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The Corporations and Haven

Minor Organizations and Groups
  • New Rojava (Kurdish State in West Syria)
  • Fortress Switzerland
  • The Underground State of Israel

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Revised NCQuest Map

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NPC Character Sheet

Theodore Narra


Age: 58, but looks 21 thanks to Anti-Aging treatments.

Sex: Male.

Skills: Theodore's foremost skill is administration and logistics, as the brains behind Haven's attempt to expand its holdings on the Surface, he is a master at ensuring that supplies, money, and arms get to wherever it's needed - not an easy task considering Haven's need to keep itself secret. Though generally open and honest, Theodore knows how to govern his image, and what he projects is the aura of a benevolent leader, one who cares for the city and his people...which makes it easy to forget that he can and is able to kill, whether with guns, knives, or even his own, mysterious NC.

Short bio: One of the first 'Adventurers' from Haven to make it to the surface, Theodore made his first appearances as a mysterious NC Pilot who saved Independent settlements and villages in exchange for information and supplies, and was strangely ignorant of how things worked aboveground, although he was clearly a vagabond, albeit one with an amazingly good salvaged NC. Making it to the ruins of Darwin, Australia, Theodore encountered Red-Star for the first time, but managed to pass himself off as a new mercenary, and thus found himself serving them in exchange for money and more information. Finding Red-Star's methods and ideology distasteful, Theodore took the first opportunity to defect to Denver-Vegas, then Volkov, before finding his way to Al-Amir Group of Companies.

There, he found a way back to Haven again, through another secret tunnel, where he immediately became a celebrity, with his experiences providing valuable information about the world outside. He was 24 then, and two years later, he would depart again to search for more information about the surface, as well as help build a network of proxies that would increase Haven's land-bound wealth. Various Independent settlements, outlaw bands, mercenaries, the Adventurers from Haven bound them together to create a force capable of taming the Australian Outback...and catching the ire of Red-Star in the process.

For although the rule of that corporation was largely nominal, it could not tolerate a rival power taking advantage of the island's still-immense natural resources, and so it sent a force to destroy the nascent 'Confederation', still not knowing that Haven was behind all this. The expeditiona involved a relatively small flotilla, composed of cruisers, transports, and a couple of light carriers. But it was technologically superior to the alliance that Theodore had helped build, and Red-Star was confident of victory. They were soon to be proven wrong.

In several months' time, Theodore had lured the enemy force into the Australian Outback, isolated whatever allies they found and began dealing them a death of a thousand cuts, using tactics learned from Al-Amir, as well as constructing hidden factories and supply depots in Australia's wasteland. He then, with a small squad of Haven NCs, which were secretly as advanced as the corporates' but managed to hide it, devastated Red-Star's own supply lines and patrols. before, in an ambitious amphibious strike, turning against the Red-Star Fleet, disabling most of its ships, but careful not to destroy so many that the Corporates stopped underestimating them.

And so Red-Star withdrew, allowing Australia to be the first large region freed from Corporate Control (not including the various Independents and virtual Nation-States in the Middle East and Africa, as well as the Latin American Warlords). This was something that Red-Star would have continued to do something about, if not for a series of renewed skirmishes with Volkov, Denver-Vegas, and Fairbanks; at the end of the day, 'Oz', for now, was just too much of a 'backwater' to focus much attention on.

But in the midst of triumph was a tragedy, for several of Theodore's teammates had died in the final strike, and in operations before that. This included close friends and even a lover, and Theodore was eager to get back to Haven, where he can rest and recover from the ordeal of combat...and begin the next round of plans to liberate more of the surface.

He knew that the 'Big Bad MegaCorps' were not going to tolerate any more territory out of their hands, especially not ones that were actually valuable in their eyes. But at the same time, Australia was not enough; the region of Oceania was not enough. It would take years, centuries, even, but the MegaCorps had to be brought down before there can be peace before Haven can have peace. And so, he proposed a risky plan: Include outsiders in Haven's plans; there was only so much that can be done with Havenite 'Adventurers'. No, outsiders were needed in order to provide the information and experience needed to actually make 'World Liberation' work.

And so, Theodore sent agents to the surface, agents whose goals were to build more networks aboveground, as well as find people, malcontents, and mercenaries, who were willing to work for his city, for a cause 'like none other'...

