She was right in that it didn't sound all scientific. That didn't come off as a surprise to him- rather, Shion's ability itself was more of a surprise. Being in your own world...
Well, Bang did enjoy trying that, at least. When writing a story, authors often seek to make it all happen somewhere in their heads before putting it down on paper, after all. Some preferred to brainstorm quickly to make bring ideas into a reality as quick as possible. He knew both of those methods, because he himself tried them out whether he felt productive or unusually lazy.
Espers, however, were capable of completely distorting what's expected of the field of reality everyone was in, rather than constructing a reality on paper.
It was wrong to compare the two, really.
Esper abilities really did look foreign for people like him. It could range from some of his friends' odd, yet simple abilities that could feel like a tiny miracle, to some rather macabre sights like the one he had witnessed. He saw it almost every week for certain, but he never got used to it because he wasn't capable of it.
The ice in her hand glistened, his turquoise gaze reflecting a bit of its lucid color. Just looking at it made him feel less hot under the weather. Then he looked up at the skies, which were far, far from looking like they were in a winter season. The ice was pretty, its small frame glinting with light, and quite real, too- and he got the gist of what she wanted to tell him.
He thought about asking her as to what the "normal education" was supposed to be, but at that point, he knew he could look into it himself. Bang still knew little about Shion, but quite frankly, nobody knew much about him either.
Everyone did know one thing, though. The fact that he wasn't an Esper. Not even he knew what he would be like if he did end up becoming an Esper.
Her open thoughts on what his Esper ability could be did sound interesting. What could he end up with? If it was something like... "being set on fire whenever his vocal cords were quiet," he'd be in for some serious trouble, though he highly doubted there would even be an ability like that.
"It's alright," he said, almost dutifully, when she gave a short apology for her explanation. For a moment, he wondered how to tell her about what being someone with abilities was like.
It wasn't... normal, even if it was, technically. And it wasn't boring, even if it should've been.
"Having no abilities is," he spoke, a rare pause falling in-between his sentence, "...interesting. Not in the way people think, though."
As he entered the super market, he turned to Shion, wondering if he should tell her to wait. Even if her ability was literally cool, leaving her alone in this weather sounded rude, so he said nothing on the matter.
"Rather than the 'having no abilities' part being interesting," he explained, his tone idle as he walked, "it's the abilities around me that become that much more significant.
Bang quietly picked up some radishes and chili peppers. He observed the radishes closely before he took them. Occasionally, there could be spoiled or damaged radishes among the normal ones. They were pretty much the black sheep nobody wanted, because there really wasn't any more use for them aside from just being worse radishes.
For a moment, the thought of Esper abilities and the magnitude of said abilities' effectiveness, crossed his mind as the analogy drifted in his mind. It quickly faded as he went to purchase the ingredients.
He made sure to buy two chocolate bars before leaving the market.
Despite having a cast on, he held the bag of groceries on his own with his free hand as they left.
"Some abilities can be horrible, and I admit I wouldn't want to see them again- like a certain one I came across a while ago. But most of the time, like your's, they could be interesting, or mesmerizing in some ways. It could be because I know little as to how Espers' realities work."
Glancing in front of him, he decided to take a different road that could lead him to his house. The one he had in mind had more trees, and trees were pretty nice to have around during summer.
"Even if I did know," he admitted, "I don't think my thoughts would change that much. Everyone's realities being unique and peculiar to me, that is."