Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago


The Rules

Not scary don't worry


1. Observe standard RPing rules. No godmoding, no-metagaming, stay in character, and stay within the storyline. If you want to make any major changes to the story, ask us first. Be polite to the other members. You know the drill.

2. Write in third person, past tense. Try to make your writing coherent and legible. Although there's no official word requirement, avoid one-liners when possible.
2b. Move the plot when you post! This is a “slice-of-life” RP, but please try and focus on forwarding the story with every post you make. We don’t want every other post here to be your characters leisurely having tea or monotonously deciding on what clothes to wear. We have a very dynamic world here that you can use to develop your characters.

3. You are not your character. Your character is not you. Please don't be offended because someone else's character was mean to yours. Likewise, please do not carry real-life arguments into the RPG world. This applies to RPG Guild, Discord and any other platforms that may be used.

4. Primary character images need to be in an anime-style. Also no crossovers and no Mary/Gary Sue, please.

5. Try not to let anyone get left behind. If you and another person have posted back and forth several times, take a break and let the other players catch up. Of course, there may be times when only a few characters need to be involved in a particular scene; just don't get two days ahead of someone without giving them the chance to respond.

6. Stay active! Everyone gets busy from time to time, but if you’re going to be absent for a while just let us know. There’s no set amount of time allowed for before we start working around dormant players, but if you leave and stay gone without telling us, we’ll move on as we see fit and the plot will roll on without you. If you wish to come back after being naughty, we’ll talk.

7. This game is rated PG-13+, so just about anything goes as far as language, violence, sex, etc. However, you will need to observe standard guild rules should you feel that your posting is headed in this direction. Please read the Moderator posts concerning these topics.

8. Second characters are allowed. You have to be an active player and both male and female are allowed. You cannot RP with yourself, PERIOD. Please PM or Tag a GM or Co GM to confirm things if you have any questions regarding this and genders allowed at the time. WE WILL BE WATCHING THIS CLOSELY.
9b. Some characters may be "grandfathered-in" from Chapter One as the GMs see fit. Again, we will be watching this closely, particularly if you seem to post heavily with NPCs and not other players.

9. Obviously this isn’t going to cover everything, so the GM and Co-GM’s reserve the right to make decisions as situations arise.

In general the RP is using a permissive rule system, as long as events are not too likely to effect other players or alter the dynamics of the RP heavily. These actions do not require permission.

Events are rough backdrops and scenes and open to player interpretation within reason. If you are unsure about the application, PM a GM or Co GM to make sure, and consult with those player or players who may be effected before hand. If a secret or suprise action this is permissable via PM or discord etc.

This is to maximise creative options and make it open and easy to join and take part in RP.

Thank you for reading the rules! Hope you have fun RPing with us!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago


This game will be of a familiar tone and concept to what you may have seen or participated in before, but with a more focused and involved approach from the leadership. There is no magic or dystopian angle for those of you reading this that may not be familiar. It’s simply a game of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting. Drama, action and romance bring the world to life how you want it to be.

perhaps a few unexpected twists and turns just to spice things up and keep interest and new membership flowing. We are wide open to suggestions and we want this to continue to be a community project on the Guild. Everyone is invited to take as much stake in the game as they please. Your plans/input/ideas are going to be valued, i.e., you can expect things like time skips and major events to be discussed in the OOC or Discord openly and feedback encouraged.

We want you to know that we’re committed to sticking with the game and if you decide to join then know that we would like a commitment from you as well. We’re not asking for a blood oath here, but if you wish to join, the main thing we ask ia that you please consider a long-term approach for your perspective character rather than just a single scene that you may be envisioning that lasts a few posts and then fades.

So to sum all this up, we just want to continue a fun Slice of Life RP. We're not going to vanish like ghosts and are committed to making a fun RP for everyone as long as they want to play with us. We both enjoy the genre and will continue to do things differently, embrace ideas from everyone and also keep it alive with our own to make sure things stay fresh and creative.

So, if you want to join or have any questions please drop us a line here., we don't bite!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago


Modern Slice of Life

Welcome citizens of the Guild to our adventure

Hello and welcome to our intrest check. Please sit down, read and enjoy a complimentry digital cookie. We are back with a new offering for the guilds food citizens.

