A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
It has been one year since the Alliance laid claim to the Eternal Throne, and brought Empress Vaylin to her knees. The Empire and Republic struggle to rebuild, sights turning to the foreign world of Iokath. An ancient construct built before even the Eternal Empire. Now consumed by droids, and artificial-intelligences, Iokath is a goldmine of materials and resources. One that the Galaxy sorely needs. With War creeping to the forefront once more, the powers of the galaxy must fight for survival, or forever succumb to the annals of history.
Our story, however, is not concerned with such matters. Not yet, anyways. For now, you are content to find smaller game. And found it you have. An anonymous client calling himself Legacy has put word out on many underground channels. "This message will not repeat. My name is Legacy. I seek your help returning something stolen from me. An artifact. Saying anything more than this will alert our target. If you wish to lend your aid, you will be rewarded handsomely. Do not speak of this to anyone. The very walls can betray you. If you wish to lend your aid, travel to the jungle moon of Rishi. We will meet in Smuggler's Cove."
Welcome to the galaxy of Star Wars! This is based on the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, upto and including the events of the Iokath storyline. Because there are multiple routes the story can take, and no canonical route has been defined, we will say that the Alliance sided with the Republic, and the Outlander, for all intents and purposes, is the Hero of Tython, or the Jedi Knight class story.
For those of you completely unfamiliar with the storyline of SWTOR, the year is 23 ATC, or After Treaty of Coruscant, in which the Republic and Sith Empire signed a cease-fire, granting the Empire dominion over nearly half the Galaxy. Various wars and battles were fought in the years between, brought to another ceasefire by the advent of the Revanite Crisis. Followers of Revan had infiltrated the Republic and Empire at the highest levels, necessitating the ceasefire to weed out the Revanites and re-establish order within the ranks. Before this ceasefire could be dissolved, the Sith Emperor, Vitiate, turned on the Empire, consuming all life on the Sith homeworld of Ziost. It was then that he revealed his master plan. A second Empire, Zakuul, invaded the galaxy, citing Republic and Empire incursion on their territory, and murder of their beloved Emperor Valkorian (Vitiate's true identity), as the reasons for their invasion. Their powerful Eternal Fleet decimated the galaxy, and kept them under the heel of the Eternal Empire until a successful uprising led by The Outlander over threw Empress Vaylin.
It is into these tumultuous times that our characters are being thrust. And while we begin with a heist, I have plans for other adventures to go on, that shall be revealed as appropriate. Now, that out of the way, characters. My intent is that everyone can play what they'd like. From Sith, to Jedi, to random joe with a blaster. That said, you will have to justify being able to play nice with members of opposing alignments (looking at you guys, Sith and Jedi). If I do not get the sense that your character would reasonably be found working with Sith or Jedi, then you will be asked to modify your story. If you have questions or are unsure, PLEASE reach out to me and I'll help you find some kind of resolution for your issue.
We'll be looking at about 5-6 characters to start, myself included, and will operate on a first-come first-serve basis. In order to save a slot, you must post a first draft of your character sheet containing at LEAST your name, profession, and at least one paragraph of backstory. In the interest of activity, I ask for at least one post a week, unless otherwise excused (Vacation, Illness, etc). If you fail to post within one week, I'll be attempting to contact you OOCly to remind you that you need to post something. A second week without any posts will result in your spot being put up for grabs to anyone that wishes to join up.
Last but not least, here's the character sheet I want everyone to fill out. If you have something you would like to add off the record, Like a hidden agenda, secret twist, ETC, please fill out a character sheet, and then PM me about the hidden details:
Picture Here (Optional)
Nation: (Empire, Republic, Alliance, Other)
Legal Obligation: (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic)
Karma Obligation: (Good, Neutral, Evil. If you're a Force Sensitive, this should match your profession.)
Profession: (Think Archetype. Soldier. Sith. Jedi. Pilot. ETC)
Specialization: (Sith Marauder, Sith Assassin, Jedi Sentinel, Heavy Weapons Infantry, ETC)
Rank/Title: (If applicable. Jedi/Sith should be specifying Apprentice, Knight/Lord, Darth/Master. If Military, please match Pub or Imp ranking system.)
Description: (If you don't provide a picture, I'll expect more to be said here)
Equipment: (Describe what your character has.)
Personality Traits: (Feel free to offer blurbs about each trait, though it is not required)
Positive x3
Negative x3
Backstory: (I'm all for people having a shady past, but at least publicly disclose a paragraph or two so other players know who they're dealing with. I should also see a backstory matching/explaining the Legal and Karma Obligations. Feel free to write this first.)