Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
The Haunting of...

G M (s) : Lord Wraith, Roman G E N R E: Horror, School, Slice of Life, Superhuman, Urban Fantasy T Y P E: Linear with Sandbox Elements
"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

▼ C H A R A C T E R R O S T E R:

▼ A C C E P T E D P L A Y E R S || The Dramatis Personae

▼ I N A C T I V E C H A R A C T E R S || Characters belonging to removed Players

◼ Ross, Rita as portrayed by @Hillan

◼ Black, Archimedes as portrayed by @Kalas

◼ Brigandi, Edward as portrayed by @WXer

◼ Hall, Makayla as portrayed by @Ruby

▼ C H A R A C T E R S U B M I S S I O N S || Character Sheets Under Review

◼ Character Name as portrayed by Player Name

▼ C H A R A C T E R A P P L I C A T I O N S:

▼ S U P P L I E D C O D E || Ver.1.1

[CENTER][h1][color=slategray][b]A L I A S[/b][/color][/h1][HR][h3][sup][sup][color=silver]B I R T H N A M E   [color=slategray]◼[/color]   B I R T H D A T E   ( A G E )   [color=slategray]◼[/color]   S E X   [color=slategray]◼[/color]   S E X U A L I T Y[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img]
[sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #1"[/color][/sup][/CENTER]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][HR][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #2"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][IMG]Image of Character[/IMG][/INDENT][/INDENT][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//STATS:[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][i]A written description of the character's appearance. Keep in mind that appearance isn't only limited to their physical make up, but the style of clothes they wear, they're body language and in general how they present themselves.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][HR][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #3"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i]This is the story of your character's life, their defining moments nd how they made it from the womb to where they are now. You can include as much other details as you think is necessary but don't go overboard and spell everything out. Sometimes its best to show through the IC than to tell in the CS.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][HR][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #4"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//ABILITIES:[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][HR][/COLOR][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//SUPPORTING CAST:[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent]
[b][color=CADETBLUE]//STOMPING GROUNDS[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent]

▼ I M P O R T A N T N O N - P L A Y E R C H A R A C T E R S:

N A M E:
Jonas Lehrer

S E X:

A G E:

A B I L I T I E S:
◼ Hyperhuman Detection - Jonas is able to detect Hyperhumans with almost a sixth sense. He feels drawn to them and as such will seek out areas where concentrations of Hyperhumans can be found.

◼ Intuitive Ability Detection - As part of Jonas' ability he is able to look at a Hyperhuman and immediately recognize what their abilities whether the Hyperhuman displays it or not.

◼ Intuitive Ability Comprehension - Furthermore, Joans is able to see the potential of the Hyperhuman's abilities and understand how it works and how they can use their abilities. This makes him an ideal teacher to younger Hyperhumans who are still discovering their gifts.

H I S T O R Y:
Growing up on the Western Coast of Canada, Jonas Lehrer came from a well-off family living an easy life. Excelling through high school, Jonas was offered numerous scholarships upon graduation before eventually deciding to attend McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. Taking a double major in biology and medical sciences, Jonas pushed his understanding of the human body. Having gone through viriumosis during high school, Jonas became fascinated with not only his own being but also all Hyperhumans living and hiding in the world. Crossing the border into the United States, Jonas earned his green card while attending Dartmouth College. Completing teacher's college, Jonas gained several years of experience before taking a teaching position with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Remaining on tenured staff for nearly five years, Jonas suddenly resigned one day under rumor of a falling out with his department head. Relocating back to New Hampshire, Jonas took up a teaching position at the local high school, Mather Memorial.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 30 min ago

A I D E N G A B R I E L R O T H A U G U S T 2 1, 2 0 0 2 ( 1 6 ) M A L E H E T E R O S E X U A L

"You know what I like about rich kids?"

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Are we here to chat, or to play ball?"
◼ HEIGHT | 5' - 8" (~173cm)

◼ WEIGHT | 156 lbs (~71 kg)

◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian

◼ EYE COLOUR | Blue (Red when Abilities are in use)

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Blonde/Light Brown

◼ SCARS | Aiden has numerous scars on his body, primarily focused on his torso and arms. Although most have faded and healed, there are a number of them that are still quite evident when Aiden lift up his shirt.

Often playing the part of the stoic, Aiden is always the last person to enter a room and the first to leave. A teen of few words, but many actions, he prefers not to waste time and effort on idle conversation cutting to the point immediately.

Prone to dressing in layers, Aiden usually layers a tank top with either an open hoodie or collared shirt under his trademark leather jacket. During school spirit days, he can be coaxed into wearing his letterman jacket, although he prefers not to do so on a regular basis due to the unnecessary attention it draws. Always a fan of baggy, straight-legged jeans, Aiden is never seen in shorts unless caught in his boxers. His favourite footwear is a pair of steel-toed high-topped boots, although he can be found wearing Converse hightops during warmer weather and even on rare occasions, flip-flops. Around his waist is always a thick leather belt, bearing a heavy dual clasp buckle.

Aiden prefers to remain clean shaven, keeping his hair short and often tousled as he rarely applies product due to his frequency of wearing helmets and the occasional black ballcap. Due to his athletic abilities, Aiden has maintained a healthy and toned physique. Generally, consider attractive, his body boasts a fair amount of muscle befitting of someone who is a regular athlete.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"My sister looks after me, that's all you need to know."

Born to the North End of Crestwood Hollow, Aiden’s life didn’t get off on the right foot. His father, Lucas walked out after his birth, leaving Aiden’s mother Harper, to struggle with postpartum depression leading to her slide into alcoholism. Aiden was left in the care of his eight-year-old sister, Vanessa, who provided the infant Aiden the support he needed, while their mother became more neglectful and verbally abusive with each bottle she drank.

Unable to hold down a job due to her spiraling habits, Aiden’s mother began to sell her body, which led to a seemingly endless parade of different ‘suitors’ coming into their home. The ever-revolving door of men opening the pair of children to abuse which their mother never failed to notice.

When Aiden was eight, one of his mother’s gentleman callers attempted to force himself on Vanessa. Seeing his sister in distress, Aiden flew into a blind rage. While the boy was physically no match for his sister’s assailant, the yelling and screaming were enough to alert a nearby autonomous patrol car.

It was at this point that Child Services was forced to step in. While Vanessa fought for her right to be emancipated, Aiden was sent to live with his Uncle Tim and older cousin James. While Tim did a good job of putting food in front of Aiden, he was little more than caregiver having little interest in Aiden as a person. Thankfully James, or rather, Jimmy, was more than happy to have Aiden tag along.

With only a three year age difference between them, Jimmy taught Aiden how to be a Northside Boy, and it didn’t take long before Aiden started tagging along with Jimmy as the older boy was inducted into the Northside’s resident gang, the Sons of Salem.

Being the youngest one around didn’t go well for Aiden as he suffered at the hands of the other boys. Constantly bullied and picked upon, he was punched and belittled at every turn and because of this, Aiden was never considered to be an actual candidate for the Sons of Salem. By the age of thirteen, Aiden was at his breaking point and decided to prove himself. Unfortunately for Aiden, he attempted to steal a car was quickly foiled and the boy found himself quickly in a youth detention center.

Sitting across from a public defender was the dose of reality that Aiden needed and he soon found himself living with his older sister once again. Now twenty-one, Vanessa and her fiance, Michael, were able to take custody of Aiden on the condition that he complete a community-based rehabilitation program. Agreeing, the terms were set and Aiden was free to go.

Between the rehabilitation program and seeing how far his sister had come from living in the Tracks made Aiden realize that he wanted to be able to leave Crestwood Hollow when the time came. While he was a sharp kid, Aiden knew he couldn’t compete with some of the other students and so when the time came to start high school, Aiden threw himself into the school’s athletic programs.

By his sophomore year, Aiden had managed to become the Mather Memorial Ravens’ quarterback, point guard and goalie, rotating through football, basketball and ice hockey as the seasons changed. Under the direction of the school’s aging coach, Thomas Clark, Aiden had managed to give himself a fighting chance for a full ride scholarship.

Now entering his junior year, Aiden is hoping to begin to attract the attention of college scouts, but despite his new lease on life, his vices are not completely gone. Aiden houses a lot of deep-rooted issues and has a long way to go before he can surpass the influence of succumbing to his upbringing in the Tracks.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Light 'em up!"
◼ OPTICAL ENERGY MANIFESTATION | Through the absorption of ultraviolet radiation such as sunlight, Aiden's body has the ability to metabolize the radiation and expel it through his mutated corneas converted to thermal energy. This thermal energy can be ejected from the eyes in one of two ways, as concussive blasts or as a continuous beam.

When fired as a concussive blast, Aiden can either release these blasts singularly or in rapid succession. The size and speed can all be controlled through manipulation of his eyelids, although Aiden lacks such fine motor controls. The temperature of his ability is variable with the Aiden's maximum peak output reaching 1510 degrees Celsius (2750°F) which is even capable melting through solid steel.

Aiden however, has a current peak temperate of 100°C (212°F), the temperature at which water boils, and while he can reach this temperature, he cannot maintain it due to the strain it puts on his body. While Aiden can't currently force his ability to burn any hotter than a hundred degrees Celsius, extended training and practice would eventually raise the temperature of the target higher than the above numbers.

Like the temperature, Aiden controls the force behind each concussive blast. He can simply radiate heat from his eyes or, Aiden can put up to enough force to easily lift a man of roughly 90 kilograms (200 lbs) into the air. At an absolute maximum, Aiden could be able to offset an airborne half tonne truck. That said, due to the strain Aiden can't consistently manage that level of force.

Furthermore, the width and diameter of Aiden's blasts and beams have an effect. A focused narrow beam is more likely to cut through a target where a wide-spread blast will push back or knock down a target. As with the temperature and pressure, Aiden has the potential to control the size of his beams, whether they're small precision blasts or a wide, large blast for a maximum area of effect. Currently, he lacks the understanding and practice to successfully manipulate his eyelids in the manner required for such fine control. Due to this, he can only fire a generic blast or beam.

While Aiden's optic blasts can be fired anywhere within his vision's range, the solid beams can actually be bent and curved by his own will as opposed to simply reflect or refract off of mirrored surfaces. To this extent, Aiden can literally chase a target with his optic beams as long as they are within eyesight. Due to his inexperience with his abilities, he has yet to discover or even attempt such a feat.

◼ ENHANCED EPIDERMIS | Compared with a mundane human, Aiden's epidermis is unique in the fact that while it absorbs ultraviolet radiation, it also is able to displace energy, spreading the point of impact in order to reduce damage. As such, Aiden has partial immunity to his own abilities as any attacks redirected will affect him at a lesser rate. When hit with an energy-based attack, Aiden's skin cells are able to absorb part of the blow before displacing the rest evenly along a larger surface to reduce harm.

◼ ENHANCED EQUILIBRIUM | Due to the force of his abilities, Aiden's sense of equilibrium is enhanced allowing him to maintain near perfect balance even while projecting the maximum amount of force from his eyes. This subtle ability has allowed him to excel in various athletic abilities while remaining relatively undetected.

◼ ATHLETE | Aiden is a passionate member of the Mather Memorial Ravens and holds key positions on the football, basketball, and ice hockey teams. A well-rounded athlete, Aiden possess impressive, endurance, stamina, speed and strength and is hoping to continue to refine his skills in order to begin to attract scouts during the remainder of his high school career.

◼ STREET SMART | While not a gifted academic, Aiden understands people well for someone his age and is generally able to navigate most social situations, albeit he's not exactly a black tie event kind of kid but he does maintain a certain rugged charm even when found in an offputting situation.

◼ PRAGMATIST | Due to the severity of the laws regarding Hyperhuman Abilities, Aiden would be the last person to ever rely on his and years of running with the wrong and tough crowd have taught him how to fight, how to fight smart, and how to fight dirty. Aiden is not above being an opportunist and will take a cheap shot if it wins him the fight.

◼ PAIN THRESHOLD | Due to years of abuse under his mother, her clients and his cousin, Aiden has developed a rather high threshold for pain. He often doesn't notice when he's been cut and minor bruises go undetected for weeks. In a fit, Aiden relies on being able to take more hits than the other guy due to his prolonged exposure to being slapped, punched, kicked and generally assaulted throughout his youth.

