Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Phrax
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Tam grinned delightedly as the priestess handed him the note, scanning the message briefly before turning his attention to the mysterious dark stains. Quelling with difficulty his desire to lick the suspicious stains (surely that would let him know whether they were blood, or ink, or jam...) he instead squinted at them carefully, trying to glean what he could.* He wasn't sure that he could make out all that much.

However, he had quite clearly heard the mention of reward from the anxious looking nobleman on the steps. Solving this mystery was not an opportunity he was about to pass up, and even if the note was disappointingly brief there were other ways to find things out. Drawing himself up to his not very impressive height, he addressed the little band that had formed around Beaduric. The sheet of parchment was waved vaguely at anyone who wanted to take it. Now that he had read the thing all his covetous interest had vanished.

"I don't think that it takes a genius to figure out that Lady Sheila didn't write this note," he opined, jumping straight to the first conclusion that popped into his head. "My vote is that we go check out the family manor. Get a sample of her handwriting."

His almond eyes were filled with infectious excitement, and he beamed at his companions as though they were already firm friends.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Caitimus@Claw2k11@rush99999@Delta44
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"Sure, a sample of her handwriting" Durwith said to Tam through narrowed eyes "And while we're there, surely there'd be nothing wrong with a peak inside the family vault too. Just to see if there are any clues hidden inside. Don't think for a moment we don't know what you're trying to do, rogue. If the writing on the note didn't match the girl's usual handwriting, I'm fairly certain her father would have noticed". Durwith then took the note and read it himself. "The note says that they plan on coming here" Durwith said once he was done reading "So I think we should wait for them".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Kismet kept herself quiet around so many figures. She often didn't feel the most comfortable addressing others, at least strangers, especially those who were of the more eccentric kind. She gave Saxan a polite smile and short nod, though like he she was more focused on the situation at hand. Though wary of the half-elven rogue, he seemed to have some kind of connection to Saxan, given how Saxan called him a 'good friend'. The other noble, an older man with a voice of authority, made her feel nervous, and caused the young cleric to gently rub her finger and thumb against her amulet, mind thinking of home.

Being behind her dragonborn friend, it wasn't hard to look over his shoulder and read the note, though it wasn't so much of his shoulder as it was his waist. It looked to be in a sorry state, and it made her wonder if she could gain any insight or some kind of missing piece if she could mend the paper, though she would need to do so multiple times given there was multiple tears. And probably the larger piece of paper it seemed to be torn from, though truthfully she still hadn't a full idea of her own cantrip's capabilities.
The rogue and dwarf each both raised some interesting points, however. What if the other noble's exaggeration was true, and his son had been kidnapped? Or maybe they were both being honest and it was a standard love affair?

Thinking about it made her head spin.
"U-um... If this man is right, though, then we would be waiting for eternity here for the two. I-I mean, uhh..." She knew she had just put herself under some kind of spotlight, but seemed willing enough to continue to make her point known. "If they don't have much food they will be back soon. But if they do they could be a long while. A-and they maybe could've kidnapped someone, b-but I'm not so sure about that one..."
She cleared her throat to add another proposition. "Maybe we could ask when the letter was received? I just find it weird the boy didn't send a letter, either... Maybe that's silly of me to think, but I'd send one to each family, so each one knows, right?"

She really hoped she didn't sound insane saying so. She knew the convenience of only sending one, but it bugged her the boy didn't send a letter either. She cherished her family, and could never do such a thing as to not update them if she were getting married, even if she lived in the same town as her husband-to-be.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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It was a little annoying for Saxan that everyone but he got a proper look at the letter, though from the little he noticed of the writing and of the letter itself, it was possible that the girl was forced to write the letter under duress, maybe having been threatened by the young noble himself before he kidnapped her, maybe with the help of some hired guards or such.

