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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
This is a list of nations as well as a map with claims:
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by jorcool


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here is my nation:
-Nation Name: The Lanist Khaganate
-Nation Flag, anthem (Optional)

Map Location:

-Description (think economy, history etc.) (Optional)
The Lanist Khaganate is an interdimensional nation ruled by a Khan, of which the current one is Yuri Lanist. They really like using mechanized infantry, tanks and the landship, titanic weapon platforms mounted on colossal tank threads. The Khaganate was formed after their precursor, the Asian Federation, began growing stronger after the dissolution of the USSR. Nearly everything, except the fighting, is done by robots. This means a lot of people in the Khaganate can fight in the military because they are not needed for the production of other things. The Lanist Khaganate is highly advanced, having developed the capability to travel between the stars using wormholes.
The Khaganate is an elective monarchy. Once the Khan, the leader of the Lanist Khaganate, dies, the citizens can
choose anyone amongst them to be the next Khan, but there is a very strong emphasis on the knowledge and qualifications of the new Khan. This means that the Khan will often be chosen from the Kurultai, a political and military advisory council that helps the Khan rule. The Kurultai is made up of the best military leaders and statesmen of the Khaganate, and is often chosen by the Khan himself. The current Khan is Yuri Lanist, also known as Yuri Khan, and he has spearheaded the Khaganate's expansion into space, and has often lead the colonization or conquest of new worlds himself.
Although the Khaganate has a very capable military, it has mostly specialized in maneuver warfare and mechanized a lot of its military force.
In the late 20th century, on Earth, the Soviet Union fell. After Kazakhstan and many other nations left, Russia completely collapsed into all of its provinces. This lead to the formation of the Asian Union, a political and economic union similar to the EU by Kazakhstan, Mongolia, many countries in Central Asia and most of the southern russian provinces bordering Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Over time, this new union of nations slowly federalized, becoming the Asian Federation.

Once the Asian Federation was established as a proper nation, it began to heavily industrialize and modernize, taking advantage of the relatively rich resources in the region. It slowly, over a very long period of time, became a dominant force in the region, rivaling the newly formed Russian Federation to the north and China to the east. Then, in 2050, due to an unknown reason, the third World War started between several nations, although all that is known from the early period of the war is that the Asian Federation stayed independent. Near the end of WW3 the Asian Federation was slowly transformed into the Khaganate as known today. The leader of this new Khaganate was a man who called himself Genghis Khan II, and he wanted to bring back the glory of the Mongol Empire. Because, after the war, all nations surrounding the Khaganate had become significantly weaker, and they began to conquer these nations one by one. The first to go was the entire south of Russia, and then China, and slowly the Khaganate conquered the entire world.

After the world was completely under their control, the Khaganate was free to divert a lot of the world's resources to the advancement of technology and developing space travel. They initially only colonized the solar system. Then the Khaganate developed wormhole travel, enabling them to travel to other solar systems. The wormhole travel was very unstable, and they often ended up in strange dimensions and on many different planets. Now the Lanist Khaganate has made planetfall here, and have started building up once again.
Most of the production of the Khaganate is done by a robotic workforce. These robots are known as the AIR, the Autonomous Industrial Robots. They could almost be described as another nation inside the Lanist Khaganate due to their autonomy and permissions allowed due to their vitality for the Khaganate, were it not for the fact that almost AIRs are not sentient. The 'leader' of these AIRs is The Core, an immensely intelligent Artificial Intelligence that controls all of the nonsentient AIRs. The Core takes care of almost all production and logistics in the Khaganate. However, when the Khaganate needs something specific the Kurultai can order the Core to make something, such as a landship. The AIR factories and shipping routes are determined by a hexagonal grid overlaid on the Khaganate's territory, meaning that the AIR always has an optimal distance to wherever it needs to deliver goods.

The Khaganate often exports natural resources extracted from their own territory to other nations. They also sell some of their own technology.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Carnelian
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Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 6 mos ago

- Name: Yahupi Confederacy
- Flag:
-Map Location
-Description: They are named the Yahupi Confederacy, they all worship the sun and enslave and kill anyone who doesn't. They are brutal in their tactics and will fight to the last man. They are thieves and will do anything to advance their own culture above others. The leader of them is named Chief Tutanabo. They can use various tribal magics to enchance their warfare and goals, magics that were taken from conquered and enslaved tribes.