◼ FIELD OF VISION | Aiden's abilities hinder his vision while in use. Each blast he fires is a moment when the world is completely distorted in a burst of brilliant colour. This is even worst when emitting a beam attack as his vision is almost completely obstructed leaving him open to attacks. This is particularly exploitable when you realize that Aiden's own attacks can be redirected back at him and are completely able to injure him though to a lesser extent than the intended target due to Aiden's enhanced epidermis.

◼ FINITE ENERGY | Aiden's energy levels are not finite and overuse will leave Aiden complete drained, possibly even unconscious. In order to recharge his optic powers, Aiden requires rest and sustenance and most importantly prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

◼ HEAT RESISTANCE | Despite being able to project the high temperatures produced by his own abilities, Aiden is still susceptible to injury from his optic blast if he were to sustain maximum temperature in a continuous beam for a prolonged period. This would likely leave him with severe burns to his body and potentially permanently blinded.

◼ PREMATURE RELEASE | Aiden's abilities are linked to his emotions, particularly his libido and his anger. As such, when aroused, his abilities can flare up leading to him to fire a blast involuntarily. Likewise, when angry, Aiden can lose control of his abilities and either involuntarily fire, or fire much hotter and more intense blasts then he was intending to. When Aiden's abilities are flaring up, his eyes begin to spark out their corners, turning fully red just before a blast emits.

◼ REDIRECTION | While Aiden's attacks are difficult to reflect, certain mirrored surfaces are capable of doing so. Additionally, some glass structures are also capable of refracting his attacks thus altering their path and potentially making Aiden miss his intended target.

◼ ADDICTION | While potentially hereditary, Aiden suffers from an addictive personality. Habits, both vices, and virtuous are incredibly easy for Aiden to pick up. Currently, he's addicted to smoking, never found without a pack of cigarettes. But both Aiden and his sister know it's basically a gateway for him. He's particularly afraid of drinking alcohol due to his mother.

◼ LIMITED RESISTANCE | While Aiden's enhanced epidermis is designed to ward off energy based assaults, it's still as equally vulnerable to knives and gunfire. It pierces the same as any other humans and provides no additional protection against physical assault beyond Aiden's own conditioning.

◼ ULTRAVIOLET DEPRAVATION | As Aiden's abilities run on a finite energy level, robbing him of a chance to recharge can render him powerless. Due to this, Aiden must conserve attacks during periods of darkness, including night and indoors if there are no windows nearby.

▼ N O T E S:

"People leave, it's what they do."




◼ THE TRACKS | The Northside of Crestwood Hollow is known for being poorer and rougher than the South, but the Tracks are the poorest and roughest of the entire city. Generally immune to the influence of City Council, the Tracks are primarily run by the Sons of Salem and many propositions have been made on how to eradicate the Tracks in order to rebuild.

◼ CRESTWOOD RAILYARD | A massive shipping depot, the Railyard sits on the harbor, receiving shipping containers directly from incoming ships before sending them East along the rails. The Railyard also has a trucking depot due to rail becoming less common. The trucking depot most commonly is used to either deliver directly within the city itself or to the airport to be flown out. Aiden currently works at the Railyard, acting as a packer in the evenings and weekends to ensure he's not freeloading at Vanessa and Cal's place.

◼ THE OLD BAG | A bar located in the Tracks, it's owned and operated by the Sons of Salem making it a rather rough establishment and not one that you want to accidentally walk into. The drinks are watered down and the alcohol is more often used to treat bullet wounds than it is for drinking. The Old Bag is instantly recognizable by the line of motorcycles that seems to perpetually sit outside the establishment.

◼ CIGARETTES | Aiden is rarely without a pack of cigarettes on his person. While not a chain-smoker by any means, he lights a cigarette up on a regular base, generally before and after school unless he's stressed out in which case he starts going through packs like no other.

◼ FLIP PHONE | While it may not be the cutting edge of technology, Aiden's personal cell is an older flip phone. Simple and practical, it can make calls and it can text and most important of all it's cheap. Durable and capable of taking a beating, Aiden can often be seen fidgeting with it when bored.

◼ LIGHTER | An antique Zippo lighter, it's been decorated with Royal Airforce logo and by Vanessa's estimates, the lighter itself is from World War II. Supposedly it's been passed down from father to son for generations but that came from his mother and both Aiden and Vanessa consider it unreliable. Atop the RAF logo, a glyph has been inscribed and on the back is tally which Aiden assumes to be the amount of Nazis the original owner assumes. At least, that's the story he tells his friends.

◼ SWITCHBLADE | A simple spring-loaded knife, Aiden picked up the havit of carrying one from living in the Tracks for the majority of his youth. Due to this, Aiden is never without his switchblade, always keeping the weapon concealed on his person at all times. Although he never lets anyone know he carries it, hiding the weapon from even Vanessa. When feeling defensive or threatened, Aiden can be seen towards the weapon subconsciously.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 1 hr ago


P E N E L O P E B O Y L E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 1 ( 1 7 ) F E M A L E H E T E R O S E X U A L

"Go away. No, I'm not being funny. Please leave. Look, I even said please. Go. Away."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"No, I didn't fall from heaven, these are Earth Pants not Space Pants, and I don't take Chem 101. This is embarrassing."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'2"

◼ WEIGHT| 110lbs

◼ ETHNICITY| Caucasian

◼ EYES | Dark brown

◼ HAIR | Bright orange, but dyed to be subdued

Penelope is pretty; undeniably so. She matured earlier than a lot of her peers and has comfortably become an attractive woman in a few short years - but she refuses to show it off, wearing baggy, form-hiding clothes to hide her hourglass shape. She is cold and intentionally distant, physically closing herself off to those around her with a furious glare and defensive body language.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Don't give people the chance to hurt you. Nothing dreadful about protecting yourself."
To say Penelope's upbringing was conservative would be a fair estimation. Her mother struggled to conceive a child, and when they did, Penelope was a pale, sickly child, and her birth almost cost her mother her life - the family's doctors sternly advised against conceiving any more - so Penelope's parents took every precaution to cherish the only child they had; 'cherish' being a subjective term. Penelope's father was religious, and made sure his wife and daughter were penitent as well. With her mother not working, her father making a meager salary, and Penelope herself ill, or worried about becoming ill, she spent little time socialising, her parents often forcing her to take 'sick days' from school out of fear, and opting to hometeach her instead. Eventually she was pulled out of Elementary entirely in favour of her mother and father's tutelage, and she lost what few friends she had managed to acquaint herself with.

By the time Penelope aged out of elementary education, she had also aged out of positive relationships with her parents; her father was a strict, authoritarian figurehead to her rather than a dad, and her mother was a meek, unsure mouse of a woman who was more an extension of her husband's will than an individual person of free thinking and ambitions. Out of sheer frustration on her father's part, Penelope was enrolled to Mather's Memorial High just to ease the consistently-tense atmosphere of the house for eight hours a day, and thus she was forced to re-enter public education, and face her peers. They were not kind.

Already in possession of a dubious reputation for her disappearance from Elementary, and the general disdain that her parents publicly held for a lot of their neighbours, Penelope's entrance into High School was not well-received. When she started growing and maturing earlier and fuller than her peers, the jealousy and insecurity of her classmates mixed with whispered rumours and She was the victim of locker pranks, gum on her notes, snapped pens and pencils, lipstick-written warnings, hair pulled, projectile food in the cafeteria. Penelope was bullied, to put it simply, and she took this stress home with her, only worsening her relationship with her mother and father, who often grounded, isolated and berated her further. With no support network, Penelope dealt with her struggles through the only avenues left to her; a mix of volatile retaliation and a hard, structured shell. She constantly crossed between a short-fused and unpredictable hellion-child and a sullen, icy, and near-mute stone wall of a woman. Her newfound defensive mechanisms put a quick end to the more ostentatious bullying, but it earned her a new nickname that she was almost exclusively referred to by: 'Penny Dreadful'.

Penelope accepted the nickname, the snide comments, and the behind-the-back whispers gracefully, all things considered; to her, it was clear that she was not destined to be a sociable girl regardless, so public opinion of her didn't matter. She occasionally picked up attention from boys who didn't know better - which could not be helped given her attractive features - but they soon learnt, either from classmates, or from Penny herself, that she was neither worth the effort nor recipient of the advances. Penelope was terse, aloof, and stand-offish, and she was well-known among her academic year, although certainly not for the 'right' reasons. Everyone knew Penny Dreadful, and if you didn't, you'd see her coming soon enough, with a stare to freeze steel and a fierce temperament to back up her words.

Perhaps the only boon Penelope gathered from her tumultuous high school years was the ability to study un-distracted by the usual smattering of social gatherings and activities that her classmates were often partaking in. With no party invites, no mall hangouts, no summer barbecues, Penelope's free-time was used academically, and academically only. Her grades, previously suffering from the stress of her victimization, now began to soar. It was a small reward for an ultimately far greater cost - but Penelope was thankful for the rare positives she could cling to. A bright and intelligent girl, if socially stunted, Penelope looks towards leaving Mathers Memorial, and all of Crestwood, far behind her. Perhaps then she will make some true friends - if she learns to break down her walls.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"My bite is far worse than my bark. Back off."
◼ AUTOBIOKINESIS | Penelope possesses the ability to freely warp her own genetic makeup on-the-fly to make immediate and drastic changes to her body's physiology. She is able to turn her hand into a brutal appendage of spiked or bladed bone, split her mouth to her ears and open a mouth full of fangs, sprout new eyes, push barbs through her skin and become thorned head-to-toe, re-route her stomach acid through her saliva glands...with full mastery, she will be a warping monster of flesh and bone, adapting quickly to incoming threats and turning herself into a flurry of teeth and bone.

◼ ACADEMICAL ACHIEVEMENT | Quite simply, with nothing else to do with her time, Penelope has managed to accomplish quite the academical record, with high and consistent GPA, extra-curricular activities, and excellent coursework and exam results.

◼ STONE-WALL AND ACID TONGUE | With her history of bullying, Penelope is quite blase about any attempts to 'get her goat' as it were, able to let insults, rumours, snappy asides, and all kinds of verbal unpleasantness slide right off her back, and reply quickly in an equally vicious manner.

◼ SOCIAL INABILITY | With the only friends she's ever had far, far behind her, Penelope has never had the real, proper opportunity to learn how to make and keep friends, and with her past, what she has learnt is how to manage quite the opposite effect. She's not great in a social situation, and would rather avoid it altogether.

◼ BAD REPUTATION | Everyone knows about 'Penny Dreadful', and how she earned the moniker; there are few willing or capable of interacting with Penelope for fear of damaging their own social standing.

◼ CONSERVATION OF MASS | With the laws of physics in play, Penelope cannot materialize bio-matter to manipulate - she must change or transfer what is already there. A leg can change shape or form, but she cannot sprout an extra pair out of the blue.

◼ INSECURITIES | With her early-developed body a frequent target for mockery and slander in her early Mathers Memorial years, Penelope has developed a fear of her own body, believing her impressive figure freakish and undesirable. She is sensitive about her appearance, and has debilitating body-image issues that she cannot face.

◼ MONSTROUS, NOT MUSCULAR | Penelope can sprout teeth, talons, thorns, eyes, mouths - all manner of assorted horrors straight from eldritch tomes - but she cannot make herself hardier, faster, tougher than she already is. Skin and bone is only as strong as skin and bone can be, regardless of where that skin and bone may find itself. She cannot command her muscles to withstand more damage than muscle can be reasonably expected to withstand; she must rely on agility and quick wits to avoid punishment while delivering her own.

▼ N O T E S:

DANIEL BOYLE | Penelope's father, a terse and faithful man, with a strained relationship with his daughter. He maintains a paternal bond with Penelope, but their personal relationship is frayed and fraught with tense and heated arguments about her manner, belief, future, responsibilities...both Penelope and her father imagine it would be easier to list what they don't argue about, as opposed to what they do.

MATHILDA BOYLE | Penelope's mother, a pale, meek woman, rarely speaking and often too quiet to be heard when she does offer some words of advice. Struggling since Penelope's birth with physical weakness, and then struggling mentally with the stress of Penelope's upbringing and personal troubles, she seems firmly sequestered within her own self, walled away to an even greater degree that what her daughter has learnt to do.

NONE | Yet, Penelope hopes, but she isn't helping her own cause.

PENELOPE'S PEERS | Penelope's reputation and past haunt and cling to her to this day, and she rarely walks down a hallway these days without some verbal jab speared in her direction. Physical altercations have long since ceased, but the icy air that surrounds her is still waiting to clear.

