<Snipped quote by CuttleFish>
that is A-O-Kool
Kelly went to the healers' guild in the city while Soren went to the hunter's. Meanwhile, a previous villain showed up at the base and Data Stream and Ruby Jean started tracking him. Meanwhile meanwhile, Tamerlaine, a villain with the power to change the laws of reality, overthrew Seth, a friend of the group who can change 1/7 of the laws of reality, from his throne on the City of Gold and replaced him with Beth (whom she renamed Teth) and Seth is about to organise a rebellion. In other other news, Shinji, a friend of the group who helps lead an interuniversal government called the Existential Democratic Bureau, faced insurrection from an old enemy and has called upon his friends (aforesaid Data and Ruby) to help him fight.
also some of us are doing a Fairy Tail spinoff in a What-If Rift, which is basically an in-universe simulator of "what if MR was this instead of that!"
That's much more informative and I don't even know who half of those people are

Whelp I guess there's only one thing to do from here.