As Kismet spoke, it only served to reinforce his train of thought, the boy probably forced her to write the letter before kidnapping her. He now wished that he had not chased the two nobles away, he might have found out a bit more information about both of the people involved in this mess. "Kismet makes a point, though judging from the paper, I think one kidnapped the other, more specifically, I believe that young Lord Eric Hyde forced lady Sheila to write this letter before kidnapping her." He announced to the group, despite he himself not wishing to jump to quickly to this conclusion. "However, we must find proof of this before we jump to conclusions."

With that, he turned towards everyone there to what they thought of the idea. "So, what do you all think this?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While the nobleman did not look into the letter itself, he saw no further reason to as the debate among the company at the church steps changed direction and incarnation. He listened, then listened again, then listened some more before resting his chin about the steel that encased his hand, pondering for a moment. There was one surefire way to come to learn what was more likely, one that would not take them much time either, or likely raise too much rabble. The community here surely knew both parties, both families, and both people better than any of them, so surely it would only be reasonable or wise to start there, no?

"While you all might have your varied points, perhaps it is safest we find what the town knows first. Perhaps we consult the constable or resident head of a guild, someone who would be in the know, see what they know of the mundane folk and the nobility of the lands before we begin charging across the countryside leveling allegations of abduction and kidnapping, lest we make matters worse." Lord Beaduric noted, adding only a few moments later as he pivoted a bit at the heel of his boot, keeping the hand laid atop the hilt of his sword.

"This in mind, seeing as we must first find proof to suggest wrongdoing, where would you wish to begin?"

The small gathering he addressed frankly in an attempt to tap their resources, should they have any of course, before escalating directly to whoever was the most powerful, knowing man in town. After all it was likely he was to some extent involved in one family or the other's interests, rather than be totally impartial, and Lord Beaduric had no interest in perhaps raising an alarm. Then again, looking back to the church looming over them, the man noted only to himself the priestess, who excused herself so hastily, might know more than she wished to let on...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phrax
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Tam narrowed his eyes back at Durwith. Veldir curse this dwarf! Spoiling all my fun! Durwith was far too insightful for his liking.

"Where are you all staying in town?" he asked as Beaduric finished speaking. If going straight to people's houses was off the table, the nobleman's suggestion of getting the lay of the land and keeping their ears to the ground seemed a pretty good option. Whether Lady Sheila had been kidnapped or not he wasn't sure, but tavern-room talk might shed some insight on that too.

Struck by inspiration, he span around to face Saxan and the nervous cleric. "Saxan! You're with the garrison here, right? You must have some kind of 'in' with the commander. Surely he'll know something about these families." He dug his friend in the ribs. "You know how old soldiers gossip!"

"Also," he added out of the side of his mouth in a way that was not very subtle at all and looking pointedly at Kismet, "who's your friend here?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"Actually, I'm fairly new to the town, Tam and I'm not with the garrison, I receive my orders directly from the military command back in the capital. He said, making sure to correct his friend. "I have met the captain of the city guard to announce my passing throughout the city, so yes, we could go to them... He said, now turning towards Lord Beaudric. "... and I believe we should, I imagine that not only would they know the town, but I also imagine that this isn't the first time that the two families have argued before, so, they're bound to know something about them."

Normally, he would have allowed Kismet to introduce herself to Tam, however, he didn't trust the young rogue around beautiful women, especially one he considered close. "This is Blue Kismet, cleric of Veldir, I've talked about her before, she's the one who saved me when I served in the wars in the colonies. Though we've been separated for a while, we've formed quite the bond, especially since I owe her my life." He said, now turning towards Kismet to introduce Tam. "Kismet, this is Tamarack Vanna, you can call him Tam for short. He and I are childhood friends who've recently refound one another and though he's been helping me a bit, I think I've spent more time helping him. He said, making sure not to tell the people there of his friends criminal past.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Caitimus
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Caitimus The Magnificent

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There are several routes away from the church: South heads into the market district where shops and the local tavern can be found. The guards post and the mayor's house are to the North and the trail East leads out to the city gate.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

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"I myself have not been in town long," The man began in return, shifting his attention to the looming figure of the dragon-soul, "But if you know the captain, even in passing, I am certain we might come to know more. No less, the man should be to some extent impartial - if he wishes to keep the peace, which seems to be at least in part."

