The Battle of Demeter was a kick-start in the Frontier Militia's progressive goal of securing and freeing their planetary homes from the IMC. A deadly battle resulting in the ignition of a reactor fractured and threw the IMC into disposition, being cut off from reinforcements. Now at a battle where they could no longer expend their forces, the IMC increased their struggles into defensive stances against the newfound strength their adversaries faced. Many of the IMC's soldiers also defected to their opposing side, splitting the forces into an even split and balancing the scale between both forces. Prior to the significant confrontation between both sides on Demeter, the Militia went through a heavy process of reunification, fragmenting it into a stable and large fighting force with organisation, ranking and tactical command structure. It was through these times that the entries of regiments, specialist groups and splinter factions formed within the Militia for the pilots of Titans, one of which included the Corsair Platoon.
The Corsairs were a select group of Pilots noted for having odd talents and quirks that assisted them in battle. Originally a section beneath the Marauder Corps under the command of Sarah Briggs, acting as a training module for potential candidates of her specialist branch, the Corsairs were eventually given a privileged divisional promotion, granting them the independence of a fully-fledged Piloting Group. As of today, the Militia have reconfigured the importance of their divisions and proudly instated several different Captains, Majors and Commanders to guide them throughout the Frontier War. No longer were they a training body for those wanting to join the Marauders, but an even smaller and more unique passage in the Milita's 6th Fleet. Assigned their own tasks, missions, objectives and chief of staff, they gained traction and slight notoriety among the ever-progressing war. History for the Corsairs doesn't go back many years, however, being one of the more recent factions within the Militia. Most of those within its ranks were part of the Battle for Demeter, though only as supporting roles or from within other regiments. Some shared roots to basic riflemen whilst others were enlisted into the Pilot's programme right on the get-go. Nevertheless, it was a rather average regiment that failed to gain as much attention as their superior counterparts within the Marauders.
In more recent months, the Corsairs had seen an open selection process for new pilots and veterans alike who were considered to be more abnormal in comparison to the standard pilot. Some held track records of disobeying orders whilst others were gifted with a strange fanaticism with their movement and connection towards their titans. After many weeks of debate, they were finally granted allowances of 30 to 40 new pilots within their ranks, slowly growing into what their name suggested, a platoon. Heavy emphasis on training, defense and outlandish guerrilla tactics were adopted into their regular schedules in order for their commanding officer to secure a use for his troops. The recent years had seen the Corsairs prior to their reformation face judgement from many other groups and divisions throughout the militia for their incoherent and illogical purpose. Hopefully, this reformation would change that.
Small incursions against the IMC through raiding parties, support companies and other low-importance operations were given to these pilots, allowing them to fully place their skills into the field without the need of a battleground of mass proportions. Special equipment was given to these soldiers who pursued success in their ranks and eventually they were deemed a Specialised Operations Platoon for Titan Warfare (SOPTW). This leap forward finally secured them the place in the Militia that they desired, and the eventual granting of missions were handed out in the plenty. Bountiful amounts of experience could finally be given to these misfits and strange pilots, right up until the Battle of Brabantio.
Under the direct command of the 6th Militia Fleet, the Corsair Platoon were enlisted in the crucial objective known as Operation: Dust line. The original plan conceived by their superiors was to assault and liberate many IMC outposts on the planet of Brabantio, where mountains, large fielded plains and great metropolitan cities were blended together. Much of the planet had been under the rule of the IMC for a while, especially during its conversion into an urban planet. Most of its surface was industrial or civilian infrastructure, rendering the planet almost as a city of its own accord. However, this battle would soon take a turn for the worst. Many lives would be lost, records and accounts of the battle would be scattered and purposefully forgotten about, seeing the defeat as something of an embarrassment. Yet despite the initial aftermath, many survivors would find themselves stranded, alone and separated from their allies. Amongst these survivors were members of the Corsairs Platoon, who were now being tasked with upholding the full intention of the Operation...

For those who haven't clocked it, this is indeed a Titanfall-based scenario following a Battle that went extremely wrong. Similar to the Battle of Typhon, Brabantio sees a lot of influence from small forces who'd survived the initial attack being given the mantle of responsibility towards completing an objective far greater than they would have imagined. The roles we will be taking up will, of course, be those within the Corsair Platoon, an oddly structured collective of Pilots and Titans primarily used for smaller operations. Out of their comfort zone, a long string of character interaction, narration and conflict between the overwhelming IMC presence will develop them to potentially be more orderly, understanding of morality and trusting in those they share the platoon of.
Most of the Platoon are made up of Pilots from many different regiments or from occasional recruits recently passing their certification in combat, seeing them as prodigies among their classes. With an array of weapons, each armed with a personalised and unique Titan, their blend of skill and wit will be challenged as they try to recover, complete their objective and escape Brabantio before its eventual collapse. The question is, who will make it out alive and who will join the ever-growing death count of the battle?
Character submissions will be done in the OOC when the thread is made, so that no wasted effort is used within the interest check. I honestly do not mind how many people see interest in this, or how many join on, as the story can be ever changing. Others can join throughout the story as scavenged survivors whilst some will eventually die when they wish to drop out or create a new character. Alongside each Pilot we create is the Titan, one that will be explained in much more depth with the OOC thread. All the classes available, including weaponry, abilities and cores will be shown there, and the designs can be decided by you alone to what suits your character. Hopefully this gains some interest, and to those who are, I thank you for reading this.