◼ MATHER'S MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL | Where Penelope spends the majority of her time, often even on weekends. She studies in class, eats alone at lunch, remains after school in any number of extra-curricular activities - ranging from elective study hall to assistant administration work - and then returns home to eat, sleep, avoid her parents, and return to Mathers Memorial the following day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Brynn Reyes, V2
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

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A N N E L I E S E - J A N E W A R N E R 0 4 / 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 ( 1 6 ) F E M A L E H E T E R O S E X U A L

"Most of the time I like that no one seems to notice I exist, it gives me more room to explore."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Everyone says that I look like my brother, but I really don't see the resemblance. What do you think?"
◼ HEIGHT | 5'2"
◼ WEIGHT | 110 lbs.
◼ HAIR COLOR | Brown
◼ EYE COLOR | Blue-ish grey
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian

Anneliese can easily go unnoticed in a crowd of people- especially at school. She bobs and weaves through the hallways with her slender frame and short stature, and manages to effortlessly make it seem as though she was not there. Her hair is a natural brown color (at times she considers it to be quite a mousy shade) that falls in delicate waves reaching just above her chest. Anneliese tries to pull it away from her face and usually does so by clipping it back so she will not disappear behind her locks. Her blue/grey eyes are quite striking once you get a good look at them, and are framed by delicate and expressive brows that rest high on her face and always tell a story. Her nose is small and slender and is decorated with freckles that are additionally sprinkled on her cheeks, which usually have a rosy hue to them. Anneliese's lips are quite small and skinny, and are usually upturned in a smirk or hold no expression at all. Quite often she wears a sheer lip gloss since her mother once told her it would make her lips appear fuller.

The brunette dresses modestly, routinely wearing neutrals such as black, white, brown, and beige, or pastels such as light pinks and light blues. Her wardrobe mostly consists of sweaters, cardigans, and collared shirts in the winter, and plain or striped t-shirts in the summer months paired with denim shorts. She always wears jeans, and once in a while when those are in the laundry she will don a pair of leggings. Recently Anneliese has been attempting to spruce up her style at the request of her mother, so newer items like denim jackets, patterned shirts, and neutral skirts are making an appearance in her day to day wear.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"I don't normally say a lot, but when I do, it means something."

To say that Anneliese's parents were surprised to learn they were having a second child would be an understatement. One day in late October, Sophia Warner, alarmed by pain in her lower abdomen, went to the hospital and was shocked to discover that the discomfort she was experiencing was not due to a kidney stone, but was, in fact, due to the child she was carrying. Still overjoyed to discover that their family would be growing bigger, Sophia and Matthew Warner welcomed their child Anneliese-Jane to the world on a cloudy April evening with open arms.

As a baby, Anneliese was in the care of a nanny for the majority of the day, as her parents could not take off work for the duration of her early childhood. She believes that this was the early origin of the independence she currently possesses since she did not even depend on her mother and father when she was little.

Raised alongside her older brother Louis, the two became inseparable from a young age. They did almost everything together, and Anneliese thought that this would continue for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, she was mistaken.

Anneliese's childhood was scheduled from morning to evening, as her parents desired to give her the best possible chance of succeeding. She was enrolled in so many activities and extracurriculars that it made her head spin! Anneliese, along with Louis, played sports, piano, and studied other languages, all in an attempt to secure them a positive future.

It was at this point in time that Louis began to pull away from Anneliese since he began to excel and she did not. He became a star athlete with his natural physical talents, and she struggled to even make it onto the athletics field. Through team sports, Louis flourished and made many friends, and for Anneliese, well, she spent most of her time alone in the stands watching or burying her nose in a book on her own.

When they got to high school, as you can imagine, everyone knew who Louis was. He played in the starting line-ups for both Football and Basketball, and he served on the Student Council. Anneliese did attend Mather Memorial as well, but barely anyone knew that Louis had a sister. And when they did find out? They were shocked at how different they were. Even her parents acknowledge the sibling's differences, capitalizing on Louis successes and emphasizing on Anneliese's failures. A familiar trope, Anneliese lives in his shadow, and although parts of this bother her, most of the time she cannot care less. And that is because she has her art to keep her sane.

When Louis was off playing sports, Anneliese stumbled across a set of watercolor paints in the basement of their large house. It was from then on, she found a passion and a medium for her voice to shine. Even if her voice may be small and unheard in the eyes of her classmates, the narrative she creates through her paintings and sketches screams louder than anything she could ever say out loud. The bright and opaque watercolors and acrylics she uses to create her work give her to strength to be free from the shadows that her brother has cast. She marches to the beat of her own drum.

With the hope of making this a career and a lifestyle, Anneliese plans to apply to Art school once she reaches college age.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:


◼ CREATIVITY | As a budding artist, Anneliese often thinks outside the box in order to produce her paintings and sketches. This translates to her way of problem-solving and processing information, as she approaches issues and situations in a different way than most. Her creativity allows her to look at situations from a different angle and therefore help fix things in a unique way.

◼ MEMORY | Ever since she was younger, Anneliese has had the memory of an elephant. Almost a photographic memory, she is quite good at remembering codes, phone numbers, and even specific situations and what happened during them. This makes for excellent problem solving, and assists in her mental stamina.

◼ OBSERVANCY | Since Anneliese usually watches from the sidelines (quite literally), she is incredibly observant and able to pick up on small details. From what color socks you're wearing, to the exact order in which you eat your dinner, she recognizes and notices all of it. This skill goes very well with her impressive memory.


◼ SIZE | An obvious weakness of Anneliese's is her build. Of small height and small weight, she doesn't have the strength or the stature to engage in hand to hand combat or physical self-defensive measures. Usually if caught in a situation where she needs to fight, she will not be able to hold her own and battle when necessary. This only means she has to rely more on her wit and strategy than her body for protection.

▼ N O T E S:




◼ PANDORA'S WALL | Named after the famous myth where Pandora unleashes unknown evils into the world, Pandora's Wall sits underneath the Valley Bridge towards the North side of town and is the home of graffiti art in Crestwood Hollow. It is an open and free wall subject to the chaos and individuality of the artists of the town. You show up and unleash your talents on the wall by either creating thought-provoking pieces or simply leaving a tag to show you were there, hence the namesake. Each and every artist who encounters it adds something, and new work is built on top of old pieces and tags. The cycle continues endlessly, and it has been that way for many, many years. Anneliese often sits and watches other artists work, or works on her own pieces when an idea crosses her mind.

◼ ART ROOM | Anneliese spends the majority of her time at school in the Art room, otherwise known as Ms. Henshaw's room. She often will eat lunch in there in addition to spending her free periods working on her paintings and mixed media projects. She finds solace and comfort in it's quiet aside from the scratching of pencils and squeaking of erasers.

◼ SKETCHBOOK | Anneliese rarely travels anywhere without her prized sketchbook, a gift from her Art teacher after showcasing her art in front of the entire school. It is a handbound leather book that contains almost all of her ideas and drawings, from complicated pieces to daydreaming doodles she draws in Biology class.

◼ GRAPHITE PENCILS | Along with the sketchbook, you will never see Anneliese without this container of pencils, each of a different thickness and opacity to add depth and shading to even her simplest drawings. Some of the pencils are colored, and others are just regular onyx graphite.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago



"Life can be a bit jolting but I'm just taking it day by day."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"If I describe myself as stylishly messy, will it excuse the minimal effort I put into my look?"
◼ HEIGHT | '5"9

◼ WEIGHT | 134 lbs.

◼ BUILD | Lean.

◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Blond.

◼ EYE COLOR | Brown.

◼ SCARS | A pale scar located on his left palm.



Confident by nature and confident in stance, this boy holds himself as if he owns the world. He may appear arrogant to some and challenging to others, seemingly wanting to be seen as unbreakable. Though his stances can be lazy and lounging at times, displaying a grace that came with years of his childhood spent in the throes of ballet. He can often be found with his hands in his pockets or his head tipped back as if to better take in the world around him. He leans on things often, cupping his chin as if he has to think about everything before he approaches it.

The boy has a headful of pale blond hair, it's very thick and wavy. It's not quite long or quite short, the ends just reach to his earlobes and frame his face in a complementary way. He has pointed features, a very sharp chin and high cheekbones that invert slightly into a pale and nearly flawless face. While this boy may be unconventionally attractive, his features can appear delicately crafted and very sweet in appearance. His nose is small and aquiline, curved above a mouth that is often sarcastic. This mouth is small, shapely, and soft with a full lower lip that compliments a full upper lip.

He has laughing eyes, shrouded in black eyelashes and heavy-lidded. These eyes are a light brown in shade, appearing nearly mahogany in some light. They are complimented in slight bruising, it gives him the look of someone who is nearly constantly exhausted. His brows are pale in shade and very straight, often serious and low over his eyes. His skin can be described as very pale and porceline-esque with little freckling and very few scars. He seems to have escaped the woes of teenage acne completely and maintains no red marks on his cheeks or jaw.

He's slight of frame, built slender and gangly with very long legs. He has a narrowness to his hips and chest, appearing very skinny and small. His shoulders are pointed and his shape is rail-thin. It's not a stretch to call him skin-and-bones, he maintains little to no muscle. He has very thin arms and narrow wrists leading into bony hands with long fingers. Due to the length of his legs, he can appear taller than he is at times, giving the illusion of being nearly six foot.

He tends to wear comfortable and casual clothing, gravitating towards band t-shirts, skinny jeans, and canvas sneakers. Though, however unlikely, he can be found in more fashionable and exaggerated clothing. He can be found in a variety of jackets and scarves during the winter.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Just because it's easier to remain stagnant, doesn't mean you should, and I really shouldn't."
Baron O'Neil was born a native to Concord, New Hampshire and he was spoiled by nurture. A pair of loving parents were a strong part of this young man's upbringing, he was never lonely and his every need was catered to. It was safe to say that he never had to worry about a thing, not only were his parents well off but they loved to shower him in gifts and affection.

His father was very important to him, they had an extremely close bond. His childhood was spent thriving to follow in his footsteps and he was very happy to be compared to him. Baron grew up with no sense of authority, his parents were never any good at punishing him and he began to think that the world was a place where he was free to constantly do as he pleased. Though his teachers were strongly adverse to the idea that he could make his own rules, his parents seemingly encouraged the bad behavior.

He would often drag his friends through his antics and force them to join along in his reckless games. He was often the first to let them take the fall for him. Unsurprisingly, a lot of his friends had gotten tired of him walking all over them and moved onto brighter pastures. When he turned fifteen, everything changed for him.

Tragedy has a funny way of changing a person, and change happened when his father was struck ill. Sickness swept through his father and he eventually passed away. In the passing of his father, Baron was left with a certain kind of hollowness. It was hard not to feel like the world had taken something huge from him. This event lead him into an angry depression, the kind of depression that made him act out in an attempt to staunch the terrible feeling inside of him.

When he was caught smashing in the windows of an abandoned house, a certain concern rose from his teachers and his mother. At his mother's insistence, he eventually attended therapy and it was surprisingly helpful for him. He's still coping with the loss of his father but he's doing much better nowadays.

▼ S K I L L S:

"I guess you could say that I can be rather shocking."
◼ STAMINA | Despite a small build, this boy can push himself to keep going for extended periods of time. Not much can slow him down or stall him. He can also move very quickly, covering long distances in reasonable timing.

◼ BALANCE | As embarassing as it might be for him to admit, the boy took ballet as a child and acquired a kind of perfect sense of balance. He can move elegantly along the edge of sidewalks and he can teeter precariously on the railing of staircases. He likes to show this skill off, it has its benefits.

◼ SOCIAL ETIQUETTE | The boy has a way with words and can seemingly talk himself out of most situations, perhaps it's a natural charm that he has or perhaps he's just good at weaseling out of persecution. Nonetheless, it can be agreed that he knows what to say and when to say it.

◼ BALLET | Starting from the age of six and ending at the age of fourteen, Baron did ballet and he acquired a very marked skill for it. He's very unlikely to talk about this skill.

◼ SEWING | He acquired a skill for sewing over the years, though this skill hasn't had many benefits. He can sew a mean hat.

◼ UNMOTIVATED | While this boy can be very useful at times, most of the time he's not. He has a tendency towards laziness and refusing to do things that he should do. He will stray away from trying tasks, he will refuse to complete assignments, if you want him to complete anything then you may have to chase him down.

◼ SELECTIVE HEARING | He has a terrible habit of blocking out information that he may not deem of importance to him, this can lead to him being confused by class subjects or downright lost at times. It can be a pain for his teachers to have to deal with.