"As for just where I was staying, I hadn't planned on doing so. Not until now - the life of adventure, the ride, the pursuit of noble interests and all their kind." Lord Beaduric dusted his gauntlets and set a foot up a step, listening more intently and providing another subtle bow in presentation to the young cleric, noting that she nervously clutched at her amulet to ease the stresses of the situation piling upon her.

"It is a pleasure to have you among us, maiden. I am sure if our mutual friend trusts in you as he does, it is far from misplaced." Though the words spoken were cleverly presented in a way to offer more trust on behalf of the other company too, the one called "Tam". Earlier the somewhat surly dwarf offered a bit of a jab at the man on what seemed to be appearance alone and his slip-up in being clever with his hands, going so far as to call him a "rogue". If that were true or not, the elf-blood a scoundrel, well that would need be seen, but at the moment the man would hold his tongue.

After all, why be so carried away when business, rather a quest at last, was to be attended to, after all?

"Now then, any other introductions in order, or ideas left to sort? I would rather not wander about town without an aim in mind. Lest of course, as you can reason, that is the goal."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"I don't believe I've introduced myself yet, so I'll do that now" Durwith said once Beaduric had finished speaking "I'm Durwith. Durwith Bronzebeard. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I would like to say that I'm against involving the guard in this. From what I've heard about Pinch Pols as I made my way here, the guard are just as crooked as the people they're supposed to be clapping in irons. They'd be just as likely to hinder us as they'd be to help us. Besides, if the guard here would actually be of any help, don't you think the nobles would be relying on them to find their kids rather than on adventurers and the church?".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

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The dwarf chimed in with his complaint, but the seasoned paladin was well mulling this consideration over in proposal. The man might not have been the most erudite of students, though he was cunning enough in wit and more so in word that he had thought this through, especially when it came to the matter of politicking with state and estates.

"Yes, but that assumes we would be so blunt about our business." Lord Beaduric's cheeks tugged into a smile as his brow narrowed, shooting Bronzebeard a smirk, "A bit of tact and refinement, they might yet divulge their loyalties, should they have any."

His words hinted strongly at avoiding speaking to the guard or their captain directly about the issue, to which he elaborated on next, "Say that we have decided we wish to be a band of goodly souls on a quest to attain station in the kingdom or uphold our station. Propose then that I, as baron and of noble blood, name you my company and I knight-errant. Then, we note to them we would like a lay of the land and I, as is my station, ask of those that hold lordship over the land itself so not to offend..."

The man carried on, letting the small audience of his new cohorts listen in and then come to linger on his words.

"... what their customs and business are. We gauge just how they react, inquire a bit about the conflict we witnessed, then go on our merry way. Surely one way or another they will tip their hand so as to avoid us spoiling their doings with one family, if any at all. Though I do need note, the lack of their arrival here suggests to me they are averse to stepping on either set of toes, so to speak."

For the moment this plan seemed safe, not flawless, but something they could navigate without rousing too much suspicion if the guard seemed wary. After all, who was but a captain of the guard to challenge a baron? The man would mind his station, but absolutely try to avoid making a scene with more of the privileged elite. No less, if they could earn his trust, or the trust of his men, by being "good folk" who seek to uphold the interests of the land, why draw too much ire? After all, wandering knights seeking honor and prestige were rare of course, but not unheard of, and who would dare prevent a man and his troop from serving the interests of custom?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phrax
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"It might be a good idea not to show all our cards to the 'authorities'," Tam admitted, "but I still think there's a lot that Saxan and Kismet can find out from the captain even without telling him all that we know." He fixed the pair with a searching look. Saxan had, in Tam's mind, a very unfortunate predilection towards honesty, and from the way Kismet clutched her holy amulet he figured that she might be even worse. "There's certainly more to this than an elopement -" he described briefly the results of his investigation of the note "- but who knows why these nobles are keeping it under wraps."