Tutanabo is a very strong and young man. He seized the throne after killing his elder brother so he could take power for himself. He's ruthless, oppressive and deadly. 29 years of age, and stands around 6'5" They are around 1700's tech but the magic makes them more formidable. His palace is kept under constant guard, the nation is always ready to conquer and enslave the weaker ones around them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Apple
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Apple Principality Observation

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Trogo Kingdom
-National Anthem

-National Flower
Gloriosa superba
-Map Location

A monarchy with strict class divisions. Composed of 51 states, with Tro City as the capital. Mixed-economy. State controls and licences industries deemed to be critical to preservation of the state. Heavily computerized nation with advanced technologies. Queen Freja Eufel is the reigning monarch, 19 years of age, after the death of her father 2 years ago. Major changes to the kingdom have happened recently, namely a purge of suspected army officers and government officials suspected of mutiny. Mandatory 2 years conscription, or 4 years public service.

The majority of the people are loyal to the crown, however some outer states resent its authority and are under more direct control by the Government. Protests happen occassionally, and end quickly due to the military police.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CmdrAlfieq


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation Name
Alfieq's Army (7th Generation) - Purplish Blue.

Nation Flag, anthem (Optional)

-Map Location

-Description (think economy, history etc.) (Optional)
As countless of an old legends within the world goes, Alfieq's Army is a militarist-dictatorship faction that are empowering in one of the most powerful land military in The World of Nations, feared by their infamous 'every citizen are capable soldiers' policy and holds one of the highest material productions in a effort to build up in their numbers of ready-made arsenals of war.

Recently broke out from their long lasting civil war against the nobility of the Veilletes monarchists after a long post-negation with the major population of the Militarian against their tolerance of slaves/subjugated populace foreigners, seizing their jobs in the process that causes the riot in the first place, and thus marked the end of the Militarian-Veilletes Golden Age of rapid expansion and their leading power of sophisticated innovations that are now replaced by the new age of unfortunate darkness, but found an opportunity feat to become one of the prominent military and influential powerhouse within The World of Nations era by the time they have recovered from the civil war.

The Constitutional Monarchy was gone by the time a Militarian civil war has succeeded in overthrown their emperor and the rest of their elective leaders of the parliament, all consolidated to a single person whom controls basically almost anything within his/her power in order to maintain order of his/her faction. However, in order to become the next leader of the nation of grudging army men, he or she needed to obtain the highest military rank than all other officers of the command, and also required to be picked by the leader himself/herself in order to legitimate his/her position as the next-in-line leader of the army. The title of becoming the leader of their army is called the Commander. Below him/her was sub-commanders and also can be called as high commands, then below those ranks are officers, and lastly below officers are regular soldiers.

Build more tanks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 days ago

Nation Name


Nation Flag, anthem

I don't like to claim existing IRL music as anthem, but since you ask

Map Location


Formerly a small kingdom on the Coet fe Roshé, the size and influence of the Auclairé bloomed six-hundred years ago with the Autoi fon Millé, a series of forced reforms against King Maushon of the House Debruie. The reforms of the Autoi fon Millé sought for the expansion of the rights of the merchants and the barons, who had become increasingly wealthy in the trade of spirits and in refined sugar across the continent with the importation of sugar cane from abroad into the Rouje Delta, the primary water-way at the heart of the kingdom. The expansion of rights from the king to the lesser nobility and even the merchant caste saw the formation of not just Parliamon fe Molliers, the Molliers being the title to describe barons which had expanded over time to include the wealthier urban elite who did not own rural land of their own.

The exacting history behind all of this though, is not an immediate thing.

For thousands of years the people of the region of Auclairé had lived in various degrees of prosperity and decline. Several thousand years ago the area was ruled by powerful tyrants who presided over the many independent city states and rural upland tribes. Settled primarily along the Rouje River, the Primonminne peoples existed in fluctuating periods of conflict with one another or alliance against the outsiders. The rule of the tyrant kings were soon eroded when their powers waned in internal civil disputes between the tyrants themselves and particularly powerful generals within their command. The tyrannical arrangement that had presided over many of the Primonminne cities were eroded and replaced with a broad diversity of self rule which included the rule of landed aristocracy, merchants, republics or states under direct democracy. The ascendant among them, the city of Trumine forged an alliance-turned Empire with the most prominent city-states of the Rouje lands, giving them the power to systematically extract tribute from the sister states from from the river, this organization came to be known as the Trumine Confederacy, the Trumine League, or the Trumine Empire.

To contemporary history, this became known through popular national image as the First Empire.

