Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

(Corridors: Rex and Zack) @FalkiThomas

"Yeah... I'm going to go with that too, since I have no idea what you're talking about either," Rex answered, sighing in relief while relaxing the strain on his own blade, flashing the man a grin. "Fair enough, we'll find out what's really going on together."

The whole situation was rather surreal. Considering the adventures Rex had embarked on after joining Providence, willingly or otherwise, there were a few possibilities to consider. He had virtually no time to think about that, however, for as his sword collapsed back into his arm, he had only just realized that it had pierced the ceiling above them when he had raised it, and that by retracting it, he was currently bringing down an avalanche of concrete and metal onto the both of them.

(Shower Area: Link, Rex and Zack) @FalkiThomas @Burning Kitty

"Heh, I see your point, Miss..."

The silhouette stepped closer, the hand on her shoulder gradually moving up to the side of her face. However, as it caressed her pointed ear, it was apparent that he thought it strange. "Wait, what even are y-"

He did not get to finish the question, for that was when the ceiling broke open and two males fell through, narrowly missing them, along with a pile of debris. Rex had his Block Party up, shielding him and Zack from the falling rubble. As that too retracted back into his arms, he pulled himself out of the wreckage, coughing a couple of times while he waved the dust away from his face.

"Oh, man! I'm so sorry. I didn't know that was going to happen. My bad!" Rex called out, looking around for Zack. "You alright, amigo?"

It took a moment for Rex to realize that also with them was a blonde teenage girl in a green tunic, and a man who quickly scrambled to wrap a towel around himself as the fog cleared. "Well, this is awkward, but do either of you know where we are?"

"Okay, seriously, who are you people?!"

Meanwhile, J flinched as she heard a loud crash up ahead, and quickened her pace. Oh boy, that doesn't sound good...

(Lounge: He-Man, She-Ra and Raven) @Burning Kitty @Lightning

Seeing that no one else in the room was in the mood to chill out, R quietly and slowly shut the cabinet with his foot while responding to the barbarian man's words. "Right, I... understand, Sir. As for the perpetrators that either originate from this city or from any other world, I can tell you that with the existence of this technology, any of them are a potential threat to your world," he then turned to the teenage girl. "And yours as well."

He paused, observing that her demeanor had changed. He listened in stunned silence to what she had to say, though, as he contemplated on a reassuring reply, the girl had turned into a shadow and then vanished. Before he could think about what to make of the situation, however, she had appeared again, shooting across the room to be knocked out by hitting the wall.

"Crap!" R's eyes widened in panic as he grabbed his communicator. "C, D! Get a stretcher in here, now!"

It was not long before a pair of younger agents arrived to carry the hooded girl out of the room. R let out a sigh of frustration as they did so. He was going to have to speak with her again later. That is, if she was alright by then. Currently, he still had to attend to the other two.

"Hope it's nothing serious, the Doc'll probably figure it out," he muttered, before turning back to the viking king and queen. "Our request still stands. Will you aid us in this investigation and in defending our city? As for your interests, what we can offer is our technology to help in your expansion in your own world, which you have mentioned."

(R&D Lab: Cloud and Raven) @Burning Kitty @Lightning

Scarlet let out a nervous chuckle at the blond's comment. "So uh, welcome to Cinix. I apologize for the screw up, it wasn't supposed to happen like this, but-"

"Dr. Scarlet!" She was interrupted by a call through the open door. Outside were two agents with an unconscious hooded girl. "We were sent by Agent R, please check her."

"What? Oh my, but of course."

She fumbled around to get her equipment together as the two agents left, figuring that this individual was another super-powered being who had been brought over from some other dimension. She would have a word with R about what had happened later, but for the moment, the scans seemed to look good, with no bleeding, swelling or fracture detected. All that was left was to wait for the girl to wake up. She relaxed a little, taking a seat before speaking again.

"Well, looks like she'll be fine. How's that headache of yours?"

