I would like to try to do a roleplay based on the old Mordheim boardgame, (empathizes on try.) From what I've read about and played it seems like a very interesting roleplay concept to work with. However, I'm used to doing more story centered roleplays so this will be uncharted territory for me to be a GM. I may rely on some co-GM or two if I need assistance, but it would be fun to actually do a ye old Warhammer Fantasy battle in 2018!
(See this for more detail: 1d4chan.org/wiki/Mordheim#Getting_Sta… )

What I have planned:
.Based around Mordheim, the goal is simple. Get the wyrdstone.
.I would love for characters to be of various races and factions in the setting, this is what I love about Fantasy Warhammer! Skaven, cultist, Sigmar's children, elf, you name it! :D
.This will be a long-term roleplay and one I will need help with. I know the WHFB setting, and I believe I can be a good GM, but I still would like people to help me bring back this tabletop classic here.
.Maybe I can spice up the story if need be. I would like some narration into this just to keep the RP with intrest.
(See this for more detail: 1d4chan.org/wiki/Mordheim#Getting_Sta… )

What I have planned:
.Based around Mordheim, the goal is simple. Get the wyrdstone.
.I would love for characters to be of various races and factions in the setting, this is what I love about Fantasy Warhammer! Skaven, cultist, Sigmar's children, elf, you name it! :D
.This will be a long-term roleplay and one I will need help with. I know the WHFB setting, and I believe I can be a good GM, but I still would like people to help me bring back this tabletop classic here.
.Maybe I can spice up the story if need be. I would like some narration into this just to keep the RP with intrest.