During the years of the Trumine Confederacy a class of intellectual aristocrats came to existence through the likes of still remembered writers and poets as Sonbarnis, Trillo, and Marcilus; though there were many others. This trifecta of poet and philosopher laureates came to define the later period of the Trumine Confederacy and founded the Academy of Trumine, or the Acadami fe Trumone which still stands today. The influence of the Academy was the education of the ruling youths to create a skilled group of bureaucrats, managers, and rulers with a firm grasp of ethics and morality to rule not just in present interests but in scope and perspective of all that had come before it, an idea which exists today still.

The Trumine were eventually dissolved after the League's defeat by the Vandwëllerian Empire from the north, which incorporated the league into its own for two centuries. But the accomplishments of the Trumine and its philosophical aristocrats were not entirely forgotten and the Empire even began to see its youths being trained at the academy. But at the closing of the Rocian Crisis the two-hundred-fifty year domination of the Rouje river lands came to an end with the collapse of the Empire and the people of the river were free again, but ushered into an era of petty kingdoms. Thus entering their dark age.

Owing to a loss in literacy through the stringent policies of feudal lords, not much had been written about this period. While a few court scribes kept a tract of history, the flourish of activity that had persisted during even imperial domination was not longer as persistent as it had been as for the next several centuries the local lords feuded over lands, or married into one another and dynasties inherited more and more land. The closing of this period came with the ascension of the House of Debruie to that of Supreme. Originating from the coastal province of Auclairé the ascension of the house gave rise to the formal Kingdom of Auclairé.

On winning supremacy of the area, King Aûbre I of the House of Debruie carried on further military victories abroad and expanded the scope of Auclairoise influence further along the river and the neighboring lands forming the Empire of Aûbre. But on his death the Empire split as his sons both took land, but could not determine which of them would reign supreme. This formed the Kingdoms of Verde in the south and the Kingdom of Môngé in the north.

And so the conditions were, until the Autoi fon Millé. After this act, the intermarriage between King Maushon of Auclairé and Queen Mary of Môngé bore the heir to both, Maushon II. Maushon II would prove to be an ineffectual ruler when he came to power, slow to act and hesitant to decide though described as being "delightfully personable and fond of wine and society". However the Parliamon fe Molliers was there to take up the slack and through negotiations were able to assume additional power to make up for the King's known inadequacies and expand their law into the new kingdom, and effectively and legally binding the two; albeit messily leaving a case in which two kings may exist in the realm at the same time.

The growth of the realm and as a fallout of a peasant's revolt known as the first Porter's War saw to a situation in which something must be done with an agitated peasant's class. The adjustment of power in the passed two generations of kings had seen the presence of political power drawn lower towards the commoner class and a mass strike by the tradesmen of Auclairé had lead to a fully armed revolt. As an answer to the question Sebastion Foluet fe Marsche recommended a bold proposal of colonization. Seeking to gain greater control of the spice and sugar trade he proposed to the Parliamon a bold adventure to seize the extent islands to the west as colonies to not only bring greater profit to the kingdom, but to dispatch many of the irritated peasant leaders as chiefs of the business ventures to the sugar and spice islands. The plan passed in large majority under the condition the colonies were established to also move much of the penal population out of country, the royal family also interceded on the pretense that the adventures be conducted as an extension of the Royal Trades Company, established by King Maushon to acquire funds for the treasury without taxation on the nobility.

The adventure started what has become recognized as the Second Empire. The colonial adventure also granted a certain naval supremacy over the southern kingdom, which in a war over inheritance saw to the annexation of the Kingdom of Verde into the fold and extension of Parliamon control over the country, seeing to not just an expansion of the Parliamon and an influx of the oligarchs of the south as replacement of the old nobility, but also the first case in which two kings of equal power came to rule in the country entering the first royal crisis, where unable to mitigate the crisis of two princes ruling as equal kings within the realm the crisis was drawn to a close after two armed battles between the competing royals and followed by threats from the Parliamon who had raised their own substantial army and threatened the estates of either if they did not comply. The legal compromise of Lesaise saw to the formation of the Royal Assembly, the organ by which the curious existence of multiple kings and of their family(/ies) may act as one if there was ever two or more existing out of ancient laws of inheritance.