(Cinix Business District/Main Ops Room: Skitterback and Lena) @eemmtt

At the request of the Skaven, the shadow-like creatures poured out of the chamber and slithered their way to the surface. They attacked to steal, causing a frenzy in the area as crowds of people ran away screaming.

Meanwhile, an alert sounded back at the main ops area in the Cinix Defenders' base, scaring the living daylights out of Lena, who had been waiting patiently for things to get settled. Getting over the initial shock, she turned to one of the screens that was flashing, indicating a sign of trouble. The map was on display, and even though she was not quite sure what was going on yet, she knew that people were in trouble. She could not wait for the agents to return. She left the room and made her way down the corridor before shooting herself out of an open window. The situation was not too far away, she could hear it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"I am a Hyrulian obviously. What are y......" Link pushed the guy and herself out of the way. "By the goddesses! What in the name of Hylia is going on?" She was beginning to think this wasn't a dream, approaching nightmare. "Who are you people? Where am I?"


He-Man was not to impressed by this guy. "We will stop at nothing to protect Eternia. Anyone who threatens Eternia will find themselves with a sword shaped hole in their chest or their head at their feet. As for getting help in our expansion efforts. Your help is not necessary. Now about contacting our people before they invade?"


He pointed to his watch. "The heal materia took care of the headache. Could possibly wake her up assuming she doesn't have anti-magic properties or has reflect casted upon her."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cinix City, Sewer workshop

When the shadows left the warlock-engineer set back to his work. Ranting all the while. "Dumb-stupid hood-thing must have been scheming with my rivals." the paranoid rambling of Skitterback as he worked. As the shadows return with their ill-gotten the skaven simply demand more material. "Still need more-more! Find me more-more!" the ratman screeched at the shadows flailing his arms. Diving into the pile of scrap he began to pull out different pieces at got to work trying to recreated Clan Fester his skittergate. As he tried to rebuild the skaven gateway he restarted his paranoid ramblings as he worked. His ramblings echoed down the sewer
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CustardSlice
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CustardSlice A leetle elf

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zack flinched and instinctively held his arms up as the ceiling collapsed on them. He closed his eyes waiting for the impact that never came and blinked them open slowly. They widened, seeing two glowing blue shields and he laughed in both relief and awe, “Man, how are you doing that?! What materia is that one!?” He watched the teen eagerly then realised there was someone else - a blonde with a green tunic and a naked man. Zack’s eyes widened when the woman started to shout. “Woah woah calm down we don’t mean any harm!” He held his hands out to try and show he wasn’t trying to fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"You didn't mean any harm? You just nearly dropped all that on both our heads. If I hadn't pushed the both of us out of the way you could have killed us both. Whatever you two meat heads were doing up there you better quit it. A real man unlike you cucco brains would have apologized for nearly killing us. A real man unlike you cucco brains would have realized that you interrupted something special and would have excused yourselves immediately." She put her hand on her sword. "Now get out!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Meta Knight stands on the bridge of the Halberd, overlooking the gorgeous scenery of Dreamland as the gigantic warship glides over the plains. He returned to Dreamland after he had defeated Galacta Knight by summoning him through Galactic Nova, and all he desired right now was to rest. He was about to walk back inside the Halberd when he felt a disturbance manifest itself. He turned around to see a gaping portal in the distance, right in front of the Halberd's current course. The crew of the Halberd immediately changed the ship's course, as it started turning to its right in order to avoid making contact with it. Although the Halberd successfully maneuvered away, Meta Knight was standing closest to the portal and was sucked in, transported to another reality. The portal then disappeared right after it pulled in Meta Knight, seemingly gone without a trace.

A portal appeared on the ceiling of the R&D Lab as it dropped a round blue object before disappearing again. Meta Knight slowly propped himself up, unaware of what just happened and that there was an emblem stuck to his mask. As he got up and surveyed the surroundings, he realized that he was surrounded by strange new people. The 1-foot tall Star Warrior then drew his sword and pointed it at the woman in the lab coat. He then growled in a deep voice which you wouldn't think have come from someone like him.

