Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

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Humanity has achieved the impossible.

An empire that spans the stars. A federation that spans even more. They stride across the galaxy, each step the steps of a behemoth, a true giant, pioneers that blaze the trail for weaker minds and bodies to follow. The Terran Planetary Collective reached the very peak of its power in 2212, technological advancements thought impossible only decades ago now coming to fruition. The greatest minds in the galaxy- nay, the universe working together in concern. Great structures were build. Ringwords, each one capable of bearing billions of people. Dyson Spheres that could capture the power of a celestial body and send it across the systems strung out between stars in seconds.

Of particular note was the Dyson Sphere constructed around Luyten-726-8A. Harnessing the power of the star, and with even more drawn from its binary brethren, not only was it the very heart of energy production in mankind's holdings, but it also held a hidden secret. Deep within the panels of the Dyson Sphere lay five ships. Hidden, concealed, prepared for the moment that the collective would need them the most. Five of the greatest United Races Ships ever to be put to space. The URS Saint's, Guardian's, Prophet's, Angel's and Prayer's Rests. Each one outfitted with a AI that had achieved sapience, and a small army of robots and semi-sapient droids to keep them functioning whilst the crew slept.

The Prophet's Rest was perhaps the most interesting. Outfitted with Subspace Hyperdrive navigation that allowed the ship to temporarily plummet out of one universe and into the space betwixt two, speeds far greater than that of light's could be achieved. In combination with the 83 thousand strong crew, many of whom were not mere soldiers, but scientists, frozen embryos and volunteers from the arts, it was designed not just as a capital ship for the end of days, but also as a match to relight the fire of the Collective.

Unfortunately, it never received it's wakeup call. Now approximately 1,000,000 AD on Earth, and the Prophet's Rest finally awakes from its slumber, to find a galaxy utterly changed from what it knew.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Stelaz M'Za Biival Zel-Fan

Gender: Asexual

Age: 12 Solar Years

Species: Crayven

-Biology: Somewhat short in height at an average of 5 feet and in lifespan, being considered mature at 2 and living to an average of 35, these arthropoids have 4 arms of remarkable strength capable of lifting many times their weight and a body mostly covered by a chitinous exoskeleton offering protections against low velocity slashing or stabbing wounds along with low level radiations. This armor of sort is however useless against anything that isn't a simple melee attack and blunt trauma will likely cause internal bleeding that will be harder to cure as these plates also get in the way of advanced medical procedures. This protection doesn't extend to their abdomen protruding on their back, a very obvious weak spot of this otherwise very martial species. In the case of a 'Drone' as is Stelaz, this organ hosts only digestive tracks and energy reserves but it is kept in this state only when the Crayven is within range of the pheromones of an active brood mother (Or, as technology allows this, as long as he consumes medication faking this pheromone). Should a Crayven be outside of pheromone range for a longer period of time without any substitute, his body will undergo dramatic hormonal changes and once they are complete, will see its rear abdomen enlarge many times and he will become a she, laying dozens of eggs per day of sterile workers.
-Psychology: The stereotypical Crayven is seen as having adequate intelligence but of abysmal creativity, a single minded race that puts all of its thoughts and energy in the work in front of them, being able to handle extremely long and boring repetitive tasks with ease, considering them 'relaxing'. This stereotype is actually something they don't mind and is generally true since the Crayvens are genetically and culturally extremely homogeneous, brothers being birthed by the same brood mother being in essence identical clones. It is notable that they seem to have a weak form of hive mind as while they are individuals (or at least will call themselves such despite a generally very communal lifestyle), they all seem to somewhat be able to just 'know' when their fellow Crayvens need something of them and in a factory or in an army, will cooperate extremely well without having to speak. The science isn't very well developed yet and some suggest this is a pheromone communication of sort rather than psionics.

-History: Some long lived races will remember a time when the Crayvens were the scourge of the galaxy, united under a monolithic dictatorship, this race used its innate industriousness and ridiculous numbers to constantly make war against its neighbors to expand and colonize every planet, every asteroid that could be made in a habitat to provide for their astronomical numbers. War was a means to an end, either they'd win and get new land to settle, or the excess population would all die in suicidal mass assaults with armies literally bridging rivers with dead bodies. The Crayvens and humanity were, to say the least, quite hostile to one another. Eventually however the regime fell to unrest and the Crayvens turned their weapons against one another in civil war, dozens of sides emerging to try and impose their own generally violent and radical ideas on the others. Humanity and the rest of the federation decided to intervene and support the most moderate faction, suggesting the Crayvens should compete against the other races and against each other in industry, play the game of peace to see who prospered without the need for violence.