For a time, the kingdom existed as-is until a major war with the northern Kingdom of Brosmon saw not just the inclusion of an additional colony to expand the scope of its vineyards, but severe debt and economic crisis. Bankruptcy was declared shortly after, and enraged at the inflation of the price of goods full revolt erupted in the nation. A full revolution was carried out and the monarchy and aristocratic Parliamon was replaced with the Nacionali Parliamon and the Offic Executif. This marked the transition of Auclairé into its modern form. Looking to break the aristocratic hold on the Acadami fe Trumone the new National Assembly and Executive ordered the mass reprinting of the academy's books in an effort to make broader the range of its education. The policy was halted though in the Counter-Revolutionary Wars in which the seven neighboring lands formed a league against the Revolutionary government bringing a twenty year war. Although the conflict was long and bloody, against all odds the Auclairmon won and not only beat its foes in the name of citizen government but expanded the borders of the nation. What might have ended the Auclairé Empire, even under its revolutionary form instead brought about its Third Empire, its current Republican Empire.

Education ambitions however came to a hold when the ascent of military notoriety in the government saw military supremacy in the state which saw the ascension of the dictatorship of Dulac Tramone. General Dulac, whose efforts had saw the widest success in the field during the wars demanded that their advantage be pressed and initiated a second massive war with the intent of establishing absolute supremacy. The war was drawn to an end when the Executive-General was killed in battle and the ramshackle government that came to power was forced to write a hasty peace agreeing to give up the immense gains made under Dulac in order to preserve the state.

In the century and a half after the war, Auclairé has existed as it had. The unforeseen consequences of the wars two-hundred years ago was the bleeding of citizen government among its neighbors. And while the reactionary kings of old may have made attempts to quash the exception to their rule, internal revolution and challenges from their own people kept them largely distracted to the point that they had assumed a model very much the same to Auclairé and not in question to itself.


Auclairé economically is traditionally invested in its own vineyards and plantations. To the Auclairmon wine, sugar, and spices are the spiritual side of life manifested in physical form and it is said there is not a single Auclairmon who is unable to cook or doesn't have an opinion of at least three wines. Likewise, the consciousness of their own past as the road they traveled to the present, and the past's role in the future has left much of the country looking as it had six-hundred years ago. There is an extreme pride in the maintenance of old estates, districts, art, and so on. Though while stepping into Auclairé is like to walk into the past, it is not like the country is any less modern and in the current world they take happiness from consuming much of the same modern amenities as anyone else, computers, cellphones, cars, and airplanes. Militarily too, they are up to date and competitive with the rest. Though many of the old spice colonies they held long ago have been lost, there is still a presence of them on distant shores and the historical breadth and influence of the country means they pride themselves as being not only past-oriented, but cosmopolitan. The Acadami fe Trumone is still premiere among its universities, and in the intervening centuries has grown with the public initiatives to turn every citizen into a philosopher king.

Since I'm getting ahead of myself, Auclairé "concept art":

Marinuis Gaarda:
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago




Kradam (though currently unidentified)



Description and Other

The inhabitants of Vos are a reclusive race. They are mostly subterranean dwellers.

On the surface, the Vos country may appear to be mostly barren and unoccupied. The vast majority of the landscape appears to consist of salt planes, sand, stone hills and ashen fields. There are however apparatus’s located at equally spaced points around the perimeter of their nation. These devices, at least from an outside perspective, look like ancient stone structures engraved with estrange script and hieroglyphics, and are currently the only possible evidence of the Kradam’s existence on the planet.

Surrounding the center most point of their land are four large, ancient facilities designed to oversee, maintain and protect their Vos domain. These facility and there operation personnel have been hidden by a sophisticated dampening/cloaking system designed to prevent visual, heat, and life sign detection.

Below the surface, The Kradam civilization is a vast and intricate network of cities spanning the entirety of their nation’s parameters. The presence of this vast civilization has also been hidden by the same dampening/cloaking system that has prevented the above ground facilities from detection.

By choice, The Kradam do not mingle or directly communicate with other sentient life. They have spent centuries striving to preserve their privacy and reclusive way of life. Their seemingly barren land is shrouded in mystery and old haunted folklore, deriving from tales of those who have trespassed upon the land. Until this date, many trespassers upon this land have gone missing without trace. The Kradam may be more or less a myth, hearsay, or nothing more than a subject of great speculation to some other inhabitants of the planet. Until now.

Other details to the Kradam species; their history, social structures, economics and physical form etc. will be revealed in time.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fairyfloss
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Fairyfloss Warning: Friendly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation Name:
Yathon Corp

Nation Flag & anthem:
Yathon Corp has no flag, and not even an official emblem.