"Meanwhile," he continued brightly, gesturing south "the rest of us can visit the tavern. There's bound to be people of ah... 'varying walks of life' there who might know something. We could meet back in an hour. That is, if we don't mind splitting this little party?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Though the two strangers were unintentionally intimidating, the young cleric girl didn't want to be rude. Saxan's introduction of her to Tam was welcome, though she felt as though she still should do so on her own. "Y-yes, well, as Saxan here has said, my name is Blue. Most people call me by my surname, Kismet, though. I am a cleric of Veldir, God of Truth." She gave a polite bow, particularly to the nobleman who spoke so eloquently, though also to Tam, feeling a friend of Saxan's was likely to be a friend of hers. Lord Beaduric's plan didn't make as much sense to Kismet as it probably should have, though she had the general idea that they would be speaking with the captain and using the Lord's station to try gather some information.

If that was the case, she knew where she wanted to go.
Though, it may not be possible of her, considering she, too, knew the captain.
"If we are to split the party, I am more than willing to go either-or. U-umm, though it may not please you, m'lord, I have humble origins that may make me a tad... embarrassing when it comes to making me your company. Veldir forgive, a little white lie is also a lie, so I further doubt I am suited for such a task. It might be best if I were to go with Tam to the tavern, meanwhile Saxan acts as your company, and Mister Bronzebeard..."
There was a pause.
"Uhh, I'm not sure. Even so, I'd be honored if you'd have me act as your company, I just cannot say I will be very good."

Would it be considered lying to not say she had told white lies before? Kismet couldn't say. She just wanted to get the words out and hopefully not upset the man.
'Veldir forgive me...' She thought, a short prayer in case she screwed up in advance.

@Phrax@The Harbinger of Ferocity@rush99999@Claw2k11
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"No!" Saxan said when he heard that Kismet wanted to go with none other than Tam, the person he trusted the least around women, especially one he held close to. However, he realized he spoke without even thinking, so he quickly tried to conjure something up, something that would not be a lie or anything of the sort, but it would serve as a proper explanation for his outburst... and all he could come up with was the pure truth.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and began once again speaking. "I am sorry for that outburst, I truly am, however, my friend Tam here is quite the ladies man and though I trust him keeping many of secrets and around many things, I do not trust him around beautiful women." He said, not even realizing that he had just called Kismet beautiful. He turned towards the people around him and bowed in apology to them, before turning towards Tamarack. "I'm sorry for that, Tam, I truly am." he said a bowed before his friend as well.

Then, he turned towards the group once more. "I say we do split up, but if we split up, I cannot leave Tam alone, he'll probably get into some trouble and I'll have to get him out of it. So, here's how I propose we do it. Lord Beaudric, you take sir Durwith here and consult yourself once more with the heads of the two houses to find out more about both the people we're trying to find. Meanwhile, me, Tam and Kismet here, will go first to guard, and if that does not yield any results, we'll go talk to..." he turned towards Tam as he continued speaking "... the people from the other walks of life. What do you say?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"I agree with you wholeheartedly when you say your roguish friend here shouldn't be left alone with Ms Kismet" Durwith said with a small nod "However, I think I know of a much better arrangement. That meaning Lord Beaduric and I will make for the guard house while you and Ms Kismet speak with the nobles. Lord Beaduric already has a plan on how to approach the guard, so I'd say he has the better chance of success on that front. Meanwhile, I think I can safely say you'll have more luck with the nobles since you and I managed to bring them to heel successfully earlier before, and Ms Kismet won't have to lie to the nobles. And finally, I say Tam should go ply his roguish charm among the crowds and the taverns and see what he can learn before his kleptomania and lechery kick in and he forgets all about the task at hand...I mean before we all reconvene here in a few hours".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Phrax
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"Well, I guess if you don't want to lie, Kismet..." Tam said grudgingly. His own interpretation of 'honouring' the god of Truth mostly involved just knowing what the truth was, whether or not you spoke it. But nevertheless he had to respect this hard path of honesty she seemed to be walking.

