"Everybody hides a secret and every body hides a secret. Those are the two rules of investigating a murder." - Nathan Pandit, Coroner of the Grimsborough PD.
Based off of the game Criminal Case, this RP will traverse through various districts, with each district containing several cases that inevitably lead up to a finale, where a key player in the past few cases will be charged for their crimes. This RP doesn't have an emphasis on combat, but rather focuses on exercising your brain and examining leads in order to come to a solid conclusion.
Please read the text below to browse this signup sheet and if you're reading this, thank you for taking interest in my roleplay!
Industrial District:During the events of the Industrial District, the Grimsborough Police Team opened their services by capturing a bodyguard by the name of Dennis Brown who was caught for murdering his employer for some money from a shady mob boss known as Tony Marconi. Although Tony did not falter and denied everything, they inevitably solved another case at a dockyard and learned about the Skulls and Vipers, before successfully indicting Harry Landry for the murder of his partner by turning their thinking around and proving that his partner was a fraud and a crook. This continued when the leader of the Vipers, Salvador Cordero, was accused for burning his ex-gang member to death, but the team was able to prove that the convenience store owner, Joe Stern, disguised himself as Salvador and used the flames to hide his identity. With Joe out of the way, things heated up when Mikhail Levin was charged of murdering his own father, telling police that he was tricked by Tony into committing the crime.
When the Police Department went into an uproar over the murder of Salvador, the team suspected that Tony was about to make his final move and used everything at their disposal to defeat Tony's false witness, his blackmailed prosecutor and his restraining order on the PD, as well as Tony's smarts and his last-ditch effort to shoot a PD officer. Tony was finally locked up as the leader of the Skulls went off to open a motorcycle company and distance himself from this crime, therefore putting an end to most of the organized crime within the shadiest section of the city, the Industrial District. After their promotion, the team then went to the Financial District where they expected some safety, but a briefing on a new murder was just about to occur from their chief, Chief King...
Financial District:The team was able to start their case off strong by apprehending Harry Krane, a jealous man who wanted nothing more than to become Greene's stock trader, but failed to another man who Greene thought was better. Although Greene initially concealed this motive from them to protect himself, he did give them some valuable key-cards and eventually coughed up this info, Greene being a billionaire who owns a huge chunk of the district through his company, Greene Holding.

Each case consists of 3 chapters, generally following this format:
Chapter 1: The victim is usually found during this section, alongside some key evidence that may be related to the murder. Suspects are still being discovered during this part of the case and you'll most likely have a lot of evidence to send to the coroner, which you can do so at any time, as police officers are typically stationed at every scene.
Chapter 2: You'll usually get your autopsy results back during this chapter, alongside discovering the last few suspects of the case. You'll still be looking for leads and will most likely come back to chat with a few people and put someone in interrogation.
Chapter 3: During this final section, the team will most likely cover their last few leads, find a twist or two and then put all of their evidence together and indict the person whom they believe to be the killer. The long killer battle, where the team must rebutt
all of the killer's points in order to defeat them usually takes place here and these battles will get harder and longer over time.
Epilogue: Every case has an epilogue, where some last-minute information is revealed and the case comes to a close. After the epilogue, a time-skip usually occurs, which then leads into the next case.
Investigations: Investigations typically begin when you enter a new place of interest for the first time and will usually consist of the officers looking through the room and trying to find any evidence that might be of help to your case. Pay attention to everything in the exposition post, as searching in those areas might prove to be helpful to your case. As you advance your investigations and interrogations, new areas will be unlocked.
Interrogations: Interrogations begin when you choose to begin interrogating a suspect with several questions. You can ask them questions and they'll directly give you answers. It's typically easier to question a suspect when they're in a holding cell, but this is not necessary, even for potential culprits.
Testimonies: Testimonies begin when you ask for the suspect to give what they saw or their opinion on something in a testimony. Some testimonies may be completely true while some may have lies hidden with them that you might be able to contradict with your evidence on hand.
All of the evidence found by a police officer is automatically shared with all of the other police officers and suspects.Killer Battles: Killer battles begin when everyone on the team decides on capturing one person in particular and moves in to interrogate them. During a killer battle, you must take down all of the points that the supposed culprit puts up to defend themselves, such as their alibi, their lack of a motive and even evidence that points towards someone else. Some battles might end in a chase or a fight, but most killers will usually give up after being proven guilty.

* On top of the previous rules, meta-gaming, posting spoilers or using knowledge that was obtained from the Criminal Case Series/Wiki is considered to be against the rules, as it spoils some of the killers and some twists in the story. Therefore, if you're currently playing Criminal Case, let me know when you're signing up. Spoiling twists in the story is subject to an instant ban, as this is a huge infraction.
* No one is allowed to kill any main/major characters listed below, as well as any suspects or key players. This is for the sake of staying true to the plot of the series and not having posts such as ""it's time for you to die" alan says as he shoots chief king to dead."
DNA and Print Layering don't count during investigations, but fingerprints, glove prints, etc. do. This is because 99% of these murders could be ended just by searching for DNA and print layering can be used to fix just about every single problem with fingerprints. This helps in keeping the puzzles fresh!
* As a heads up, I'll be playing every NPC or major/main character that's not a sign-up, such as witnesses, coroners or killers. I've had an incredible amount of experience with running these cases, so I can promise you that it shouldn't take long for me to get used to this new format.
* All of the suspects will have access to the evidence associated with the case during interrogations, in order to be able to properly defend themselves.
Detective David Jones: A detective who tends to jump to conclusions and puts a bit too much trust in his plans, but is very good at getting the truth out of people and finding little details that no one else discovers. He'll tag along with a random officer during the roleplay and if you want to join his RP, just ask him in advance and he'll most likely join your group.
Chief Samuel King: This Chief cares about his "pieces" and is in charge of briefing the police department and keeping the top political figures in the city safe. His pet peeve is not having every case solved as quickly as possible, as this angers him.
Nathan Pandit: This man is in charge of taking care of autopsying bodies and believes that his job carries a great amount of significance. No corpse is too sickly for him, as he's seen countless bodies, whether or not they came to him in one piece.
Grace Delaney: A kind forensic scientist who is in charge of the biological/chemical portion of the forensic lab. She's generally in charge of looking into unknown samples, murder weapons and any large samples of human DNA that you can find.
Alden Greene: This rich and fanatical billionaire didn't start from rags, but is the founder of the Financial District, which was de-facto created due to the sprawling businesses that he created in this one part of town.
Alex Turner: A slightly egotistical yet helpful ex-tech repairman who takes care of the technical portion of forensics. Hardly underestimatable, this man has been able to crack into social media accounts, obtain secretive info, run scans on receipts and more.
Eduardo Ramirez: A balding constable who has worked at the joint for 15 years and is still waiting on his promotion, although he hasn't lost a speck of his care for the job and for the interesting cases that he works on.
Howard Johnson: The mayor of Grimsborough and an old man who has had a motley of experience with the infrastructure of this city. His re-election is quickly approaching, although it's still far too early for him to announce whether or not he'll be running.
Tony Marconi: Although he's currently incarcerated for the next 20 years for the murder of Salvador Cordero, Tony has made a large impact upon the team due to his slipperiness and his vast intelligence.
That's about it, please let me know if you have any questions and every sign-up is appreciated! The more police officers that we have on our team, the quicker each case can be completed. Even one officer can get our RP going and I can promise you that I have plenty of cases planned with an assortment of twists.