◼ COWARDLY | There's not a brave bone in his body, at times he can be downright cowardly and he will often be the last to suggest doing something brave.

◼ EMOTIONAL | The boy thinks with his heart, not with his head and that can lead him into trouble or it can lead him into getting hurt. He doesn't seem to realize that it's best to use his logic at times.

◼ REBELLIOUS | He's currently hit the rebellious streak in his life, this is for better or for worse. He wants to do whatever he wants to do and unfortunately, that can be bad at times.

▼ N O T E S:

ALLISON NOELS | His middle school girlfriend, a lover of art and small animals.

CAMERON KINGSLEY | His childhood best friend and closest confident, a charming class-clown type.

AVERY CONNOR | A friend that he made in group therapy, kind of a shy guy.


◼ CAFÉS | He doesn't discriminate against a good café, any will do. The young man loves to grab a cup of coffee and kick back. At times he can be found with his laptop or journal, though he tends to forget their presence and end up staring out the window.

◼ GUIDANCE CENTER | He's been going to weekly group therapy for years and can likely be found at the local guidance center on Thursdays.

◼ CIGARETTES | Though he can't buy them himself, he has a habit of bumming cigarettes off of whatever poor sucker will bend to his will.

◼ LIGHTER | Pretty cut and close, he keeps a cheap lighter on his person.

◼ WALLET | Containing his school ID, various business cards, and some loose cash.

◼ BRASS RING | It belonged to his father, he refuses to take it off.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago



"Heroes are great and all, but... I'd rather just stay out of trouble."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

◼ Height | 5'6"/168cm

◼ Weight | 123lbs/55.8kg

◼ Build | Slim, but not particularly athletic

◼ Ethnicity | Hispanic

◼ Hair Color | Brown

◼ Eye Color | Brown, slightly lighter in the outer iris

Ryan is best described as being an average sort of pretty. She certainly takes care of her appearance to an extent, but it appears calculated so as not to be particularly striking; and indeed, she tries not to draw attention to herself. She wears makeup, but lightly applied and nothing dramatic, her hair is well taken care of, but she doesn't style it, and her clothes seem chosen for comfort instead of appearance. She does wear a crucifix around her neck almost all the time, but it's generally hidden underneath her clothes with only the cord being directly visible.

In her own time, she usually doesn't carry herself with much confidence, preferring to stay towards the edges of a room and read, or simply watch other people from afar. There's usually something odd about her expression in those moments, a sort of sad jealousy that she doesn't even realise she's displaying. It's difficult to notice, though, as she tends to avoid eye contact wherever she can, worried of the consequences that come with being distracted. She never quite seems comfortable when talking to people; she tends to withdraw somewhat around them, appearing almost intimidated by any display of friendliness. Physical contact is also definitely a no-go.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

Born to a highly traditional and religious family, Ryan's upbringing was strict to say the least. Her parents were more overbearing than protective, utterly determined that their daughter would grow up to be a shining example for others to follow. Provided she did it in a way that didn't offend anyone's delicate sensibilities, of course; as seeing her go against the grain at all was something they could not and would not abide.

And so, Ryan was doomed from the start to be the sort of child whose parents are determined to live vicariously through them. Her activities were carefully chosen for her. Curated, in fact, to ensure that she wouldn't participate in anything they might find unseemly. Team sports were out of the question, but track and running were permitted. Spending time with friends, going out to enjoy the sun? A waste of time that could be better spent studying or exercising.

For what it was worth, Ryan did indeed begin to excel, though she'd often find herself sitting alone, with most people considering her stuck-up or self-absorbed rather than being slowly buried under a mountain of pressure. It was a key part of the whole thing, pretending it was all effortless, though the stress made her a little more severe than a child so young should have been.

Often she'd find herself jealous of others, whose third-places and B-minus grades would be celebrated and congratulated, though it seemed to be the arrogant sort of complaint she could hardly share with anyone, even if she did have anyone to share it with. The fact was, those sorts of things were never really treated as an achievement for her; they were simply a reasonable expectation, with anything less than the best seen as a failing of her intelligence and her character.

Whether such an upbringing was good for her or not, she could never be entirely sure.

Either way, by the time she reached high school the girl was deathly afraid of failure. So she decided to keep her head down, stay focused, and work towards the carefully-chosen ambition of being a well-behaved daughter with a nice house, a doctoring career, and an equally successful yet doting husband.

And yet somehow keeping it all together kept seeming harder and harder to do.

Of course, being unable to cope after spending her whole life working was a problem she couldn't stand, so she dealt with it. "Dealt with it" meaning developing a level of denial that could only be described as impressive. After all, it didn't fit, she knew it was wrong to accept that sort of failure, and ultimately it wasn't the person she had to grow up and be. Besides, it was normal to be a little distracted, to be just slightly off-target.

Even the most successful people had their setbacks, after all.

So she told herself she'd get over it eventually, because she was supposed to be perfect. Well-groomed but not enough to go drawing attention, always listening to the rules, intelligent and ladylike. Still, the whole thing was distressing and distracting, so upon receiving the opportunity of a place in what - in her mind - appeared to be an exclusive study group the girl leapt at the chance to refocus.

Finally, she thought, she could start getting things back to normal.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:


◼ Sharp Memory | While not outright exceptional, Ryan's memory is certainly sharper than average, and the girl has an eye for detail as well as a gift for remembering seemingly pointless information that others might fail to keep in mind. It's the type of gift that's sometimes important, sometimes utterly insufferable to deal with. However people might feel about her know-it-all tendencies, there's no denying it makes her a useful person to have around should anything need investigation.

Her knack for memorisation also helps her a great deal academically, though she has a slightly unfortunate tendency to fall back on just remembering how to do things rather than actually trying to understand how they work. It's enough to pass a class, but very much leaves her on the side of book-smarts rather than practicality.

◼ Med School Ambitions| Ryan took a first-aid course in her spare time, so knows how to administer basic medical assistance and deal with injuries until a real doctor can be reached. When it comes to major injuries, of course, there's only so much she can do; and while she can have a try at diagnosing illnesses she can't exactly do anything about them except tell you to find a real doctor. She's also CPR certified as a 'just in case' emergency measure.

The amount of time she's spent researching serious injuries and illnesses has also had the side effect of giving her a surprisingly strong stomach (despite her otherwise meek nature), and grisly scenes don't seem to affect her all that much. If anything, she treats them with a composed sort of morbid curiosity, trying to figure out what's happened and how to try and fix it. It's a useful skill once fighting's been done, if also just a tiny bit unnerving.


◼ Too Straight-laced | Ryan is the kind of person that doesn't seem to have had an independent thought in her life. As such, she's utterly terrible at taking the initiative, and tends to shut down in high-stress situations that don't have a clean-cut textbook solution. For the most part, she needs someone to tell her what to do, or she'll default to letting it be someone else's problem. When faced with a fight-or-flight situation, she takes the third option and freezes up like a rabbit in the headlights. She's also never thrown a punch in her life.

◼ Weak-willed | Mostly due to the perfectionism forced upon her throughout her upbringing, and her own deep-seeded insecurities, Ryan is an easy person to manipulate. Terrified of judgement or being seen as a disappointment, she clings desperately on to the image of the person she thinks she's expected to be and is terrified of having it ruined. These issues also mean she struggles to confront her problems, tending to avoid people when uncomfortable rather than seek out discussions that need to be had.

Trusting her to keep a secret is also a fairly bad idea; not because she's malicious or manipulative, but because getting information from her is hardly something anyone with a few brain cells or a decent workout routine would struggle to accomplish. In short, she's somewhat of a coward, or at the very least non-confrontational to the point of it being a serious detriment to everyone involved.

◼ Naive | To say she's had a sheltered upbringing would be a bit of an understatement. While she's got plenty of knowledge in theory, she's got a severe deficit in real life experiences, with almost everything she does having been done in controlled, protected environments. She's far too trusting, oblivious to things other people could find obvious, and can get in over her head without even realising it.

Of course that lack of life experience is something she's more than a little embarrassed by, so outright admitting to it is out of the question for her, insecure teenager that she is. Generally she pretends she knows about everything and simply chooses not to partake in any of it, but pressing her for any details will quickly reveal how utterly transparent that particular facade is.

▼ N O T E S:





Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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"Lucas. It’s Lucas, okay? So I know what’s up."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Lucas, okay? That’s me."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'9"
◼ WEIGHT | 134 lbs
◼ BUILD | Average
◼ HAIR | Haphazardly in his eyes, brown
◼ EYES | Big and brown
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian

With mousey brown hair and eyes and rather pale skin, Lucas is fairly plain. His hair does lighten with a few highlights if he stays out in the sun long enough, and if it’s longer than an inch (and it’s been consistently over his eyes, these last few years) it flips and curls at the ends and is generally disheveled. He’s got thick, mobile eyebrows and wide but slightly close-set eyes, a somewhat round nose, full lips and a weak chin. His face has rounded out as he grew up and can be quite expressive.

With a relatively slender frame, Lucas doesn’t make for much of a presence. There is very little muscle on him, giving his arms a lanky reach and making his hands seem a bit big, as though he’s still growing into them. He has, however, reached his full height, though he could certainly do with some more filling out. He seems younger than he actually is and wearing mostly cast-offs and secondhand clothing doesn’t help much. He prefers loose clothes, with subdued tones. Baggy pants with big pockets, and sweatshirts over top of casual t-shirts. Looking put together has never been a great concern of his, nor does he manage it often.

His natural expression is a relaxed frown and quiet air of inattention, contentment or concern, but it can shift just as easily into a bright smile, confused disbelief or an angry glare as most, though they tend to be slower to shift through the motions that rearrange the meaning. His hands are often fidgeting, usually with each other as that is the safest for him to touch, but sometimes they skitter over surfaces rather nervously before settling. Lucas has a ragged, quiet voice, often as full of emotion as his expression, though he rarely raises it and tends to use it as little as possible. It is a light tenor, with a slight nasal quality if he raises it too loud. When distracted by his power, it can get a bit distant, but never lifeless or monotone.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"What? Ha, no, okay. I dunno, it’s all just back to being here, isn’t it?"
Lucas was born and raised in the Summerhill district of Old Toronto. He grew up the only child of Gregory Bray, who raised him as a single father after a succinct divorce. It was not a difficult life, at least for Lucas. For Greg, raising a kid became a lifelong harrowing, though rewarding, experience. Thankfully for Lucas, he persevered and lucked out in having a good job, an understanding boss and parents more than willing to give advice whenever he needed it. He’ll admit he’s needed it a lot over the years, he never regretted choosing to ask for custody.

Lucas spent his days amusing himself and making his dad laugh (or despair for a moment or two) until school started. Then he became very serious for half a year, full of a pretentious “I’m learning stuff” attitude that his kindergarten teacher reminded him of right along into secondary. But she was a sweet little lady whom he couldn’t begrudge the ribbing, and he liked visiting her during the lunch hour when it wasn’t nice enough to play outside with his friends. Winters were for sitting in class until you were allowed to go outside and have snowball fights. And then for shoveling the walk and getting hot chocolate after plenty of tobogganing. Summers were for swimming and sailing and eating ice cream at the cottage they shared with a friend of his dad’s. Along with plenty of camping in the nearby national parks.

It was a normal, nice life broken only by the few rough spots of occasional arguments and sports induced injuries and the odd bad grade. Not that he always had good marks, but, y’know, some were worse than usual.

Then, a few months before his 13th birthday, Lucas caught a football and suddenly couldn’t stand straight. The dizzy sensation of spinning uncontrollably unnerved him completely, but his friends just laughed, thinking he’d tripped, and he didn’t know where it came from. He shrugged it off at first; maybe he just needed a drink more than he thought. But that wasn’t the end of it. Gradually he started hearing and seeing things too, sometimes clearly and other times too faintly to make out. But he found himself answering questions he hadn’t been asked, or feeling people nearby when there weren’t any. He managed to keep it quiet for a time, but anyone who knew him couldn’t help noticing the changes. He was more jumpy and stopped talking as much, afraid to hear the telltale “What? What are you talking about?”

His dad certainly noticed. Lucas was never good at keeping things hidden, and distracted as he was by these new, unbidden, complications, it was even harder than usual for him to act like everything was just fine. But Greg thought maybe it would solve itself, one of those phases everyone is so apt to say teenagers suffer from. He was still hoping it was an ordinary bout of teenager rebellion when Lucas’ grades slipped too low not to point out. They had a talk, and while Lucas wasn’t happy with the consequences, he didn’t bring up the real problem either, just a vague, ‘having trouble focusing, haven’t been getting enough sleep or something…’ It didn’t work. He failed that year, and finally caved under his dad’s disappointment. It wasn’t his fault everyone preferred talking over paying attention to the teacher!