"... it seems like Durwith has the right idea." He paused. "About splitting up," he added firmly, pleased at the description of himself as 'roguishly charming', but rather resenting the dwarf's implication that he had the attention span of a gnat. He wasn't too perturbed by the insinuations of either Durwith or Saxan. The half-elf had a gift of fortuitous deafness any time something was mentioned that he didn't want to hear.

"Saxan, Kismet and I will speak to the nobles, you two can speak to the guard. It's near noon now. Let's meet in the tavern at the second bell of the afternoon. Come on Saxan!" He grabbed at his friend's sleeve, heedless that this might not fit with Saxan's gravitas, and near dragged the heavy dragonborn away.

As the three of them wended their way towards the smarter districts of the town*, he considered what exactly they should say to the noble families. "Should we tell them that we think that Sheila didn't write all of that note? Oh! And whose parents should we go and see first?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

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The fact these ones were so eager to disband spoke volumes to the old nobleman that they might be a tad... green. Green was a good word for it, as dealing in the politics they were content to see themselves headlong into were not friendly, in the sense that it was quite easy to raise not only suspicion, but adversaries down the line. Outsiders poking and prodding outside of their station no less, it could only leave the knight to sigh. Before he could protest, they seemingly marched off, leaving him to a shake of his head.

"They will learn one day. Political battles are not like the ones that can be fought with a sword." He remarked, adjusting his girdle and relinquishing the rest he had upon the hilt of his sword, "It tends to be of best interest to be formal and proper." Lord Beaduric added after, looking over then to Durwith.

"Let us see to meeting with the guard, sooner than later; I haven't high hopes about them not becoming immediately wary of our doings by this now."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Caitimus
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"Saxan, Kismet and I will speak to the nobles, you two can speak to the guard. It's near noon now. Let's meet in the tavern at the second bell of the afternoon. Come on Saxan!" He grabbed at his friend's sleeve, heedless that this might not fit with

You do not have to roll.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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@The Harbinger of Ferocity

"Well so long as we come away with something useful in even the smallest of ways, it won't be a total loss" Durwith said as he turned away from watching the rogue, the monk, and the cleric walk off to find the nobles and looked at Beaduric "Let's get moving then. With that rogue now heading for those nobles homes it's only a matter of time before he tries to sneak into their vaults and earns us the ire of Pinch Pols' nobility. So let's try and glean some information before that happens".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"No, not a loss at all! I merely worry for them if what they say seems to be true. Being captured or being led on to so soon does not bode well for our quest!" Lord Beaduric noted as they began on their way into town to find the captain of the guard or at least one of his more seasoned sergeants, listening all along to his company as they kept in time together. The majority of people moved out of the way, but the nobleman paid that less mind as he did the dwarf's logic about how the "rogue" was going to lift a bit from the coffers of the very people he was to be interviewing. Granted he knew not this person well, or the sturdy bearded fellow with him, but he theorized there had to be some rationale to call him a vagabond, criminal, and thief.

"That is of course assuming they are none too keen of mind." He began, stepping past and around a few of the crude stalls of the markets people had set, predominantly filled with women trying to sell their simple wears while their husbands were off at work upon their share of the crop. Children darted here and there, acting both in play and as couriers, but he carried on in conversation all the same, "Perhaps if anything they might simply be getting a thought of who to relieve of their wealth, if any. But I note it might not be so transparent or sinister; they are not alone after all."

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