This game will be of a familiar tone and concept to what you may have seen or participated in before, but with a more focused and involved approach from the leadership. There is no magic or dystopian angle for those of you reading this that may not be familiar. It’s simply a game of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting. Drama, action and romance bring the world to life how you want it to be.

What you make of it is up to you. No silly rules, just be sensible, have fun and respect your fellow players.

Always a few unexpected twists and turns just to spice things up and keep interest and new membership flowing. We are wide open to suggestions and we want this to continue to be a growing community project that brings our fictional city to life.

Everyone is invited to take as much stake in the game as they please. Your plans/input/ideas are going to be valued, i.e., you can expect things like time skips and major events to be discussed in the OOC or Discord openly and feedback encouraged.

If you have a idea, we always open to suggestions on how we can best tailor our game to fit the players and make things work for everyone.

We want you to know that we’re committed to sticking with the game and if you decide to join then know that we would like a commitment from you as well. We’re not asking for a blood oath here, but if you wish to join, the main thing we ask ia that you please consider a long-term approach for your perspective character rather than just a single scene that you may be envisioning that lasts a few posts and then fades.

So to sum all this up, we just want to continue a fun Slice of Life RP. We're not going to vanish like ghosts and are committed to making a fun RP for everyone as long as they want to play with us. We both enjoy the genre and will continue to do things differently, embrace ideas from everyone and also keep it alive with our own to make sure things stay fresh and creative.

Our last game lasted, 506 posts, 8 months and many great moments later, we wrapped up secuessfully at our planned end. Welcome to slice of life. Done diffrently.

So, if you want to join or have any questions please drop us a line here., we don't bite! (I already killed the vampire last time.. Your OK. Just watch out for the zombie...)

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Victoria Darya Romus “vika”

Name: “Lady” Victoria Darya Romus “vika” "Lady De Winter"

Age: 23

Appearance: Once white haired and more frail thanks to a severe illness contracted as a teanger and left with snow like skin and hair a long straight pure white. With a detailed level of braiding and details making her channel abit of Deneris Targerian. Restricting her height and build illness left her a extre. Ely light build.

After the cure, a experimental cure meant she could manage without a walking stick most of time, but needed when tired or rough ground. Still pale but alabastor and procilin tones tjan snow and striking black hair with purple and blue details. Still thin and lightly built but now slightly healthier than her thin waif like figure.

Still smaller, but favours a slightly gothic, 50's and corset elements at times with a lean to dark reds, purples, and more intense colours than the previous Victoria would ever try to wear.


Ice blue heirloom diamond ring from DRC In Africa, mined and split into a pair of rings by her sisters grand mother, and her twin sister many decades ago. Diamond is a harder, now conflict mined rare coloured diamond. "Lady de Winter"

Newly acquired Blood red gem stoned necklace close in and shorter silver chain. Edwardian/Victorian style, English origins. "The reborn Lady"

Height: 4'9

Weight: 98 Pounds


Warm weather but not heat waves
Geeky fun
Loyal to family to a fault
Laptop and digital in general.
Sweet tooth


General fitness freaks etc
Cold weather
Those who treat her as helpless
Intense sunlight, she burns easily.
Having to rely on others too much if she can help it.
People staring
Overly spicey foods
Betrayal and false friends.
Those who treat her like she is helpless despite needing help at times.
Cannot drop a issue

Zodiac Sign: Aires

Special Talent: able to perform a near pitch perfect lara croft impression and has a knack with fixing a wide range of digital devices that at times defies logic.

Former computer hacker.

Profession: Formaly doing apps and websites now working doing security, encryption and cyber security for a defense contractor/Private Military Company. Partly from home and private office, other times the companies low key well protected office in the city, Black Shield Security and Defense Research.

Bio/Personality: Born to Vesarian after he left Maria , her mother was killed in a accident when she was young and seeking a redemption for leaving his first daughter he vowed to never let down his second.

Her life was fairly normal to begin with bar her father being away alot as part of his job and often was in care of a nanny or other relatives around half the year.

She was a normal confident teanager before the condition hit her and was a promising track athlete, even attracting attention of the county scouts. All that was to come to end when she began to weaken, her skin went pale as snow and soon things looked dire.