So, Greg went to the school and talked with Lucas’ teachers. They all said the same thing: their students weren’t generally unruly, there was the odd conversation they had to stop, the occasional trouble, but nothing to disrupt class enough to explain Lucas’ poor grades. In fact, some said that he was the one doing most of the distracting, speaking out of turn or jumping at nothing.

Lucas came clean when his dad told him that, ashamed to have been putting the blame on other people, but honestly not knowing what else to blame. He didn’t know who was talking, sometimes he thought he recognized a voice, but often enough they were complete strangers. And it wasn’t just at school either. The rest emerged more hesitantly when Gregory took Lucas to see a psychiatrist. He didn’t want to go, and Greg wasn’t sure he wanted to take him, but they went.

The eventual diagnosis was paranoid schizophrenia and they prescribed a treatment to help with the symptoms as soon as it became obvious they were there to stay and other causes were ruled out. The effect was, unfortunately, mostly the opposite of what they’d expected. The drugs, meant to diminish or stop the hallucinations entirely, seemed to work for the first few doses, but they wound up unbalancing an already changing brain and, after the first month, they left him more susceptible to the outside influence of past moments and he lost contact with his own thoughts for a while, unable to fight the influx of sounds and scents and feelings.

When he came back to himself, he was missing a whole month and sitting in the car watching his dad carry bags into the old cottage, with no memory of the trip. The psychiatrist had changed their diagnosis to disorganized schizophrenia when Lucas’ mental condition deteriorated so rapidly, a disorder that had a worse prognosis than their previous conclusion, and Greg had wanted to get away from every other responsibility while he tried to accept it. To say he was relieved when he saw Lucas getting out of the car on his own is like saying a flooded house may have waterdamage. He was in tears. And Lucas was scared as hell. But he’d pulled through the worst of it.

While still taking the drugs, Lucas’ recovery was neither instantaneous, nor complete, but he did benefit from the more isolated setting at the cabin, and he and his dad started working together to learn his triggers. It became clear very quickly that city life was part of the problem, but it was Gregory’s opinion that his son couldn’t go forever living in the middle of nowhere. And for all Lucas likes the outdoors, and his opinion was definitely raised higher every time they helped clear his head, he didn’t really want to spend the rest of his life alone in a tent either. So, they continued trying to make it work in the city, finding a new psychiatrist who was considering autism as another possibility, to help him learn to focus through all the extra stimulus.

His dad wasn’t as certain that it was a known disorder by that time, having heard a few too many repeated conversations Lucas had never been party to, but he had no one to tell his suspicions to, and he was afraid of anyone else finding out. So, he stopped the sessions when Lucas gave him undeniable proof, before any sure progress could be made, and they went back to trying to figure things out on their own.

Unfortunately, Lucas was not the only one having problems during this time, and Gregory fell to lung cancer within weeks of deciding they’d stay at the cabin and make things work no matter what. He’d been ignoring the signs for some time, too long for the eventual, forced, doctor’s visit to do much good. Lucas had been aware that something was wrong, but he’d not had the mental capacity to put together the clues until it was too late. With his dad in the hospital, his grandparents took over his care, and Gregory got in touch with his ex, thinking that as much as he knew they loved him, they might not be up to the task.

No one was aware of his actions until she showed up after his funeral, arguing against their decision to put Lucas into a highly recommended medical teaching centre where they thought he could be given the attention and help he needed. It was a reasonable idea, since they weren’t aware of the core problem, but after spending a week in the place, clean though the halls were and kind though the staff were, Lucas is more than a little grateful to the woman he’s suddenly supposed to call Mum for taking him home with her. There was too much weight in the walls left behind by all the other visitors.

He’s been living in Crestwood Hollow for a few months now, adjusting to a different house and different city and different caregiver and not really sure what to think of it. The house is new, mostly quiet except for the work parties Marianne’s hosted. There’s a ravine he can go exploring in almost right across the street and the city’s got plenty of parks and all. Marianne’s not the most attentive, always busy with her work and not exactly mothering material. There’s a reason she let Gregory have him in the first place, but she is trying, if a bit haphazardly. And she adapted quickly enough to leaving him notes about important things instead of telling him and hoping he’d remember what she said. Lucas is fine with doing his own thing though, he was fine with her leaving him to settle in and didn’t mind the microwave dinners, or the days he had to fill up himself, but now she wants him to go back to school since he seems to be doing better, and he doesn’t know if he’ll make it through the first day, let alone the whole year.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

" Ha! There’s too much in the corners for awake and dreaming it’s not funny, so it’s all weird and still in my head. Okay? I don’t ask!"

◼ OUTDOORS KNOW-HOW | He’s been camping every summer since he was little and knows the general survival basics, along with paddling and sailing small craft and some orienteering.

◼ ATHLETE | He is an active kid, liked soccer and frisbee, and he still has some of his endurance and agility, even if sports are no longer his thing.

◼ BILINGUAL | He speaks English and French with some fluency, though he’s generally better at English.

◼ PATIENT | Lucas can and does get frustrated about things, but it takes quite a lot for him to finally blow a gasket, and he’s remarkably good at waiting or repeating himself as necessary to be heard or understood.


◼ UNDERSTANDING | Being able to communicate with others clearly and coherently can be a constant struggle. He’s willing to work at it, but he won’t always have the luxury of time.

◼ STRAIGHTFORWARD | If he wants something, he’ll ask for it, or take it, if he doesn’t, he’ll make it obvious. If he doesn’t understand, he’ll say so. He is easily led and easy to fool. Occasionally, he’s excessively honest. Secrets are hard to keep around him, and he’s forgotten the value of someone sharing or keeping his mouth shut. So, his company isn’t always going to be appreciated.

◼ FOCUS | He can get easily overwhelmed and finds it occasionally hard to keep touch with reality. Any sudden influx of stimuli can leave him relatively unresponsive or unaware of his immediate surroundings for a short time. When he’s sick or tired, paying attention to everything is that much harder.

▼ N O T E S:

GREGORY BRAY | His father (deceased).

MARIANNE CROSS | His mother. She works long hours and isn’t home much. Lucas still isn’t sure what she actually does, though he’s pretty sure it pays well. She is the only one he has much contact with these days.

IDALEE BRAY | His grandmother.

ARTHUR BRAY | His grandfather.

EVELYNE DAHL | The teaching assistant meant to keep him on track and focused during class. He’s hoping she’ll help enough to get by, and she does have a friendly smile. Also, good taste in music.

◼ BLACKWOOD CREEK | A wooded area surrounding a small tributary with a few walking trails that runs just past his house. It leaves city limits in one direction and joins up with the pedestrian trails by the river in the other. He’s spent a good hour or three exploring it every day since he discovered it.

◼ MARIANNE’S HOUSE | A new house in a rich old neighbourhood (Burberry Heights), it looks a little out of place with its sleek modern lines, but it’s not too ostentatious, there’s just lots of giant windows and a bit of a garden out the back. Lucas mostly keeps to his room and sometimes tries out the videogames in the den since she bought the console in a misguided attempt to make the house more teenager friendly.

◼ STEGOSAURUS | He carries a little stuffed stegosaurus with him pretty much everywhere he goes. It was a gift from his dad.

◼ PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE | It’s empty, but he likes playing with it.

◼ BACKPACK | It comes with the usual school necessities: pencil and pens, notebooks, calculator, things… He also uses it to hold his snacks and when he goes exploring down the creek.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 6 mos ago


A R C H I M E D E S 'A R C H I E' B L A C K F E B R U A R Y 1 8, 2002 ( 16 ) M A L E H E T E R O S E X U A L
"Ain't nobody like me, 'cept me."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Don't touch my hair..."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'-11"
◼ WEIGHT | 151 lbs
◼ BUILD | Slim
◼ HAIR COLOR | Dirty Blonde
◼ EYE COLOR | Blue-Green
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian
◼ SEXUALITY | Hetero

Lean, windswept and brooding are probably the three best words to describe Archie. His hair is almost always a mess. Rarely brushed but always seems to stay in the same position: hastily and repeatedly combed to one side and held together by various knots of matted strands caused either by excess rain or sweat. Despite this, Archie prides himself on his wayward mane. Vehemently refusing to let anyone touch it unless by his barber. And only then he merely gets his split-ends removed and a slight trim every 7 weeks or so. Sometimes he opts to wear hats that go with his chosen attire for that day but more-so because his hair is more out of control than usual.

Speaking of clothing, his style is very much that of a skater dude. Usually loose-fitting tees with slim-fit chinos and a pair of Vans. His colour palette doesn't often stray very far from blacks, greys and other darker shades. Though he may also throw in the odd white or an obnoxious neon colour to really accentuate certain looks that he tends to go for. Since moving to Crestwood Hollow, Archie has begun experimenting with various Techwear pieces to add to his existing style, mostly the baggy pants that taper in towards the ankle, often adorned with several loose-hanging straps, chains and littered with unnecessary zippers or pockets.

His figure is very typical of someone who skates. As previously mentioned, Archie is quite lean. He has an impressively low body-fat percentage but also lacks any serious muscle. Despite this, Archie is very defined with what he does have. Skating most days a week has granted him that much.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"My life is dope and I do dope things."

Born and raised in Jericho, New York by both parents, Thaddeus and Melisandre, alongside his sister two years his junior named Celestia. Thaddeus worked as a high-profile lawyer who made a name for himself during the 90's through several successful prosecution cases against those deemed to be Hyperhuman in professional sports leagues throughout the state. His mother was able to live semi-retired due his father's salary but invested a lot of time into a non-profit organisation for impoverished kids living within the state of New York.

An avid skateboarder from a very young age, Archie soon discovered his talent for the sport at the local skate park. It wasn't long before he was dominating the local competitions. Due to his father's status and considerable influence at the time, Archie was able to end up skating in the right circles that allowed him to secure a sponsorship deal with a relatively new skateboarding brand 'Alltimers' in 2015. He thrived under them, quickly increasing his skill and even gaining a minor following via the many videos posted on his Instagram. He began travelling to other states in order to enter competitions to increase his renown and prove to his brand that he was worth sponsoring as a fully-professional skateboarder.

Two days after his 16th birthday, however, his quaint family life was rocked by the revelation that his mother's charity for the poverty-stricken children of New York was actually an organisation to assist young teens who had been prejudiced against for their possession of the Hype-Gene. This eventually resulted in the positive identification of his mother as a Hyperhuman, leading to a massive PR nightmare for his father and Archie being inevitably dropped from his sponsorship, due to him being suspected as a Hyperhuman.

Once the figurative dust had settled, Archie's father filed for a divorce, which his mother granted without any resistance. It was only when he filed for custody of both children, did she fight back, leading to a brief, publicized legal battle between them. The outcome of which resulted in Archie choosing to live with his father, whilst Celestia chose their mother. Shortly afterwards, his parents agreed to sell the family home in a 50-50 split, where his father, Thaddeus, then decided they would move north to New Hampshire and the quaint coastal city of Crestwood Hollow.

Since moving into his new home, Archie has mostly tried keeping to himself. He doesn't skate half as much as he used to, except as a way of traversing around the city and the odd session at the skatepark. With the manifestation of his Hype-Gene, Archie has become more reclusive than usual and less receptive to others, though mostly towards his father, who he is terrified of finding out. His sister, Celestia, has attempted to make contact in recent months but he has declined every time so far.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"The brightest light usually casts the darkest shadow."


◼ ATHLETIC | Spending most of his life at a skate park has proven both beneficial and detrimental for Archie in terms of his health. Oftentimes he'll embark on all-day skate sessions that test his strength, stamina and durability. And whilst he has built up the cardio, flexibility and dexterity to perform feats and tricks most others can't, Archie has also suffered more than his fair share of broken bones and torn ligaments, which can be seen as a good thing in that he has also built-up somewhat of a resistance towards pain.

◼ QUICK-WITTED | Archie has always come across as charismatic, though his wicked-fast wit definitely shines through the most at times. Despite his looks, he is vastly more intelligent than he may initially seem, thanks to his father's private tuition growing up. As such, he uses his smarts to perform well in social situations as well as curricular ones. Although, with the recent trouble surrounding his family situation, Archie's normally bright spark seems to have dimmed a little as a result.