Bio Update (Applies only to RPGuild NCQ Canon): Theodore was instrumental in conducting the grand strategy that drove off Red-Star's largest assault on Australia yet, where the main thrust of their attack, the 'Darwin Offensive', was broken by a combination of his spy work and the incompetence of the enemy forces. However, quarrels with the rest of his command staff have given him a bitter taste in his mouth despite his victory, same for his own sub-par performance on the tactical level.

Cape Town will be a moment of reassessment, a moment where Theodore feels he has to redeem himself and his reputation as a commander...

Notes: Music

NC: Perfect Qamishlo, Capabilities Unknown.
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Political Parties of Haven

Democratic Union Party of Haven - Haven's largest party by a slight margin, rivaled only by the Remember Australia Party (and earlier in the past 500 years, others), the DUPH stands for "social equality, justice and the freedom of belief", and, mostly - mostly - adheres to its principles. Promoting a society based on 'Self-Reliance, Liberty, and Shared Benefit', the DUPH has been charged with being overbearing and even coercive, and there were periods where it was that. Nevertheless, it has fought for the peace, prosperity, and survival of Haven for half a millennium before the liberation of Australia, and has knit the newly-freed territories together under its political and diplomatic network.

Remember Australia Party - Not everyone is pleased by Haven taking political, economic, and cultural ideas from a place as far away as Northern Syria, Northern Syria in the early 21st Century, no less. And they have a right not to be, because Haven is underneath Australia, not Rojava. The people of the Remember Australia Party have a hodgepodge of political and economic views, some merely advocating 'Democratic Confederalism with an Australian Face', others advocating for a return to indirect Democracy, and some few advocating coming back to an actual Free Market and a repeal of the rules regarding sharing property (private property is allowed in Haven, but only with a voluntary recompense to the community; if one wants both private property and not pay recompense, they get a fully-armed populace pointing their guns at them).

Justice and Development Party - A widely growing party composed of expansionists, the JDP are a group who believe strongly in Haven's moral superiority over all Humans stuck in either Corporate, Plutocratic Rule or Mindless Anarchy. They believe in the expansion of Haven into the surface through force, and taking over the Corporations' dominions, something that they believe they can administer better than 'those plutocrats'.

Isolation Party of Haven - Another, widely growing party composed of isolationists, the IPH are a mix of sane people who have calculated that taking the Corporations and their superior resources head-on would just get them killed, and blatant Xenophobes who believe that people from outside Haven would contaminate their culture and DNA, and that they'd be best off staying underground. Oppose the JDP bitterly, but also have animosity towards the DUPH.

Federation Party of Haven - The fifth major party in Havenite Politics, the Federation Party of Haven regards themselves as the only party who realizes that the system of direct democracy will not work in an expanded Haven, and have the facts to prove it. With the liberation of Australia, the party has begun to cry out for the division of the liberated territories into a Federation, in which Haven would be First Among Equals, as well as keep its unique political system as part of said Federation. Frequently allies with the JDP and ISH whenever it is convenient and poaches the more sane members from the two parties every so often.

National Union Party of Haven - A small party allied with the DUPH in the ruling coalition, they are the smallest political group in the city, but has sway in contested areas. Their main ideological difference is that Haven should lend services to people only when it's needed, not universally and all the time. Basically, selective welfare. Unpopular with areas that are only middle-class, and also divided between (relatively) rich districts who want social services abolished entirely, and (relatively) poor districts who feel that the rich can take care of themselves...
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Character Sheet Template

[b]Pilot Character Sheet[/b]






[b]Tactical Preferences and Skills:[/b]



[b]NC Character Sheet[/b]



[b]Body Type: (Bipedal, Hover, Tank-Tread, .etc)[/b]

[b]Type of NC: (General-Purpose, Interception, Assault, .etc)[/b]

[b]Equipment & Armaments:[/b]

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Further Elaboration on Haven's Political System

Theoretically, the bedrock of Haven is the municipality; a village, town, or city district. These municipalities are the main unit of power, with their leadership elected directly by the people. These municipalities then band together to form regional councils for mutual aid and protection; said regional councils then elect a 'Federal Assembly' that governs the economies of scale needed for national defense and even expansion. Note though that the highest positions of power, such as the Presidents (plural) of Haven, are explicitly open to direct voting from the general populace.

