Sophie glanced over to Alexis' form and saw her eyes open and she yelled to her. "Alexis! Protect yourself!" Alexis crawled to her feet and pulled herself up to stand. She was a little wobbly at first but once she could keep her eyes open she caught a stench and made a face.
"Yikes those things stink!" Unable to see them in her human form she tried to wake herself up more. Alexis bounced up and down and shook herself to wake up more fully. When something grabbed her by the shoulder and whipped her into the air as if to fly away with her she felt her adrenaline start pumping and she felt the magic coursing through her. Looking up towards the invisible goblin through eyes glowing with a bright white light she could see it. She had woged and although her face was not changed by much her claws came out and she ripped the talons holding her in the air apart and when she fell she was able to slow her decent and land delicately on the ground.
Immediately looking around her she saw the others fighting the goblins. She had the advantage of being able to see them through her magic. Seeing that Sophie was in danger she let out a sudden hex scream and it diverted attention to herself allowing Sophie to get out of danger. Sophie looked up to see Alexis staring right behind her and she stabbed backwards and heard the scream of an injured goblin. Turning around she climbed up it and dug her blade into its head.
Alexis turned slowly in place looking for Elias. She saw Wayne and when she saw Elias she couldn't help but smile until she saw more of them heading towards him. Angrily she ran over to him and took a defensive position protecting his back. "I got your back!" Alexis glanced over her shoulder. "They are circling us. Stay right behind me!"
Alexis felt the anger and fear for her friends lives and the magic coursed through her and she shoved her power out in a telekinetic push and she saw the goblins near her and Elias thrown into the nearby trees. As she depleted the last of her energy she felt herself dropping to the ground. "Elias" She murmured before falling unconscious onto the ground.
Sophie had caught sight of what Alexis did and she smiled at her until she saw her collapse. Running over to take her place she protected Elias' back and kept Alexis safely between them. She glanced up and saw Wayne. "I think we need to go while we can!"