◼ RESOLUTE | Once Archie has made up his mind, he almost always sees something through to the end. Cultivated from his years of failure at learning how to become a professional skateboarder, Archie has developed a do-or-die attitude towards most things. This has allowed him to differentiate between right and wrong, he never seems to falter when faced with a tough decision, he merely reaffirms his beliefs on the subject and proceeds to follow them through.



▼ N O T E S:





◼ THE HOLLOWS | The Crestwood Hollow Skate Park as it is officially known. Although the majority of those who skate there simply call it 'The Hollows.' Situated in the North-East side of the city, the Hollows acts as the central hub for Crestwood's skater scene, including the BMX scene as well. Despite being in what's considered a rougher part of town, the Hollows doesn't normally see much trouble, especially since the kids who hang around there simply either skate or BMX and are generally not interested in the delinquency that occurs in the other northern boroughs. The park itself is actually fairly large with several elements to skate on including: Two Bowls, a Half-Pipe, a stair set, rails and funboxes. With the scene being populated by skaters from both sides of town, the park itself stays generally well maintained, thanks to the donations of some of the wealthier parents whose kids choose to skate there.

Even though Archie hasn't thought about skating much since his parent's divorce, he still ventures down to the park to skate from time to time, at least once a week. Most of the time, he skates alone with his headphones in so as not to be disturbed. This doesn't stop those who recognize him from attempting to catch his attention or record a video of him for Instagram. Sometimes he won't even bother to skate, opting to watch others as he mulls over his family's situation.

◼ SKATEBOARD | A 100% maple, classic Zoo York Midnight deck, with 8.25" trucks and 54mm black Zoo York wheels. Well worn from years of use, Archie switched back to this board after he snapped his Alltimers board due to being dropped from the brand. Where he goes, so does the board. Oftentimes with him riding it to wherever he is going. When he's not riding it, Archie keeps it stowed poking out of the top of his rucksack.


◼ CIGARETTES | With all that's happened in his family life recently, Archie's previously minor smoking habit has evolved into a full-time thing. As such, he carries a pack on him wherever he goes. Despite being under the legal age to purchase tobacco, Archie quickly managed to find a source for his growing addiction at the Hollows - some random kid a few years older than himself. Seeing that he's only recently begun smoking seriously, Archie doesn't have a preferred brand and will often buy whatever is on offer at the time.

◼ PLASMA LIGHTER | A present from Cara, though he's pretty sure she stole it from her step-dad. He keeps it on him at all times, right next to his pack of smokes. Sometimes he can be seen fiddling with it, clicking it on and off repeatedly which often runs the battery down pretty quick.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 27 days ago



"I won't cry for you..."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"... you're already dead."
◼ HEIGHT | 176 cm

◼ WEIGHT | 74 kg

◼ BUILD | Endomporph: Fat accumulates easier in certain areas. In this case, it's Eddie's face.

◼ ETHNICITY| Jewish-Italian



◼ SCARS| Minor scarring near the eyes.

A well-groomed young buck whose perennial babyface betrays the persona he cultivates. His hair is always swept to one side using a fine-tooth comb and kept in place with pomade. Eddie also has an inability to grow facial hair though the pronounced cleft on his chin more than makes up for it. Aside from that, the only other noticeable feature on his face are various persisting scratch marks near his eyes.

As for his choice of wardrobe, it usually consists of a floral blazer and shirt combo complimented by ripped jeans. To finish his ensemble, he always has a pair of shades with him.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Let's just say it moved me to a bigger house."

Hyperhumans are still men. No genetic mutation can wipe away all the flaws of humanity.

In the case of Mr. and Mrs. Brigandi, finding out about their son's Hype-gene mutation was a major turning point in their lives. Slowly, they accumulated wealth through less than legitimate means with Eddie's help. Gambling, swindling, grifting, racketeering, and just about any other get rich scheme you can think of - they had their hands on those honey pots. It wasn't long before their lifestyle choices caught up to them.

Eddie soon moved in with relatives who lived in New Hampshire. His uncle Joel owned an auto repair shop while aunt Rhea worked at a clothing store over at the local outdoor mall. For once, his life was on track to be normal. But's its never that simple. Nightmares began to set in. Soon, they developed into daytime hallucinations. Creeping shadows at the corner of his eyes that disappear the moment he turns his head.

Cursed eyes. Taunting him in every moment, waking or otherwise. It wasn't long before the idea to gouge them out crossed his mind. Even though he concealed the attempts to the best of his abilities, it was apparent to his guardians who actually cared about his well-being. After a visit to the hospital and a few therapy sessions later, Eddie then found himself enrolled at Mather Memorial. The recommendation came from his doctor, stating that the faculty staff was experienced in guiding at risk youth.

Now as the new kid in school, he's hoping for a fresh start. While old habits do die hard, Eddie is ready to take on the world with a fresh new perspective.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Now give me my ten thousand dollars."


◼ SLEIGHT OF HAND| Eddie is quick with his hands from all the tricks his family pulled with their small time cons. Cards are his favorite tools to display his swiftness.

◼ AMATEUR TRADESMAN| Picking up some tricks from his uncle Joel, Eddie now can tell the difference between a bolt wrench and an adjustable spanner. Turns out it isn't really much.




◼ TROUBLEMAKER| The subdued life is not for Eddie. Though he has promised Aunt Rhea that he'll keep out of mischief, the urge to express himself through devious means can seldom win out. However, he makes sure no one physically gets hurt in his pranks.

◼ A MODERN DAY ROBIN HOOD| A fool and his money are soon parted. For someone with the means to accelerate this like Eddie, he can't help but uphold his duty against the oppressive elites.

▼ N O T E S:


UNCLE JOEL GARVIN| His mother's younger brother. Joel owns and operates his own garage. While he has no kids of his own, taking care of trouble making Eddie has reassured him that he made the right choice.

AUNTIE RHEA GARVIN| A fashionista who loves her family to a fault. She's willing to overlook any potential mischief that her boys get into.

FREDERICK YAKOBOV| A tall, zit-laden lad who wears the same St. Louis Cardinals cap to school every day. He speaks in a sarcastic tone most of the time though he totally swears he's being sincere. He's also a car and street racing enthusiast, with his current ride being a '97 Honda Civic.

RICHMOND CHEUNG| A rich, first generation Chinese immigrant who hangs around with Frederick and Eddie after they got grouped up for a Biology project. While he knows formal usage of English, Frederick has been teaching him common phrases to use in every day life. So far, it's only gotten him in two fights and one locker stuffing.

CUSTODIAN GEORGE BEAUREGARD| A part-time, elderly maintenance staffer who holds a grudge against Eddie after an incident involving doughnut marks in the student parking lot before the school year even began. Without missing a beat, Mr. Beauregard always manages to greet Eddie in a cold tone every time their eyes meet.


◼ SEABREEZE OUTDOOR MALL| The mall where Eddie's aunt Rhea works at. There's a designer clothing store, a sneaker outlet store, a theatre, and a grocery store among other shops. He usually hangs out with Frederick and Richmond here if he has free time. While some of the shops are in a state of disrepair, it gets plenty of foot traffic from the locals.

GUY GARVIN'S GARAGE | If he's not at the mall or at home, Eddie is probably at his uncle's auto shop which is a brisk walk away from their home. While he isn't an official employee, he does help around when he can. The establishment somehow makes a profit even with the presence of larger franchises in the area.


◼ SUNGLASSES| Yes, he does wear them at night.

◼ EYE DROPS| Over the counter but they work miracles on his eyes. Covered by his aunt's health insurance policy.

◼ OLD EYE DROP BOTTLE| An old eye drop bottle. It's seemingly filled with another kind of liquid other than his prescription.

◼ CONTACTS + CONTACTS HOLDER| Eddie himself doesn't need them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gobbo
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Gobbo Roll for initiative!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jason McKinney 3/10/2001 ( 17 ) Male Heterosexual

"Oh, your phone stopped working? Weird..."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"It's a Unix system. I know this. Get it? It's a reference to a movie. Oh, nevermind."
◼ Height| 5' 10"

◼ Weight| 140lbs

Jason is most often recognized by his mop of messy auburn hair, his deep brown eyes, and that little smirk he always seems to have. He cares little for modern 'fashion' and often wears a pair of plain jeans, with a graphic tee with some sort of nerdy/gaming/obscure movie reference on it. Despite his overly casual dress sense, he carries himself with confidence. An extreme extrovert, he's only truly happy when surrounded by friends, though the fact that he's an irredeemable nerd doesn't help in that regard. Still, that doesn't change the fact that he tries his best to make friends, even if it means resorting to terrible jokes and puns to get others to crack a smile.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Lighten up, it's not like it's the end of the world or anything."
Born to Daniel and Alice McKinney, Jason's home life growing up was rather uneventful. His mother made revenue by making and selling crafts online, and his father worked for a fortune 500 company as an I.T. expert. From a young age, Jason was surrounded by technology of all kinds, and quickly found a fascination with electronics. On more than one occasion he got in trouble for dismantling some piece of tech his father brought home to work on, only for Daniel to realize that his son had found and fixed a previously unknown issue.
Jason always had a knack for working with tech, so when his abilities manifested in his early teens he simply chalked it up to having a full understanding of whatever he was working on at the time. It wasn't until his father brought home a heavily encrypted laptop one day did Jason realize that maybe his penchant for tech wasn't just a learned skill. [REDACTED]

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Look, no, you don't- You don't have to type in 'www.' at the beginning of- No, just- Move, lemme do it, you're frustrating me."
◼ Things | And stuff.

◼ Tech Knowledge | Having been raised from infancy around technology, Jason has an acute understanding of many different aspects of technology. His powers may control the software, but he also has a strong understanding of hardware as well.

◼ Useless Knowledge | Not only were his parents good with tech, they were hopeless nerds as well. Jason can usually find some kind of movie/game/book reference to add to just about any situation, regardless of if it's helpful at the time or not.

◼ Contact and Other Issues | [REDACTED]

◼ Strength | Jason has no offensive abilities to speak of, even if he were to get in a fistfight there would be a good chance that he would lose. He tries to talk his way out of bad situations, but it hardly ever works. Because of this, he tends to shy away from physical confrontations, unless someone he cares about is at risk.

▼ N O T E S:

TBD | Will be changed after IC interaction.

TBD | Will be changed after IC interaction.

TBD | Will be changed after IC interaction.

◼ Computer Lab | Jason spends a lot of his free time in the computer lab, helping others with any issues they might have. If he's alone, he's honing his powers on the school computers.

◼ Backpack | Jason usually has his backpack on him, with his schoolbooks and notes. His personal laptop is usually in there, and is easily recognized by the mass amount of nerdy stickers pasted all over it.

◼ Phone | Jason is never without his phone, though he doesn't really have anyone to talk to. He mostly uses it to browse forums and look up funny pictures on the internet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


W I N T E R C A R L Y L E D E C E M B E R 1 5 (1 6) F E M A L E H E T E R O S E X U A L

"But first....let me take a selfie."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Blondes do tend to have more fun, at least in my experience."
◼ HEIGHT | 5 feet, 6 inches
◼ WEIGHT | 124 lbs
◼ BUILD | Slender, skinny build
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian
◼ HAIR COLOUR | Blonde
◼ EYE COLOUR | Dark Blue
◼ PIERCINGS | Ear piercings, small nose stud piercing

Winter is all about confidence and holds herself to a high standard when she is out and about. She has long, blonde hair that she habitually takes care of, along with dark blue eyes (her best feature, in her opinion) and light skin. She tends to wear traditional girly clothing such as blouses, skirts, heels, and purses but doesn't mind wearing the occasional t-shirt and jeans (provided they are high quality). She walks around with her head held high, knowing people are looking at her and knowing she has a reputation to uphold. She never appears with a hair out of place or a chipped nail.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"We all have our skeletons."
Winter lost her mother when she was very young. Winter doesn't remember much about her apart from her blonde hair and green eyes and the fact she would sing to her to get her to sleep. Her father worked tirelessly to make sure he could provide for his daughter with anything she wanted, and his efforts paid off with him owning and running a huge company. He married shortly after Winter's 10th birthday to a woman much younger than him. Though the woman tried to befriend Winter, it was obvious the two wouldn't get along, as no one could rightfully take the place of her mother. She remained cordial out of love for her father, but as the years went on, her father worked more and more and her parents began their new lifestyle of the wealthy, leaving Winter in the hands of a nanny or babysitter while they jet-setted around the world. They would buy Winter whatever she wanted, though what she always wanted was her family to be home with her.