The Presidents of Haven are a Man and a Woman; not necessarily husband and wife, who are supposed to share power and responsibility as equals. While it does not always work that way (due to power politics and human nature), whenever it does, the unity of strong but complementary personalities creates a whirlwind of strength that allows great things to happen. This principle of (theoretical) gender equality is enshrined in the Havnenite Constitution, as well as by the various Political Parties of Haven. Not merely that, but the Constitution requires that a set percentage of Government posts be reserved for Women and Minorities.

However, the requirements of the Havenite Constitution do not gel well with a significant number of towns and municipalities, especially those who had elected leaders who are opposed to the liberal and progressive elements of the Havenite Constitution. These towns and municipalities are an increasingly powerful element in Haven as the surface continues to be rebuilt to prosperity. To counteract these tendencies, the Havenite Constitution has declared the formation of 'mobile courts', a semi-nomadic establishment of judges, lawyers, and guards who go around town to town administering justice; sometimes roughly.

This Constitution, however, has been accused of favoring only one of Haven's many political parties; the Democratic Union Party of Haven. The DUPH, though dedicated to direct democracy, feminism, rights for minorities and the breakup of statist and corporatist monopolies, is also accused of being heavy-handed in enforcing its agenda; and by that, it is not afraid to manipulate events and use arbitrary force against people it deems 'backward and bigoted'. Ironically, with the surface becoming richer and richer, the DUPH's party members are getting richer as well, a hypocrisy that is called out by the other opposition parties.

Speaking of the surface becoming richer and richer, most property is under the ownership of worker and farmer co-operatives, with an opt-out option for individual farmers who just want their own small plot of land. These co-operatives and small farmers have managed to increase production in the remaining arable lands of Australia, the remaining mines and quarries, and even small 3D-Printing Workshops that make manufactured goods. There are no direct or indirect taxes; instead, money is extracted through tariffs and tolls, as well as the sale of natural resources and agricultural products to smugglers and underground networks...as well as Tshwane, Al-Amir, and even Denver-Vegas (as it's against Red-Star).

Haven's increasing 'wealth through production' is, as mentioned, a double-edged sword that increases the wealth of special interests like political parties. This has led to trouble in a few cases, mostly turf wars between towns and sets of towns. The Havenite People's Protection Forces, the standing army of Haven, has also made its presence felt in politics and has been accused of acting as the Democratic Union Party of Haven/DUPH's armed wing instead of a neutral force. Nevertheless, Haven is a paradise for freethinkers and those disillusioned with the MegaCorps for now. After all, being allowed turf wars is itself a right, right?
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CS for Villain

Name: Osamu Akiyama


Age: Chronologically 5, but physically 18.

Personality: Osamu, though technically a genetically engineered artificial human, acts much like a natural-born person, though a very abnormal one. Sadistic, theatrical, and given to an outsize sense of his importance to Red-Star, the 'Coordinator' nevertheless maintains some form of self-preservation, especially when sent to 'watch' over Red-Star's subordinate commanders, who don't like him much. When around prisoners of war, Osamu loves threatening them with torture and enslavement, taking glee at the looks of terror or defiance this elicits.

Backstory: Osamu Akiyama was 'born', or rather, created, in Red-Star territory, in the Tokyo Burrow, now since taken over by Chinese Hegemony. Said takeover had been bad for the Japanese, except for the 'elites' that were co-opted by Red-Star, and those who can climb up the corporate ladder. The Scientist who had created Osamu had been one of those climbers, a scientist by the name of Suichiro Yuki, who harbored secret plans of 'liberating' Japan. And so he created Osamu, ostensibly as a new 'Superweapon' for Red-Star. Osamu would be the first class of a line of infiltrators and soldiers, who would replace 'regular' NC Pilots, being more obedient and capable all at once. However, Suichiro planned for them all to be loyal to him and him alone, so that they can take over Japan together.

Alas, it was not to be, because the secret 'bio-chips' created by Suichiro to keep his artificial humans loyal were discovered by one of his rivals, and the scientist was tortured to death just after completing Osamu. The artificial human himself was going to be scrapped, but the Red-Star executives saw use in him, and so activated and programmed him to be their 'secret weapon', an instrument of terror to wreak havoc on the other corporations. And so it has been his life ever since.