Meta Knight: Where am I!?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

(Shower Area: Link, Rex and Zack) @Burning Kitty @FalkiThomas

Seeing that Zack was alright, Rex raised an eyebrow at his question when he spoke again. "Materia? My builds come from my nanites."

Considering that Rex had no idea what 'materia' was, he did not expect Zack to be familiar with nanites. The both of them were probably going to continue confusing each other until someone came along and informed them on what was actually going on. Based on the words of the other two individuals that were currently present with them, he could tell that they were all in the same boat, though, he wondered if he might have been wrong about the blonde girl when she started to tell them off. Rex began to panic at her words, realizing the possibility of something he had not considered.

"Oh no! No, no... please don't tell me we killed someone!" He exclaimed, frantically shifting the debris aside to check.

"It's okay, boy. We were the only ones down here..." the man in the towel told him wearily.

"Phew!" Rex sighed in relief, before spotting the girl's hand on her sword. "Uh, Zack? I think we should go..."

Suddenly, a voice was heard coming from above. "Oh good grief! What happened here? Is everyone alright?"

"Wonderful," the man in the towel called back, looking up at Agent J who was peering through the hole in the ceiling/floor. "And I should be asking you what's happening, J. Who are these people and where are they from?"

J chuckled nervously. "Oh, hi M! Apologies for the er... interruption. As for the rest of you, welcome to Cinix! You've all been invited here for the same reason, but we should probably talk somewhere else. I'll be right with you in a moment."

She then disappeared from the gap in the ceiling, going off to make her way down to them.

(R&D Lab: Cloud, Raven and Meta Knight) @Burning Kitty @Lightning @Metatrooper

Scarlet looked to the blond man's watch, where he had pointed. "Heal... materia? Ah, so you use magic."

She rolled her seat aside to allow him to work on the unconscious girl, curious to see what would happen. "Sure, give it a shot."

That was when a portal that had appeared on the ceiling of the lab dropped what looked like an armored blue ball into the area. The scientist was then startled, realizing that it was sentient when it pointed its sword at her and spoke. Again with the sword, seriously? Currently aware of the defects in the system and assuming that this was another individual that the agents had invited, she knew better than to scream this time, and decided to respond to him, trying to keep calm while slowly feeling behind her for her communicator.

"You- You're in Cinix City, alright? Just relax and put that thing away. No one here wants to fight you. We'll do our best to answer any questions you have. Let me get someone in here for you."

(Lounge: He-Man and She-Ra) @Burning Kitty

"Well, uh... great!"

Agent R had figured that an effective way to pull somebody to their side was to consider their interests, though, the viking man had just offered their protection while refusing their aid. At least, that was what it sounded like when he said they would do whatever it would take to protect their home world. R really could not tell for sure.

"As for your allies, I doubt they'll be able to access the city, but I understand your need to contact them," he took a deep breath after a moment of silence, and then continued. "It's only fair that you have our trust as well. I'll reveal Cinix to your people. Someone here can probably help with that. I'll take you to her."

He pulled his communicator out. "Dr. S, are you avail-"

"Agent R! Get over here right now!"

R cringed, nearly dropping his communicator. "Fine, fine! I'm coming!"

He then turned to the two. "Well, I guess now's a really good time."

(Cinix Business District: Skitterback and Lena) @eemmtt

Lena was greeted with a terrifying sight upon her arrival at the district. The streets were in a state of total chaos as numerous shadow-like creatures drove screaming crowds of people away in different directions in broad daylight. Drawing energy from the Sun, she landed in the middle of the commotion and began firing strong photokinetic blasts at the slithering perpetrators.