Map Location

On an island in the Southern Sea lies Yathonia, occupied by the mysterious Yathon Corp, a strange company with questionable morals. Specialising in the manufacturing and trading of weapons and such, Yathon is owned by three individuals, each of which controls a different part of Yathon.

Doctor Stahl is the head of Yathon Experimental Weapon Branch. A tall man with white hair, Stahl personally oversees most of the experiments carried out by Yathon, and is notoriously cruel. He is solely responsible for the deaths of most of Yathonia's former population, having 'convinced them' to 'help' in 'useful experiments' to further 'science' to 'help humanity accomplish it's goals'. Stahl's Headquarters is a massive fortress in the middle of the island, from where he oversees his many experiments.

'Princess' Laria is Stahl's daughter and head of Yathon's Foreign Relations and Trade Ministry. A small girl with a god-complex, Laria is childish but merciless, having ordered people to be executed for the pettiest reasons. Despite this, she's good at what she does and has helped Yathon acquire the fortune it has now.
Laria's Headquarters is a palace built on a hidden cove, far away from the laboratories and factories. This is where any visitors arrive to do business, as they don't need to know what the rest of the island is like.

And finally, the mysterious Arrae. Head of Yathon's Magic Branch, and solely responsible for anything magical that goes in and out Yathon. Not much is known about them, but both Stahl and Laria seem to have respect for them. Arrae's Headquarters is said to lie deep underground, the reason for this isn't known but it's probably to keep something a secret. The question however is what are they trying to keep a secret?

The island of Yathonia itself is a lush jungle island, and from a distance looks mostly deserted. Deeper inland however that changes, as laboratories and factories dot the landscape, though most of the important infrastructure is deep underground, hidden away from prying eyes. Yathonia's population is small, but the people that live there have few rights, and mostly live there as poor workers for Yathon for when needed.

Sorry, I don't have any otters...

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hokum
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Hokum The man in the moon

Member Seen 9 mos ago



The Zandorian Empire


Temporarily unavailable


Dense Jungle environments highlighted in lighter green


The Zandorian Empire is divided into two major Territory types, the Zandor and Zandoris Territories, and structured around a strict Hierarchy of Social, Military and Economic ranking. A sovereign is appointed to power each decade. The current sovereign of Zandor is, Her Eminence Goaldinhoe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Carnelian
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Carnelian Viscountess

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: The Federation

Location: Orange on the map

The nation is a democratic regime with a 'national commander' who is the leader of the nation, similar to a president or prime minister in our world. They have orange and white uniforms. 5 stars line their neckpiece of their suit, showing their rank. The current commander's name is Jack Clements. There is a 1st commander aswell, he wears a wear white and green uniform, with 4 stars lining his neckpiece. The current 1st name is Charles Backhouse. The 2nd commander is named Jennifer Woodland, purple and white uniform. 3 stars lining her neckpiece. She currently covers over foreign affairs with other nations.

They were once a collection of around 5 or 6 nations, but they united to defend eachother from the hostile nation known as the Yahupi Confederacy. The federation prefers to use strategic planning to win battles, and they have a flagship named the F.S.S Jackson. (The large battleship they built). They aren't capable of magic yet, but they will probably discover some soon...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TiredKhajiit
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TiredKhajiit Khajiit has wares if you have coin.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Name: Khalor
- Flag: Khalor is a newly created nation, it therefor has no flag
- Location:

-Population: 45,000
-Technology: WWI era

Khalor is a small group of islands that recently broke away from it's original country. It's technology is fairly primitive, as the country that used to own it oppressed those islands greatly. Khalor made enough noise and trouble in the waters around the islands with their navy that the country they broke away from decided to just let them go, as they decided it wasn't worth the trouble. Khalor is now struggling to set up a government, economy, and defenses so it can secure itself a place in this world...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Nucleep
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Nucleep Multidimensional Reality Breaker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nation Name: Greater Shupoli Imperial Domination, Industries
Nation Flag:
Nation Anthem: Think a combination of Hail to the Chief and the Imperial March.
Map Location: None yet (in orbit)
Description: GSID, Ind., which is not a nation native to the planet (or even this universe), is a corporate stratocracy, meaning that power is divided between a vast megacorporation and a military elite. The enigmatic commander and CEO of the nation is unknown and not even present, but has instead sent their right hand man to colonize and rule. The goal of this empire: to assert economic, cultural and political primacy over the other nations, via trade and then peaceful annexation. Any that resist will be subjugated violently. But why are they here? Well, this particular planet is a new market just begging to be opened, and a spot for fresh recruits- ehm, I mean customers.
Other: If you know what I'm talking about, they annexed the Sol Confederacy a while back, although the DEPT was carried over between regimes. The ideology is a combination between "free" market capitalism and far-right nationalism, meaning national glory and profit is put above all else.
Also I have not sent any invasion fleet. This is a colony ship supported by a few privately owned merchant ships. Which means NO specifically military technology, which needs to be built from the ground up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gittarackur
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Gittarackur Me spooky

