker colours of blue's, browns and black to help him blend in more naturally with his most comfortable environments. He always wears a belt that has several leather straps which act as a sort of holster / sheath for his weapon the shadow hilt.
Personality: Irvine is typically a quiet individual who would rather keep to himself than become involved in group activities or discussion. His lack of interactions with other people or species has him sometimes speak his mind without consideration for consequence or feelings. Both of which compound a shy, almost silent attitude of a person who'd rather speak with action than words. Despite this anti-social shell, Irvine will slowly open up as he develops trust for individuals.
Bio: Irvine's past is just short of being a complete mystery with little known about his early childhood or pre-teen life. He never had any direct family and never knew his parents being abandoned as a newborn. All efforts to track down his origins by either himself or others has always resulted dead ends, leading to the current status of any family he does have being a completely unknown variable. Constantly moved between different foster carers Irvine never developed any meaningful relationships, either through a lack of desire or deliberately preventing its on set.
By the time Irvine had come to realisation of his powers he was fending for himself and constantly moving, although typically remaining within a self-designated radius. Within his time alone Irvine grew comfortable with the general lack of being around others, typically hanging around within the constantly dark alleys of busy towns and cities. People who had claimed to see him on multiple occasions grew accustomed to referring to him as 'Shade' due to how his shadow un-naturally stuck to his body as though it was actually him who was the shadow. However despite this phenomenon Irvine has always considered himself human, his ageing and appearance were both that of a human, allowing him to move around easily in general populace. But he couldn't shake the feeling of a faint calling that maybe, just maybe, he was something more.
Power 1: Darkness Manipulation
Likes: Solitude, being in dark or dim-lit environments, observing interactions, combat training
Dislikes: being singled out/targeted, large group interactivity, public speaking
Family: Unknown
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Shadow Hilt - A hilt for a weapon, which alone or in the wrong hands is completely useless. The hilt serves as a material component, and through the use of his powers Irvine can use it to form basic weapons formed from darkness/shadow energy. Currently he has managed to muster daggers and batons, and when given enough time a short sword. The hilt itself is somewhat dull there's a particular lack of any distinguishing features other than the craftsmanship of the metal that forms it, there's a void within the pommel usually filled with a decorative gem yet on this hilt no such gem is present.
Name: Akira Kage
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Human
Room Number:
Rooming with:
Alignment: Records Sealed: school admin only
When not intending to fight the leg and arm guards are removed, allowing the light armour to easily work as casual clothing.
Akira has brown short hair, and blue eyes. Akira's chosen attire is to allow him the flexibility and practicality required to wield his weapons and carry out his duties to the best of his abilities, though the cowl and face scarf are typically only worn during assignments.
Personality: Akira has a relatively calm personality, however his calmness can easily be swayed into anger when provoked. He shows a deep respect for those he classes as being his superior, and does not intentionally disrespect those he deems to be on his level. Having adapted well within an accepting community Akira has the social ability to remain within a group of peers without having to force conversation to take place. Although he can be talkative at times he will adapt his socialising for the group he's currently with. However this often makes him come across as untrustworthy as people often believe that he's only trying to please his current audience.
Bio: Akira Kage's life is very lightly, if at all documented, it's believed that any official files kept on him before this point has been deleted or sealed. The only file that has been released to The Academy is how Akira had came into contact with his current 'family'. It details that Akira had tracked a member to one of their operations building 48 hours after the member had already made the journey, claiming that he had followed 'their scent' and had even used it to bypass the facilities security. Having wondered into a facility that is typically kept out of reach of the public it had decided that it'd be dangerous to let Akira, who they knew was a mystic to leave. However, the events following left Akira unscathed and several of the would be attackers incapacitated. Once Akira had finally been successfully restrained it was decided from the higher ups that their intention should be to recruit the teenager rather than dispose of him. Playing to a young persons desire to make fortunes he was offered payment simply for following people of interest. Having successfully completed several tracking assignments, Akira had been accepted into their ranks, along with receiving the promised payments.
Power 1: Aura Manipulation
Power 2: Magic Suppression
Likes: Wealth, tracking
Dislikes: Failure, 'undesirables'
Family: Records Sealed: school admin only
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: Tape Recorder - an important, yet simple piece of equipment Akira uses to record short messages to be used in a larger report.
Weapon: Twin daggers & crossbow
Other: Records Sealed: school admin only
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Human
Room Number:
Rooming with:
Alignment: Records Sealed: school admin only

When not intending to fight the leg and arm guards are removed, allowing the light armour to easily work as casual clothing.
Akira has brown short hair, and blue eyes. Akira's chosen attire is to allow him the flexibility and practicality required to wield his weapons and carry out his duties to the best of his abilities, though the cowl and face scarf are typically only worn during assignments.
Personality: Akira has a relatively calm personality, however his calmness can easily be swayed into anger when provoked. He shows a deep respect for those he classes as being his superior, and does not intentionally disrespect those he deems to be on his level. Having adapted well within an accepting community Akira has the social ability to remain within a group of peers without having to force conversation to take place. Although he can be talkative at times he will adapt his socialising for the group he's currently with. However this often makes him come across as untrustworthy as people often believe that he's only trying to please his current audience.
Bio: Akira Kage's life is very lightly, if at all documented, it's believed that any official files kept on him before this point has been deleted or sealed. The only file that has been released to The Academy is how Akira had came into contact with his current 'family'. It details that Akira had tracked a member to one of their operations building 48 hours after the member had already made the journey, claiming that he had followed 'their scent' and had even used it to bypass the facilities security. Having wondered into a facility that is typically kept out of reach of the public it had decided that it'd be dangerous to let Akira, who they knew was a mystic to leave. However, the events following left Akira unscathed and several of the would be attackers incapacitated. Once Akira had finally been successfully restrained it was decided from the higher ups that their intention should be to recruit the teenager rather than dispose of him. Playing to a young persons desire to make fortunes he was offered payment simply for following people of interest. Having successfully completed several tracking assignments, Akira had been accepted into their ranks, along with receiving the promised payments.
Power 1: Aura Manipulation
Power 2: Magic Suppression
Likes: Wealth, tracking
Dislikes: Failure, 'undesirables'
Family: Records Sealed: school admin only
Friends: None
Sentimental Attachment: Tape Recorder - an important, yet simple piece of equipment Akira uses to record short messages to be used in a larger report.
Weapon: Twin daggers & crossbow
Other: Records Sealed: school admin only