It took her awhile to find the source of the disturbance, but she eventually noticed a manhole through which the creatures were emerging. Blasting the cover open, she then hesitated as she peered into the darkness, knowing that she would not have access to sunlight if she went down there. Deciding that she would simply investigate and avoid combat, she hopped down. She observed her surroundings carefully as she made her way through the sewer system, taking great care not to be seen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Link looked at the girl she was with earlier then at the guy. "Y'all have weird names but nice bodies." She gave an evil stare to the two lunk heads and spoke with a menacing tone. "They on the other hand need to apologize to their teachers for failing them." She turned back M. "So what's the deal with J? I didn't receive no invitation. I received an annoying thing that interrupted my sleep. You, J, or both of you can interrupt my sleep anytime." She winked during the last bit.


Was about to cast the spell on the sleeping girl when some goon barged in pointing his sword at a clearly defenseless woman. He stepped in front of her. "Put that sword down before I put several through your skull." He drew his sword in it's combined state, he aimed it at the floor. "You are in a medical center, a fact you would have noticed if you bothered to pay any attention before embracing your base animalistic instincts. Act like a man not a rabid animal that has to be put down with extreme prejudice."


He-Man & She-Ra followed the guy to the medical wing. Upon arrival and seeing the glorious stupidity of this Cinix yet again they were beginning to think that maybe these Cinixians were only deserving of their help solely because they were so stupid. She-Ra went to the doctor and whispered. "I suggest you move your patient if you can and find smarter employers." He-Man didn't draw his sword but did get his Snake Claw ready to strike if necessary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the woman calmly spoke, he slowly lowered his sword, listening to her words.
He then spoke once again, sheathing Galaxia.

Meta Knight: Very well, I am Sir Meta Knight, protector of Dreamland. I was-

Before he could finish talking however, a blond-haired man had stepped between them, threatening him and drawing his sword. Meta Knight then wrapped his cape around himself, teleporting back a few feet before raising his sword once again, preparing to defend himself.

Meta Knight: Watch your words boy, you may not be prepared for what happens next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


“Watch your words animal. You are definately not prepared for what happens next.” He began talking to the doctor. “I suggest you do as the other lady suggests, at least the first one. This animal might need to be put down.” He started talking to the animal once again. “Only a coward raises his sword to a defenseless woman. Do you see anyone else threatening to kill defenseless women? Nope just the scared little animal who can’t control himself. Stand down now. If that sword isn’t down in the next five seconds I will turn you into a pincushion with my swords.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
Avatar of Metatrooper

Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Meta Knight was indeed getting annoyed at this human's remarks. He had met some humans before when he was in Dreamland and they seemed like good people, but this particular one was quite angry and arrogant. His gleaming yellow eyes then darted over to the doctor and the newcomers who had just arrived on the scene. Deciding to swallow his pride and not risk a battle in a fragile place such as a medical facility, he lowered his sword and sheathed it, while letting out a sigh. He waddled over to the woman in the lab coat, ignoring Cloud and reached his stubby hand out, offering her a handshake.

Meta Knight: I apologize for raising my blade at you, had I known that you were defenseless, I would not have done said act. I hope you may forgive my lack of honor at this time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cinix City, Sewer workshop

Unaware of the chaos Skitterback was creating above ground. And even if the ratman did he wouldn't care about the destruction that he is causing. He was still working on sorting through the scrap that was being brought in. "Oh yes-yes! This would do good-nice." the vermin said as he pulled a particularly large section of metal. Now that he had enough material he set to work trying to build his gate. While he was working on trying to assemble the gate way he was oblivious to Lena as she crept closer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lightning
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Cinix Business District

Run! Get away! What are those creatures!

Raven shot up from the stretcher and looked around to see that she was in a medical bay. She was surrounded by people with swords, they were threatening each other, though she could feel they did not feel malice put wounded pride. The teen could feel something else though, panic, there was a lot of people panicking and it was close. Raven closed her eyes pushing the pain of her headache to the back of her mind.

Shadows began to pull to the girl on the stretcher as Raven's soul-self veiled her form and took the shape of a large raven. Raven flew through the ceilings and floors of the Cinix base until she was in the endless sky. She looked down and took her first look at the city she was asked to defend. However, this was not the time to take in the sites. Raven focused on where the mass panic was coming from.