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Here is my nation
Nation Name: The Great Northern Horde also called the Bangor Confederacy
Nation Flag:
Nation Anthem: a mix of Kazakhstan and Mongolia's national anthem

A loose confederation of tribes and provinces, this great horde controls many northern territories. It follows selective leadership not having a ruler but several small rulers that cooperate to make laws and rules. It is a highly Industrial country using technology beyond human comprehension. The land in its borders is also very resource-rich, making it a prominent seller of goods and commodities.

Economy: Its currency is known as the Kono, one of the most important pieces of currency in the world, also it dominates modern trading making an essentially unstoppable economic powerhouse. But it also relies heavily on exports as it's land is very good for farming.Making it the worlds largest consumer.

Military: It has 3,000,000 active troops and a further 4,000,000 in reserve. Its Military is very advanced, with the Mark 2 Snow Lion a battle tank that can withstand nuclear blasts but is not invincible. It has an 82in' super cannon. With several anti-air and machine guns weapons. Its air force uses highly capable F-98 Lazer Hawks an aircraft with laser technology. It's Navy is just as advanced as its air force.

My nation is the lighter blue

In-depth description
Early History
This story starts 3,000,000 years ago when the different races of the northern hemisphere created the first multi-race tribes. These tribes acted as their own separate countries engaging in diplomacy, trade, and engage in warfare.5000 years later these tribes began to combine and war on weaker tribes. After hundreds of years, several kingdoms formed with varying ideologies and interests.Then the first great war happened among these kingdoms, there was no real winner but among the participants, 5 great powers emerged. The Ioua Khanate in the Far North, The Khanai Republic in the Far South, The Kingdom of Odi on the Eastern Coast. And The Nadian Empire in the Far West. The Fifth Great Power the Bangor Confederacy was in the Middle of these great powers.

The Second Great War

The Nadian Empire and The Ioua Khanate eventually grew power hungry and attacked the other powers. This was caused when two power hungry brothers rose to power and led an attack in an effort of world domination. The pushed 300 miles into the other nations. Once they took the Bangor Capital it seemed all hope was lost but then an interdimensional highly advanced alien race helped the nations in the time of need by giving them highly advanced weaponry. With this new technology, they pushed the invaders back and eventually after several years won the war. The 3 remaining great powers split up the land evenly in the Kano agreement of year 8 on the Bangor calender.


2,000,000 years after the war, the Bangor Confederacy betrayed it allies and started the 3rd and final great war. The war was quick and painful The Bangors killed an estimated 800,000,000 million people in their effort to unite the northern people. The war might have been quick but the repercussions lasted centuries. Several civil Wars happened to break free of the Confederacy all failed. However, the constant war strengthened the Bangor Military and it made them into Killing machines, with a wide knowledge of military tactics.

Modern History
After all that war, The Bangors still became an outgoing but peaceful nation. Using its vast resources it became
a scientific power and an industrial power. Using it's vast power to help other nations in need and nations that have just been born. It's citizens enjoy a life of luxury, and excitement as 0.1% of it's total 300,000,000 strong population.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Uncle Spanky
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Uncle Spanky ;

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation Name: Martian Colony #25217

Map Location:

Hopefully the map ain't too big

Martian Colony #25217 is what it sounds like, a colony of Martians. They came here for resources and to study how humans behave and to better know their behaviors, as the last time they sent spies to Earth to try and know human behavior, the spies stuck out so much that most people they interacted with were confused and the spies had to evacuate. This time they will not try to be stealthy and just land, colonize and see what happens.

The Martians themselves look a little something like this, but it is a very rough sketch

hopefully I did this right

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ioua8654
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Ioua8654 A happy go lucky role-play enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation name: The Ioua Rebulic:
Description: A Civilization with technology that can pull of inter-dimensional travel.
So as you can guess it's pretty fricken strong, how strong well in layman's terms human's equivalent to god.
A country with a powerful economy, like it's literally a corporation, but a really, really, big one.
As for it's military, it has sentiently skilled robots that make as the manpower reserve, and a whole bunch of different races that use highly advanced weaponry.