With this help, this side won and the war ended, the Crayvens surprisingly easily reforming themselves into an industrial powerhouse, flooding the galaxy with cheap goods the way only a race with 20h work shifts with no vacation, regulation or work safety could. The federation was hesitant to welcome them as this influx of goods was dangerous for their own industries, but they accepted with the idea that eventually the Crayven workers would go on to demand higher salaries and better work conditions, making them equals with the rest of the galaxy. (After all, they only lived 35 years, surely such a short lived race would be eager to enjoy life before death!) When the Prophet's crew was sent into cryo however, it had been two centuries and this had yet to manifest, everywhere Crayven migrated they drove the wages down, being willing to work ridiculous hours for terrible pay, this of course causing the rest of the federation to see them as second class citizens. They aren't very well liked.

Appearance: Like all the others, a 5ft1 biped with 4 arms and smooth chitinous face without noteworthy features. Good thing he's the only Crayven in here.

Rank or Role: Captain, Combat Engineer. Basically responsible of the more technical aspects of combat, such as knowing how to properly set up explosives to destroy a ship during boarding, set up mines or building a bridge.

History: There is no shortage of Crayvens that would be ideal candidates for an initiative asking for disciplined and efficient soldiers capable of performing in whatever crisis the Prophet was made to stop, but that's the thing: Crayvens are simply all the same for the most part. A Crayven holding back a dozen enemies with nothing but his rifle and sheer grit isn't a hero, he's simply a Crayven at the right place doing as any Crayven would do, nothing special. Still, the federation had to at least chose SOME Crayvens for this initiative, with the social climate and all the hate these insectoids got, anything else and people would scream discrimination.

Captain Stelaz was thus chosen exactly because of how un-Crayven he is. An officer of some experience, he is noted for having some things most Crayvens lack: Creativity and individuality. His mother was one of the matriarch of a large Crayven corporation and like his brothers, at his birth he was destined to work and die for this corporation, a frequent practice in the Crayven core worlds, and was thus selected when he was 2 year old as smart enough to go and study on Earth in a prestigious human institute of learning. Crayvens generally saw the schools of races that mature less quickly and have less tolerance for constant work than they do as ridiculously inefficient but the aim was to have someone in the company that understood how humans thought to then negotiate with human clients and other corporations more efficiently with knowledge of their inner working and culture. And so Stelaz went...

...And never returned. Truth was, he quickly got used to humans, their lifestyle and attitude in general, prefering them and their mellow, relaxed ways much more than the constant stress of Crayven life. When he had his diploma, he chose not to go back. This meant the money that supported him was gone though and for this he joined the army with a couple of his closer human friends who also needed employment. He stuck with them until he was sent in a civil war zone within human space and got a reputation as a miracle organizer, guiding a medical convoy through rivers, marshes and mountains in record time, a terrain that was called absolutely impossible to to go through by land. He'd do a couple more missions with success, preferring to be assigned to humanitarian tasks if possible before being offered a spot on the Prophet's Rest.

Psych Report: Stelaz is considered pretty mellow and easy going in comparison of his fellow Crayvens, people who get to know him often notice he is more Crayven than not. Simply, while his life doesn't revolve only around work the way it often do for his kin, he is generally obsessive in doing something, anything. For example, as far as hobbies go he's the kind to take up building model ships in bottle but will then in a few short months build hundreds of models before then moving on to origami and make a billion paper crane and so forth. He simply hates to wait and likewise in his work, he will obsess over every little details until the last second to make sure things are as perfect as they are and that he didn't miss anything. Still, that makes him a very good friend to have around for while he might not be too fond of relaxing with you on a beach, the idea of helping you move stuff or build a deck sounds like heaven to him. One important thing to mention however is that Stelaz is perfectly aware of his own mania and isn't one to push others to be overly active or call them lazy. He understands.

Extraordinary skills:

-Dexterious: All species have a favored hand, Crayvens even when they have 4 are no exceptions. Mastering 2 hands is somewhat common, 3 less so, but a creature with 4 arms and extraordinary strength mastering each one of them makes for a close quarter combat expert of the likes that are rarely seen and while his official job is as a combat engineer, he can knock the CQC instructors on their asses any time.

-The Eye: Its the job of a combat engineer to build and destroy, but this generally requires quite some planning to do perfectly. Stelaz especially loves to spend hours planning but fact is that he's someone who can with just a look evaluate the weakpoints of a building or simply the quickest and cheapest way to build something to just barely hold and do its job without crashing down. Its a gift.