Her father who had made his money in the shipping industry working on jobs regardless of the moral aspects and high on the financial reward soon plowed every resource he had into finding a cure for the condition and rapidly made a large dent in his fortunes he had earned.

The recovery took several years in which she was often stuck at home or hospitals and soon began learning to code apps and other digital systems. Plenty of time to learn she soon mastered it and found she enjoyed it, also meaning she could work from home and avoid some of the stares she got in public.

Though she began to regain her confidence she never was going to regain her skills and fitness she had. She eventually regained contact with her half sister and the two soon formed a strong bond once they got to know each other.

She ended up at Sol city after her father's business arrangements when exposed in a documentary on armaments shipments to Africa. With less friendly attention growing back in England she decided to move in with her sister and start afresh over in Sol City where she was just another young woman.

Her title stems from her father, much like her sister but the family wealth and estate was spent and gone several generations ago and all their current wealth was built by her father.

Her personality and confidence slowly began to recover after her illness and also earning her own money after years of being supported by her father or others. Though still needing some support she has began to regain her independence and moving in with her sister was the best option available.
and though slow to trust and warm is very loyal once her friendship is earned.

Her personality has changed slightly and fluctuated though currently her colder and darker side has begun to become more at ease with herself, working for grey clients such as defense contractors and arms companies. with her cure came more growing confidence and ability to put her extensive skills to use.

Working in coding and digital systems has meant she can escape the office and work from home, not tied to a county she was able to carry on her work even when forced to move countries. Both her father and half sister have been very protective of the youngest member of the family, despite her desire for independence she has long realised she does need some support day to day.

Living in Sol with her sister, she had a few bumps along the way and already had a intresting time to say the least. Love, won, maybe lost and a momment involving a BMW and a diamond ring. A messy gala Evening, and other social fumbles including having to support her sister after a attack early in there time in the city. Life has not been quiet for the younger Romus sister.

Due to a cure, mostly experimental in nature in Texas, she was restored somewhat and returned dramatically Raven haired, regained mobility and a more gothic style. Darker at times and willing to work a fairly grey job, the pay checks however are quite abit higher than more apceptble publicly work.

Your character's favorite song:

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself: Ctrl C… lol.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago


Modern Slice of Life

Welcome citizens of the Guild to our adventure

The Idea Reforged

Hello all,

A little over two weeks ago @PrinceAlexus and I launched Sol City as a new take on the "Slice of Life" genre. Our goal was (and continues to be) to provide the open world sandbox that many enjoy and throw a few new ideas into the pot, and some others we know where successful.

Building off our previous success including 506 IC posts over 8 months, surviving the great guild lag and learning and evolving out ideas as needed. We are proud to bring you our new offering, rebuilt, upgraded and better than ever with 29 locations covering everything from dive bars to diamond studied events.

For those of you that may not be familiar, there is no magic or dystopian angle in our game. It’s simply a setting of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting. Drama, romance, bring the world to life how you want it to be. Right now we have about twelve players, 29 locations and a nifty map (that is regularly updated) to keep track of them all. To keep things moving, we're running regular events for our time skips as well as a few unexpected twists and turns just to spice things up and keep interest alive. It is our goal to recruit 20-25 players at a minimum while the city can continue to grow without any limits.

We are wide open to suggestions and we want this to be a community project. Everyone is invited to take as much stake in the game as they please. Your plans/input/ideas are going to be valued, i.e., you can expect things like time skips and major events to be discussed in the OOC openly and feedback encouraged.

If your worried about post count, there is a summery on page... So you can be caught up in a single post, we aim to make it easy as possible to jump in be it post 5, 50 or 500. We do encourage you to read through but the summery is easily ernough to get started in our adventure.

So to sum all this up, we just want to create a Slice of Life RP, we're not going to vanish like ghosts and are committed to making a fun RP for everyone as long as they want to play with us. We both enjoy the genre and want to do things a little bit different, embrace ideas from everyone and also keep it alive with our own to keep things fresh and creative.

Thanks for reading our IC! Let us know what you think or any questions you may have.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
Avatar of Pilatus

Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago



Modern Slice of Life

Welcome citizens of the Guild to our adventure

The Idea

Hello and welcome to our intrest check. Please sit down, read and enjoy a complimentry digital cookie. We are back with a new offering for the Guild's good citizens.

