Hello, and thank you for stopping by! Tiers of the People is a roleplaying idea that I've been working on for a very, very long time...and I'm finally ready to find a partner to help me bring this dream to life! Before we begin, I'll go ahead and get all the housekeeping out of the way.

Now that all of that is out of the way, I'll tell you a little about the world I've created.

The world is tiered, with one level being built on another. The lower you go...the worse the conditions are. The top tier, known as the Elite Tier, is the only tier where there is fresh air and sunlight. It is the only tier above ground. So the tiers are as follows

+Elite Tier
-Where the Elite live.

+Business Tier
-Restaurants, shopping centers, plastic surgeons, memory doctors, ect.

+Working Tier
-This is the factory level. Those who work here, also live here.

+No Man's Tier
-This is where the Black Merchant's Guild operates and lives out of, also where you will find a majority of the drug dens and brothels. Black market-esque.

+Nameless Tier
-An open market where junk is bought, sold, and traded. Some people live here, mainly those who are part of the Rebellion.

+Garbage Tier
-This is where the garbage from all of the tiers ends up. Lots of people live here. Disease and cannibalism is rampant. Down here, 32 is considered to be old.

+Prison Tier
-Exactly what it sounds like.

That's all I'll tell you for now, but feel free to message me if you have any questions!