
Champion of Justice
Class: Saber
Gender: Male
Birth and Death Dates: Sometime during the late 5th and early 6th centuries.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: The embodiment of justice, but a justice that is tempered by mercy, Artegal was the ideal image of a true Knight. He, above all else, was the judge of the wicked, and alongside his companion Talus, slew all villains he came across. He believed in the goodness of humans and spread the values of love, temperance, duty, loyalty, and, of course, justice. However, his devotion to justice went to the extent of a character flaw. Even when acting unjustly would save his life, or the life of a friend, he will not betray his justice of his own volition.
Appearance: Artegal is of average height, with eyes and hair of deep crimson. While doing battle as a Servant, he appears in a regal set of silver, white, and red. While he is off duty, he prefers modern coats with long tails, boots as opposed to sneakers, and a combination of red and white clothing.
Bio: Artegal was a traveling knight, who, alongside his companion Talus, a man made entirely of iron and thus could not be wounded, spread the values of justice wherever he went. It was on these travels that he came across a knight who challenged him to a duel. Artegal was wary, having heard of this knight's undefeated status and magic spear, but accepted. In the end, the knight's spear was no match for his own sword Chrysaor, granted to him by the goddess Demeter. The duel ended when Artegal struck the knight's helmet and destroyed it, revealing his opponent to be a beautiful woman, the embodiment of chastity Britomart. Upon looking at her, he swiftly fell in love. Britomart revealed to him that she saw his face, a reflection in her father's enchanted armor, and was destined to marry him.
The three of them continued traveling together, Artegal and Britomart's love growing ever deeper. They met many fellow knights of great virtue, including a certain "Holy Sword-wielder" before he became king. However, all was not well on this journey. Artegal was tricked into the servitude of the wicked slave-mistress Radigund. While he was of sufficient strength to defeat her with but a swing, his own sense of duty demanded that he remain loyal to any ruler, and thus he did not fight her. Talus would not come to his assistance, either, believing that justice demanded Artegal remain in the clutches of Radigund. She was instead defeated by fair Britomart, which in turn freed Artegal.
Talus believed that Britomart's murder of Radigund was a massive breach of justice. He labeled both Artegall and Britomart villains and demanded their blood be spilled as recompense, as a life of chasing and killing villains had warped his mind and left his honor the thin shield holding back his bloodlust. Artegal saw that his old companion has become a beast, and met his old friend in combat and, using the unstoppable power of Demeter, cleaved his old friend in twine.
It is unknown when he died, as he and Britomart disappeared into the annals of history shortly thereafter.
Weapon: Wields an ornate silver and gold sword that is his Noble Phantasm. In addition, he carries a spear with a flag that bears the image of sheaves of wheat, the symbol of Demeter. He fights primarily with the spear, as drawing the blade would reveal his true identity.
Strength: A (A+)
Endurance: B
Agility: C
Mana: C
Luck: B (A)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance: A
Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what High-Thaumaturgy it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a 'Magus Killer'. Artegal held Demeter's favor, both figuratively and literally, and her blessing shields him from Magecraft.
Riding: C
Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts. Because he does not have an anecdote of riding anything special or worth mentioning, he receives a low rank in this Skill for a Saber.
Personal Skills:
Protection of the Goddess: B
A skill that demonstrates the protection of the goddess Demeter. Functions as Protection of the Faith at the same rank. Artegal was gifted with Demeter's favored possession. Truly, she must have felt quite strongly about the man.
Charisma: D
Denotes the ability to easily gain friends, companions, and followers. Not high enough to lead an army, but certainly a party of heroes. Artegal was extremely handsome, causing the lady knight Britomart to fall in love with him merely from seeing the reflection of his face in armor.
Embodiment of Justice: A
This skill grants the user increased Strength and Luck while fighting those who are villains or act unjustly. That is not to say people who are evil, but people who go against the laws dictated by chivalry, honor, and basic decency. Artegal will lose this skill if he acts unjustly, even if compelled by Command Seal. Artegal was called the "Champion of Justice," and defeated every villain he encountered. He would not falter in his duty, even at his own detriment.
Noble Phantasm:
Rank: A+
NP Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: 1-99
Maximum Number of Targets: 200
Description: Chrysaor is a mighty sword gifted to Artegal by the Goddess Demeter and was her favorite weapon. It is blessed with divine power and it contains "a hero's adamance," which allows the wielder to cleave through anything before them. By declaring the True Name of the sword, Artegal may release a huge crescent of light, the merest fraction of Demeter's own divinity. Only a blessed defense can have any hope of halting the light's advance.