Coming off the successful completion of SOL CITY, we're looking at doing it again with a second chapter. To the uninitiated, our game follows a familiar tone and concept to what you may have seen or participated in before, but with a more focused and involved approach from the GM Staff. It’s simply a game of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting. Drama, action and romance bring the world to life how you want it to be. Creative freedom is something we belive in heavily and feel that it was one of the main reasons for our success in the first game which can be found HERE.

There IS an over-arching plot line to the game, however it is constructed in such a way that allows players to involve their characters as much or as little as they wish without having to read any of the previous chapter. Naturally, there will be unexpected twists and turns to spice things up and keep interest and membership flowing. However, we want this to continue to be a growing community project that brings our fictional city to life. Thanks to a vested group of Guild members, we are fortunate enough to be able to look at doing this again and continuing in that goal.

If you have an idea, we are always open to suggestions on how we can best tailor our game to fit the players and make things work for everyone. For example, player made locations became a real hit in the first chapter along with our easy-to-use MAP that gave the city a sense of time, direction and immersion.

We want you to know that we’re committed to sticking with the game and if you decide to join then know that we would like a commitment from you as well. We’re not asking for a blood oath here, but if you wish to join, the main thing we ask is that you please consider a long-term approach for your perspective character rather than just a single scene that you may be envisioning that lasts a few posts and then fades. Our last game lasted, 500+ posts, 8 months and completed at our planned end.

Welcome to Slice Of Life (SOL)- Done differently. We made mistakes and success along the way, survived the Great Guild Lag and more.

Most importantly: We never gave up.

So, if you want to join or have any questions please drop us a line here. We don't bite! (I already killed the vampire last time.. You're OK. Just watch out for the zombie... Aim for the head. But I don't need to tell you that.

The City of Sol

SOL CITY is the largest city in the Northwestern US in our fictitious universe, taking the place of Seattle, the surrounding geography and even parts of British Columbia. Bright light and shining Sol City gained its name from being a beacon to early travelers and to this day, still draws the young and adventurous alike.

Influences are drawn far and wide with ideas from North America, Canada and Asia. Both player and GM driven plots bring the city to life for whichever route you choose to take.

Comprised of 29 different locations, neighborhoods, public buildings, pubs and dives, the City has grown from its original concept and will continue to expand and evolve with the games players that join us on this round.

So explore, enjoy, start anew and make your mark. The city awaits…
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago



Modern Slice of Life

Welcome citizens of the Guild to our adventure

The Idea Reforged

Hello all,

A little over two weeks ago @PrinceAlexus and I launched Sol City Chapter Two continuing our take on the "Slice of Life" genre. Our goal was (and continues to be) to provide the open world sandbox that many enjoy and throw a few new ideas into the pot along with some others we found to be successful.

The original Sol City went more than 500 IC posts over 8 months, surviving the Great Guild Lag and arriving at its planned-out conclusion. We are proud to bring you our new offering, rebuilt, upgraded and better than ever with 29 locations covering everything from dive bars to diamond studded events.

For those of you that may not be familiar, there is no magic or dystopian angle in our game. It’s simply a setting of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting where drama, romance and a few surprises bring the world to life. Right now we have about eighteen players, 29 locations and a nifty map (that is regularly updated) to keep track of them all. To keep things moving, we're running regular events for our time skips as well as a an over-arching plot. It is our goal to recruit 20-25 players at a minimum as the city can continues to grow without any limits.

We are wide open to suggestions and want this to continue to be a community project. Everyone is invited to take as much stake in the game as they please. Your plans/input/ideas will be valued in the same way as our first game, i.e., you can expect things like time skips and major events to be discussed in the OOC/Discord openly and feedback encouraged.

If you're worried about post count, don't be, just jump right in. We aim to make it easy as possible to get in the game be it post 5, 50 or 500. We do encourage you to read through the old thread at your leisure, but it is not required.