Map location

I'm the black

National flag

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by o0V0o
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o0V0o The Honorably Mentally Deranged

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Victorian Empire
“Eternal as the stars and sea”


Dark Blue to the Northeast


Basic Information:

Population: 79,891,051 Victorians

Capital: Garina

Demonym: Victorian

Currency: Victorian Credits

Technology Level: Comparable to steampunk. Characterized by the existence and use of muskets and some light infantry units. Navy is also about the same, with some experimental ironclads.

Main industry: Trade, fishing and mining. Relies on mainland provinces and some of its islets for agriculture.

Military: Strong navy with land forces more specialized as marines instead of as land army.

Government (basic details): Constitutional Monarchy with non-feudal aristocratic class participating in Parliament. Current Head of State is Desmere I of the House Victorinne

Current date in Imperial Calendar: 29 IE.

Historical Background:

Calendar system is 4-quarter, 90-day-per-quarter system. The extra 5 days are empty days, considered days outside of the year and days of silence and complete rest.

Dating system uses BE (Before Empire) and IE (Imperial Era), 0 IE is the year of the Empire’s founding.
The Victorian Empire had existed as a concept as the Cerpalian Empire as early as the 7th Century BU; however, only as a heavily fragmented union of states with no real power of enforcement. In fact, although the Empire existed, no one sat on the throne as Emperor.
Only in the 2nd Century BU did someone sit on the Cerpaline throne, Emperor Pennelysle of the House Sindara. Before that, he was only Prince of the City of Garina, only having gained the throne by becoming de facto ruler of the most strategically-important island in the region – the Leviathan’s Isle. However, even then, he was somewhat powerless against the numerous squabbling and also-ambitious princes and kings and lords of the rest of the region. His son was even worse off. He had barely any power as Emperor. He instead relied on his Prime Minister, Freian Victorinne.
By the start of the 1st Century BU, House Victorinne became de facto rulers of the realm. They began to expand the Empire’s actual power and began to unify the region under the control of Kraken’s Island. Within a few decades, Kraken’s Isle had political control of Cerpaline save 2 of the most powerful kingdoms.
However, this was when the tables seemed to turn against the Victorinnes. Prime Minister Calian Victorinne made the mistake of antagonizing the Empress Geraldine Sindara I. Late into her reign, she was able to develop a method to fight back against the Victorinne encroachment of the throne and demanded Calian’s resignation. He decided to contest the Empress’ claim and with Parliament at his side along with several powerful members of the Empire. Geraldine called for support from the 2 remaining unabsorbed kingdoms. And thus the Final War of Unification began. It lasted ten years and ended with the Sindaran Dynasty extinct, the remaining opposition to a unified Empire crushed and the Victorinnes triumphant. This was 0 IE, the beginning of the Victorian Empire.
Today, it has been 29 years since the unification of the Victorian Empire and the First Emperor – Calian Victorinne I has already passed away and buried in the grandest ceremony yet seen for a deceased Emperor. In his reign, our united nation had made great advances in technology and governance – among them the improvement of the steam engine, the abolition of the last remnants of the feudal aristocracy, the strengthening of the modernized central government and the development of many new experimental technologies such as airships and Inter-Regional Howitzers (IRHs).


The Victorian Empire’s position is characterized by small and large islands mostly dominated by islands. Some of these mountains are rich in minerals, particularly to the east near the mainland. The Victorian People have historically been heavily reliant on fishing for their food though they also hold some arable land to the west and east on the mainland. Also, due to their strategic position, the Empire, particularly the core cities of Corrin, Cerpaline, Garina and Prias, has become a notable economic power.
As such, they have also grown powerful on the high seas, with three ‘navies’ – the Home Sea Guard which patrols the Cerpaline Sea to the North and the Home Islands, the Merchants’ Guard – the anti-piracy fleet and the Victorian Imperial Navy – the actual navy. Their military presence on land is mainly the Home Islands Guard – the military police force which enforces the law in conjunction with the local police and the Victorian Imperial Army – the actual army which is further divided into two armies – the East and West Armies.