Tactical Preferences and Skills: Osamu Akiyama is an Artificial Human equipped with a 'biological computer' that can control a single NC remotely through the Neural-Net; the drawback to this is that people in NCs who are strong-willed enough can resist his control, and even 'hack back' into Osamu's brain in order to gain information from him. Osamu keeps this a secret even from his superiors, although how successful this is is up for debate.

However, Osamu does have weaknesses. Despite all the knowledge that can be downloaded into his head, he lacks practical experience, and due to the implanted memories he received from Suichiro, he tends to go for 'dramatic' solutions as well as 'rational' ones. Also, his power can, again, only control a single NC at a time, and Actual AI (if any exist) can also counteract him.

Notes: Yes, Osamu is bisexual.
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CS for Villains

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NPC Character Sheet

Name: Lucille Rose


Age: 19

Personality: Your average hot-blooded Mecha Pilot who truly believes in Haven's ideology and has vowed to die with Murray Bookchin and Abdullah Öcalan's names on her lips. Hates the 'Purists' because they obstruct the continued independence of Australia from the 'plutocrats'. Is also a bit naive and bull-headed in her hot-bloodedness. That said, she tries to be friendly with those who share her ideals, including the volunteers who had come to Haven to aid in the fight against Red-Star.

Backstory: Member of the Havenite Women's Protection Units and native of Darwin.

Tactical Preferences and Skills: Her style of NC Combat is like her enemy, Alexander Sky's; she prefers a swift melee strike preceeded by overwhelming ranged firepower, mostly energy and railgun weapons. If said strike fails, she then tries to defend herself either by avoiding all attacks, or 'soaking' them head-on. But she sees no shame in flying away when it seems like she would be overcome, as long as she can come back later.

Outside of Mecha Combat, Lucille prefers to use as many guns as possible, whether pistols, carbines, assault rifles, or shotguns. The only guns she is unable to use well are sniper and anti-materiel rifles, but Lucille depends on other people to support her from long-range.

Notes: N/A


NC Character Sheet

Code-name: Manbij


Body Type: (Bipedal, Hover, Tank-Tread, .etc) Bipedal-Hover

Type of NC: (General-Purpose, Interception, Assault, .etc) Heavy Assault

Equipment & Armaments:

Chest-mounted Sonic Cannon - A 'sound projector' that unleashes sound waves that break apart rigid solids by using vibrations; immensely destructive towards objects not protected by insulation or force-fields.

Mech-sized Guardian Spear - A long lance containing a small railgun/coilgun and a meta-material, monomolecular blade.

Missile Launchers - Back-mounted missile launchers whose missiles either contain sticky foam or high explosives.

Energy Shield - Your typical forcefield that covers the body and protects it from additional harm.
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NPC Snippets

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Denver-Vegas Exports and Services: Raw Materials (Including Cotton, which is a seperate good in other Corps' profiles) and Manufactured Goods, Food and Clothing (All of those overlap with Red-Star, Volkov, Tshwane, Al-Amir and Bahadur Raj), Automated 3D Printers, Low-end Drones and Computers, Cars (Overlaps with Paragon, Pan-Indian Corporate Pact, and Red-Star) Slaves (Both wage slaves and chattel slaves), and Entertainment (TV Shows and Animation) as well as Cocaine, Heroin, and Lumber (Overlaps with Fairbanks and Red-Star).

Denver-Vegas Imports: Fusion Reactor Parts, Holographic Projectors, Diamonds and Gemstones, Cobalt and other Minerals, Silk, Frankincense, Arabian and African Coffee, Spices, and Virtual Reality Equipment (which presents a paradox as they buy them from their traditional enemies in Red-Star), Slaves (Chattel and Wage; they are both exported and imported).

Fairbanks Exports and Services: Doctors, Civilian Engineers (Overlaps with Tshwane), and Physicists, Robotics/Computer Specialists, Fusion Reactor Parts (Overlaps with Paragon), Microchips (overlaps with Paragon), Holographic Projectors (Overlaps with Paragon), Hydroponic Farm Parts and Greenhouse Equipment, High-end Drones and Computers, and Anti-Addiction Drugs (Overlaps with Tshwane), and Lumber (Overlaps with Denver-Vegas and Red-Star).

Fairbanks Imports: Raw Materials, Finished Goods, Food, Clothing, Diamonds, Gemstones, Cobalt, Other Minerals, Slaves (Chattel and Wage).