High School was pretty much a breeze for Winter. She did well in school, teacher's liked her, and she was envied and sought after by many people. She ran with the tough crowd of jocks and preps, those of which would pick on and tease other students, gossip, and spread rumors. Truth be told, it made Winter sick and she didn't do it if she could help it, but she had to maintain appearances, otherwise she would be a nobody and if there's one thing Winter is not, it's a nobody.

Due to her family, her looks, her style, and her demenour, Winter stands at one of the most popular girls in school. The one everyone wants to be friends with and the one everyone secretly hates (ah...high school). To this day, she does not know she is a Hyperhuman.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"I have a particular set of skills.."
◼ Hidden |

◼ Charismatic | Winter is highly charismatic, able to get others to listen to her and able to sway people to look at her opinions and agree with them. She is a natural born talker.

◼ Popular | Winter is blonde, beautiful, and a cheerleader, so thus her standing in the school is one of the higher tiers of the social ladder. This allows her many things in her school life from boys (and girls) wanting to do things for her to being given things reguarly.

◼ Athletic | Winter is an athlete, a cheerleader during football season, and a tennis player during spring. As such, she has strong endurance and flexibility.

◼ Math Whiz | Though she won't admit it outright, Winter is scary good at math. It is her best subject in school. She is able to calculate easily in her head (something she got from her mother, possibly)|

◼ Dumb Blonde Stereotype | Due to her looks and her nature, Winter is often perceived as the stereotypical "dumb blonde" by her peers and others. Though her grades don't reflect that, she does get others treating her like she is stupid.

◼ Shattered Home | Winter's home life is not the greatest, with her father constantly working and her step-mother trying too hard to be the mom in her life, and both of their jet-setting off to the unknown, Winter doesn't have the greatest life outside of the school walls.

◼ Be Like The Cool Kids | Though she is considered popular, she has to maintain it by doing what the popular kids do and that means being cruel to the other kids. Though it sickens her, she has been known to put people down and tease other kids, especially when her friends are around and doing the same thing. Thus, Winter is perceived by a few people as a bully. |

◼ Hidden | |

▼ N O T E S:

Raymond Carlyle | Winter's Father. A nice enough guy who loves Winter, but due to his job and his new wife he hardly has time for her and prefers to buy her love rather than earn it. He is a CEO of a tech company.

Jules Carlyle nee Birch | Winter's Step-Mother. She wants to be in Winter's life but tries too hard to be the replacement mother she thinks Winter wants. She is usually the one who gets Raymond to travel, leaving Winter alone.

Samuel Preecher | The Carlyle family butler (yes they have a butler) and the parent when Winter is home when her parents are traveling. He likes his job working for a nice family but notices how it is affecting Winter and tries to be the moral compass and ear to listen whenever she needs it.

◼ Brynn Reyes | Brynn is one of very few people in school that Winter feels she can be 100% honest with. She can put down her walls and act like herself rather than what everyone else wants her to be. Brynn understands what Winter is going through and is a strong support system when she needs it most. Without Brynn here, Winter may very well turn into the monster she acts like.

Trinity Sandwell | Frienemies may be the more accurate term. Though the two appear to get along, Trinity doesn't like Winter at all and badmouths her to anyone who will listen, but maintains a friendly demenour when Winter is around. The resident "Queen Bee" of the school, she feels Winter could overtake her in anything and thus, wants her to suffer.

◼ The Mall | The typical hangout of the popular clique, Winter loves going to the mall to shop and hang out, but she also enjoys just sitting by the fountain to think about things, especially when she is alone.

◼ Burberry Heights | The upper-class community where Winter's family lives. Homes are typically large.

◼ Crestwood Hollow Park | The park in the center of town. Winter likes going there to relax and people watch. It used to be where her mother took her whenever they wanted to do something together.

◼ Her Car | A sleek Corvette in silver, it is her pride and joy and she loves taking it out for long drives.

◼ Her Cellphone | The current teenager's lifeline, everything that is Winter is on this device. It is the current iPhone and she checks it periodically. Mainly used to call her dad, wherever he is.

◼ Cheerleader Uniform | The Mather Memorial High School cheer uniform, it leaves little to the imagination and it has only gotten tinier and shorter as the years go on. Despite this, it is one activity Winter likes because she is good at it and it keeps her fit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Stein
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Stein That's Queen Stein, thank you.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


M I K A E L A – L Y N N E M A V E N 9 – 10 – 2001 ( 1 7 ) F E M A L E F U C K Y O U

"You had the fire, and they burned you to the ground, baby."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"He tried to stamp yo pretty little self into the manure."

◼ HEIGHT | 5’ 9”

◼ WEIGHT | 125

◼ BUILD | Average-Curvy?

◼ ETHNICITY | African-American; 1 Part Galactic Deity

◼ EYE COLOR | Brown

◼ HAIR COLOR | Black

Mikaela inherited her mother and grandmother’s legs, and early on her mother always joked about Mikaela being a great volleyball player. An average build, with slightly curvier hips and legs, she was always active with Tara after school. She loved the freedom of shorts and dresses in the humidity o the south. Her step-grandfather liked her attire choices for other reasons.
In the time following, she chose to mask her body. Dark hoodies, simple black shirts. Jeans or sweats. You can blend into the darkness better that way, you can more easily be forgotten.
After a year of living with her Auntie Bea, she and Mikaela have been able to compromise on attire. Mikael still tends to blacks, greys and whites in her clothes. But she’s a larger fan of patterns now. Instead of black halters and skinny’s, Mikaela is growing to light black polka-dot blouses, plaid patterned sundresses and the occasional heel if she’s feeling extra bitchy. Maybe even dressing up the solid darks with a touch of color accessories every now and then. Her aunt told her “clothes can be an armor and weapon. Not just a display of feelings, a compliment or shelter for them.” Essentially a rendition of the look good, feel good policy, it’s been sticking with Mikaela.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"They did you wrong and fed you ashes of more pain."

Mikaela-Lynne Maven lives with her Great Aunt Beatrice in New Hampshire.

’In the nearly 2 years under Misses Johnston’s care, Mikaela has shown significant emotional responsiveness; a willingness to smile is more readily apparent; a higher likelihood of free-flow communication. She speaks of dreams and nightmares more than she recounts night terrors. There’s an openness toward the future and she has even taken to the occasional hug.’
From the Patient Journal of Ryan M. Skaryd

But Mr. Skaryd, is still hesitant. And Mikaela knows why, as she shifts in his lounge chair again. She’s trained her eyes on the print of a 3-D maze, hanging on the wall across from his office window. The silence is fine with her, because the only alternative is Mikaela cracking into her head and letting all of… ‘that’ bleed from her mouth and onto his legal-pad paper from his gloss-inked pen.

She just wants to forget, and he won’t let her.

So when he asks, “How did you feel? When you had to leave your home that night?”…

  • …she’s 13 and a half, and there’s a bed with ivory sheets tinged starlight in the full moon, filtered through parted sheer curtains; the wind whispers by pushing leaves outside on the sidewalk; two figures are still, draped over by the ivory sheet, shadows covering the faces; the sharp scent of iron digs up her nostrils, while the familiar scent of oil seems misplaced in the home; there’s a single bead of sweat etching al ine of moisture down the dryness of her back although the night is cool and filled with stars outside her moms’ window. She can hear a cascade of crackles from a campfire and smell one too, though it’s only July and they’re not near a park—
    —and she sucks in air, tastes the ash. Spits out a scream while turning to the door. A tendril of smoke drifted from under it, but her dread was higher turning to her mother’s bed. Even as she gathered the remnants of her voice—smashed with foreboding air and a plummeting gut—to deliver a weak “Momma?”, something told her there would be no response. Hidden in the pool of shadow, she felt a warmth that spread over the sheets. Pulling it back to the night, she felt the wail scrape it’s way from her throat before she knew it was there, pushing it along. She wanted the blackness to cover them, cover her mom and Tara and her. Keep them safe, take away the blood and the world. The crackling and heat was apparent now, but she thought only of darkness. Smoke now decorated and danced the ceiling and crown moldings, but the muscles in her legs clicked off at once and she met the ground, holding on to the red-splayed ivory sheet. She only stares at her mom while her vision fades. What can this heat, this smoke, these flames take from her that hasn’t already been pillaged? Her eyes swim, before they fade to black…

    …When the nurses bring her to, they tell her how lucky she is. She says it’s their job to get her before the fire does, right? But she’s a silly girl, according to the nurse monitoring vitals. It’s the smoke the kills people, and you should have been dead long before they got to you.

And no matter how innocent he thinks “How was it? Having to say your big goodbye?”, the question still throws Mikaela to where…

  • …it’s a month later and there’s 3 dozen people garbed in black, seeking shade from the Louisiana Sun under a hanging moss tree; sniffles and veiled sobs distract her from the holy man letting scripture and platitudes dribble from his mouth; the white coffin being lowered into the fresh hole appears so cool and inviting, it rebuffs all the bullshit emotions of the black-garb surrounding Kae trying to feed on her grief; gardenias release their fragrance throughout the crowd and the humidity makes the scent thicker until Kae can lose herself in memories of dirt wars with Tara while her mother planted gardenias in their backyard; there’s a hand over her shoulder blades because the ceremony is apparently coming to a close, and the heat of the day on top of everything else, causes Kae to slink away from her own Grandmother’s touch. Her step-grandfather clears his throat because it’s time for them to go. She can be sad in the car, they’ve got to be back in Texas by tomorrow.

She’ll always fix his gaze unwaveringly when he asks “How did you feel when you moved in with your Grandma? What were your thoughts toward them at that time?” because...

Mikaela opens up more near the end of their sessions, as Mr. Skaryd steers them toward talking about the not-so-distant-past where…

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Well honey, this is where you come to grow."


◼ JIUJUTSU: | Since attending classes at a new school, Aunt Bea thought it would be good to get Kae involved in something right away. Her skills were rusty, but the dojo she now goes to is a small one. She can focus and release her anger when it comes.

◼ OBSERVATION AND AWARENESS: |Tara always taught her to get a sense of everyone in the room upon entry. Though hr mom always tried to play down any sense of danger, it was something Kae took to heart. Especially after the fire. But even before then, their home was in one of the rougher areas of New Orleans after Katrina. She's always been a observant child, but learned to scan over people, getting a sense of energy and potential threats.

◼ FORTITUDE AND FOCUS: |In those memories with her step-Grandfather, Mr. Staley, she learned to take herself away. Remove her soul from her body and place it at whatever mental goal awaited her at the end. Her body can take pain, it can take trauma. And her mind can endure.

◼ Windy Terrain | REDACTED

◼ Extreme Cold | Extreme or localized cold hinders her ability and she's more susceptible to the cold when using her abilities for some reason.
◼ Dehydration |Kae has to stay hydrated worse than a club kid on molly if she’s using her abilities --[REDACTED].

◼ A Deft Tongue and Blunt Eye | Mikaela learned early on that not everyone deserves your best. She also learned from Tara that most people rely on social niceties as a crutch or mask, and Mikaela has always been one for authenticity. She can be rather blunt with most people she meets. It's not an attempt to be rude, but she likes to get past the social posturing quickly.

▼ N O T E S:

TBD| Test

BEATRICE JOHNSTON | Her aunt and -- unashamedly -- one of her only actual friends in this new place.

MAKARIOS LILIS| Her dojo sensei. He's only in his mid-20's but there's something about him that seems almost ancient and sage-like. She tells him he reminds her so much of Old Heads on her block for a New Hampshire white boy.

TBD | There are probably a few people at the school who give her a side-eye, but she could care less about them. A few girls tried to ogle over her being from New Orleans, a little southern and of course, a lotta dark. She didn't entertain any of the foolishness and openly dismissed them. So maybe, they're a little mad about it.