Foreign Relations:

None yet, the Foreign Affairs Ministry awaits new contact from other nations (i.e. OOC me for interactions...)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Super Grandpa
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Super Grandpa A retired X-Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-Nation Name: Gonderian Empire

-Unofficial Nation Name: Fourth Gonderian Empire

-Nation Flag

(I shall make the Anthem itself sometime later, I can't come up with anything good now)

-Map Location

-Description (think economy, history etc.) (Optional)

The Gonderian Empire was founded over 2 thousand years ago in the South-Eastern Peninsula, on the shores of what they called The Dark Ocean due to it's constant storms with clouds so thick it seems it's always night. In just a few hundred years the Empire expanded to the North, all the way to the Southern edges of the Grand Wasteland, a desert so vast, the explorers who went the farthest up North and managed to return walked for over 500 Kilometers, and yet seen no end to the desert.

After 400 years of ruling, the Empire fell into a Civil War, divided between 5 ancient factions that helped form the Empire in the first place: House Randgritz in the Center (the Royal House, led by the Emperor himself), House Landser in the North, House Tuchlau in the South-West, House Guthraniarnd in the South and House Macherinard in the South-East. The Civil War lasted for 13 years and devastated most of the country. The initial cause for the war was the leaders of the lower 4 Houses decided that House Randgritz became too weak, and it was simply one huge power-grab, a failed coup.

After the Civil War Ended, with House Randgritz being the victor and the Emperor keeping his throne, the Royal Families of each House have been executed and new leaders were appointed. Laws have been passed to prevent such power grabs in the future, in order to avoid such devastating wars, that brought much suffering to the regular people. These reforms at the end of the Civil War marked the unofficial beginning of the Second Gonderian Empire.

200 years later, with the millennium anniversary of the Empire's founding, the Second Civil War broke out, though this time on a smaller scale: it started with the betrayal of House Macherinard. In just a 2 years of vicious fighting in the South-East, the Treaty Council meeting decided to completely annihilate the House Macherinard, and all of it's territories were taken by House Guthraniarnd.

The Empire has lived in peace for around 500 years, allowing a for a great technological progress. The country has seen great new inventions, and most importantly - industrialization. Advancements, however, been made on military sides as well: new weapons were invented, especially with the recent invention of gunpowder. The Empire also expanded onto some islands not close enough to the mainland to not be caught in the storms of the Dark Ocean.

A few decades after the Industrialization has been completed, a Third Civil War broke out: this time these were minor peasant uprisings all over the country. After a year of fighting, many of the House higher-up form all Houses were captured, and the Emperor called for peace talks. As a result, the entire feudal House system was abolished. The House royals only kept their titles and honour, as well as some of their fortune, but they were stripped of any political power. The only royals in the government left were the Emperors. The Third Gonderian Empire began with the abolishment of the feudal system, and now the state has started becoming increasingly bureaucratic: and for the first time elections were introduced. For the first time, literally anyone could become a ruler of a certain Province, or a Minister, as long as the peoples liked them and they got elected.

Then, about 10 years ago, what would one call a minor coup has taken place, yet no one knows of this.
The late Emperor Johann Randgritz XIV has had 2 sons: Ferdinand Randgritz VII and Wilhelm Randgritz II. Ferdinand, being the eldest, was the successor to the throne. A day before the Emperor's death of natural cause, however, Ferdinand has been assassinated by the power-hungry Wilhelm, who at the time was just 17. He became not only the first Emperor who was not the Eldest Son of the previous Emperor, but also the youngest Emperor in history of the Empire. Yet his ruthlessness led him to ruling the country with an iron fist - an oppressive regime that has not been seen for a couple hundred years. And while the people are somewhat unhappy, no once could deny that there were some positive sides to this regime: with the new Emperor's focus on the militarization of the entire country, some of the greatest advancements in technology have been made, surpassing even those of the Industrialization. The regime has also started to descend into Totalitarian one, with many starting to call it the Fourth Gonderian Empire.

Currency is Imperial Mark, it is somewhat equivalent in value to the Japanese Yen - a loaf of bread would cost around 200 Marks when economical situation is good.

During the last 10 years the taxes have been raised to a total of 30% of every citizen's yearly income.

Right now:
60% of the Empire's economy goes towards improving the military (including invention of new was equipment)
the rest goes to improving civilian life

Approximate Imperial Reserve: 140,000,000,000 Marks (140 billion Marks)
Approximate GDP: 17,000,000,000 Marks (17 billion Marks)

-Current Regime:
Imperial Authoritarian, transitioning to Imperial Totalitarian

-Current technology:
Around real-life 1890 technology, though developing at a faster rate right now than in real life.
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