Thanks for reading our IC! Let us know what you think or any questions you may have.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago


Map and key in hider below

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago


Name: Joel Nicolosi

Age: 32


Height: 6’1”

Weight: 185 lbs

+Conspiracy Theories
+Talk Radio

-Cold Weather
-Bad Grammar

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Special Talent: Legendary Alcohol Tolerance

Profession: Mechanic/Owner Apex Designs, a small, single-door garage, tucked away on the industrial Southside end of town with enough room for about three cars inside.

Joel is a man who views himself as someone not necessarily doing what they want to do in life, but doing what they're good at. He enjoys repairing the automotive woes of many of Sol City’s wealthy clientele. However, even though his work is considered some of the best in the city, he’s often equally known for his lengthy vacations and costly invoices. Additionally armed with a business degree that he earned off of an only briefly offered scholarship in his youth, he very carefully balances work, play and sometimes outright laziness. He keeps no set schedule and can be found in his shop sometimes at the most bizarre of hours.

Outwardly, Joel has a very arrogant aura that often turns off others. He’s been told that he’s “unapproachable” and though he likes the thought of being intimidating, sometimes he does feel a genuine desire to have deeper conversations. He enjoys flirting and being in some social venues, but often feels bored and out of place. He doesn’t consider himself extroverted. Interestingly, he tends to talk non-stop while working on vehicles and has his own crowd of conversational regulars, often the bored and retired older men of the city, that stop by just to see what he’s working on.

Joel is very aware of his eccentricities and has a warped sense of justice. He enjoys watching people that may have wronged him or refused his advice “get what they deserve” to the point of comedy. He likes that some may look down on him for his chosen profession, but at the same time wishes he was doing something else. He’s never satisfied for very long.

Joel in Chapter One:
Joel continued to his eccentric and reclusive lifestyle throughout most of Chapter One only making brief appearances on the outskirts of major city events when his pathway unfortunately crossed with the regular citizens of Sol. Joel spent the vast majority of his bizarre schedule preparing his custom-built Nissan 300ZX for the Sol City Grand Prix. A project which he also used as a convenient excuse to not participate in major events such as the Winter Party and downtown Jazz Night despite the encouragement of his friends. Only after being forced to take a detour off the outer loop one night after being chased by the police for speeding did he happen to meet Marinalia “Marlin” Olympus at the Old Cargo Airport where he and his business partner, Tommy Lomax, kept many of their imports from Asia in the Daedalus Airlines warehouse.

As chance would have it, Joel would again encounter Marlin at the same airport as he and the team rolled out the car for testing on a rented area of the facility. Unbeknownst to Joel, Tommy for some time and effort arranged sponsorship of the car with Marlin’s family to give the team a publicity boost for the upcoming race. As part of the agreement, the car would “race” a sleek air-racer piloted by Marlin for exhibition. Furious at being kept in the dark over the agreement, Joel at first wanted nothing to do with the show, but after watching Tommy lose to the plane, he took the wheel and won in a quick rematch much to the chagrin of some of Marlin’s wealthy family who turned out for the demonstration. A bit of a rivalry and tense friendship began to grow between Joel and Marlin.

The Grand Prix weekend put the team in the spotlight as other teams and cars descended from around the world for the final race of the Formula GT season on the streets of Sol and after a hard-fought race, Joel and Tommy managed to best their arch rivals from the factory Nissan team and win the Grand Prix after three years of trying. Joel was instantly elevated to national fame in the days following the race however, the drama following the race was more than he could bear starting with his falling out with Marlin’s snooty family at the Olympus Heavy Industries Victory Gala. After leaving the party to step outside, he encountered a drunken Siobhan Murphy and a flirtatious friendship was formed. He made an agreement to modernize Siobhan’s derelict, inherited Corvette after he returned from a business trip to Japan.

Chapter Two sees Joel returning from Tokyo after a two week hiatus from Sol where he claimed his share of a secret wager made with Nissan before the race. Fame has changed him little and looks to continue his eccentric business only out desire rather than necessity.