As Raven arrived on scene, she hesitated, she hadn't thought of what she was going to do or even if she should help. She was a half demon, the daughter of a demon warlord, what right did she have to "help" others, she was no hero, she is just a portal, a bringer of doom.

Raven saw a girl her age battling shadow creatures with light, the half demon girl looked on as the other girl handled the creatures and disappeared under ground. Raven was about to turn back, though, it seemed the shadow creatures were not done terrorizing the citizens.

Raven let out a sigh as she made up her mind. "Azarath metrion zinthos!" She shouted to focus her powers. Shadow tendrils shot from her soul-self and weaved through the crowd and impaled the creatures stopping them some causing anymore trouble.

Although she had stopped the creatures for now, the crowd continued to panic and run from her as she got closer to the ground. Just as she was about to land she heard the cries of a child. Raven looked about trying to find the source and found a boy on the ground balled up, trying to protect themselves from being stepped. Raven felt anger boil up from within, she charged the crowd and pushed the people back before they could hurt the child.

The teen picked up the boy and let him cling to her. "Enough!" she shouted." Raven extended her arm and shadows from beneath her cloak flared out catching the people that were close by. "I will swallow your fear, as I can handle it much better than you can. Now calm yourselves and get to safety."

The people calmed and began to think clearly again, a woman ran up to Raven with tears smearing her make up. "Thank you, thank you! I don't know what happened, he just got away from me." She said taking the child.

Raven took a deep breath and sank to one knee, she was exhausted and needed to take a moment to rest before she could continue once more.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CustardSlice
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CustardSlice A leetle elf

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zack heard Rex telling him where his powers came from and his eyes widened, "Dude, there are ladies present! You can't talk about your nanites out in the open!" He kept his voice low and stepped close to keep Rex's dignity from the women that were present. Rex began flapping about hurting someone and the blonde woman had berated them about disappointing their teachers and Zack's mind went to Angeal back at ShinRa. His mentor had only just begun training with him and he was undoubtedly upset with him for being late. He wondered whether this organisation that Agent J seemed to be a part of had sent a formal message to Angeal or the Director to notify them of Zack's absence. He didn't want this being missed by them and ruining his chances of making first class. He looked at Link, then Rex and frowned, "Rex did you get an invitation? I don't remember seeing one.. unless it was cryptic and I don't think I'm very good at those kinds of messages.." he admitted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


When the animal put his sword away and started acting civil Cloud put his own sword away. Cloud walked over to the two that came with the guy that the doctor called. “I’m Cloud. Kidnapping victim. I take it you were brought here against your will as well.”

He-Man put his Snake Claw away when the other two put their swords away. “I am He-Man this is my wife She-Ra. We are the king and queen of Eternia and yes we were brought here against our will. We were in the same room as the girl who was brought here for treat.....” They watched as the girl turned into raven and disappeared. “ment. She must be feeling better. We were briefed a little bit. This guy is very lacking in information. He seems like he should be doing janitorial duty than welcoming the kidnapping victims they are trying to recruit.”

Cloud looked on in amazement as the girl turned into a raven. “I want that Materia.”


Link was pissed, she had enough she pulled out her sword. “IDIOTS! STOP! TALKING! GET! OUT! NOW! She put her sword to the throat of whichever one was closest to her. “Move it or you will find a new hole in your neck.” She starts poking at the neck with just enough force to draw blood if he didn’t move.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
Avatar of Raptra

Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

(Shower Area: Link, Rex and Zack) @Burning Kitty @FalkiThomas

"Hey, it wasn't my fault!" Rex protested at the teenage girl's words, before pondering a little. "Alright, maybe it was, but it was an accident!"

He then raised an eyebrow, confused at how flustered Zack had become at his mention of nanites. "Everyone has nanites, mine are just... special. What do you think they a-ah! Ow! Sharp, sharp!"