-Psionic?: Its subtle, how when he is lost in thought psionically gifted individuals somehow have the subject he is focused on come up in their mind or how when they try to intrude in his mind he'll rise up his head and look around, knowing something is wrong but not being able to say what. There is potential in here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sweet! I'll get a CS up sometime tomorrow.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Very much accepted. Just understand that the droids aboard the Prophet probably have strict orders regarding what happens if he flips female. Probably involving lots of guns.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Irredeemable That's what I wonder, how would the humans and the federation at large view the Crayvens? I've written a pretty bleak scenario but according to your own vision of what this civilization was, just how bad was it?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


They probably view the Crayven as space China. An industrial powerhouse with the potential to be a serious threat, but at the same time, you have to at least have some form of diplomatic relationships. Enemy close, if nothing else it means that your nukes have less distance to fly before blowing things up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Zakharin ‘Iron Side’ Brusilov

Gender: Male

Age: 65

Species: Human

Appearance: Brusilov stands an impressive 6’5 with a strong build to his body thanks to the amount of cybernetics in his body. Infact upto 65% of his body is composed of cybernetics. Earning the nickname iron side. He keeps his hair in a marine buzz cut. While keeping a magnificent beard and mustache. As his brown hair has long since turn show white. He wears the stander Terran marine uniform.

Rank or Role: Colonel Leads the marine detachment on the Prophets Rest.

Born to a blue collar family in the slums of Moscow around 2147. Life was tough growing in the old capital of the russian federation. He struggled in school throughout his youth nearly failing during his freshman year. He had already joined a small street gang. But despite this Zakharin still wanted more to his life. Soon an opportunity presented itself as a Terran marine corps recruiter came to Moscow. Hearing the possible life he could have in the marines. Brusilov was able to lie about his age and joined the marines.

Zakharin shipped out to the Terran marine training camp on the terriformed mars. Unlike his struggles with school. The you man took greatly to military life. His zeal during his time in training earn him a promotion to a corporal. Once his training was complete Brusilov was shipped out to the fight in the Cyrell incursions. The Cyrell an ancient robotic defense build by a long dead civilization. When berzerker after a solar flare scramble there systems causing them to launch incursion into federation territory with the goal of kill organic life. Sending to front of Cyrell advance along the northern arm. There he was able to gain small amount of fame single handedly holding his position from advance Cyrell warformes. Once the Cyrell threat was ended after the destruction of Cyrell master controller.

Over the next couple of decades Brusilov sent to different hotspots across the federation earning fame and metals for his service in the marine. Even making up to the rank of sargent where he stayed refusing to accept any promotion to a higher rank. With no desire to achieve higher rank and concern that he would no longer be able to fight serve in combat. This fear came back when assisting in a peacekeeping operation in the frontier. A car bomb went off next to his squad during one of there patrol. Taking the full brunt of the explosion he was quickly evacuated to one of medical stations. And after a grueling 12 hour surgery ended up with most of his body being replaced with cybernetics. When Brusilov recovered from the wounds he was able to get sent back to his unit.

As Zakharin got older after his long and illustrious career. The cyborg became more concern that one day he would be pulled from combat and stuck behind a desk. He started to look for a way to avoid retirement. Brusilov soon learn about The Prophet's Rest and requested a transfered to the project. Have the old marine well accomplished on the ship was consider to a major boon but they informed him if he wanted the position he will have take the rank of colonel. Reluctantly Brusilov accepted the position.

Psych Report:
Brusilov is known to be a quite a stubborn man. He carries himself with a degree of professionalism that was hammered into when he was still in training. Takes firmly to the notion to lead from the front believing it helps and inspire his men. Greatly values the lives of the men under his commander more then himself. He can be to a bit reckless. Brusilov enjoys a fine drink. Preferring the hard spirits.

The old russian hates being reminded of his age and of getting old. Brusilov had a dislike for cowardness.

Extraordinary skills:
Cybernetics: Since a lot of Brusilov body had been replaced with cybernetics it confers many benefits to him. Enhance strength, durability, and inbuilt weapons.
Veteran soldier: A long an extensive carrier in the terran marines have given him plenty of experience in dealing with different situation. This as well made him into a crack shot and skilled in CQC.
Weapons expert: Years of train has allowed him to be an expert in all variety of weapons from range to melee.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hope to get my hive mind character up today. Sry for delays.
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

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Sheet up!
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