Favorite Song:

Tell us about yourself:

Age: 32
What part of the world are you from?: VA, USA
How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: Around 17
How often do you have time to post?: Usually 2-3 times per week, maybe more depending on my work schedule/other things.
Anything else you want to mention?:
I actually work a pretty cool job, but it does demand a lot of time out of me sometimes. I'm married and have three kids. Roleplay/Writing is one of my few surviving hobbies in adulthood next to working out and reading a book occasionally. I usually only have time to write one game at a time here on the Guild so this is it for now. I'm going to my level best to make sure its a winner. I try to take care of my players, so if you're reading this and thinking about joining, we'll be glad to have you.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 1 day ago


Name: Paige Renee Kennedy (Sometimes goes by Kennedy)

Age: 31


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130 lbs

+ Animals
+ Scented Candles
+ 80's Music
+ Exercise
+ Golf
+ Ornate Dishes

- Politics
- Modern Art
- Social Media
- Relationships
- Surprises
- Video Games

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Special Talent: Taught herself how to count cards in Blackjack

Profession: Deputy US Marshall, newly assigned to Sol City District

Paige comes from a stone-cold conservative family from Delta City in Central Florida. Her father being a minister and her mother a lawyer and a judge, she was imprinted with an immense sense of morality since she was old enough to comprehend the meaning of discipline. To her the value of one’s word is akin to a blood oath even to the most trivial of arrangements: Give her a statement and she expects the truth. Make an appointment and you damn well better show up on time. She takes her job extremely seriously, but has mellowed some in her years of experience- a sharp edge that has been weathered to deal with the streets. She's learned how to deftly walk the lines between justice, proof and truth knowing the difference in being a law-enforcement officer and lawman (or woman).

Currently, Paige finds herself transferred to the Sol City district where a combined effort between Customs, ATF and the Marshal Service are being prepared for a large operation to counter the importation of drugs and weapons into the city. Paige was selected as she recently participated in an ongoing identical operation in her Florida home district. However, her transfer was amid some controversy. After lengthy investigations and multiple arrests, Paige shot dead a well-connected weapons dealer in a sting operation. A man that could have provided further information to aid in the operation were he allowed to be interrogated. He was known to have participated and set up multiple hits against officers and witnesses alike as well as being point on multiple overseas weapons deals. While many were privately happy to hear of his termination, it was decided that Paige had to be transferred rather than punished. Sol City was a natural choice.

The exact details of the encounter are known by Paige alone as she encountered the man without backup. In her testimony of the events, she simply stated that he pulled a gun on her and she fired in self-defense. There were no witnesses.

Paige in Chapter One:

Paige entered Sol City on a quiet Wednesday night after a long flight in from her hometown of Delta City, Florida as part of a Federal taskforce reluctantly brought in by Sol's mayor to clean up the growing criminal enterprises in the city. The night of her arrival proved to be the only quiet night for Sol City since her landing as she proceeded to deftly hand out her near vigilante form of law-enforcement towards the more unscrupulous residents. In her brief time in Sol she has made serious waves in the underground taking down sleazy members of Sol's most notorious gang, the infamous (and richly protected) Jazz Night attacker and the mafia gun dealer, Jackie Costa.

However, Paige's growing relationship with her former friend turned enemy, Milo Ventri, has been the focus of her private life since their tense reunion at the Winter Party. Her initial disdain for him turned slowly as she discovered his unsettling connections with a Detroit-based mob racket that nearly cost him his life. With Paige's help, Milo was able to break from the hold of the mob and in doing so the two began feeling a growing sense of belonging to one another in spite of their past and shared relationship with Milo's former love, Ana Harlow.

Milo's freedom came at high cost though. In the days following her capture of Jackie Costa, a mob assassin nearly killed Paige in her apartment leaving her badly beaten before she managed to dispatch him. Chapter One of Sol City ended with Paige in Sol Memorial Hospital recovering from her injuries. In Chapter Two, Paige will be back on the streets with her own score to settle against those that came after her and anyone else that gets in her way.


Your character's favorite song:

See Joel's CS for player bio
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Star Messenger

Sol source of latest News since 1895

Pokey the Rhino Gives Birth! City Zoo issues naming compation

In one the furthest North recorded pregnancies in a Rhino, Pokey who recently arrived last year from civil war torn part of Africa has given birth successfully to what keepers belive to be a male Rhino Calf though mum is yet to let them near. keepers are keen to avoid a poke by her namesake horn and have decided to wait, given the rarity of a successful birth among those in captivity.

The City Zoo is taking names and we will be including a link at the bottem of the article. Male and female names are being taken, just sign up below for your chance to name Pokeys calf, and win a special tour of the City Zoo lead by its main keeper with a chance to interact with some of the animals.