He then began cringing at the tip of the elfin girl's blade, which he suddenly found at his throat. This girl was dangerous! He was just about to pull a smack hand out on her to defend himself, when Agent M stepped between them and gently placed a hand on her sword in hopes of getting her to lower it.

"Now, now... Agent J asked for all of you to wait here, so bear with them for a while longer, alright? I appreciate your compliment, and I must say you're pretty fine yourself girl, but I have no idea what's going on either. I'm sure J's going to explain everything about the invitation soon. As for her, sorry, but she already has a boyfriend."

He then turned to J as she walked in. "Speaking of R, he's probably in on this weird project too, isn't he? Whatever this is."

"Yes, yes he's in this," she replied, before glaring at M and continuing through her teeth. "And he's not my boyfriend."

"They're totally together." M mouthed to Link with a wink.

J proceeded to address the rest of the group right after. "So once again, welcome to Cinix! I heard you asking about the 'invitation' I mentioned. Apologies for the confusion, I'll explain right now."

As R had done earlier, she pulled out an identical device and flicked a switch, displaying a hologram of the Cinix Defenders' emblem. "I assume that you've all arrived at this place by touching something you had found - this, in particular. We didn't foresee the mess you had found yourselves in, and for that we apologize as well. You see, we thought that by bringing all of you here, we could quickly share with you our recent discovery which enabled us to access different dimensions, or worlds, including all of yours."

She took a deep breath before continuing. "Now comes the part about the invitation, or rather an appeal. This technology wasn't created by us, but by a party which I can assure you is of malicious intention. Long story short - our discovery tells us that they have access to your worlds as well, which means wherever you come from is at risk of an invasion. As for us, we're looking for an alliance to defend all our home worlds."

Rex was intrigued. So, this 'Cinix' was a parallel universe! Zack and this girl in green were probably from different dimensions too. That explained everything, especially why he could not contact Providence from this place and why he and Zack did not understand a thing they had tried to tell each other. He remembered witnessing a crossover from another universe once before. That was when he met that kid in the green jacket with that weird monster watch. Rex wondered if he was here as well.

(R&D Lab/Med-Bay: He-Man, She-Ra, Cloud and Meta Knight) @Burning Kitty @Metatrooper

Scarlet was pleasantly surprised when the blond stepped in front of her to defend her from the new arrival. Perhaps she had been wrong about him, but at this point, who knew? That was when Agent R showed with two more people, presumably from another dimension as well. The other woman who had just arrived then spoke to her. The part about getting smarter employers was humorous, but what she said first did make sense. The doctor nodded, but it seemed that all the parties in the room had already agreed to lower their swords. When the armored ball offered her a handshake, she returned it, albeit still a little shaky from earlier. Suddenly, the cloaked girl turned into shadows and left the room, catching everyone else's attentions for a second.

R was alarmed once again. "Wait, what? I need to track her!"

"Oh no you don't!" Scarlet grabbed the agent's arm just as he was about to bolt out. "I need you here to take care of things with this little knight guy and... 'Cloud', was it? Thank you by the way."

R then caught the last part of He-Man's conversation with Cloud, which involved a rather eloquent insult. "Aww, come on. I thought we were getting somewhere."

"It's okay R, at least J still loves you," teased Scarlet.

"Oh shut it!"

"Fine, then you tell me what happened with that girl and why she had to be brought here unconscious!"

"I have no idea what happened, she just hit her head, okay?" The agent snapped. "I promise I didn't do anything!"

The scientist stared at R for a moment before blinking a couple of times. "Right, uh... fine, I guess. I believe this guy has some questions."

R looked to the knight ball as Scarlet gestured to him, and snapped his fingers. "Now I remember this one! You should have seen the place he came from, weirdest thing ever. Hi, welcome to Cinix!"

(Cinix Business District: Skitterback, Lena and Raven) @Lightning @eemmtt

Lena was uncomfortable in the dark, and the smell of the tunnel was not helping. An underground system? This block must be gigantic. She did not even recall seeing an end to this block while she had flown over here. The most peculiar thing was what was around her ankles - water, in abundance, polluted. Did the Sphere know about this place? This block? She had to find out where exactly in Skyland she was, somehow.