Paragon Exports and Services: Slaves (Chattel and wage), Citrus, Wine, Fashionable Clothes, Doctors and Chefs (As paid workers rather than slaves), Nuclear Fusion Engineers, Plasma Tech, Holographic Projectors, High-end Drones and Computers (Overlaps with Fairbanks), Cars (Overlaps with Denver-Vegas, Red-Star, and Pan-Indian), High-end Drones and Computers plus Microchips (Overlaps with Fairbanks).

Paragon Imports: Raw Materials, Finished Goods, Gemstones, Cobalt, Other Minerals, Clothing and Food, Heroin, Cocaine, Anti-Addiction Drugs.

Al-Amir Exports and Services: Silk, Carpets, Cotton (Overlaps with Denver-Vegas and Bahadur Raj), Frankincense, Arabian Coffee, Various PMC/Mercenary contracts (Overlaps with Haven), Civilian Weapons, and Oil (for plastics) as well as Iron, Platinum, and Other Minerals. There is also Food (Overlaps with every other MegaCorp except Fairbanks and Paragon), Medical Painkillers, Marijuana/Hashish, and Coffee.

Al-Amir Imports: Finished Goods, Computer Parts, Cars, 3D Printers, Drones, Diamonds and Gemstones, as well as Lumber. Slavery is actually less prevalent than in the past, but there is an illicit market in Slaves with Genius-level intellect.

Tshwane Mining Inc. Exports and Services: Food, Cobalt, Titanium, and other Minerals, Oil, Food, Miscellaneous Raw Materials, and Manufactured Goods, Clothing, Diamonds, and other Gemstones (including artificial versions), Civilian Engineers (Overlaps with Fairbanks), Chemists, Metallurgists, and High-End Alloys, as well as Anti-Addiction Drugs (Overlaps with Fairbanks).

Tshwane Mining Inc. Imports: Low-End and High-End Drones and Computers (but they produce enough by themselves to be independent from Denver-Vegas and Fairbanks), Entertainment (TV Shows), Medical Equipment and Medicines, Fertilizers, Wine and Fashionable Clothing (which does not mix well with the fact that Paragon is their traditional enemy), Virtual Reality Equipment.

Pan-Indian Corporate Pact/Bahadur Raj Corp of Sovereign India Exports and Services: Food, Raw Materials, Manufactured Goods, Cars (All these Goods overlaps with most other Corps), Mineral Wealth (Same), Hovering Luxury Yachts and Cruise Ships, Slaves (wage and chattel), Low and High-end Computers (Overlaps with Fairbanks and Paragon), and Cotton (Overlaps with Denver-Vegas and Al-Amir).

Pan-Indian Corporate Pact Imports: Robotics, 3D Printers, Metallurgists, and Chemists (both as paid specialists, not slaves), as well as Plasma Tech, Virtual Reality Equipment, Fashionable Clothes, Wine and Silk.

Red-Star Exports and Services: Slaves (chattel), Virtual Reality Equipment, Brain-Enhancing Implants, Cars (Overlaps with most Major Corps) High and Low-end Electronics (same), Construction Equipment, Food and Raw Materials, Spices, Indonesian Coffee, Gold, Gemstones, and other Mineral Wealth (All of those overlap with most Major Corps), and Lumber (Overlaps with Denver-Vegas and Fairbanks).

Red-Star Imports: Plasma and Nuclear Fusion Tech, Medical Equipment, and Medicines, Diamonds (Artificial), Oil (for plastics), Drones and Computers, Slaves (Chattel and Wage) and 3D-Printers.

Volkov Exports and Services: Everything.

Volkov Imports: Everything.

And of course...

Haven Exports and Services: Mineral Wealth, Illegal Weapons, Smuggling Services, Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets of other Corporations, Open-Source Software (with a pay-as-you-like system), Mercenary Contracts (Somewhat overlaps with Al-Amir; discounts given to 'worthy' causes), Medical Aid (With discounts given to 'worthy' causes).

Haven Imports: Everything except Slaves.

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3/27/19: Raiza-al-Sulayhi has been changed to Raiza Agha Khan!
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7/13/19: Updated Theodore's CS!
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11/22/2019 - Repaired the images 25 days ago, but forgot to announce it now.
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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4/12/2020 - Edited 'The Corporations and Haven's' section on Al-Amir!
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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8/6/2021 - Edited the Volkov section in 'The Ruling Corporations and Haven'!
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