Record Arrests in Sol City Crusade against Crime

Record arrests have taken place across the city as dozens of criminals have been rounded up in a major Federal oporation to clean up the streets.

The Federal task force that arrived earlier has made big steps and in the comandor own words, Agent Smith of the FBI. "We have broken there ranks, now we just need to carry the rout"

Some critics have been quick to point out the cost, and violance of some of the raids, leaving several civilians wounded in a dangerous car chase, and a arrest gone wrong that resulted in gunfire being exchanged in a public park. Lead agents have been out recently claiming to have a 112% increase in major crime arrests in the past month.

Notable arests include:

Jackie De Costa (Illegal weapons, assult on a Federal officer, attempted murder)
Bob (drugging of a woman, assult, possession of prescription drugs, sexual assualt)
Fidel Cargonia Horat (Drugs, mixed offences)
Ignotus Arweleian Boliges (Armed Robbery)
Ben Brown (Fraud, Illegal trading, Corporate Fraud, Tax evasion, Insider trading)
Jamie "Red Rob" Fraiser (wanted in Scotland for Tax eveasian and sedition)
Claire Fraiser (aiding and abetting)
George RR Martin (mass murder by pen)


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Wensday Afternoon

Wensdsy Afternoon . Free Skip . Weather = clear and Sunny winters afternoon
No planned GM events

The sun was beginning to dip into the afternoon as the long shadows of winter extended and grew, Sol City began to slowly make its slow change from golden glow to lit by the lights of millions of artificial stars blinking into the night.

Out in the City park couples made the most of a quiet momment, and others walked down the cooler forrested walks throughout the cities green heart. The large classical homes of Park View that lined the park where gold and orange in the light of sunset, as the restaurants and cafes across the city prepared for the evening rush of hungry tourists and workers who not want to cook.

In Old Harbour it's warehouse apartments large windows glittered like the marina a sea of millions of diamonds, the Volunteer rescue centre boat was hauled back onto dry land as a sea plane came into land at the Deadalus pier for flights across the city alongside there helicopter pilot rivals.

What you make of the city is up to you.

The adventure awaits. Go out and find it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Wednesday Afternoon

[color=LightSteel] Late Afternoon . A bright Winters day . Weather = Sunny, Warmish with no real cloud[/color]

Corona park was a sea of orange and reds and the sun was hanging lower causing the grass than take a slightly golden effect. The bright plants of summer had died back and been replaced by the winter tones and crunch of crisp gravel on the winding paths in the forest Walk. Couples enjoyed the last of the days light, tender embraces and warm close moments. The large classical homes of Park View that lined the park where gold and orange in the light of sunset, completing a bueterful scene in the cities natural heart.

In the cities old Harbour the old warehouse apartments brightly stood out in the harbour, brick weathered by decades of harsh weather and paint of there former companies still vaguely viable though many now where trendy apartments and shops. As a boat was pulled in by rescue volunteers training on the water, a float plane came into land at its piers, part of Deadalus wide array of flying travel services from Helicopters to Cargo jets.

The weather had begun to turn slowly to winter, nights where drawing in and the sun Sat lower in the sky. Still Sol City was bright, pumpkin spice lattees sold by the thousand in the coffee shops and the bright lights of Centre Point gleamed out visible for miles despite the changing seasons.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Wednesday Afternoon

Late Afternoon . A bright Winters day . Weather = Sunny, Warmish with no real cloud

Corona park was a sea of orange and reds and the sun was hanging lower causing the grass than take a slightly golden effect. The bright plants of summer had died back and been replaced by the winter tones and crunch of crisp gravel on the winding paths in the forest Walk. Couples enjoyed the last of the days light, tender embraces and warm close moments.

In the cities old Harbour the old warehouse apartments brightly stood out in the harbour, brick weathered by decades of harsh weather and paint of there former companies still vaguely viable though many now where trendy apartments and shops..

The weather had begun to turn slowly to winter, nights where drawing in and the sun Sat lower in the sky. Still Sol City was bright, pumpkin spice lattees sold by the thousand in the coffee shops and the bright lights of Centre Point gleamed out visible for miles despite the changing seasons.
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