A voice echoing around the corner then snapped her out of her thoughts. Slowly, she peered around, and her eyes widened in fear. She clamped her hand over her mouth to muffle a gasp. A creature, none like any she had ever seen before, was working on something. She was certain that it had been the source of the chaos on the surface. This was not good. She thought it would be best to report this to the people earlier who had promised her information once they were done with their errands. Hoping that the creature had not spotted her yet, she quickly made her way back to the surface.

The streets were empty by the time she had climbed her way up. Well, all except a girl in a dark cloak who was on the ground. Lena had not seen what had taken place after she went underground to investigate, and she considered the possibility that this girl might be dangerous. Hiding behind what looked like a strange vehicle to her, Lena decided to observe the girl from that spot for a little longer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


“I’m a big girl, I can share. Maybe she and her boyfriend would be up for a little three person adventuring.” She winked at J. “I remember that thing, I hit as hard as I could with my sword. It was very annoying.”


“This guy promised us a way to contact our people. I would suggest sooner than later, they will find a way to send a rescue party and they won’t be nice about it. Your people will die if they come. This guy doesn’t seem to understand how serious this is. They will descend upon this place like locusts and purge it of their enemies leaving no one alive.” Cloud then spoke up. “I got a girl back home who will be looking for me. You people need to revisit your recruitment policies and scrap them and start over.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CustardSlice
Avatar of CustardSlice

CustardSlice A leetle elf

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I don't want to know how special your nanites are, just.. keep them to yourself." Zack wondered whether this guy was from a town that was a lot more open about themselves than Zack was used to. The elf-girl must have been from there too, she was a worse flirt than Zack.

He pushed the thought of Rex's nanites and the elf's wandering hands and eyes to the back of his head when Agent J reappeared. He recalled the emblem as soon as Agent J produced the replica. He remembered pressing it with Kunsel and suddenly everything snapped into place. He clicked his fingers and bumped his hands together, "I remember now. So you're saying you're building like a hero group or something? Because I'm in!" He grinned and folded his arms across his chest, trying not to look proud that he had been chosen, "I'm just the guy for hero work, say the word and I'm ready." Especially if it meant protecting Midgar, he thought. He had made some good friends there and he would protect them with everything he had. Plus, it looked like there was a pretty good team around him so far. Rex had some awesome weaponry and the elf-lady was fierce enough to take on the whole of Wutai, so this was promising. "So is it just us? Or are there others too?" he asked, looking to Agent J. She seemed to be the one in charge here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Metatrooper
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Metatrooper Capturing a command post for the Republic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Meta Knight enveloped his cloak around the lower portion of his body, obscuring most of him except for part of his mask. He looked up at the new arrivals, most notably the one person who had just greeted him and was wearing a suit.

Meta Knight: So, you are the one who brought me here?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cinix City, Sewer workshop

As skaven attempted to drag a particularly large piece of metal he remember something. Dropping the piece of metal he shouted "Shadow-things come here and build gate!" Skitterback shouted to what he perceived were the shadows are not noticing they are gone. Hobbling back over to what he consider his work bench to look over the very hastily drew blueprint to the skittergate.

The warlock-engineer looked over his plans. " Once shadow-things built-make gate. I THE GREAT AND MIGHTY SKITTERBACK! Shall a fixed the warp....stone." Skitterback looked around at his workshop the skaven came to a horrible realization. That is he lacked any sort of warpstone besides what he carried. With this knowledge the skaven let out a distress screech that sounded like the oversize rat screeching. It echoed through the sewer and even to the surface. After Skitterback calmed back down he reached to his belt and pulled out a bag. Opening the bag reviled it was full of powered warpstone. "This should help-help." The warlock-engineer proceed to start to snort some of the warpstone. he let the bag slip from his hands as he began to trip out. Trying to get a vision of what to do next.
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