Plot Line:
The Reaper's Son: A college or high school age girl begins seeing demons and spirits around her, a fact they do not like. In order to "take care" of her, they possess people's bodies to try and kill her. As one is about to succeed, he is stopped by a young man with a secret: his father is the Angel of Death, better known as the Grim Reaper or Shinigami. The young man brings the girl with him to figure out who she is and why she can see the Spiritual Plane.
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The Reaper's Son: A college or high school age girl begins seeing demons and spirits around her, a fact they do not like. In order to "take care" of her, they possess people's bodies to try and kill her. As one is about to succeed, he is stopped by a young man with a secret: his father is the Angel of Death, better known as the Grim Reaper or Shinigami. The young man brings the girl with him to figure out who she is and why she can see the Spiritual Plane.
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