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


E M O R Y R O B E R T J O N E S 2 2 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 0 ( 1 7 ) M A L E P A N S E X U A L

"I'm just going with the flow."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Your appearance is just an expression of you, y'know? Everything's fluid."
◼ HEIGHT | 6ft, 2in (188cm)
◼ WEIGHT | 171lbs (77.5kg)

Emory is tall and averagely built for his height, standing at about 6ft'2. His hair is thick and unruly; its uncooperative nature is often blamed on the bleaching process involved in turning his dark brown hair the yellow-blonde that those who know him are familiar with. He has pleasantly angular features, and his skin is always clear and blemish-free. His most striking feature is likely his piercing blue eyes, which have a certain unnaturalness to them and give him a mysterious air. He dresses casually, and is fond of bulky clothes even during warmer weather.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Everything changes, man. That's what shapes us into who we are."
Michael Jones had lived in Crestwood Hollow his entire life, working for his father's car rental company. That was, of course, until he met Victoria. She was two years younger than him, but more mature and level-headed than any of the girls he has dated. She was British, majoring in Molecular Science, and was spending a year in Crestwood Hollow for her research project. Their shared lust for life soon translated into a lust for each other, and by the time Victoria returned to England she was not alone. The two bought a small house in the coastal town of Portsmouth, where Victoria had grown up, and lived comfortably.

So comfortably, in fact, that it didn't take Victoria very long to fall pregnant, and soon enough the couple were proud parents. Emory Robert Jones (or Bobby, as he was affectionately known) grew up by the sea, and his memories of Portsmouth involved exploring caves with his dad, reading books down at the seafront and bringing home only the most beautiful shells for his mother. He did well at school, and was well-mannered and well-behaved. In short, all was well.

It naturally seemed sudden when, sat at the dinner table aged eight, his parents told him they would be moving stateside the following week, to live in his father's hometown of Crestwood Hollow.

"But what about grandma and grandpa?" Emory had asked.

"They won't be coming with us, honey."

Emory never saw his grandparents again, but he soon settled into his new life in America. In truth, it wasn't all that different to his life back home; their home here was larger, the sea was warmer and Emory didn't need to wear a school uniform - none of which he was complaining about. Perhaps the biggest change in their life came five years later, with the unexpected birth of baby Eleanor. Emory, now thirteen years old, was instantly taken by his baby sister. He doted on her, and the adoration in her eyes was obvious (even as a baby).

Life continued, and the American Dream was good and alive. At sixteen, Emory was blooming into a cultured young man. He read philosophy and classical poetry, he fronted a prog-rock band called Maharaja and was becoming quite the skilled sculptor; all of which made his parents exceedingly proud. Of course, he was also partial to drinking too much at parties, smoking marijuana and sleeping with beautiful people... But no teenager is perfect, and what his parents didn't know couldn't hurt them.

But that didn't necessarily protect them from harm. Michael's sudden death in a traffic accident shook the whole family to the core. The tragedy unearthed family secrets and set about an unexpected change within Emory that he could never have been prepared for. Unable to attend school, he dropped off the radar entirely for the better part of a year. His reason for absence was cited as personal tragedy, and his peers assumed he was struggling with the aftermath of his father's passing.

Fortunately for him, the shift within Emory was not a complete surprise for Victoria. She was prepared, and helped her son to piece himself back together. In some ways, it seemed to help her... Her family's need for her to be strong outweighed her own need to break down. He'd always loved his mother unconditionally, but watching her single-handedly hold their family together truly made Emory aware of just how remarkable a woman she was.

Now seventeen years old, Emory has been back at Mather Memorial for a year. Being held back a year was hardly the most ideal of situations, and he struggles with feelings of embarrassment at being in a class of younger students. But in spite of his circumstances, he's taken back to his studies with gusto, and is determined to make up for lost time.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"I'm not about trying to be someone I'm not."
◼ ████████████ | ███████ █████████████ ██ █████████ ████████████████████ ██████████████ ██ ████ █ █████████████████ █████████████. ███████ █████████████ ██ █████████ ████████████████████ ██████████████ ██ ████ █ █████████████████ █████████████. ███████ █████████████ ██ █████████ ████████████████████ ██████████████ ██ ████ █ █████████████████ █████████████. ███████ █████████████ ██ █████████ ████████████████████ ██████████████ ██ ████ █ █████████████████ █████████████.

His quiet nature can often lead him to being overlooked; a real pity, given that he is usually full of relevant insight. He is certainly not a natural leader, and prefers to assist others to the best of his ability. Despite being highly intelligent, his relaxed and casual nature can often mislead people into undervaluing his opinion. People are often surprised to learn of his passion for philosophy and language. But he's not a goody two-shoes, and his definite rebellious streak can often cause him to behave riskily - particularly in the time since his father's death. He often feels indestructible, but sometimes neglects to realise that his actions might put others at risk.

◼ INTELLECT | A curious soul, Emory has always enjoyed learning and is rarely happier than when his nose is in a book. He has a large and varied range of knowledge, with additional specialist knowledge in literature, philosophy and language. He speaks conversational French, and can read sheet music. His intelligent nature makes him a critical thinker, and he often provides an insightful perspective whatever the situation may be.

◼ PEACE-MAKER | Emory is a calm and often quiet person. He is contemplative, and hates unnecessary confrontation. His nature doesn't court him much drama of his own, but he is acutely aware of any conflict or tension around him; it really bothers him, and he will always try his best to calm a situation... Even if only to alleviate his own headache.

◼ INDEPENDENT | Emory's upbringing offered him a great sense of independence, which has shaped him into the young man he is. He doesn't feel pressured to fit in and will always stay true to himself, which can often prompt people around him to think in new ways. He's always loved going off on his own adventurers, and the explorer in him has made him very familiar with Crestwood's geography. Whilst he will always do his best to help, that doesn't always necessarily mean taking orders from someone else. If Emory feels there is a better way to do something, then he will follow his own path without question.

▼ N O T E S:

MICHAEL JONES (deceased) | Emory's late father. Emory and Michael had always been extremely close, and his passing affected Emory in more ways than he would have imagined. Since the accident, Emory has learned new things about his father that have put a lot of things into perspective and helped him understand his situation. Even in death, Emory is certain that Michael is out there watching over him.

VICTORIA JONES | Emory's doting mother, Victoria will do anything to protect the ones she loves. She hasn't had any contact with her family in England since an altercation ten years ago, the details of which she recently shared with Emory. She might not have superhuman speed or strength, but Victoria is the most extraordinary women Emory has ever met.

ELEANOR JONES | Emory's little sister. At age five, it might seem strange to list Ellie as someone who helps and supports Emory. And yet, the time he spends caring for her is simpler somehow than the rest of his life, and Ellie has an infallible sweetness that brightens even the darkest day. He fears that she might face similar complications to himself as she gets older, but he is determined to be right beside her every step of the way.



◼ CRESTWOOD HARBOUR | Crestwood Harbour, known affectionately as The Docks, is the hub for most of Crestwood's industry. However, in recent years it has undergone a revival of sorts, and is now home to many local businesses. It has become a cultural hub for the younger generation, and is home to cafés, music venues and independent art galleries. Despite all this, crime rate is still high in the area, which goes largely ignored by the local authorities. Still, the buzz of the place continues to draw groups of teens looking for a good time.

◼ UPSHOT ESPRESSO | An independent café in its first year of business, Upshot is doing relatively well for itself. Most of their clientele take their coffee to-go, but the small store can seat up to twelve people and makes for a cosy spot to work or study, with views of the harbour.

◼ HARBOURVIEW LIBRARY | A moderately-sized library found not too far away from the school, they have a fair selection of books and genres. Their fiction selection is a lot more comprehensive than their available academic and non-fiction texts, though their collection of philosophical writings is impressive. It's generally not too busy, though there are almost always a couple of people looking through the shelves, or finishing essays in the quiet.

◼ CLAM STUDIOS | Home to Clam Music Inc., an independent label native to Crestwood Hollow, Clam Studios overlooks the busy harbour area. It contains three professional sound recording studios, and thanks to a recent expansion boasts two live music stages. The Back Room has become the go-to venue for local (often unsigned) musicians, and has enjoyed a surge of popularity amongst local teens, whilst the Main Stage is still developing a reputation as a venue for more established acts.

◼ CAR KEYS | Emory is never without the keys to his vehicle, a Mitsubishi pick-up that once belonged to his father. The truck is black, and he treats it with a great deal of care. Its main purpose is to get himself to and from school, as well as taxiing his sister around, but he also uses it to transport his band's equipment for practice sessions. Hanging from the keyring is a misshapen charm of sorts, made from clay. It was made for him by his sister at daycare.

◼ WALLET | The home for Emory's money and cards, though with electronic payment on his phone carrying it would seem obsolete. In the inside lining is a photograph of he and his parents, on the beach in Portsmouth, and it is for this that he takes the somewhat bulky leather wallet everywhere with him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 day ago


R I T A R O S S 14 04 2001 (17) F E M A L E B I S E X U A L

"Fuck outta' my face."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I gave my life to rock and roll"
◼ HEIGHT | 154 centimeters

◼ WEIGHT | 49 Kilograms

◼ BUILD | Petite

◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Blonde


◼ SCARS | On her left side of her ribs from a knife. A cut into her upper lip.

◼ TATTOOS | 'H A T E' on the four fingers of her left hand. 'SLAVE' on her shoulderblade. Plus a devil pinup on the back of her thigh

◼ PIERCINGS | Ears, nipples and belly button.

Rita's style can be described as Kurt Cobain chic, Grunge-Goth-Fusion. She matches her blonde hair, blue eyes and silky white skin with dark makeup, black clothes and gothic paraphernalia. She makes it her duty to pay extremely close attention to the way she looks to look both incredibly pretty, sexy and beautiful – while also appearing completely unapproachable. She walks in combat boots four sizes too big, wears ripped jeans or leggings with a leather jacket equally too big for her. Her top of choice's either a black metal band merchandise, or something that's offensive to religious people. Often both. She walks with a swagger, chewing gum or smoking a cigarette like she really just doesn't give a damn, drowing the scent of her smokes with her lilac and gooseberries perfume. She's always one to pick a fight and isn't afraid to get into a confrontation.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Your average fairytale life"
Rita's mother's name was Maria Ross, her father's a man Maria Ross had a one-night stand with. She's the only daughter of Maria, as she died when Rita was seven months old from a sudden and previously undetected tumor in her brain. Rita grew up with her grandma, Irene, for a time. Rita often asked about her parents growing up with Irene, and while she talked fondly of Maria, she never provided Rita with much explaination about her father. Irene said she had only met him once, he was a massive man, criminal looking type. The only name Irene had ever heard him get called was "Cleaver", which obviously couldn't have been his full name.

For a time, Rita and Irene's lives were good. Till Rita was seven years old, in fact. One day Rita came home from school, finding the blue lights flickering outside of their home – and ambulance standing outside. Irene had had a stroke and fallen down the stairs, breaking her neck.

Rita was alone. She was put in the foster care of the state of New Hampshire, moving all across the state with different families. But, the little girl had a temper few could handle and those that had ways to 'handle' the young girl, did so with abuse. She was beaten and verbally harassed more times than she could count by her so called 'new home'. She grew up not staying more than a couple months with any one family, never finding a home, instead finding her home in the bigger cities. There on the streets, she found where she belonged.

Spending a few weeks in juvie for petty theft at sixteen. She began noticing her abilities shortly after she was 15 years old, during PE in school. She threw a dodgeball so hard she broke a classmates nose.. From the other side of the gym. While the other girl was called "Glassnose" for the rest of the semester, chalking it up to a freak accident, Rita didn't. She has since been measuring her strength with 'The Dodgeball Test'. She changed schools the following semester after she was caught stealing from the principal, being expelled doesn't get you very far in the big cities, so she was forced to move back to Crestwood Hollow. Back in the city that haunts her with the ghosts of her lost loved ones and her strengt growing everyday.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Thick skin, thin patience."

◼ Art | Rita's a painter by passion. This spills into her being into makeup.

◼ General Thieving | Rita's a sleight of hand, a pick pocket and decent with a lockpick. She had to, growing up in the American foster care system and having to provide for herself since a very young age.

◼ Driving | Rita's an above par driver and enjoys driving. She's got quite the thing for motorcycles, though she can't afford to own one currently.

◼ Politics | She is rather political for a 17 year old who wants to give the finger to the world. She cares about current-day politics and keeps up with the news much to the shagrin of many of her peers. Her interest in politics has spilled into her being interested in the things that have changed politics throughout history, making her rather well educated in most high school subjects, for someone who spends most of her time in school chain-smoking.

◼ Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) | Commonly known as 'Bleeding sickness'. A autoimmune syndrome perhaps caused by her powers from an early age. Rita's blood does not cuagulate due to the high white blood cell count in her immune system, making her increasingly vulnerable to bleeding injuries.

▼ N O T E S:
"Somewhere between Elvis and suicide."

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

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◼ Pineapple | She lives in one under the sea.

◼ TBD | Test
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